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Why can't we run our companions through the character creator?


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So obviously some companions won't make it since their race isn't a playable option.


But if their race is a playable option, why can't we run them through a version of the character creator to actually make them what we want to look like.


Example. we get the Bounty Hunter Companion Mako. We are then taken to the screen where we can customize her. (or a NPC). Some aspects will be locked. She is already a female cyborg so we don't even have the option of changing race or sex. But because of camera angles body type might also need to be locked.


Outside of that, why can't we change her implants, hair colour, eye colour, skin, scars .. everything.


Being able to design our companions how we like shouldn't be this complicated

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Agreed, I'd love to see this -- or something with a similar effect, like having companion barber coupons, surgery clinic coupons, tanning salon coupons, etc. Honestly I was quite surprised by how limited the companion customization is.


Because companions aren't robots or just dolls with dresses, but actual beings that have lives their own personalities and such?


If anything, I think this would lead to more people keeping their companion's looks closer to the original, particularly if companion customization was done one "piece" at a time like with a coupon method. Often there is just one or two things about a companion that people want to change, but they have no choice but to get a completely different look if they want to change that one thing.

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Because companions aren't robots or just dolls with dresses, but actual beings that have lives their own personalities and such?


You're being sarcastic, right? They have 8 options that you can customize them with. You know, 8 outfits.


They don't have lives, because they are pixels in a computer game...


I mean, keep them the same gender and race, but why not be able to make them however you want?


I'll sign this... :)

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well i dont think we need a full characater creator and im sure there not going to give us one but some other specific sliders and cosmetic options would be nice instead of just the heres 3-12 options of what they can look like :/
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Not so bothered about companions yet i think our own customisation is a higher priority.


We do need in game customisation. But if companion customisation was to come in also i wouldnt say no to it.


Yes, our own customization is certainly more important. Although that is already on the list, and I imagine a similar mechanic being used to change both our own avatars and companions. So I'm suggesting it now with hopes it might get enough attention and maybe be added when we can finally alter our own apperance.




Because Mako (and all companions) are NPCs, for the same reason you can't customize Master Satele Shan.


Companions have to be the same on every server, every character's quest line.


None of that makes sense. Did you read my post? You can already alter the apperance of companions. You simply pick from presets. All I am saying, is use the character creator to make Mako (or applicable companion) how you want. Maybe you like Mako preset 3 but you wish it had preset 5's hair and preset 4's cybernetics. Right now you have to choose. I'm saying, give us the ability to use something similar to the character creator and alter these details. It is just an expanded version of the preset system. It isn't radially changing the character in any way.


Obviously gender and race can't be changed. And some restrictions like height may also need to be put in place. Star Trek Online, gives you as much flexibility as the character creator (again limiting you from changing race or gender) when creating Bridge Officers.


This is something I see putting in either along with or after we get the ability to alter our own characters. But it's something I'd like to put out there to think about.

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