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Helpless as a kitten


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...You say that you were the poster of the details about overload sabre, that is interesting, I play a Combat Sentinel, so watchmen content washes over me a little, and I have seen many posts in these forums outlining exactly how to make the most of overload Sabre (Have you read the primer in the sentinel subforum?)...


Yes, and it was very helpful leveling up. It did not, however help any time I hit a wall. Most of those times I just had to walk away for a while and come back to it when I was less frustrated.


Incidentally, I posted first about Overload Saber on *this* thread. I did pick up the idea from another thread, as I said in the post in which I mentioned this.


So playing a Sentinel is playing on the edge, But helpless, NO! it is harder to play because as a Sentinel you have to take the initiative on everything, you can not afford to be reacting, you have to make sure you handle mobs on your terms.


OK. I can agree with that. Sentinel is a pro-active class. And when it works, it's got lots of options. But when it *doesn't* work, it's like a nuclear meltdown: helpless rage and frustration as you can only sit and watch. So, when your average joes (who are the players that will pay to keep this game on-line) hit such a wall (which they will, and frequently), how long before they decide that troopers and smugglers are fun, but they want a lightsaber! Then how long before consular is too much "rock throwing" and not enough "lightsaber?" How long before they start thinking "Why am I paying for this when I can just dig out my old copy of KotOR and be the best Jedi in the galaxy instead of this frustrating, un-focused class?!"


Seriously if you are having these troubles on Illum how did you handle all the trash mobs in the last class quest on Correlia (I think it was the last one) I had to totally reconsider how I was playing at that point after being a 50/50 prospect on every pull for my first look at them. I then thought about the options, changed my tactics and Steam Rolled Everything (This question is not meant as any type of affront, it is of real interest)


*shrug* I had a good rotation going. I was using Doc. My gear was up-to-date. I hit a few problems leveling up, but those cleared up with minimal re-working. Ilum is really the only place where I hit the wall *hard.* It took almost a week of research and experimentation with my companions and rotations before I got what I needed, and I have to admit that I seriously considered deleting the toon altogether. I capped Artifice, Archaeology, and Treasure Hunting on him, and I still had my Consular to level up, so I wanted to keep the crafting. And, as you've no doubt noticed, I am rather tenacious when I want something.

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I'm new to the class, but my Operative has the same issue, or did at some points in the content. Some classes just are very gear dependant and marginal for pve. He's full Champ now so no worries.


If you want to lol through content, roll a ranged class; or a Guardian, if my Operative couldnt kill it, my Guardian could easily take two of that mob.


The other big thing to do is force yourself to use a lesser used ability each day. By the end of the week, you'll know them all and all the situations. I'd say only about 5% of the player base uses their abilities at the right time. People say they know the class, but then you duel them and they pop no cd's or dont use stuns as interrupts, etc.

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So let me get this straight…

You have played the original EQ which means you know what hard mode is in a game

You Say the Sentinel is overpowered (Let’s face it taking on Multiple elites is overpowered).

You recognise that Buggy Animations is a key problem not the class working by design

You personally don’t enjoy the complexity of the Sentinel

And so you say the Whole Class needs a re-work?

Let us look at some of your other statements which seem to contradict your bragging about taking down multiple elites

I am in Australia, so have 300+ms pings and I use all my combinations and interrupts quite successfully.

You can’t keep a PVE rotation that works consistently but PvP is no issue… That seems quite at odds to the experiences most people post here. I personally don’t have any issue keeping a rotation going maybe you should rethink your rotation, or your spec to ensure it balances out well.

AoE is useless… Hmmm… Our AOE Isn’t spectacular I will grant we only have two AoE options, but on a single target we are NASTY not everyone needs to be good at everything.

What about those of us who enjoy the complexity of the class? Do we get forced to play one of the less complex classes because the only one this detailed gets taken away from us?

Those who like the simple classes have a multitude to select from.

As for having too many keys, seriously you have got to be joking.

Yes you need to have a dozen keys bound, there are one or two additional keys you might use for raiding… But you have 24 Bound keys to choose from, it’s not that complicated.

