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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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SWG had awesome macro customization.


I support the OP, except, that it isn't a must or a need, but,it is another PLUS, to the PLAYER, who is after all, a PAYER, of the bills of TOR.


Time and time again, these Game Companies lose sight, that, the player is a the payer, and not a bunch of whiney kids, as they think we all are.


Macros are neat, and those that hate them, are like evil incarnate to them. you will never convince them of their value, to older players, handicapped players, or people, who hate toggling the same keys, 5000 times,in an hour. Funny, they always say, Learn to Play, the game, and yet,rage against any game with macros. To me, they are ignoring their own advice. Learn to make a macro, if its in a game, its something you need to learn.


I miss my macros, in SWG, they allowed me, to focus on movement,in pvp, and bosses in pve, rather than button mashing.


However, given this games prediliction to game credit sinks, they would probably charge us a skill, for use of macros,lol

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I fully support the implementation of macros. It would be a great help to those of us with only 1 arm, or those who like to play with 1 hand down their pants.


This is why I would be very surprised if we ever had addons, seriously.


Blizz didn't have LucasLawyers hovering over them. If Bioware allowed addons, somebody would do a "Nekkid Girl" reskin, and once Unca Georgie's lawyers took a look at that, the bantha poodoo would fly.


Personally, I'm just as happy that we don't have Mos Espa turning into Goldshire.

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Macro's are a very good idea. Especially for healers who need to switch a lot between characters. But there must be need some kind of restriction. The macro's don't need to be "overpowered" because players without a macro keyboard or some kind should have a change to.
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Listen. im bringing up some stuff from like page 3-9 about the difference between want and need.


well here is an eye opener.


I called Bioware for some support, because I am a Color blind Male. They Rep politely told me that there is not a color blind option in game and that there is nothing in the pipe-line for this and to basically give up on wanting this..


WELL news flash..I NEED a color blind mode.


I can't tell the difference between quest difficulties, Item rarity, Loot lines that shine vertically, anything....it blows.


Well your competitor that you copied your game from offers this.


I played wow for 6 years total and I quit to give YOU a chance as a game and you repay me by telling me get over it?


All im asking is for some UI to allow that or give me the option create a third party addon..



AND also a DPS meter is most Definitely a NEED...it eliminates baddies that can't heal or DPS.....


I will 100% end my subscription to this game if a Color blind mode isn't offered or being developed by june..i promise you that...and thats not whining or crying I physically can't play....

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Listen. im bringing up some stuff from like page 3-9 about the difference between want and need.


well here is an eye opener.


I called Bioware for some support, because I am a Color blind Male. They Rep politely told me that there is not a color blind option in game and that there is nothing in the pipe-line for this and to basically give up on wanting this..


WELL news flash..I NEED a color blind mode.


I can't tell the difference between quest difficulties, Item rarity, Loot lines that shine vertically, anything....it blows.


Well your competitor that you copied your game from offers this.


I played wow for 6 years total and I quit to give YOU a chance as a game and you repay me by telling me get over it?


All im asking is for some UI to allow that or give me the option create a third party addon..



AND also a DPS meter is most Definitely a NEED...it eliminates baddies that can't heal or DPS.....


I will 100% end my subscription to this game if a Color blind mode isn't offered or being developed by june..i promise you that...and thats not whining or crying I physically can't play....


This man seriously needs to be taken care of by Customer support. This is a PR issue and this is something I agree on a add-on being use-able for. I'm sorry that BioWare treated you this way.



As for the DPS meter, get Mox Raid parser. It works great.

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This man seriously needs to be taken care of by Customer support. This is a PR issue and this is something I agree on a add-on being use-able for. I'm sorry that BioWare treated you this way.



As for the DPS meter, get Mox Raid parser. It works great.


Thanks a bunch Rutrict! I will try to locate the client.

Do you have a URL for a place to download this?

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Thanks a bunch Rutrict! I will try to locate the client.

Do you have a URL for a place to download this?


Yea, it's here:




You'll need to locate your "Combat Logs" folder. A lot of people have tried the "Logs" folder in their SWTOR files under Program Folders. This would be the wrong spot to link it to, you want to go under My Documents > SWtOR > Combat Logs. Just a heads up.

