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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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Yeah those are what we call "casuals"


Casual gamers are the ones that buy Call of Duty every year and think it's GOTY. Casuals are gamers who don't care about industry issues because they are detached consumers. Casuals are people who bought the Wii en masse. Casuals lack the experience to make informed judgments about the quality of a game.


Casuals are people who think playing a few hours a week is value for a 15$ per month subscription.


... wow ...


First, thinking you are someone who has "the experience to make informed judgements about the quality of a game" as opposed to others is a fantastic example of moronic arrogance.


Second, casuals may be (insert any one of your insults here) ... but they out number you MANY:1. Furthermore, they are the reason games are even produced in the first place; they are the majority of the market and thus a primary portion of the financial motivation behind investing. If you think the statistical anomaly is relevant, then you just don't get it.


Your attitude is why game forums are awful. Fortunately there are ignore lists so I will never have to see what you say ever again ... phew.

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I read thru this link.


Every single server currently running on SWTOR on the US region has a steady decending in population. Yes most of them has monthly population going like \




Full of win at every twist and turn

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... wow ...


First, thinking you are someone who has "the experience to make informed judgements about the quality of a game" as opposed to others is a fantastic example of moronic arrogance.


Second, casuals may be (insert any one of your insults here) ... but they out number you MANY:1. Furthermore, they are the reason games are even produced in the first place; they are the majority of the market and thus a primary portion of the financial motivation behind investing. If you think the statistical anomaly is relevant, then you just don't get it.


Your attitude is why game forums are awful. Fortunately there are ignore lists so I will never have to see what you say ever again ... phew.


Yeah my ignore list is about as long as Marley's chains right now.



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A lot of people seem to be saying it's failing because of subscriber numbers and then turning around and comparing it to WoW subscriber numbers. WoW has had 7-8 years to get up to 11million subscribers. They DEFINITELY didn't have anywhere close to that many when they first came out. They were probably right on par as SWTOR upon release {which can be confirmed with a simple Google for WoW release sales figures.}


This game is a little over a month old, give it time. That's the problem with people these days, it's all gimme gimme gimme now now now. I want 100% days before I even THINK I want it.

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A couple of reasons why you are incorrect. I will try to neatly list them so you completely read this.


  • Look at WoW's forums. Nothing but complaints.
  • It has been announced that the SWTOR subscriptions are actually rising.


I do - In fact I spend almost as much time there as I do here.

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/984270/ Please show me the negativity seen on the front page of this forum most of our posts are nagative, most of WoW's are positive.


Rising? Uhhh.. That one is REAL hard to swallow. Link from an unbiased source?

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Seen quite a few people say how "SWTOR is failing" or something along those lines.


Just wondering where they are getting the "evidence" behind these claims.


I don't understand how anyone can take those people seriously when Bioware doesn't release subscriptions numbers...and almost all of the player-tracking tools are very far from accurate.


I'm just baffled that this many people can confidently write a post saying "Well its obvious SWTOR is a failure"


*Shakes head*


Did I miss some news article that release subscription numbers of people on their second month compared to the number of people that purchased the game?


Simple. When I started the game there was around 80 people on low lvl areas and higher lvl content have around 30-40 people. After a while Ilium had around 20 people in it. Sometimes 30.

Then first month ended. On Ilum i find 2-6 people. On low lvl areas (lvl 1-20) you see around 40-60 people. After lvl 20 you see 6-10 people. And as I said - Ilum have 2-6 people running around. On ENTIRE SERVER. I know because my brother is using my bounty hunter to help his guild doing hero missions etc.


If after 1,5 month you see amount of people dropping. You wait for warzone 30min or even hour. If only thing you can play is hutball - you know there is something wrong here. Simple as that.