I am trying to decide are you here whinging just because you want to whinge or are you here bragging by saying oh the class is broken but I can make it work.

Either way… I’d say it is time to get back under your bridge mister troll.


I never said I couldn't keep a rotation, I just said it's painful. I don't recall claiming that Sentinels are OP, just that they have the perfect mix of abilities to succeed in PVP. I've taken down more than one elite simultaneously on a few occasions, but I never said it was easy. In fact, it was incredibly hard and in each case I was at least 2 levels ahead and barely got away alive. I don't think it should be easy. Buggy animations, as stated before, aren't inherently destructive to the class's performance, but they don't help an already bad situation. And surely you're familiar with hyperbole... then again you didn't grasp the overall message I was trying to convey so maybe not. My first point was that I consider myself to be damned good at MMOs and though I can make the Sentinel work, it's so overwhelming that I don't find it fun. And trust me, I get that simplicity is not a prerequisite for entertainment, but neither is complexity a prerequisite for challenge. I'm willing to bet there are others who feel the same way, and people who don't have my experience will probably just flat out give up. My other point was that there exists a vast disparity between Sentinels and other dps classes. Some of this I can attribute to melee always getting the short end of the stick, but there are some parts of the class there are just no excuse for. Ask almost anyone who's leveled to 50... some very infamous parts of the class quest chain are simply a struggle at best, even when you're 2+ levels ahead of the content. Plainly put, it's not tuned correctly. It doesn't make sense to retune all the content in the game, so logically the class needs the change. Again, I don't make these claims to brag, I make them because they are true and they shape my opinion. By the way, everything I said was my opinion... crazy as it sounds, sometimes people have different opinions on the same topic (gasp!).


If you dig the hyper complexity, more power to you, just be aware you're in the minority. I personally don't enjoy staring at my hotbars and unit frames every moment I'm in combat to see which of my numerous abilities will be available next and which incredibly short-term buff I'll have to pay attention to. I'll concede that the 'rework from the ground up' assertion was probably a little harsh, but the PVE side of the Sentinel needs major tweaking to fall in line with the ease that other classes handle the "difficult" parts of the game.


Now to rebut on your personal comments... dude learn what the meaning of the term 'troll' is before throwing it out the moment you read a post you simply disagree with. Between the two of us, your behavior on this thread more closely resembles that of a troll than mine by a long shot. And what the hell is "whinging"?

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I never said I couldn't keep a rotation, I just said it's painful. I don't recall claiming that Sentinels are OP, just that they have the perfect mix of abilities to succeed in PVP. I've taken down more than one elite simultaneously on a few occasions, but I never said it was easy. In fact, it was incredibly hard and in each case I was at least 2 levels ahead and barely got away alive. I don't think it should be easy. Buggy animations, as stated before, aren't inherently destructive to the class's performance, but they don't help an already bad situation. And surely you're familiar with hyperbole... then again you didn't grasp the overall message I was trying to convey so maybe not. My first point was that I consider myself to be damned good at MMOs and though I can make the Sentinel work, it's so overwhelming that I don't find it fun. And trust me, I get that simplicity is not a prerequisite for entertainment, but neither is complexity a prerequisite for challenge. I'm willing to bet there are others who feel the same way, and people who don't have my experience will probably just flat out give up. My other point was that there exists a vast disparity between Sentinels and other dps classes. Some of this I can attribute to melee always getting the short end of the stick, but there are some parts of the class there are just no excuse for. Ask almost anyone who's leveled to 50... some very infamous parts of the class quest chain are simply a struggle at best, even when you're 2+ levels ahead of the content. Plainly put, it's not tuned correctly. It doesn't make sense to retune all the content in the game, so logically the class needs the change. Again, I don't make these claims to brag, I make them because they are true and they shape my opinion. By the way, everything I said was my opinion... crazy as it sounds, sometimes people have different opinions on the same topic (gasp!).


