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Cheating in WZ's and Ilum pvp


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Basicly here is some ranting about the current pvp system.

Sorry for my ranting but in my opinion it is about time i ranted some!

So we have reported the same person about 10x in the last week with several players and Bioware does not even care apparently.

The guy keeps on playing and is not banned.

Apparenlty they do not care that people cheat apparently they do not care it ruins the whole gameplay.

I even decided to stop playing for this evening basicly because there is nothing done about people who abuse the system.


We have seen people teleport in huttbal.

We have seen people stand in the door so they couldnt get interrupted while placing bombs in Voidstar

We have seen more then enough teleports in Civil war.

And i have reported several and i know allot of other people have.

But do they do anything about this?

No they apparently do not care what happens within the game.


So basicly im a bit tired of Bioware not careing about people abusing the gameplay.

You see people get bans for looting high lvl lockboxes in Ilum but who gives a rats *** about that if people cheat during pvp and can use some of these in other content as well.

And yes people will always cheat but to give a automated bot responds saying that the problem with the game mechanic will be looked into to.

In other words.. i dont care that people use it and "maybe" we will fix it.


Also Ilum pvp. From having a way to easy and barely used PVP zone to a barely useable zone. As a healer like me who comes home at 19.00 GMT+1 we have no chance to even do the ilum daily's because there are barely any people around anymore.. People show up at 13.00 GMT+1 and at 18.00 GMT+1 but as soon as all have what thye need they are out. And also 30 kills is way to much and makes it a full playtime job for most of us people who have a life outside of the game. The 3 WZ's are fair and it is doable.

But for certain classes the 30 kills on Ilum just make them skip the zone.

The problem is not only the lag.. its the imbalance in the battles.. Last time on our server 20 Republic vs 80+ Imperials. And how can this be fair in ANY way? You have no balance to sides on your servers.. we could not leave our spawns to farm armaments we could only wait for 1 player to pull someone in and be happy if you hit it fast enough or heal just in time to get that kill.

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Only time my character has ever "teleported" is when I hit charge right as I get CC'd and it doesn't show the charge graphic and just moves me to where the charge woulda landed where I'm sitting there CC'd.


And I can't control when people CC me, so this "bug" really can't be exploited.


I have seen people use /stuck on Huttball to get back to the starting zone to prevent a score. That's pretty broken.

Edited by Semitote
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Also Ilum pvp. From having a way to easy and barely used PVP zone to a barely useable zone. As a healer like me who comes home at 19.00 GMT+1 we have no chance to even do the ilum daily's because there are barely any people around anymore.. People show up at 13.00 GMT+1 and at 18.00 GMT+1 but as soon as all have what thye need they are out. And also 30 kills is way to much and makes it a full playtime job for most of us people who have a life outside of the game. The 3 WZ's are fair and it is doable.

But for certain classes the 30 kills on Ilum just make them skip the zone.

The problem is not only the lag.. its the imbalance in the battles.. Last time on our server 20 Republic vs 80+ Imperials. And how can this be fair in ANY way? You have no balance to sides on your servers.. we could not leave our spawns to farm armaments we could only wait for 1 player to pull someone in and be happy if you hit it fast enough or heal just in time to get that kill.


You forgot to mention the "kill trading" between certain guilds, hiding in some dead end cave

or holes in the mountains, taking turns to aoe themselves down and then use /stuck

after they rezzed to instantly pop back up where they died. And so on....and so on.

Screenshots have been taken, craploads of tickets have been sent and guess what?




Meanwhile players grouped up to bust those "fight clubs" only to have them move from

ilum 1 to ilum 2 to a different location. By the time they got found again they already

cheated themselves a couple k valor already. *sigh*

Edited by Zylarz
OMG typo
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I see this all the time. Especially with jedi Knights. They Teleport to a ally team member, then teleport to a enemy player and they've gone across half the field of hutball in like 2 seconds. Sometime they will finish it up and teleport to a sage at the ledge/goal line. I really don't think this is fair at all.
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Not sure if troll or uninformed but I'll be optimistic and tell you that sages have a force pull ability usable on team mates.


As well as if its a JK guardian with the ball, force leap to the enemy closest to the goal, Guardian leap to a friendly player, force pull by the sage=lots of ground covered and great teamwork.

Edited by Brutem
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I see this all the time. Especially with jedi Knights. They Teleport to a ally team member, then teleport to a enemy player and they've gone across half the field of hutball in like 2 seconds. Sometime they will finish it up and teleport to a sage at the ledge/goal line. I really don't think this is fair at all.


you do realize that they are using their class skills they have a charge to a friendly player and a charge to an hostile player and the sage "teleport" is done by the sage who can pull friendlies to him/her. That´s just game mechanics nothing about cheating there.

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As well as if its a JK guardian with the ball, force leap to the enemy closest to the goal, Guardian leap to a friendly player, force pull by the sage=lots of ground covered and great teamwork.


I forgot Guardian / Jugg can get leap to ally @ 50.

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Oke, there is a big difference between a leap and a teleport.

Several people have confirmed the teleporting.. and i mean pick up ball and get a score within 2 seconds.

Literaly 2 seconds.. just insta on end line.. no sages.. no JK's or jugg's.

I have seen a agent and a smuggler do it.

Yes also people on my side.

And i dont care which side does it. I hate the fact that it is being done and people are allowed to do it.

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I've got called for exploiting once, which wasn't my fault. My graphics got bugged so it looked like I was just standing there with my hands at my sides, yet my abilities went on as normal. So it looked like I was teleporting all over the place when in actuality I was using my jet charge.


But I have seen a few exploits before. Like a sage cap a tower in Alderaan while in stealth and my flame sweep couldn't damage him. Seen a smuggler jump from the bottom of the pit in Huttball to a sorcerer at our goal. And a few other ones here and there.


Thankfully most of the people who want ez mode tokens on my server are afk farmers.

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Oke, there is a big difference between a leap and a teleport.

Several people have confirmed the teleporting.. and i mean pick up ball and get a score within 2 seconds.

Literaly 2 seconds.. just insta on end line.. no sages.. no JK's or jugg's.

I have seen a agent and a smuggler do it.

Yes also people on my side.

And i dont care which side does it. I hate the fact that it is being done and people are allowed to do it.


I didn't say that no one had found a way to do it, I said I have yet to see it on either side on my server.

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I haven't seen any teleporters on the Warriors of the Shadow server. So far this game for me has been blessedly free of hackers, macro'ers, and cheaters. Which is a huge relief. I came from DCUO where cheating was rampant and everywhere. That's one place where this game excels for me.
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Let's not forget the ship exploit where you can overpopulation the WZ 12:8 by queueing in your ship. Automatic win anyone?


I'd call that a bug and not a exploit. As I'm sure tons of people que for pvp from ship soly cause its quicker to load back into after the match to get into another game. And how does the average user know that quing from the ship causes this. I've qued up several time in Ilum, and entered games where we have 10 players on our team. So Is it cause I qued up in a pvp zone to another pvp zone? What places are safe to que up in?

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