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A lot of people seem to be saying it's failing because of subscriber numbers and then turning around and comparing it to WoW subscriber numbers. WoW has had 7-8 years to get up to 11million subscribers. They DEFINITELY didn't have anywhere close to that many when they first came out. They were probably right on par as SWTOR upon release {which can be confirmed with a simple Google for WoW release sales figures.}


This game is a little over a month old, give it time. That's the problem with people these days, it's all gimme gimme gimme now now now. I want 100% days before I even THINK I want it.


Yeah, and SWTOR currently have more players in the U.S and in Europe than WoW, all those millions of players wow have come from china, korea, etc.


Maybe when SWTOR goes to those countries it may get more subscriptions than WoW.

Edited by GiovFett
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Population shrinking since launch is a good indicator.


How is that a good indicator, population dropping means NOTHING at all, after the first month of an MMO's release the population always fluctuates rapidly, the fact of the matter is, it is way too early for ANYONE to say that this game is dying, i don't care if you are consumer analyst Michael Patcher, you have no way of knowing if this game is dying yet, we will see in about a year.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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Actually I'm fairly certain that they adjusted the population caps, or parameters, and it's been proven that the population estimates on the server list are massively inaccurate.


they've stated that the pop caped on servers were made to hold more people...it was like day 4 of launch..instead of my server being HIGH it was now light/standard..i cant believe OP forgot about this..i memeber everyone was whining they neede to do that...and now they did..and people said the games failing? um ok

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I think it's funny that everyone keeps saying that the servers are losing people. that they're cancelling subscriptions, but all they did is increase the cap size of the servers. hense making servers that were full before only half full. The games JUST been released, and ALL the complaints are coming from people that addict their lives to it to hit the 50 lvl, and all you that say your CPU gets messed up because of the game. how about you look for compatability issues, or just stop watching **** so your CPU doesnt get hacked. The game is good. the team's fixing all the problems they can. So get your head outta your collective asses, and let us enjoy the game without hearing you all ***** all the time
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I think it's funny that everyone keeps saying that the servers are losing people. that they're cancelling subscriptions, but all they did is increase the cap size of the servers. hense making servers that were full before only half full. The games JUST been released, and ALL the complaints are coming from people that addict their lives to it to hit the 50 lvl, and all you that say your CPU gets messed up because of the game. how about you look for compatability issues, or just stop watching **** so your CPU doesnt get hacked. The game is good. the team's fixing all the problems they can. So get your head outta your collective asses, and let us enjoy the game without hearing you all ***** all the time



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I think it's funny that everyone keeps saying that the servers are losing people. that they're cancelling subscriptions, but all they did is increase the cap size of the servers. hense making servers that were full before only half full. The games JUST been released, and ALL the complaints are coming from people that addict their lives to it to hit the 50 lvl, and all you that say your CPU gets messed up because of the game. how about you look for compatability issues, or just stop watching **** so your CPU doesnt get hacked. The game is good. the team's fixing all the problems they can. So get your head outta your collective asses, and let us enjoy the game without hearing you all ***** all the time


lol so raising the cap is the reason is why there are less people on every single planet during prime time hours? how quickly you people forget we can see how people are in an area at any given moment

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i started this game with 14 buddys. im the only one left. and i canceld my sub yesterday. 17 days to go and im done.


You and your friends sure have long attention spans... not. May I ask which is the next MMO your troupe is intending to put their money in without bothering to play it for more than a week or two?

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Yes less people playing means 100% that the game is failing.


What about the fact that the holidays are over? School started again, work started again, people are back to their normal routines.


But none of that stuff matters right? It HAS to be because the game is failing right? How do you know 100 people in fleet are the exact same 100 people the night before?


I can only play 3 hours a day, IF I do nothing else but play. But you know, some days I just want to do something else. When the game came out, I played it like crazy.

Edited by Nighthawked
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I read thru this link.


Every single server currently running on SWTOR on the US region has a steady decending in population. Yes most of them has monthly population going like \







So now STAR WARS Fanbois are wowbads?


Which is it, are star wars fanboys fans of wow or starwars? I don't think you even know what you are saying anymore...


