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The end of an era. Farewell hidden strike


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operatives got buffed in pvp. so if you're a pvp player quit whining.


ROFL ....OK. I can now stunlock a single opponent and perhaps get a kill if nobody else jumps in during this stunlock. I can then wait for the cooldown to do it again.


So lets see I might be able to average a single kill every minute, so that would be about 15 kills a game IF nobody interferes during the stunlocks.


You guys are kidding yourselves if you think this spec will still be good because stunlock is longer.


You are in for a rude awakening especially at the L50 bracket where gear and a better chance of fighting skilled/experienced players comes into play.


The concealment spec did not get balanced but rather it got destroyed by a knee jerk reaction.


What I really find funny is the thought of how much money they paid somebody to code that spec only to make it useless about a month after release. Comical :D

Edited by Hellapain
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lol I keep seeing people say this, when has op/scoundrel been the high pop flavor of anything? On my server there are like 4 Scoundrel's and 2 of them heal. While I see 2-4 Sages every Warzone and 1-3 Commandos.


I'd noticed this as well. Even before the nerfs went up on the patch notes, my server had 1 Agent (either spec) for every 10-15 Inquistors on. I've never seen more than 3 50 Agents (again, either spec) online at a time. We're grossly under represeented, which tells me they weren't as good as everyone said they were.

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Operatives were the Scissors to the casters' Paper. If we're not supposed to be able to kill a lightly-armored player 1-on-1 more often than not, then what niche are we supposed to fill?


The niche of complaining constantly that you don't get a fair shake! Good Job!

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operatives got buffed in pvp. so if you're a pvp player quit whining.


Just mouthpiece. Care to enlighten us what you exactly mean, and what you propose to change this "OPness" without breaking a class or the balance? Thank you for your creative post.

Edited by zaknaphein
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lol I keep seeing people say this, when has op/scoundrel been the high pop flavor of anything? On my server there are like 4 Scoundrel's and 2 of them heal. While I see 2-4 Sages every Warzone and 1-3 Commandos.


Nearly every warzone I'm in has at least 4-5 operatives. It's awesome for cooperatively ambushing players, but yeah, I see tons and tons of them on my server.


it could have something to do with it being a pvp server. stealth classes are always more popular on pvp servers.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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Nearly every warzone I'm in has at least 4-5 operatives. It's awesome for cooperatively ambushing players, but yeah, I see tons and tons of them on my server.


it could have something to do with it being a pvp server. stealth classes are always more popular on pvp servers.


PVP server as well. Normally I'm the only concealment op. Sometimes 2 on my team. Most in a Huttball I've ever seen was 4 (2 per side). I've tend to see more lethality these days.

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Hmm, well maybe I'm just imagining that I see them so often. I can't honestly tell the difference between a lethality and concealment spec, we're both stealthing around and I'm paying too much attention to who I'm stabbing to see the abilities my team mates are using.


Some I see are healers, but I never see any less than 3 in huttball on my own team. Snipers are pretty rare, I only ever see about 1 every other match on my team.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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One-on-one there is noone i cant kill - im level 42 in the warzone.


After the nerf i doubt much will change.


Sorcs and Mercs are impossible to kill if you meet a skilled player, lucky enough most are FOTM rollers.

Edited by DaniWes
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Jugs get 4.5-5k AOEs when specced right. Got two [well geared] in my guild I've seen first hand and had it happen to me by Pubs.







All aboard the next nerf train tootoo


Also I rarely if ever see more than one Op per max lvl WZ and am also on a PVP server. Low lvl WZ are a different story entirely.

Edited by Itshotpocket
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Anyone who didn't admit that Concealment needed to be toned down is being dishonest with themselves or is just plain bad. Being able to take off 50% of someone's health in 3 seconds was overpowered.


That said, I think they did go a bit overboard with the nerfs (especially without addressing some other Operative issues, like gap closers). I'd personally like to see them increase Operative ranged attack range from 10m to 15m (including Sever Tendon), which should help avoid some of the issues we have.


Other classes can take off 50% of my health (16k) in 3 seconds. And they don't have to be in stealth to do it. Give me a break. If our former burst were truly as op as you claim it was? Then we'd be rolling 1v1 fights every single time. As it turns out, not only was that false, but there were classes that even if we burst them down to 30%, could get up and squish us from 100-0 before their resolve ran out.


We'll see what this new stunlock does for our ability to 1v1 people at least, but otherwise our ability to provide burst on high priority targets are gone. And guess what, all that's left is our previously mediocre damage, which was nudged into further mediocrity.

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