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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Republic needs hotties!"


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2004: Blizzard releases WoW, fails to realize that putting all of the attractive females on one faction will horribly skew the balance. DERP!


Everyone says "Horde needs hotties." so Blizzard fixes it with Bloodelves.


2011: Bioware releases SWTOR, fails to realize that putting all of the most interesting storylines and polished questlines, polished areas and better armor design on the Empire side will horribly skew the balance. DERP!


They'll fix it later with...uh, revamping all of the republic content to make it on par with the Empire content?


Seriously, BW, how the HELL did you not see this coming? The first five minutes of the BH class quest are more intriguing, engrossing and BETTER WRITTEN than all of the Republic class quests all the way to 30 (and I've done them all).


I didn't want to believe it when people on this forum were talking about how much better the Empire side is on all fronts, but I'm now left asking myself: why did I spend weeks leveling characters on the garbage faction, the faction that BW apparently doesn't play and couldn't care less about? I could've been enjoying the storylines, quests and polish a great deal more...


I made the bold assumption that BW would've put the same amount of love and care into both factions. I couldn't have been more wrong.


Good luck in fixing this, Bioware: you're going to NEED it.


"Republic needs hotties" isn't going to be the answer to THIS faction imbalance... :rolleyes:

Edited by TheRealDestian
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Oh look, another angry post using anecdotal "evidence".


Can I have my soap box back now, please?


Aside from the fact that people have been complaining about the majority of servers being heavily skewed toward empire and aside from videos like this one (and the MANY like it), what more evidence do you want?


Okay, here's some more: http://taugrim.com/2011/12/14/population-skewing-heavily-towards-empire-on-pvp-servers/


From that page:


-RP-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 25,986 | Republic 30,393 | Hey look, more good guys than bad guys. A lot of RP players want to be a Jedi or Smuggler. What a surprise! Not :)

-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 107,974 | Republic 86,269 | Empire +25% population

-PVP servers (entire World): Empire 137,732 | Republic 66,586 | Empire has 2.1 times the population





You do realize that world PvP objectives will basically be 100% screwed when the faction imbalance is this bad, right?


Everyone who planned to take part in ANY world PvP should care, as should Bioware for their game not working as intended, and so should every Empire player who hates huttball (hint: they're going to be playing an AWFUL lot of it...).

Edited by TheRealDestian
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Aside from the fact that people have been complaining about the majority of servers being heavily skewed toward empire and aside from videos like this one (and the MANY like it), what more evidence do you want?


I don't think BW has released server population numbers yet, probably because the empire skew would be unbelievably embarrassing.




You do realize that world PvP objectives will basically be 100% screwed when the faction imbalance is this bad, right?


Everyone who planned to take part in ANY world PvP should care, as should Bioware for their game not working as intended, and so should every Empire player who hates huttball (hint: they're going to be playing an AWFUL lot of it...).


Vocal minority =/= "many people" brah. In case it wasn't abundantly clear.

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I just really wanted to link that video.


Fair enough. :D


Vocal minority =/= "many people" brah. In case it wasn't abundantly clear.






Also, this is more about how I'm pissed in the quality difference between the two factions. The Empire stories are already about 10X more engaging than the Republic stories so far...

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Fair enough. :D








Also, this is more about how I'm pissed in the quality difference between the two factions. The Empire stories are already about 10X more engaging than the Republic stories so far...


You're giving me... more anecdotal evidence? C'mon man. :rolleyes:


"Well this guy said something to that effect, so that must mean it's a universal constant!"

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-RP-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 25,986 | Republic 30,393 | Hey look, more good guys than bad guys. A lot of RP players want to be a Jedi or Smuggler. What a surprise! Not :)

-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 107,974 | Republic 86,269 | Empire +25% population

-PVP servers (entire World): Empire 137,732 | Republic 66,586 | Empire has 2.1 times the population.


I won't argue against the numbers for PvP servers, but for PvE servers, I don't think 5:4 populations is that bad for populations.

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I won't argue against the numbers for PvP servers, but for PvE servers, I don't think 5:4 populations is that bad for populations.


About 56% to 44%, and the RP servers have more Republic. So I guess the PvPers need to show their awesome badness by playing a baddie.

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Oh look, another angry post using anecdotal "evidence".


Can I have my soap box back now, please?


Yeah because clearly both sides has even numbers and everyone enjoys both sides equally much :rolleyes:




The story for my jedi knight was so boring I found it more enjoyable to watch paint dry. My sith warrior has a much better story line.

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As far as one side having better stories than the other, that is 100% subjective. It is not fact, nor something that needs to be changed.


Everything is subjective. But when the majority thinks one side is better it is ok to say it is better.

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Also, this is more about how I'm pissed in the quality difference between the two factions. The Empire stories are already about 10X more engaging than the Republic stories so far...

I figure thats a matter of taste. I simply loved the Smuggler story, was amazed by the Consular story, am enjoying how in the Agent story you always feel like there's some piece missing from the equation, and very much like the Bounty Hunter story.


However, the Sith Inquisitor story, while it IS very fitting overall, given the background, feels rather grindy.

The Sith Warrior and the Jedi Knight story both feel rather "Conan-standard".


So overall, I prefer the Republic ones, but just a little bit, over the Imperial ones.


Note: haven't tried the Trooper story yet. It could be another point for the Republic, or be a let down and even out the two factions.

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I don't care to argue storylines because it's pretty subjective. But just the starting planets for JKs (Tython) and SWs (Korriban) have noticeable differences in the ease of questing and getting around.


During the beta, it took me like 4 hours to get off Tython. This was doing every quest so I could hit the fleet at level 10 for my prestige class. Even when the game went live, I couldn't get off Tython faster than 2.5 hours unless I skipped a lot of content and just burned class quests. There's just too much walking and backtracking for each stage of the quests. Orb Mantel isn't much better.


My first time through Korriban with a Sith Warrior capped out at like an hour and 20 minutes. Heroics are right on the path to class/filler quests and they are extremely easy to 2-man with no companions. In fact, the planet is so small and so bereft of mobs, it only requires 2 speeder points and you can walk across the planet in no time.


Contrast to Tython where your class quest ends in an area where you could walk across Korriban twice. On another note: Datacrons are just lying around waiting for Imperial characters to collect. In fact, two are noticeable when you take the first taxi. One is even on the shortcut path after doing a class quest. It's pretty annoying hunting them down on Tython, even when you know where they are. Man, getting the Matrix Shard for our Commando's Relic was bad even with rank 3 speeders.


I've heard this is pretty much the standard for Imps: smaller questing zones with fewer but faster spawning mobs. So, neutral content is annoying, but Imp only content is faster-paced. Must be nice because Tython is an extremely annoying starter planet. And Imperials don't start their careers as Force Users by killing a bunch of over-weight hammer-head sharks.

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About 56% to 44%, and the RP servers have more Republic. So I guess the PvPers need to show their awesome badness by playing a baddie.


Call it the "WoW Phenomenon". I am certain more than a few PvPers chose Empire because they figured it would be SW:TOR's version of the Horde, which was the PvP faction in that game for many ages (not so much anymore, but early on it was).

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