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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question isn't "if", it is "when"


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Im shocked it was Op's that they went after first,really i was,im still in disbelief that the inquis/sorcs havent even been hinted at being touched.


Im not even going to list all the reasons why,but like i said in another thread if there is too much of something most often then not it's too good,or in gaming terms OP.

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So you want to nerf them because there's a lot of them?


Solid logic.... Too bad there's not a mirror of them on the other side.... oh wait...


Yeah, I looked for the true mirror on the Republic side but couldn't find it.


Snarkyness aside, when people say a certain class like Sorc, I just assume that they mean the mirror too.

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Im shocked it was Op's that they went after first,really i was,im still in disbelief that the inquis/sorcs havent even been hinted at being touched.


Im not even going to list all the reasons why,but like i said in another thread if there is too much of something most often then not it's too good,or in gaming terms OP.


There are so many sorcerers because lots of people find shooting lightning out of their hands fun. There's nothing to nerf.


The only thing that would need changing is making the other classes as much fun, not more powerful.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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So you want to nerf them because there's a lot of them?


Solid logic.... Too bad there's not a mirror of them on the other side.... oh wait...


Ive seen that exact comment so may times i knew it was coming in this thread ,fact of the matter is,is that these groups that are common with 4 to 5 or even 8 sorcs are Imperial 90% of the time or more.


You guys are soo unoriginal,must be generational or something.

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So 90% of the games have 5+ Sorcs in them, when are you going to nerf the **** out of this class already?


yawn....lost count of the games lately where there have been only one or two sages on our team. QQ much?


Is someone sensitive because he/she either got :


1- his class nerfed

2- his team outplayed

3- can't 1x1 a class?


Enough of the nerf threads..

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and I guess your generation is a bunch of care bares who can't figure out how to kill a glass cannon with a hammer so goes and cries to mommy and daddy to make the game easier.


l2p baddies


This. :|


Just because you cannot beat a class / player doesn't mean that class is OP and needs to be nerfed. Maybe you just need to be better.

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There are so many sorcerers because lots of people find shooting lightning out of their hands fun. There's nothing to nerf.


The only thing that would need changing is making the other classes as much fun, not more powerful.


Your logic explains why people who roll a sorc, but not why they would stick to one all the way to 50. The plain truth is that Sorcs/Consulars are a great class, which often has an edge in PvP situations.


I'll be honest, I have a 48 Vanguard and I hate fighting sorcs. However, I like to think that I'm wise enough to realize that perfect balance will never be reached and that there are always going to be classes that are on top and classes that are on bottom.


So, you have the choice of bending to the game or trying to make the game bend to you. If you choose the latter (as so many around here do), you're bound for disappointment.

Edited by IlexGlabra
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Ive seen that exact comment so may times i knew it was coming in this thread ,fact of the matter is,is that these groups that are common with 4 to 5 or even 8 sorcs are Imperial 90% of the time or more.


You guys are soo unoriginal,must be generational or something.


I can't help it if logic prevails and you're ignorant.


Just because there's lots of them doesn't mean they're OP, it means they're popular. Also there is a mirror. This is a problem of faction imbalance more than anything. People like shooting lightning out of their hands and having "MORE POWAAA" because of the lore and the usage of the class in the movies, nothing more.


The fact that there's a ton of them makes them seem OP because they're everywhere, sometimes the majority of a WZ.


Stop confusing faction imbalance with OPness.


It's not about being unoriginal. Sometimes the truth is obvious and thus gets repeated cuz it's true.

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The fact that there's a ton of them makes them seem OP because they're everywhere, sometimes the majority of a WZ.

I'm a big fan of the idea that correlation is not causation, but generally speaking, the most popular class in an MMO's PvP is usually the most powerful one.


I think that it may be worth considering that people also love playing sorcs because they are a great class with which to PvP.

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Seeing 5+ Sorcs in every warzone is exactly the reason why they will NOT be nerfed (whether they actually need it or not).

Nerfing a class that makes 40% (random number) of your player population is not a good strategic choice.

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I'm a big fan of the idea that correlation is not causation, but generally speaking, the most popular class in an MMO's PvP is usually the most powerful one.


I think that it may be worth considering that people also love playing sorcs because they are a great class with which to PvP.


For that justification, I think you should look more at "top tier" players rather than just your run of the mill Warzone with everyone doing their dialies / mucking around / etc.

