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Pvp bags giving me frustration.. what am I doing wrong?


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So I'm almost at valor 60 and I am having the hardest time getting champion items. Currently, I have opened 17 bags with no love since my last drop. Probably easily over 50 at this point.


17! :eek:


So I'm wondering, is there some trick to this? I see people in full champ gear all the time but I get no love. I did get a lightsabor drop and I was all happy. Although, the choices I got were only the dual lightsabor, which I could not use and two implants. The dual lightsabor was not grey so I thought I could use it. Nope! Ha my fault, I'll take that. I should have grabbed one of the implants. Even though a lightsabor that I could use was not a selection. Anyway, I'm getting off track.


So is there anything I'm doing wrong? Should I open them in war-zones or something? This is getting frustrating.

Edited by DarthHarlem
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I'm in the same boat as you.


Valor 59 ... Still missing 3 pieces... i opened over 100 bags, got about 5 Dups...


Still using 3 Centurion pieces and i have 200 Centurion Commendations...


This Random system is complete crap

Edited by DestyOwn
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So I'm almost at valor 60 and I am having the hardest time getting champion items. Currently, I have opened 17 bags with no love.


17! :eek:


So I'm wondering, is there some trick to this? I see people in full champ gear all the time but I get no love. I did get a lightsabor drop and I was all happy. Although, the choices I got were only the dual lightsabor, which I could not use and two implants. The dual lightsabor was not grey so I thought I could use it. Nope! Ha my fault, I'll take that. I should have grabbed one of the implants. Even though a lightsabor that I could use was not a selection. Anyway, I'm getting off track.


So is there anything I'm doing wrong? Should I open them in war-zones or something? This is getting frustrating.


17 bags?


Dude I must have opened about 50 or more of the things by the time i hit valor 60. and I stopped collecting bags at 55 and jast sat on 1k warzone and 1k merc and the completed dailies and weeklies until i hit 60.

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You're almost valor 60 and have only opened 17 bags?





......I think we know who was in Illum after the patch!


Haha no. 17 bags since the last item I have got. The total, I'm sure is over 50 easy. But I did not start in illum till after they made it an actual big boy pvp area. I heard it was easy mode beforehand.



You have to say "WInner Winner Chicken Dinner" before opening the bag to get actual loot.


Haha at least this made me laugh. :D:D

Edited by DarthHarlem
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So I'm almost at valor 60 and I am having the hardest time getting champion items. Currently, I have opened 17 bags with no love.


17! :eek:


So I'm wondering, is there some trick to this? I see people in full champ gear all the time but I get no love. I did get a lightsabor drop and I was all happy. Although, the choices I got were only the dual lightsabor, which I could not use and two implants. The dual lightsabor was not grey so I thought I could use it. Nope! Ha my fault, I'll take that. I should have grabbed one of the implants. Even though a lightsabor that I could use was not a selection. Anyway, I'm getting off track.


So is there anything I'm doing wrong? Should I open them in war-zones or something? This is getting frustrating.


Here's what I do: your mileage may vary.


I gather no less than 10 bags at a time.


I then take a set of white oil paints from my cousin, the artist. I use my pinky finger to draw the voodoo symbol of peace and prosperty upon my monitor. I then begin the practice of ritual cleansing, removing all my clothes and lighting incense. I then begin a Gregorian Chant that lasts no less than 10 minutes before I assign each bag a character in the Chinese alphabet and open them in order of the Emperors' names in Ancient China, from the Zhou dynasty onward.


I have had great success with this method, I recommend it.


TLDR: Bags suck.

Edited by McVade
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Pvp bags giving me frustration.. what am I doing wrong?


17! :eek:


Well one thing you are doing is playing an MMO and getting worked up about loot. That's a romance that's bound to end in bitter disappointment.


And two....almost 60 valor and only 17 bags? I'm 53 valor and Ive probably opened at least 150 bags.

Edited by Elyree
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What I've noticed is the people that get mainhand weapons don't get a big opportunity for anything else. The people like myself that has gotten every other item is having the darndest time getting my main hand. I hit 60 Valor last night.


This is what I've observed through my guildmates.

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