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From the other thread:

I agree with you OP. Too bad BW and the other posters believe that twitch mechanisms and hitting keys should be the most challenging part of this game and are not willing walk a mile in someones shoes that has dexterity issues with their hands due to injuries.

I totally disagree. Just because someone is handicaped and has a problem with digital dexterity, dosen't mean the mechanics of the whole game should be changed to accomidate a tiny amount of people. This type of PC thinking is abserd. We don't change the olympic games just because a handicapped or less talented person can't hack it.


Imagine if we decided that people with lower extremity issues were allowed to participate in the oympics, we would have to hamstring all those that did not have these problems. Making field and track a bit pointless. Same idea here.


Wow.... just wow... Actually we do have Olympics for people with disabilities, and I can't imagine taking such a cold approach towards people who sometimes struggle to do some of the "simple" things in life.


A close family member of mine had a broken neck and one of my nephews has mental disabilities. Maybe once you are personally affected you'll have some compassion for people with disabilities.


If for no other reason than to enable people macros should be added. I hadn't even considered this as a reason before I saw the first post.

Edited by Drakkip
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From the other thread:




Wow.... just wow... Actually we do have Olympics for people with disabilities, and I can't imagine taking such a cold approach towards people who sometimes struggle to do some of the "simple" things in life.


A close family member of mine had a broken neck and one of my nephews has mental disabilities. Maybe once you are personally affected you'll have some compassion for people with disabilities.


If for no other reason than to enable people macros should be added. I hadn't even considered this as a reason before I saw the first post.


yes...its called the special olympics. not to be confused with a competition for the perfectly healthy who have worked hard to get where they are.


sorry about your family,here's an old saying i'm sure you've heard "**** happens"


please explain why you fell the rest of the world should be handicapped because 1 person had something unfortunate happen

Edited by SamuraiCrazy
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  • 3 weeks later...
Mods and addons ok there have been many things ppl have said they want or dont want in this game. honestly mods improve the life of a game this has been proven so many times i agree that at this time they need to be extremely limited as the game is going thru alot of updates at this time, and wile updates are constantly modfying most of the games data it will break mods. ive read all 3/4 threads on this now and ive not seen one mention of guild mods what about stuff like for guild managers that can do a daily download/ screenshot of their guild bank then upload the file to there website instead of the stupidity of having to manually add delete or edit every entry every day make for alot of work so stuff like profilers for guildbank and chars recipie list so other member can see what another guild member can build for them what mats required ect. these are mainly 2 mods that are a must i also think they should have a Colour Blind GUI as there are many people that are color blind and in saying that no or deal with it is acctually a legerous remark
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There def should be a macro system. But it should be limited in what it can actually do.


I have played rfit since pre-release and feel their macro system was a brilliant middle ground.


For those that havent played Rift I'll quickly go over the functions and limitations.


The system only allowed 1 ability to fire per button press. The macro would work from top down looking for a line it could process, as soon as it could it executed and exited. You cannot chain macros either.


This stopped ppl creating bots. Also this means you cant put all your instacast none cd abilities into a single macro as it will only ever process the first one unless you used a key modifier to only process the correct ability.


Spelltarget modifiers - (@self,@target,@focus,@mouseover,@mark <x>) allowing you to heal a tank and mouse over heal aswell without having to switch target.


Targeting - allowed you to have an assist macro which would always target what the tank was hitting stopping ppl hitting cc'd mobs or retarget your last target.


Key modifiers - ctl, alt, shift allowing for different spells/abilities to be fired based on which key you hold down with it.


[notactive] - this would only fire the ability if it isnt already active (example is a channeled ability which when hit toggles on or off) this could a nice function for self or group buffs so you can add them to a macro hit it 4-5 times and you can forget about it clearing alot of space on bars (currently in Rift only channeld toggle abilities can use this).


Macro variables - e.g. %t = targets name this allows for ppl to have text in their macros informing the group you're doing something without having to type it every time. (exmaple telling the ops team who you are reviving or if you have shielded/cc'd a target) this stops spell wastage which for teams that use voice chat and play as a team often isnt that much of an issue but on pugs can be a nightmare.


While this is rather limiting it allows for pretty much anyone to use it without having to have a masters degree. It also removed the most annoying issues with rotations. You still need to manage your GCD's and you cant create the "One macro to rule them all" all it does it tidy up your bars make rotations easier to follow so you can concentrate on mechanics of fights.


