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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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With every game, product or situation, there will always be people who do not like it. Some of these people are very disappointed and frustrated that the reality did not reach their expectations. A small number of these people have the urge to break the good mood of every other person around them. It is these people you see making threads how SWToR is failing nowadays.


Is the population of SWToR declining? Absolutely yes, it was bound and expected to happen. Every MMO product in gaming industry must go through this procedure. After a few months the population will either stabilize and begin to rise again or it will continue to decline. Only then you can objectively say that the game failed or not.


The people who are making any judgements now are just doomsayers. Do not mind them, every person reacts differently to disappointment.



The important thing is whether YOU like the game or not...

Very well put. IMO this game will never be the answer to WOW but it won't be a failure. As more content is added the population will stabilize and likely rise. IMO the game will be fine.

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So Bioware is at fault for when people log on? LOL that's funny. Also I don't know why you guys don't get this so I will say this once again. ENDGAME CONTENT IN NEW MMO'S IS ALWAYS LACKING!!!!!!!! You have to WAIT FOR IT!!!!!!!!!


You'd think by the posts that these "no end game content" people are making that this is their first MMO.

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56 pages of posts and what have we learned?


That it is pretty much a waste of time to read 56 pages of posts.


I did learn another thing or two: Hardcore gamers are special and casual gamers are the devil.


It is possible to level to 50 in under 8 hours and anyone who cannot isn't trying.


The best game programmers aren't game programmers, they are game players and are only seen on forums.


If I don't see this game as terrible because of x, y, z, etc, then I am a fanboi.


and finally, I learned that some facts are better than other facts cause someone says so.

Edited by VordakGef
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I just wonder what the hate machine will do when the announce 2.5 million at the next investor call?




For that to happen, people need to be pushing this game on to their friends etc. The press liked the game but they also like other ones too that never pulled in many numbers.


In all honesty, I wouldn't get a friend to play this game because they're tired of "level to X, then kill the same monster and do the same battleground until you gain weight and smell funny"

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I love this game, but seriously, the epic fail for me is on the payment system.

It's seriously bugged.


Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . try a different browser


Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . clean out cache/cookies/etc and try again

Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . are you entering the right numbers? sec#? exp#?


Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . is your bank the issue?


We've done EVERYTHING and I'm sick of being on hold. My accounts are fine, Paypal is fine, the bank says I'm fine. It's not me, it's some faulty part of the payment system. I have actually told the last person I spoke with to to look into the coding, because maybe when an error happens (I don't know what) it causes something to error on the account.

I'm not the only one this happens to.


I'm not doing a game card. I've heard horror stories about errors when trying to add to the account, then later finally getting on and and having the balance showing 0 on the cards, even though they were never played. I'm not willing to risk losing my $$ straight out.


I'm happy they've gotten me a few extra days to play while they try to resolve the issue, but honestly, if they don't fix this issue, I'm probably just not going to play. This has been ongoing since the beginning of January. It would drive me up the wall if I had to call every new billing cycle and have to sit on hold or stay on the phone for 40 min or more.


I love the game, but PLEASE fix this problem.

I don't need a ticket response or anything.

I just want to be able to pay to play. **sigh**

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I love this game, but seriously, the epic fail for me is on the payment system.

It's seriously bugged.


Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . try a different browser


Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . clean out cache/cookies/etc and try again

Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . are you entering the right numbers? sec#? exp#?


Won't accept payment in ANY form. . .

answer. . . is your bank the issue?


We've done EVERYTHING and I'm sick of being on hold. My accounts are fine, Paypal is fine, the bank says I'm fine. It's not me, it's some faulty part of the payment system. I have actually told the last person I spoke with to to look into the coding, because maybe when an error happens (I don't know what) it causes something to error on the account.

I'm not the only one this happens to.


I'm not doing a game card. I've heard horror stories about errors when trying to add to the account, then later finally getting on and and having the balance showing 0 on the cards, even though they were never played. I'm not willing to risk losing my $$ straight out.


I'm happy they've gotten me a few extra days to play while they try to resolve the issue, but honestly, if they don't fix this issue, I'm probably just not going to play. This has been ongoing since the beginning of January. It would drive me up the wall if I had to call every new billing cycle and have to sit on hold or stay on the phone for 40 min or more.


I love the game, but PLEASE fix this problem.

I don't need a ticket response or anything.

I just want to be able to pay to play. **sigh**

Hope this gets fixed, like ... now. Love the sig btw. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yeah well I'm still waiting on the people who said that during the first month to eat their socks...still hasn't happened. You guys makes these statements and when your'e wrong you just vanish. :rolleyes:


They're just trolling, seriously. Even if Bioware stated 4 months from now that they'd increased their subs by 1 million, these negadoomhate trolls would just say it was bogus, or asian gold farming subs and therefore not relevant, or...whatever.


They're locusts, people, they're vapid consumers. It's what they do. Watch; Guild Wars 2 is the next target, and Guild Wars 2 *WILL* get the same rage-I-quit-we-were-lied-to threads. It happens at the launch of every single MMO.



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Seen quite a few people say how "SWTOR is failing" or something along those lines.


Just wondering where they are getting the "evidence" behind these claims.


I don't understand how anyone can take those people seriously when Bioware doesn't release subscriptions numbers...and almost all of the player-tracking tools are very far from accurate.


I'm just baffled that this many people can confidently write a post saying "Well its obvious SWTOR is a failure"


*Shakes head*


Did I miss some news article that release subscription numbers of people on their second month compared to the number of people that purchased the game?