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This. :|


Just because you cannot beat a class / player doesn't mean that class is OP and needs to be nerfed. Maybe you just need to be better.


Yeah this argument is as valid as the "run outta line of sight, dude" one. It is so dumb there are even no words to describe it.


The games are full of sorcs cause they are so ridiculous OP its not even funny anymore. Utility to the max with damage and no cost + survivability that almost never fails.


Try to LoS 4 sorcs channeling their slow + 1200 damage ticks + force regen + self buff on your forever and ever and ever...

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Yeah this argument is as valid as the "run outta line of sight, dude" one. It is so dumb there are even no words to describe it.


The games are full of sorcs cause they are so ridiculous OP its not even funny anymore. Utility to the max with damage and no cost + survivability that almost never fails.


Try to LoS 4 sorcs channeling their slow + 1200 damage ticks + force regen + self buff on your forever and ever and ever...


Read other posts please.

Faction imbalance does not equal opness.

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This. :|


Just because you cannot beat a class / player doesn't mean that class is OP and needs to be nerfed. Maybe you just need to be better.


Sorcs stack too well and you know it. How do you get better at not getting lit up by 6 sorcs? Oh, you don't even try.

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and I guess your generation is a bunch of care bares who can't figure out how to kill a glass cannon with a hammer so goes and cries to mommy and daddy to make the game easier.


l2p baddies


So as soon as they are a glass cannon, then we can talk. As right now they are not. Period. It's like trying to kill a Paladin who does ranged mage damage.

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I usually see more sorcs out there than sages on our side. 1 sorc is hell to deal with but 5+ sorcs , which is increasingly the case , is a nightmare. Its not even about force lightning its that damn absorb shield and when theres more sorcs there are more absorb shields.


Now its completely true that republic has sages to do the same thing so clearly sorcs as a class are not overpowered but they ( and sages) are probably the most effective in numbers of the same class type. I'd take half a team of sorcs and sages over any other class for example.


The only ability I have somewhat of an issue with is that damn absorb shield , especially with multiple sorcs/sages. It's so hard to fight them with that up on demand. I also wish more republic would play sages but I understand that ppl want to play for fun and don't want to be forced to go sage ( the aesthically weak version of sorc) simply because empire players are rolling sorcs left and right.


It's a tough nut to crack. I don't want the sorc/sage class really nerfed but A LOT of them is very frustrating. And lets address this absorption shield please , lol.

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I'm a big fan of the idea that correlation is not causation, but generally speaking, the most popular class in an MMO's PvP is usually the most powerful one.


I think that it may be worth considering that people also love playing sorcs because they are a great class with which to PvP.



I could understand that argument if they were the FOTM reroll class but they're not, Op's are. Sorc's were chosen at launch, for the most part, without any prior knowledge of beta or any evidence of anything being OP or not. They were chosen because people liked the idea and mechanics of the class, nothing more.


If 50% of WZ's were filled with merc's, people would be crying about merc's. You have to understand the mentality of MMO pvp'ers, they get owned, they get butthurt and they run to the forums to cry about it. This is how it works. Now add in the pervasiveness of a particular class and you exponentially increase the QQ. It's a matter of porportion.


I did not roll a sorc because they were OP. I hadn't read a blog or article or forum post about any class before I started. It appealed to my play style best which is does to most people in my opinion. It has a vast appeal and thus it has a vast membership.

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I can't help it if logic prevails and you're ignorant.


Just because there's lots of them doesn't mean they're OP, it means they're popular. Also there is a mirror. This is a problem of faction imbalance more than anything. People like shooting lightning out of their hands and having "MORE POWAAA" because of the lore and the usage of the class in the movies, nothing more.


The fact that there's a ton of them makes them seem OP because they're everywhere, sometimes the majority of a WZ.


Stop confusing faction imbalance with OPness.


It's not about being unoriginal. Sometimes the truth is obvious and thus gets repeated cuz it's true.


LOl no what it is,is this,you and your little buddys are grouped up with the other likeminded and you know that with so many of you drown the other into stunfests and get off those aoe heals etc

Then ofcourse there is your bubbles and really there is no point in debating with you,most of you have moved on to BM gear it was a laugth stunfest all the way there,never seen a larger group of joke's class wise in any game in all my years and justify it by saying "We like casting lightniing" get real man.

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