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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Unofficial] Day 3 Invite Waves


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This is dissapointing. The early access should be based on when you registered I agree. My friends registered way after me and they are in as of yesterday. I am still here wondering why I gave them my moeny? At this point I know I will be tossed a tokey day before go live invite as if that will placate me

I paid early to get in early. They should let us in based on when we registered our codes.

Very dissapointed with Bioware and EA


It is based on when you registered your codes. I think your friends might be messing with you.. :p

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This is dissapointing. The early access should be based on when you registered I agree. My friends registered way after me and they are in as of yesterday. I am still here wondering why I gave them my moeny? At this point I know I will be tossed a tokey day before go live invite as if that will placate me

I paid early to get in early. They should let us in based on when we registered our codes.

Very dissapointed with Bioware and EA





and be sure to check your spam filter so you dont miss the mails

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anyone notice how calm this group is? by this time yesterday people we throwing tantrums left and right.

funny that before leaving a few people made posts telling us how terrible it was going to be on subsequent days. especially about the december crowd. But i find (generally speaking) that those who pre-ordered later are more accepting of the situation than the july-septmeber crowd.

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anyone notice how calm this group is? by this time yesterday people we throwing tantrums left and right.

funny that before leaving a few people made posts telling us how terrible it was going to be on subsequent days. especially about the december crowd. But i find (generally speaking) that those who pre-ordered later are more accepting of the situation than the july-septmeber crowd.


There is probably an element of truth in this statement, but also dont forget that we are now used to this situation and most are resigned to the fact that they are going go be underleveled and disadvantaged when they eventually enter the game.

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anyone notice how calm this group is? by this time yesterday people we throwing tantrums left and right.

funny that before leaving a few people made posts telling us how terrible it was going to be on subsequent days. especially about the december crowd. But i find (generally speaking) that those who pre-ordered later are more accepting of the situation than the july-septmeber crowd.


LMAO you should have seen the 12/13 EGA day about 800 pages of rage

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This is dissapointing. The early access should be based on when you registered I agree. My friends registered way after me and they are in as of yesterday. I am still here wondering why I gave them my moeny? At this point I know I will be tossed a tokey day before go live invite as if that will placate me

I paid early to get in early. They should let us in based on when we registered our codes.

Very dissapointed with Bioware and EA


Lol I registered 07.11.09....yaaaaaaaaaaaah Id be one of the first people if that happend. but im not...but then again I got class today so W/e

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anyone notice how calm this group is? by this time yesterday people we throwing tantrums left and right.

funny that before leaving a few people made posts telling us how terrible it was going to be on subsequent days. especially about the december crowd. But i find (generally speaking) that those who pre-ordered later are more accepting of the situation than the july-septmeber crowd.


Probably most of us (myself included) expected to get 2, maybe 3 days of EGA, and now we found out we're getting all 5 or 4 at the minimum so you know, not much to rant about...

Edited by MemphisIX
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just saw this:


Email invite wave updates - December 15 | Today , 07:33 AM


Morning everyone!


We're starting to send out more invites for today.


Here's the good news: overnight we decided to send out more invites than we had originally planned. However, we'll be spacing those invites out, which means we'll have more 'waves' than the previous four-per-day. We are inviting more people today than we did during yesterday.


I'll update this thread as we send invites. As a reminder, we're also updating our official Twitter accounts (@SWTOR, @SWTOR_FR and @SWTOR_DE) with the invites as they sent; that'll be more up-to-the-minute than this post.


For anyone who's not yet been invited, remember to have the email address no-reply@bioware.swtor.com in your address book so it doesn't hit spam filters.


Assuming you have the SWTOR client installed, you can also periodically launch it. If you're ready to go your 'play' button will be click-able.


Wave One was sent at 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET).




so perhaps there's hope after all!

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anyone notice how calm this group is? by this time yesterday people we throwing tantrums left and right.

funny that before leaving a few people made posts telling us how terrible it was going to be on subsequent days. especially about the december crowd. But i find (generally speaking) that those who pre-ordered later are more accepting of the situation than the july-septmeber crowd.


Basement Dwellers

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Good news guys!


"Here's the good news: overnight we decided to send out more invites than we had originally planned. However, we'll be spacing those invites out, which means we'll have more 'waves' than the previous four-per-day. We are inviting more people today than we did during yesterday." from Stephen Reid's new post.


Find it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=276764

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Originally Posted by Boshlord

I registered on 10-24-11 and still not in. Think the dates might be a little scewed. hoping on the next wave


Try logging in dude emails could be delayed if you have tried this then I feel for you


Im not bothering with the email. But I wont give up because the force is strong in this one. I just hope I can be pwning noobs tonight in warzones. Made an awesome mix just for my time PVPing today

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May I point out something obvious ?


The Early Access was supposed to START TODAY......


If you got in before today, consider yourself lucky...


If you get in by the end of the day...Grats, you have 100% of your :"UP TO 5 days"


And if you're A BIT unlucky you'll get in tomorrow...


I preordered dec the 13th so I will probably be in only tomorrow...4 days of early access is not too bad...


Considering that in 2 months everyone will have at least one level 50...............Does it REALLY matter how long you still have to wait ?


I know some of you took days off for that but guys...IT WAS SUPPOSED TO START TODAY so.....Why did you take off before ?! lol


Please stop complaining, the wait is almost over and in the end...none of that will matter at the level cap

Edited by stmart
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