Here's your evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o08e_xlXAVc

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They're just trolling, seriously. Even if Bioware stated 4 months from now that they'd increased their subs by 1 million, these negadoomhate trolls would just say it was bogus, or asian gold farming subs and therefore not relevant, or...whatever.


They're locusts, people, they're vapid consumers. It's what they do. Watch; Guild Wars 2 is the next target, and Guild Wars 2 *WILL* get the same rage-I-quit-we-were-lied-to threads. It happens at the launch of every single MMO.




Not to mention that the pop is going to be lower now. They released it right before the biggest gift giving holiday of the year while all the kiddies were on break. From what I've seen all the people complaining about the population dropping are the ones that freaked and went to the new servers when they opened. I checked into the different servers before I settled on one and in the two weeks or so that I've been playing the population has been steady at peak. Hell there's even a decent number of people on when I sometimes log in at 6am.

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They're just trolling, seriously. Even if Bioware stated 4 months from now that they'd increased their subs by 1 million, these negadoomhate trolls would just say it was bogus, or asian gold farming subs and therefore not relevant, or...whatever.


They're locusts, people, they're vapid consumers. It's what they do. Watch; Guild Wars 2 is the next target, and Guild Wars 2 *WILL* get the same rage-I-quit-we-were-lied-to threads. It happens at the launch of every single MMO.





I'm not going to say the I was lied to, but I do feel like I was deceived in a few places. First and foremost would be graphically. Their pre launch and CURRENT advertisement ads all show the game in a high resolution gameplay state. However, this is not the case for most of the gameplay, anything not in a cutscene is severely lacking in graphical quality.


I'm not trying to troll, and I do not care if people disagree with me or the reasons that the graphics are lowered for everything not in a cutscene. I'm peeved that I feel lied to, and that is why I cancelled my sub, however I would love to come back and play if they fix this issue... And hopefully a few more large ones.

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So many people don't understand this! Yes, WoW has a lot of nifty stuff in it. That nifty stuff took years of effort and tens of millions of dollars to implement. Just because Blizzard put the time and money into it, that doesn't mean Bioware can just push a button and magically recreate the same designs. Even if they could do so, that's assuming that WoW is a perfect game, and moreover it's assuming that recreating a perfect game would be remotely worthwhile. I wouldn't assume any of that. But then, the real point is... even if they could copy WoW's designs, and even if they WANTED TO, the code wouldn't be remotely compatible.


You can't just pull the AH (or any other feature) out of WoW and pop it into this game. That isn't possible in any meaningful sense. Even if you skipped the design phase (which would be insane, and which Bioware absolutely does not do), ALL the coding would have to be done from scratch, and all the testing and implementation would have to be done from scratch, exactly as if WoW had never existed.


Armchair designers generally don't get this. They point to a feature in a game they like and issue imperious demands that the devs "copy and paste", because to them, it's really that simple. Sadly, in reality, things don't work like that at all. :D


So, forget about copying WoW.. how about putting in a half-way decent auction house? How about that? Is that too much to ask for, too?

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I'm not going to say the I was lied to, but I do feel like I was deceived in a few places. First and foremost would be graphically. Their pre launch and CURRENT advertisement ads all show the game in a high resolution gameplay state. However, this is not the case for most of the gameplay, anything not in a cutscene is severely lacking in graphical quality.


I'm not trying to troll, and I do not care if people disagree with me or the reasons that the graphics are lowered for everything not in a cutscene. I'm peeved that I feel lied to, and that is why I cancelled my sub, however I would love to come back and play if they fix this issue... And hopefully a few more large ones.


It's alright man I feel the same way. I think a lot of what people are really irked about is what I see as a completely overrun HelpDesk that has to resort to half-reading and automated response just to keep their ticket system from overflowing, a Customer Relations department that knows people are pissed, but is taking the "don't give the problem life" attitude, and general frustration with bugs, despite the fact everyone knows they're inevitable. Heck if I couldn't download the game, I don't care if I was the only one and the game was released today, I would be tearing sht up.


Truthfully, the only reason I'm not screaming with them is cause I actually work in a software shop with 30+ code monkeys, architects, and software engineers so I'm kind of use to how long it takes to push code, QA it, and test it in a PTR type environment.


That being said CS and CR need work. They're not terrible by any means, but it doesn't take an "insider" to see things are getting away from them in a hurry and making them look like they're completely out of their league. Maybe they'll be able to reign it in.

Edited by brossiah
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I'm not going to say the I was lied to, but I do feel like I was deceived in a few places. First and foremost would be graphically. Their pre launch and CURRENT advertisement ads all show the game in a high resolution gameplay state. However, this is not the case for most of the gameplay, anything not in a cutscene is severely lacking in graphical quality.


I'm not trying to troll, and I do not care if people disagree with me or the reasons that the graphics are lowered for everything not in a cutscene. I'm peeved that I feel lied to, and that is why I cancelled my sub, however I would love to come back and play if they fix this issue... And hopefully a few more large ones.

It was there in beta but was disabled at release because of the number of testers (read: potential subs) who were still on legacy systems and having issues with hi-res frame rates. It'll be brought back as an option. Unsure how not being able to max out graphics settings is reason enough to quit a game, but hope you come back nonetheless. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Well it's not the ONLY reasOn, but it's probably the one that I can't get over. Other reasons consists of bugs, a not yet implemented Legacy system, and the fact that I can't transfer to a different server now that my server has died.
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