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So is Vanguard terrible for PVP?


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actually, vanguards are still pretty decent damage dealers. They aren't as good as commando, but ignoring a vanguard thats on you at close range will eventually be your death. They lack spike damage, but they put out reliable damage per second and have a good amount of utility, mainly in harpoon. Edited by Eagle_Tarquinas
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actually, vanguards are still pretty decent damage dealers. They aren't as good as commando, but ignoring a vanguard thats on you at close range will eventually be your death. They lack spike damage, but they put out reliable damage per second and have a good amount of utility, mainly in harpoon.


Vanguards are the most OP class in the game right now, bar none ... when you take into account, the mix of their control, damage, and survivability. There are other classes that are better in one aspect, but no one class puts it all together like a vanguard can.

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Vanguards are the most OP class in the game right now, bar none ... when you take into account, the mix of their control, damage, and survivability. There are other classes that are better in one aspect, but no one class puts it all together like a vanguard can.


Let's try and keep the spotlight off Ops eh? Shoulda started this earlier.

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Assault spec is very solid. You have good damage up close and it remains respectable at range; in a sense you get the best of both worlds because you don't need to worry about gap closing like melee to do your damage and often they come to you anyway (or don't attempt to kite you as you are ranged so you can just walk up to them). And you can judge when to keep your distance, make use of LOS tactics etc.


Heavy armor gives you an advantage in the damage race against many classes. Against mercs/commandos your on paper damage will be less but you don't need to stand still to cast anything so it is much harder to avoid your damage through LOS'ing. And because a good chunk of your damage comes from two burn DOTs (one of which is an 18s duration), assault spec is fairly good in preventing people from capping objectives as well. And fighting multiple opponents at once.


Of course, the most important tool in a Vanguard's arsenal is Harpoon. It's quite possibly the most useful tool in Huttball (or at least top 3) and otherwise very useful in general, too. It has a myriad of uses: you can pull melee off healers/squishies ("peeling"), you can prevent people from escaping (it's a wonderfully satisfying feeling to deny someone's attempted force speed flight with a harpoon to the butt), it can separate tanks from their guarded targets (very important), it can pull targets that are being healed to locations where they are out of LOS to be healed or it can pull healers out of range of those they would heal.


And in any kind of mass world PvP (such as Ilum), it's an almost guaranteed kill every time it's off CD (pulling someone in the middle of your zerg is 9 out of 10 times an instant death for them). There's so many uses to list. Suffice to say it is critically invaluable.


Then you also have ranged taunt and ranged AOE taunt which are also very powerful and often underappreciated (because they don't produce any numbers and and are difficult to notice). But they make a big difference and chances are many a time you barely survived there was a friendly Vanguard in range taunting that conniving operative keen on dissecting you.


As for defensive stuff, there's really only one defensive cooldown which is Reactive Shield (-25% damage for 12s on 2m CD), but you *** spec has a talent that reduces its active cooldown everytime you take damage (1.5s every 1.5 sec) which makes it become available fairly often. There's no mobility tools in the sense that you can't sprint or leap (tank spec gets a leap though) but there's really no need either as you're never dead in the water so to speak-- heavy armor buys you time and you can do ranged damage. Beyond that it's about positioning yourself well. Plus you get both a ranged stun and a pbaoe stun.


Anyway long story short Vanguard, at least assault spec, makes for a very solid dps+utility class in PvP. I'll let someone else speak for the tank spec as I have little experience with that as of yet.

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Vanguards are the most OP class in the game right now, bar none ... when you take into account, the mix of their control, damage, and survivability. There are other classes that are better in one aspect, but no one class puts it all together like a vanguard can.


maurauders rip through tanks like they arnt wearing armor just so you know :)

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Assault Vanguard is one of the better overall specs. Amazing 1v1 and decent in groups. They are the worst pvp tank by a bit imo and Tactics is quite lackluster though. Level Assault and never look back. Enjoy the huge burst and decent survivability along with good medal gain and fairly good utility. Also a pretty fun playstyle in general being able to play at 4, 10, or 30 meters.


- valor 64 powertech (imperial vanguard mirror)

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As long as you dont go full/most tatics then you should be fine...


P.S Tatics sucks... if you must put points into tatics i wouldnt recommend going past gut and 2s less on interrupt because tatics has bad ammo management and worse dps...


if anything go standard SS/tatics up to gut/improved interrupt and ull have be solid all around...


nice damage and great survivability, great for pvp and pve

Edited by SuperomegaOP
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Aside from Heals/Guard the big differences amount to:


Vanguard DPS is primarily melee & short (<=10m) range and instacast. (I think the base trooper ability "mortar strike" is the only channeled ability vanguards get).


Commando DPS is good out to long range (30m) but requires significant amounts of channeling.


If you like to run around and hit things:Vanguard.

If you like to stand back and snipe:Commando.

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Anyway long story short Vanguard, at least assault spec, makes for a very solid dps+utility class in PvP. I'll let someone else speak for the tank spec as I have little experience with that as of yet.


Assault spec is the only viable spec in PvP, there is no point wasting points in shield spec because it only shields from basic ranged and melee attacks which probably constitute about 10% of the damage you will take. That, in conjunction with your reduced DPS significantly reduces your usefulness.


Guard, taunts, harpoon etc are still good.


Limited Tactics spec has some uses as you get some good mobility. Hold the line gives you total CC (all stuns, mez, slows .... everything) and physics immunity (no knockbacks etc) and a +30% movement speed buff which is fantastic for huttball.

Edited by Loxion
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Im leveling two toons atm. A trooper and a BH. I accidentaly selected Vanguard for my trooper and am just wondering if the damage blows over commando? Im really leveling him for pvp mostly.


Commando / Merc is 30m induction / channel abilities, Vanguard / Powertech is more 10m instant abilities.



I certainly had no issue leveling my Powertech in pvp nor do I have any real complaints in the 50 queue.

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