If you dig the hyper complexity, more power to you, just be aware you're in the minority. I personally don't enjoy staring at my hotbars and unit frames every moment I'm in combat to see which of my numerous abilities will be available next and which incredibly short-term buff I'll have to pay attention to. I'll concede that the 'rework from the ground up' assertion was probably a little harsh, but the PVE side of the Sentinel needs major tweaking to fall in line with the ease that other classes handle the "difficult" parts of the game.


Now to rebut on your personal comments... dude learn what the meaning of the term 'troll' is before throwing it out the moment you read a post you simply disagree with. Between the two of us, your behavior on this thread more closely resembles that of a troll than mine by a long shot. And what the hell is "whinging"?


Dude, if I could +rep you, I would.

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Whinge Whine Whinge.

Have any of your guys actually talked to people who have got 50 on other classes? Several of them have also hit brick walls at different times and called in help.


I am quite impressed that you could get through that content but then have issues with illum, it definitely shows a different way of thinking, I personally found illum content quite trivial compared to that late storyline Correlia content.


I love this quote” crazy as it sounds, sometimes people have different opinions on the same topic (gasp!).”

Yep and I am voicing a different opinion to you… it is not something I am at all unfamiliar with, but when your opinion is backed by statements that are contradictory or obviously huge exaggerations, then when people are considering how to treat this class they are worth correcting.


I will also point out that your statements that my view is a minority one is easily brought into question, Firstly the number of people Whinging about the Sentinel is not that different than the number of people supporting it. Secondly, people are more likely to be vocal about those things they don’t like than the things they do, so your assertion that my opinion is a minority one is very hard to support.


Personally I have enjoyed playing the Sentinel all the way through, Yep there was a little frustration at times when things changed and I had to adjust my play style to meet the new challenge, Yes there are some class quests that are seriously tough. But that is what makes the game worth playing.

I personally would make changes to one talent tree of sentinel but not because the existing ones don’t work, but simply to give options (only sentinel and Gunslinger are restricted to a single role)


I have noticed that the reality is I am wasting my time here, the Whingers who just want everything to be easy will keep spouting this garbage about how we are under powered and so on, and nothing said to the contrary will ever get through to them.

Enjoy your whinging guys, I just hope you don’t get the Sentinel turned into some easy mode class that is boring to play.

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I play a sentinel and I am used to my health dropping to 40% or less every fight in dailies (I have full daily com gear and some eternity vault gear). I play a extremely tactical style and I use every advantage the environment offers (exploding barrels, LOS blocking ranged attacks) and getting a minion to tank or tag team an opponent with Kira, hitting force camouflage and letting her take the hits for the last bit of the fight.


Play style can mitigate squishyness , but the sentinel is a 'glass cannon' class. they can deliver damage , but they can't take hits.

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What is the issue?

Being the best DPS in the game???

I don’t see an issue


Best DPS in the game? Try doing 400-500k damage in a warzone like other dps classes do.


The best I've seen from a sentinel was around 250k - which for any trooper or smuggler is just a mediocre value. Usually for sentinels it's around 150-200k.


Other dps would easily grab 6 medals without good gear at lvl50, I had to get nice gear in order to reach that number of medals.




As for PvE, I'm usually with Doc (played with Kira till I got Doc), I just don't feel like wasting time on resting between fights (even though the fights themselves might take a bit longer).


With him I don't feel squishy at all. Even if I overpull - we have lots of skills that can help me survive - 3 bubbles, hide, pacify, speed boost, jump with stuns, awe. That is plenty.



I do wish sometimes to have trooper's damage or to wear heavy armor, but then we would be OP with our mobility.

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Best DPS in the game? Try doing 400-500k damage in a warzone like other dps classes do.


The best I've seen from a sentinel was around 250k - which for any trooper or smuggler is just a mediocre value. Usually for sentinels it's around 150-200k.


Other dps would easily grab 6 medals without good gear at lvl50, I had to get nice gear in order to reach that number of medals.




As for PvE, I'm usually with Doc (played with Kira till I got Doc), I just don't feel like wasting time on resting between fights (even though the fights themselves might take a bit longer).


