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most valuable class in pvp on the republic side


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I have been playing Empire for awhile now and that faction dominates most of are server but i want to be able to log on a play the underdog in warzones and have some fun so i was just wondering what the most valuable class is on the republic side since ive seen some posts say that there not actual mirror classes


Ty in advance

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I have been playing Empire for awhile now and that faction dominates most of are server but i want to be able to log on a play the underdog in warzones and have some fun so i was just wondering what the most valuable class is on the republic side since ive seen some posts say that there not actual mirror classes


Ty in advance


commado healer


i boss up the republic with one

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I would say sage, That is my alt and so far (lvl 22) it seems like people want to hump me.


Force shield is soooo handy when you are handling multiple friendlies and you want to get your heals off before they die.


Force speed is the most deliciously evil thing to have, much nicer then my vanguards speed burst.


+ all the other heals HuzzAh!


I also find the additional range I get on my 2 main attack skills... (pebbles,Big rock) from speccing into healing is very useful.. I can get the most wonderful cheap shots.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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