There is a REASON why they say that site is FAKE, because any moron who thinks they can simply logon and look at the population by doing a /who in every zone has some serious learning to do.


There is NO WAY TO TRACK THIS INFORMATION. To do so would yield horribly inaccurate results.


If you feel the need to doctor it up just to prove a point that frankly no-one really cares about, more power to ya brother.

Edited by djsmileey
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Several sources have reported that going through all game content can add up to 80hrs to 120hrs worth of game time, depending on the char you play. You can google these sources. To humor you, lets knock that down to 65 hours just for kicks. At 3 hrs a day, that's still at least 21 days to get through storyline content.


Even assuming you mixed that in with pvp and ignore crafting/gathering, to half your time, you're still looking at most having 2 lvl 50s within a month.


3-4 50s at that rate is a bit of a stretch.


I've played with my level 36 main 8 full days worth so far, have missed doing two Heroics and completing one ultra-hard space mission so far that have gone gray for me and have otherwise done everything I can and tried to explore the worlds in full, doing one Flashpoint and one Heroic twice. Almost 200 hours and a lot of more to go until level 50.


People should just go through all the content instead of speedily leveling up to 50.

Edited by Rouge
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I've played with my level 36 main 8 full days worth so far, have missed doing two Heroics and completing one ultra-hard space mission so far that have gone gray for me and have otherwise done everything I can and tried to explore the worlds in full, doing one Flashpoint and one Heroic twice. Almost 200 hours and a lot of more to go until level 50.


People should just go through all the content instead of speedily leveling up to 50.


Agreed. I have 5 full days /played and I skipped an entire planet even!

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You and your friends sure have long attention spans... not. May I ask which is the next MMO your troupe is intending to put their money in without bothering to play it for more than a week or two?


we went back to other games waiting for gw2 to come out. other games as in acon, sto, dco, fallen earth, eve, wow and rift. all seem to be better than this game. in swtor i have 4 level 50 toons and did the raids and hm flashpoints the game just doesint have much to it. the storys are not that good. pvp is a joke and that was a big thing for us. but thank you for letting me know how you feel ill bring it up at the next stock holders meeting.

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we went back to other games waiting for gw2 to come out. other games as in acon, sto, dco, fallen earth, eve, wow and rift. all seem to be better than this game. in swtor i have 4 level 50 toons and did the raids and hm flashpoints the game just doesint have much to it. the storys are not that good. pvp is a joke and that was a big thing for us. but thank you for letting me know how you feel ill bring it up at the next stock holders meeting.


Oh nooo, the game's been out a month, I rushed to 50 instead of experience the game play / story like this game was made for so there is nothing for me to do, oh noooo. Why isn't this game more like games that have been out much longer? Oh noooooo.

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we went back to other games waiting for gw2 to come out. other games as in acon, sto, dco, fallen earth, eve, wow and rift. all seem to be better than this game. in swtor i have 4 level 50 toons and did the raids and hm flashpoints the game just doesint have much to it. the storys are not that good. pvp is a joke and that was a big thing for us. but thank you for letting me know how you feel ill bring it up at the next stock holders meeting.


you have 4 50's. You did the HM flashpoints. you did the raids. You sir need to get a job or something. 4 50's after 40 days...... it took me 40 days to get 1 50 (mostly because i have a job). I mean that's A LOT of time spent on a game to achieve all that in a month after launch.


am i wrong?

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I've played with my level 36 main 8 full days worth so far, have missed doing two Heroics and completing one ultra-hard space mission so far that have gone gray for me and have otherwise done everything I can and tried to explore the worlds in full, doing one Flashpoint and one Heroic twice. Almost 200 hours and a lot of more to go until level 50.


People should just go through all the content instead of speedily leveling up to 50.


I agree. And I personally want to try out all the Classes/AC's as well as check out all their story lines. So for me, I have TONs of things to do, at 3hrs a day.

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