With him I don't feel squishy at all. Even if I overpull - we have lots of skills that can help me survive - 3 bubbles, hide, pacify, speed boost, jump with stuns, awe. That is plenty.



I do wish sometimes to have trooper's damage or to wear heavy armor, but then we would be OP with our mobility.





Good sentinels are top dps, but the problem is that to deploy that dps takes about 10x as much player skill as someone stood at range spamming tracermissile and this is why you rarely see sentinels topping the meters.

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Best DPS in the game? Try doing 400-500k damage in a warzone like other dps classes do.


The best I've seen from a sentinel was around 250k - which for any trooper or smuggler is just a mediocre value. Usually for sentinels it's around 150-200k.


Other dps would easily grab 6 medals without good gear at lvl50, I had to get nice gear in order to reach that number of medals.




As for PvE, I'm usually with Doc (played with Kira till I got Doc), I just don't feel like wasting time on resting between fights (even though the fights themselves might take a bit longer).


With him I don't feel squishy at all. Even if I overpull - we have lots of skills that can help me survive - 3 bubbles, hide, pacify, speed boost, jump with stuns, awe. That is plenty.



I do wish sometimes to have trooper's damage or to wear heavy armor, but then we would be OP with our mobility.


Sorry I will correct.

Best PvE DPS In the game.

And as you point out, with Doc up playing PvE we are positively Nasty, And in Groups or Raid scenarios we are the Best DPS in the game.

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All you did, Troll 23, was laugh. Then you agreed with Troll 86 when he said I must be a horrible player.




I've tried everything mentioned to me in this thread, except the pvp idea. *Most* of it before I posted. Except the re-roll.




Go back and see how I used Kira. I died. When I used Doc? I died. T7? Died. I said before I'm not a total noob, clearly YOU weren't paying attention to the previous posts.


So, I don't have to win pvp content to earn pvp gear? That's something I didn't know before, thank you. However, since I've had disasterous outings in on-level pve, how do you think pvp will be better? You think I should just take my licks in pvp and the better gear I'll earn by being a whipping boy will help my pve performance? At this point, I think I'd consider that...




I almost exclusively use Doc, already. When that failed disasterously a few times, I -- get this -- changed my pattern! With, admittedly disasterous results. So, back to Doc, but that still leaves me up the creek without a paddle.


My T7 is as geared up as my main toon. Doc isn't as geared up as my T7 (though it's close).




I KNOW I'm not a tank. I don't *need* to be a tank. But I do need to last long enough to get a skill off before the mobs kill me when my companion is CC'd. When the *average* pull is four mobs, what do you *think* is happening when my companion gets CC'd? A tank (T7, Scourge, even Kira) gets mezzed and they all come at me 'cause they're sure not gonna hit the mezzed guy. Doc gets locked up and they come after me and I die 'cause there's no healing. I wasn't exaggerating about that two-seconds thing before.




Nope. Never played WoW. I understand the idea of sustained damage. I do a constant rate of damage until either the mob is dead or I am. Until now Doc has been plenty to keep me on my feet more often than not. Even against Champions.




We've covered that quite a lot already, I think. I believe in my last post that advice was bundled under the "learn to play, loser" column, which you've already chimed in on. (btw, it's "they're" ["they are" contraction] not "their" [plural posessive pronoun])




Totally counter-productive. If I was dying 60% of the time, I could deal. This is not the case, though. It's like I've hit a wall on Ilum. I can't advance no matter how many times I die. Repeating the same actions and expecting a different result is crazy. I've re-worked everything as much as I can, and though you may disagree, I think there is a serious flaw in this class that needs to be fixed.




Impractical and unacceptable.




1. I'm only wasting your time if you choose to read the thread. Then, isn't it YOU wasting YOUR time by reading my thread?

2. I think my complaining has been rather rational. I've given examples and counter arguments. You're the one who's relying on "learn to play" as your entire argument.