Also please please please can we have gear sets like macros whcih allow us to save sets of gear and load them without having to go into you inv and right click on everything each time you swap spec/content.

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Macro system from EverQuest 2 is pretty good ..


It only allows two combat abilities in the same macro and that kinda sorts the massive 1 button problem from rift.


It allows for /target commands, /assist, /groupmember # and stuff like that but only 2 combat abilities.

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Macro system from EverQuest 2 is pretty good ..


It only allows two combat abilities in the same macro and that kinda sorts the massive 1 button problem from rift.


It allows for /target commands, /assist, /groupmember # and stuff like that but only 2 combat abilities.


While you could have 1 massive button macro in rift it would be a massive dps loss.


For sentiel my ideal macro setup would be:


Macro 1: (builder)

force leap (15s cd)

Zealous strike (15s cd)

Strike (insta)


Macro 2:(finisher)

Master strike (30s cd)

Merciless Slash (12s > 8.5s @3 stacks cd)

Dispatch (6s cd only usable at <=30% hp)

Slash (insta)


Macro 3: (Dots)

Overloaded sabers (12s cd)

Cauterize (15s cd)


This would then allow for easier placement of interupts and group/self buffs like zen or inspiration without growing extra hands.


All of those macros have abilities with large cd's so spamming them would be a major dps loss and a waste of force points.


maybe limit the number of lines per macro to 6 rather than just 2 abilities


At the momonet I have about 15-16 abilities I use on a regular basis and even with a razor mouse it is difficult to use all of these making me drop dps when I need to click an ability or hold 3 keys down while I should be running from AoE.


I agree the system should never be a system were a user can script out an entire fight so he pushes a button and goes away but it should help make the game more playable.

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  • 1 month later...
not sure about massive macro systems that are implemented in other mmo's but simple stuff like /assist %T would be handy. especially with the amount of healer/tank challenged people who choose to only play dps... ( you WoW people know who you are :p ) Edited by Monosyllabus
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No Macros. I don't wanna get creamed by lazy people just pushing 1 button. Try actually rotating. UI modification however, is ok.


This. This was one of the biggest unbalances in SWG. PvP was macro vs non macro.

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No Macros. I don't wanna get creamed by lazy people just pushing 1 button. Try actually rotating. UI modification however, is ok.


Yeah, i don't use the telephone cause only lazy people use those.

I don't use a car cause only lazy people use those.

I don't use electricity, only real people build fires to stay warm.

When i visit my family, i take a horse and carriage cause only lazy people use Airplanes.


It's good to know Bioware has taken a firm stance for the non-support of mods in Swtor, because they've done such a stand up job providing needed tools to the community for raiding and pvp.:rolleyes:

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An across the slate "No Macro's!" just because you got creamed in pvp is a bit over the top in my opinion. there are many instances where macro's are very handy and dont add a player over player advantage. Infact i think there are quite a few instances where they encourage and enhance group performance beyond what can be done otherwise
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Marcos seem like they are ripe for abuse. A lot of the examples I've seen in this thread seem to be geared towards making the game even easier to play then it already is now.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't want to have to learn how to program these things just to remain viable while playing.


limiting them to things like /thanks, /bye, or /stuck or some other social macro would be fine. Allowing players to use them for quick access to travel options (speeder, sprint, black hole quick travel) or to open predefined window combinations (inventory + companion tab in character window) would be great too.


A great big NO! to mods too. The main thing the gearscore nonsense and the damage counter in World of Warcraft did was to dillute the game down to stats. You allow mods here this is the first thing that will happen. Please don't allow mods.

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Why doesn't BW just implement an auto bot while they're at it, give you speed hacks and telehacks. You want addons on this baby game? And macros, if you can't figure out a decent keybind and rotation or when you need to use the ability then you are a fool.
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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.
Ummm... have you actually played the game & used the 1.2 UI? Everything you mentioned can be moved & resized.
Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.

These were both handily shot down in flames before launch. BW wants to drive their own design train & not sell out to the modding community the way Blizzard did with WoW. IMHO add-ons are crutches for players who want hard-mode achievements from easy-mode effort. Edited by GalacticKegger
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