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** Unofficial 3rd day EGA wave thread **


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Bioware's first announcement was:


- we probably will get to the end of november with the invites.


At a later point this day, they say that they will trow out more then 4 waves, wich in my opinion means that they will definatly will come further then the end of november with the invites.


In other words they will probably invite people who redeemed in december. if thats everyone from december or only a portion i can not say, but I guess some decemberists will get in today.


They waited 2 hours yesterday to tell that there wouldnt be more invites...I think its done now.

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They're probably bringing up a few new Servers before sending out another Wave...


...and for those "positive thinkers" out there - bringing up new Servers on the fly and letting a large influx of new people in would be a really good test for the 20th on BW's part, wouldn't it :D

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QUICK! Who can F5 their email and spam their login screen the fastest?


hehe i have this page open, my email, the sw tweet page and the server page and i'm f5'ing them all, its a bummer that the NA serves are so lightly populated, they should just open 1 more new EU server then do another wave at 3pm

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you my friend are an *** if you actually enjoy peoples misfortune


And YOU, my friend are ignorant as hell if you think his comment was at all implying he "enjoys other peoples misfortune".


My husband and I have been waiting like everyone else. And as the person you quoted said...this IS what makes launches / early releases memorable. Trust me, later on down the line we will all look back at this fairly fondly, as we were all part of it together. We will talk about "Remember when..." and have our own stories of hanging around the forums and checking our emails / launcher constantly. Very similar to large exciting events in other games...when the servers keep crashing etc. Sure, it's annoying at the time...but it is also part of the excitement as well as the memories that only a certain amount of people will have shared. :)


In other news...if you are this touchy and emo...go outside, get some fresh air. Maybe clean your basement and put your Xmas tree up...:rolleyes:


PS...WTB better forum performance...

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This just in my e-mail



Congress is boring. The Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on Stop Online Piracy Act as we write. (You can watch it over here if that sort of thing gets you going.)


But if you'd rather have a smile on your face this afternoon, check out these new comics by the creator of Get Your War On -- and make a phone call to Congress.


David Rees walks us through the tragic-comedy that would come to pass if Hollywood and the big media conglomerates succeed at taking over the Internet. Check it out:"

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They're probably bringing up a few new Servers before sending out another Wave...


...and for those "positive thinkers" out there - bringing up new Servers on the fly and letting a large influx of new people in would be a really good test for the 20th on BW's part, wouldn't it :D


yes, yes it would :D wonder if thats what they are thinking though

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Tick Tock Tick Tock, did orgin acounts really cancel my preorders, did they ix the problem and not bother to tell anyone, will I see access to game or get wanked all over again?


These and exciting other questions still abound as the tension rises with the new episode...

Will we get wanked again or not season 3 episode 6

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