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How does BW's art team determine *this* should be high lvl armor?


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I know the Blackhole troopers, but they bear little resemblance to the Imperial Agent in my opinion, they were more a crack military squad.


I have an IA and if I can end up wearing the classic Imp. uniform I'll be pretty happy.


As I said though, I do think that uniform looks all the worse due to your lack of AA and the low res textures.

fair enough.

pity we couldnt have Moff-looking AND some heavier looking armor sets to pick and choose from, make everyone a lil happy

Edited by ThePirateMD
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except one of the IA trees is called OPERATIVE?


and then there's one called SNIPER?


hmm, yea, no, a stealth operative and a sniper are both totally more military spec-ops focused


An operative is an intelligence agent. I'm not sure why you're focusing on that because it's contrary to your argument. A sniper isn't necessarily military at all, also being employed by police forces and covert agencies. Regardless, a sniper, military or not, would never wear body armor.

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This looks very underwhelming


Shouldnt a high level agent lOOK like a special ops soldier, or stealthy, or SOMETHING other than these officer pajamas we get??


I know stormtroopers are a few thousand years away, but at least give us some cool armor like this


Look, if you want over the top armour, go play wow, or tera when it comes out.


Personally I find it refreshing that there is at least some realistic armour and weapons in the game.

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Can you even put Epic Rakata PvE mods into orange armor?

If so that would solve the problem temporarily, But IMO the high level gear should look like traditional SW gear..


Jedi/Sith = Robes


BH/Trooper = Stormtrooper like gear


IA/Smuggler = Han Solo/Grand Moff Tarkin


My god would I kill to look just like Peter Cushing.

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intelligence operators would probably wear the clothing that the people on whatever planet/city that theyre active in wear. maybe like... space-kevlar if they knew they were about to go into a dangerous fight.


they also probably would trade in their sniper rifle for a pistol or some sort of compact weapon but hey pick your battles.


either way, heavy battle armor would be entirely out of place on a CIA operator type character. so would a military uniform in almost every case, too. what would fit the most would be like... Uncle Owen robes, or something. or like a shirt and pants.


but that isnt exciting is it?

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Truth is they could do a bit better. No one asked for armour platings in everyone or extreme looks, but truth be told... the 3 tiers of pvp gear all look the same and they just change color slightly... this is quite bad. Getting battlemaster is a pain, I would at least expect a bit different approach.


And as far as the sniper/operative goes, there have been green and blue armor sets at low levels that looked totally cool and I wouldn't mind wearing at the end game (some sort of matrix like coats).


At least lets all agree that they COULD do a bit better with end-game armors...

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HAHA, now *this* explains some of the ridiculous armor pieces we've been seeing


And also the amount of bugs and glitches. Outsourcing is NOT the answer to game development especially when it also involves language barriers. I can only 'lol' at what a bug report from India looks like after a translation into English. Half the bugs probably are here despite Q/A reporting them but the devs couldn't make heads or tails of the report detailing them.


I've seen where Q/A teams were assigned to all do a task, take notes, and gather around at 9am the next morning in front of the devs and report their findings. That obviously doesn't happen in this game and is instead mostly involving text discussions and Google translator.

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Can you even put Epic Rakata PvE mods into orange armor?

If so that would solve the problem temporarily, But IMO the high level gear should look like traditional SW gear..


Jedi/Sith = Robes


BH/Trooper = Stormtrooper like gear


IA/Smuggler = Han Solo/Grand Moff Tarkin


Please, no more robes... cloak, tunic & pants is more Jedi-ish than a dress.

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You can't change your look ones you start getting set pieces.

The PvE sets are fixed and all sets look the same (Tionese, Columi, Rakata).

So it's utter bollocks that I can look the way I want to.

What makes it worse is that the design is just so ugly that it's incomprehensible how anyone could look at them and say, "now thats epic lv50". :rolleyes:

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From everything in that picture you are worried about the outfit? Check out your hair! Or your eyes... It's like Grandma super IA or something. You shouldn't be on Ilum, you should be in a rocking chair knitting a sweater!


lmao. its a pic from the sniper forum, not mine.

but the chiss girl looks like she has a space STD

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More variety in equipment would be an excellent thing. Definitely in favor of it.


Having said that, I very much like the 'officer' style clothing. My biggest complaint is instant head-shave that goes with the hats. I understand the art/programming limitations that exist with hats and hair, but I desperately hope Bioware finds a way around it.


Other colors of the uniforms would also be welcome, as we have seen green, black, and white (at least) in the canon.

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