3. I don't care about your feelings or regard for me in the least. I want the devs to recognize the problem and fix it.

4. "Everyone" except me and the many, many other Sentinel players who've posted on at least a dozen threads, most longer than this one, you mean? Those who have responded like you have always been in the minority on those threads. This thread is the only place where the number of l2p criers is on-par with the guys saying there's a problem.

5. You offered me support?? All you did was laugh, and agree with a guy who said I couldn't play my way out of a paper bag! Support like that is needed by no one. Certainly not by me. This is the first post you've made on this thread with more than three sentences.


Lastly, you're forgetting my last option: make enough noise so that BioWare takes notice of the problems that most Sentinels are lamenting about and encourage them to take steps to fix said problems.


Dude your companion is mezzed and you hit your Force Camo what happens? Is Guided by the force the 99% damage prevention ability also on cooldown? How about the AOE temp stun, out also? Perhaps you are bugged? Open a ticket.


Your style has gotten you to 50, so you are set. Also, earlier you mentioned you force kick when you see the bar, you can also Force Leap/Camo/Choke/AOE stun (non-champs) to break the bar. You know that though as you have stated multiple times you are not a noob I wanted to make sure other new Sents knew though.


(Note: I learned this from watching a PVP video linked in this sight. Never would have known to use the Force Camo to break grav round and such. Thanks PVP guy! By studying how others were playing the class I was able to improve my game greatly both pvp and pve.)


Everyone who doesn't have the same experience as you are lying trolls. Got it.



(edited: for more explination.

Edited by thebaldwin
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I love this quote” crazy as it sounds, sometimes people have different opinions on the same topic (gasp!).”

Yep and I am voicing a different opinion to you… it is not something I am at all unfamiliar with, but when your opinion is backed by statements that are contradictory or obviously huge exaggerations, then when people are considering how to treat this class they are worth correcting.


I will also point out that your statements that my view is a minority one is easily brought into question, Firstly the number of people Whinging about the Sentinel is not that different than the number of people supporting it. Secondly, people are more likely to be vocal about those things they don’t like than the things they do, so your assertion that my opinion is a minority one is very hard to support.


So far, you've still failed to explain how any of my statements are contradictory. The only exaggeration I've used (and already conceded) was the 200ms thing. All I did was come on here and express my opinion on the class based on my experiences. For some reason you feel the need to not only express your opinion, but actively and continually attack the views of others. Bet you're a popular bloke in the work place, eh? It's clear you're doing nothing more than skimming my posts and rapidly typing the first knee-jerk response that enters your head. It's cool... some people are simply reactionary that way... doesn't bother me, really. It's obvious I'll never convince you to change your mind about the class... but then again, I'm not really trying to. The only reason I've responded at all is to correct the perverted regurgitations of my posts that seem to make it on yours.


Case in point:


I pointed out that the minority view is the preference of the uber-complicated class as opposed to the simple class or the class of merely average complexity. Somehow you jumped the gun and got all the way to 'He thinks people that like Sentinels are the minority'. Look at the number of people that play simpler classes versus more complicated ones... you can find the statistics anywhere. Simpler classes always get played more than complex ones. Don't pretend like it's evenly split, you know it's not. My statement was very broad, but again you just imagined what I meant and commented on that. Well done.


As you point out, it's not worth arguing when neither will convince the other... but I'm not arguing with you. I'm just pointing out that you're clearly bad at arguing. But if you insist on "Whinging" or whatever that word is you keep using, maybe this will satisfy you:


You're 100% right, and I'm obviously a complete idiot. Why would my opinion have ever foolishly differed from yours? I'll stop now because clearly your debating skills are not to be trifled with. I urge everyone else on this thread to bow to the superior wisdom of Venator-Falco... just give up guys, he's obviously right about everything. Stop your Whinging!

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Dude your companion is mezzed and you hit your Force Camo what happens?


I'd keep getting hit and die before I can get away with two strong mobs and two normal mobs nuking me. The mobs' current action is not interrupted by using Force Camo, it just stops them from starting new ones.


