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What the real rage quitter does


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They don't just unsubscribe. They unsubscribe, delete all their characters, and then uninstall the game. That pretty much guarrantees you wont's return to the game.


With STO I unsubscribed 6 weeks after launch, and never logged back in. I could login now for free, and delete those characters, but what would be the point. I have not been there in almost 2 years.


I'll eventually get around to doing all the things in the first paragraph. I haven't logged into the game in 2 days, because of a lack of desire, and dread. There is a very slight chance this game will redeem itself within the next 30 days, but in all liklihood no. I think now it's not a question of desire on their part. I believe that decisions made during the design phase of this game just don't have a workaround.

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A rage quit is when you are so emotionally upset that you declare you will never play again. If you are really impaired, you will log onto the forums and berate the game and its developers because you didn't enjoy X. After you calm down you realize you were just being hyperbolic and return to the game.


What you described follows a degree of logical progression and is therefore never performed by rage quitters as their emotions cloud their judgement. Instead, the people doing what you described are those who have taken a logical inventory of their time investment to enjoyment ratio and decided that they are going to look elsewhere.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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A rage quit is when you are so emotionally upset that you declare you will never play again. If you are really impaired, you will log onto the forums and berate the game and its developers because you didn't enjoy X. After you calm down you realize you were just being hyperbolic and return to the game.


What you described follows a degree of logical progression and is therefore never performed by rage quitters as their emotions cloud their judgement. Instead, the people doing what you described are those who have taken a logical inventory of their time investment to enjoyment ratio and decided that they are going to look elsewhere.


Well basically who cares.... Unless you keep posting in the forums while unsubbed due to rage quit.

Logic... rage quitting its all about running away from the pain. Although sometimes followed by an illogical attempt to cause the game and its players pain to mask your own.


I mean honestly if they were logical they would sell the account.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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and then post on forum a fresh thread declaring it.


Even worse are the ones that continue to log in playing a game they hate and tell any1 and every1 they can why they hate it so much. And usually it because they can't have a lightsabre the colour they imagined 6 months ago or they don't have a move that they think their class should have out of the infinite permutation of all things possible.


Or the people that log in and whine about things you never heard them mention before, and then you realise it is because they read it on a infectious forum, and it is now their opinion too!


or the ones that plain think if they die it isn't their fault, it is BW's fault. BTW what is ability delay and animations bug? I only ever experienced this when I am too far from my enemy or during a slight bit of lag.


Having said that this game is on the way out. The most pathetic attempt at open PvP, I can only imagine they thought the players would make it happen, I suspect they thought the best thing about DAOC was Emain. But in DAOC we had keeps/relics for long term enjoyment, and all other kinds of richness. Open PvP has suspense/intrigue/drama, imbalanced odds, fair and unfair fight, long and short term tactics and fun.

Oh and 3 warzones. lol. 3. The original answer to balanced PvP (teams) but oh so formulaic/repetitive. Yet the PvP mechanics are there, the classes are great, my sentinel is much fun.

Edited by Outlawe
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