Is Guided by the force the 99% damage prevention ability also on cooldown? How about the AOE temp stun, out also? Perhaps you are bugged? Open a ticket.


Like I said, Sentinels have a lot of options. One consequence of having all those options is that your reaction window is curtailed sharply. When you hit the wrong skill your mistake can only snowball. And sometimes you won't know it *is* the wrong option until you're dead.


Your style has gotten you to 50, so you are set. Also, earlier you mentioned you force kick when you see the bar, you can also Force Leap/Camo/Choke/AOE stun (non-champs) to break the bar. You know that though as you have stated multiple times you are not a noob I wanted to make sure other new Sents knew though.


Just 'cause you make it to 50 doesn't mean you've got it made. It just means you've learned how to use the class fairly effectively.


(Note: I learned this from watching a PVP video linked in this sight. Never would have known to use the Force Camo to break grav round and such. Thanks PVP guy! By studying how others were playing the class I was able to improve my game greatly both pvp and pve.)


That *is* nice to know.


Everyone who doesn't have the same experience as you are lying trolls. Got it..


That is not what I said at all. Those who use name-calling, resort to dismissive language, or pointedly ignore the arguments of those who disagree with them (generally because they *can't* argue their own point rationally) are trolls.

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I have played both a Sentinel and a trooper to level 50 now. I'm really just a casual player, even if I do play a lot. I can honestly say that I can see both sides of this argument. In my opinion Jedi Sentinel (I'll only speak of the advanced class I know) can be just as good as trooper when solo, but it's is a far more complicated and unforgiving class to play.


Sentinel really have a big bag of tricks to help you out in various situations as long as you remember to use them. You can almost always get out of tricky situations if you remember the right remdy. The problem is that for someone like me, it's just too much to keep in my mind. It's too complicated to utilize the Sentinel's abilities to the full. By comparison, playing Commando is a breeze. A couple of damage dealing shots and one "Oh ****" button to CC the strongest mob whenever you get overwhelmed.


Whenever I played Sentinel and reached a particularly nasty story boss, I would enter into the compulsory exchange of threats with the evil mastermind, be thrown into a big fight, die miserable, ress and take stock of the situation and plan the fight. With a commando in the same situation, I would just immediately CC the boss, kill the ads and then leisurely set up the fight to kill the boss.


I think part of the problem is also the companions. It's hard to keep more than one companion geared up well, so I tend to play with the same companion 75% of the the game, and of course that companion is usually the girl I'm romancing. I also love the image of a Jedi and his padawan questing together. For the Trooper that companion is your healer, which is usually perfect for survival, but for the Jedi knight it's another DPS. Jedi Sentinel + Kira is awesome DPS, but your team is really a glass cannon and it doesn't take much to upset the apple cart.


I freely admit that my own limitations are probably part of it. Sentinel is very unforgiving, but with someone who can keep track every ability and use them correctly, Sentinel is probably as survivable as Trooper, but I'm not that good, and the posts here seem to indicate that I'm not the only one. I'm willing to accept that everything is fine for those who are better at playing the class than I am, but then again, I've never been given any hint from Bioware suggesting I should stay away from playing Sentinel as it's not meant for casual players.


To sum it up; as far as I'm concerned the problem with Jedi Sentinel isn't that it's too weak, it's just too complicated for many of us who otherwise love the class and it's story.

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I'd keep getting hit and die before I can get away with two strong mobs and two normal mobs nuking me. The mobs' current action is not interrupted by using Force Camo, it just stops them from starting new ones. [/Quote]


Current actions are inturrupted by Force Camo I can stop grav round I can drop aggro not sure how we have different results there. I will test first thing tonight.


Like I said, Sentinels have a lot of options. One consequence of having all those options is that your reaction window is curtailed sharply. When you hit the wrong skill your mistake can only snowball. And sometimes you won't know it *is* the wrong option until you're dead. [/Quote]



I don't get this at all you have had 50 levels to figure out situational power use and master hitting the right skill. Are you mouse clicking? This really does sound like a practice makes perfect scenario.


Just 'cause you make it to 50 doesn't mean you've got it made. It just means you've learned how to use the class fairly effectively.[/Quote]


That was as bit of sarcasm. All reaching 50 means is you reached 50.



That is not what I said at all. Those who use name-calling, resort to dismissive language, or pointedly ignore the arguments of those who disagree with them (generally because they *can't* argue their own point rationally) are trolls.



I see a general attitude of frustration being passed on by those who do not have the same experience with the class that you do. There are tons of these posts with tons of advice, videos, builds and personal style choices. Civility is not an internet requirement time spent on the internet can prove that out. Nor does the lack of civility invalidate a fact or accurate point. I would suggest looking at the advice for what it is and don't spend so much time attacking the way people decide to argue on the internet. Only those who are defensive can be offended.

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Current actions are inturrupted by Force Camo I can stop grav round I can drop aggro not sure how we have different results there. I will test first thing tonight.


*shrug* maybe it works differetly for pvp than pve. When I use my Force Hold ability, the mobs often get a shot off before they are actualy held still, and that burns about half the channeling time of the skill.


I don't get this at all you have had 50 levels to figure out situational power use and master hitting the right skill. Are you mouse clicking? This really does sound like a practice makes perfect scenario.


Yup. And for 49 levels everything went more or less smoothly. I learned what my Sentinel could and could not do. As I've said before, I had a good rotation that I worked and reworked as I leved, my gear was up-to-date, and I was using Doc. That's why getting stopped cold on Ilum (no pun intended) for so long was so frustrating.


That was as bit of sarcasm. All reaching 50 means is you reached 50.


For most classes, sure. For Sentinel it's something else. Many players quit the sentinel well before 40.


I see a general attitude of frustration being passed on by those who do not have the same experience with the class that you do. There are tons of these posts with tons of advice, videos, builds and personal style choices. Civility is not an internet requirement time spent on the internet can prove that out. Nor does the lack of civility invalidate a fact or accurate point. I would suggest looking at the advice for what it is and don't spend so much time attacking the way people decide to argue on the internet. Only those who are defensive can be offended.


OK. Let's see...




This is the most amusing thing that I have read all day.


"Ilum mobs kill my Sentinel several times an hour, and I can't even begin to tell you how fun that is not."


Several times per hour ahahah


:D :D :D :D :D


Oh, yes... lots of helpful advice there...


Your Sig describes you perfectly..


Ah. More enlightening revelations.


Yes, I can see now how wrong I was to ignore such helpful intentions. I don't know why I ever thought that such individuals did not have my best interests at heart. Thank you.

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Congratulations on making level fifty. Yes, there were bumps along the way but, it really wasn't that big of a challenge. With that said, I never experienced a problem once I did hit 50 with content. I had leveled as a combat spec and then immediately switched to watchman. Within a day of reaching level fifty I jumped into HM flashpoints and eight mans with my guild without a problem. So, I feel like you're failing to do the research needed to properly play sentinel. With that said...


I only use Doc. That's it. I'm a biochem so I have all of my own Rakata stims, med packs, etc. Having a rotation is not enough. Yes, I have my set damage "rotation" to apply my DOTs and despite not having the immediate burst of other classes, we make up for it in what I consider utility. For instance, our centering allows us to either spend it on zen, transcendence, or inspiration. If I know my group/raid needs to power heal I'll pop inspiration. Another example is on Bonethrasher (KP 16 man nightmare) last night. Since he is continuously switching targets, I popped transcendence as much as possible to increase our speed and ability to kite him.


So what it really comes down to is having the intimate knowledge of the class. Do your research on these forums and Sith Warrior because from what I read in your initial post, you clearly don't possess that intimate knowledge.

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Yes, I can see now how wrong I was to ignore such helpful intentions. I don't know why I ever thought that such individuals did not have my best interests at heart. Thank you.



This is par for the internet. I believe you stated earlier "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - I would attribute this to thinking eveyone will post with the same level of maturity. I wasn't specifically saying those two posts.

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