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So the Scoundrel/Operative nerf goes live soon.


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Just wanted to say a few words.


I felt no guilt when I made you my first kill for 4 medals.


I felt no pity when you tears streamed around the forum over how we needed nerfing.


I will feel no remorse as I continue to kill you albeit not quite so quickly because you never learned a thing.


I will feel joy when you cry that the nerf wasn't enough.


I will know peace when the nerfbat comes full circle and strikes those that would swing it first.



I've been killing even without flechette round, without shoot first and doing it with style, showing you all for what you really are....


A bunch of tracer missle/grav round spamming, keyboard turning, lightning spamming crybabies that could never deal with stealth classes in any other game and still never learned to this day.


I look forward to continuing to bathe in your tears and laughing as the nerfbat swings your way, it'll happen so don't get too comfortable at the top of the food chain, it doesn't last!

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This is goin to be great, didn't really have much problem with guys at all after the consumable nerf.


Now, however, I'm gona be able to do some dancing, smiling and laughing...before I deliver the killing blow on you stealthies.

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Just wanted to say a few words.


I felt no guilt when I made you my first kill for 4 medals.


I felt no pity when you tears streamed around the forum over how we needed nerfing.


I will feel no remorse as I continue to kill you albeit not quite so quickly because you never learned a thing.


I will feel joy when you cry that the nerf wasn't enough.


I will know peace when the nerfbat comes full circle and strikes those that would swing it first.



I've been killing even without flechette round, without shoot first and doing it with style, showing you all for what you really are....


A bunch of tracer missle/grav round spamming, keyboard turning, lightning spamming crybabies that could never deal with stealth classes in any other game and still never learned to this day.


I look forward to continuing to bathe in your tears and laughing as the nerfbat swings your way, it'll happen so don't get too comfortable at the top of the food chain, it doesn't last!


u mad bro?


tbh ops don't really need to be nerfed. You're mostly right, people are bad and don' adapt very well, but your post still comes off like a qq fest.

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Just wanted to say a few words.


I felt no guilt when I made you my first kill for 4 medals.


I felt no pity when you tears streamed around the forum over how we needed nerfing.


I will feel no remorse as I continue to kill you albeit not quite so quickly because you never learned a thing.


I will feel joy when you cry that the nerf wasn't enough.


I will know peace when the nerfbat comes full circle and strikes those that would swing it first.



I've been killing even without flechette round, without shoot first and doing it with style, showing you all for what you really are....


A bunch of tracer missle/grav round spamming, keyboard turning, lightning spamming crybabies that could never deal with stealth classes in any other game and still never learned to this day.


I look forward to continuing to bathe in your tears and laughing as the nerfbat swings your way, it'll happen so don't get too comfortable at the top of the food chain, it doesn't last!


The nerf was perfect I think.

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Just wanted to say a few words.


I felt no guilt when I made you my first kill for 4 medals.


I felt no pity when you tears streamed around the forum over how we needed nerfing.


I will feel no remorse as I continue to kill you albeit not quite so quickly because you never learned a thing.


I will feel joy when you cry that the nerf wasn't enough.


I will know peace when the nerfbat comes full circle and strikes those that would swing it first.



I've been killing even without flechette round, without shoot first and doing it with style, showing you all for what you really are....


A bunch of tracer missle/grav round spamming, keyboard turning, lightning spamming crybabies that could never deal with stealth classes in any other game and still never learned to this day.


I look forward to continuing to bathe in your tears and laughing as the nerfbat swings your way, it'll happen so don't get too comfortable at the top of the food chain, it doesn't last!


I will enjoy coming out of a operatives opener with my break on CD @ 50% rather than 20%.


And I will feel no remorse when you figure out that you really are not as good as you thought, then have the feeling of regret that you rolled that class to begin with =)

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u mad bro?


tbh ops don't really need to be nerfed. You're mostly right, people are bad and don' adapt very well, but your post still comes off like a qq fest.


A Smuggler hit me for 5339 yesterday, which is more than a third of my health. He then proceeded to hit me for 3500 twice. At which point I couldn't do anything but die. As a Juggernaut that is ridiculous.


I have 10.64% Expertise. That kind of damage on someone who is only missing 1 Champion implant and the focus is crazy.


They needed the nerf.


Hopefully with this nerf they won't be instagibbing people and will play other specs.


I really think Lethality could be a good team play alternative for Operatives, it's just that no one tries it.

Edited by AidenPryde
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This is goin to be great, didn't really have much problem with guys at all after the consumable nerf.


Now, however, I'm gona be able to do some dancing, smiling and laughing...before I deliver the killing blow on you stealthies.


Already planned my respec, dropping K.O for turn the tables, flechette is classed as a bleed so I'll gain more than i lose since all my damaging skills gain extra damage and I lose reliance on shoot first.




I'm expecting the next bunch of QQ to fall onto Blaster Whip and Back Blast, it's going to be glorious.


ofc you can switch those points how you like, I prefer lower energy costs, but you could either drop holdout defence for Scar tissue or Anatomy lessons for Dirty escape, either works nicely.

Edited by Zarthorn
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Already planned my respec, dropping K.O for turn the tables, flechette is classed as a bleed so I'll gain more than i lose since all my damaging skills gain extra damage and I lose reliance on shoot first.




I'm expecting the next bunch of QQ to fall onto Blaster Whip and Back Blast, it's going to be glorious.


ofc you can switch those points how you like, I prefer lower energy costs, but you could either drop holdout defence for Scar tissue or Anatomy lessons for Dirty escape, either works nicely.


If you're "super spec" was so amazing, you would be using it instead of the cheap crap the class does now.


I smell BS, And guarantee you will be the first to QQ once you realize you are not as good as you think you are :)

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I will enjoy coming out of a operatives opener with my break on CD @ 50% rather than 20%.


And I will feel no remorse when you figure out that you really are not as good as you thought, then have the feeling of regret that you rolled that class to begin with =)


+1 to this

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If you're "super spec" was so amazing, you would be using it instead of the cheap crap the class does now.


I smell BS, And guarantee you will be the first to QQ once you realize you are not as good as you think you are :)


Awww really? Bless.


I have been killing people well before getting Shoot first and well before Flechette round and continued to do so even after, yes the average Op/Scoundrel has become so reliant on Shoot first and Flechette that they forget that we have back blast, dirty kick, pistol whip and sucker punch which puts out some solid dps. I played a Vigil/Def Guardian prior to my Scoundrel so I'm very much used to using more than 3 keys for dps.


And how many Scoundrels actually use vital shot? I never ever see any of them ever use it again because they have been so reliant on flechette and shoot first that they "forget" they can trigger round two with vital shot.


So for someone that keeps there bleeds up, yes that build will be better for me, but why change now when I can have so much fun K.O'ing 1 button spammers and listening to them rage?

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A Smuggler hit me for 5339 yesterday, which is more than a third of my health. He then proceeded to hit me for 3500 twice. At which point I couldn't do anything but die. As a Juggernaut that is ridiculous.


I have 10.64% Expertise. That kind of damage on someone who is only missing 1 Champion implant and the focus is crazy.


They needed the nerf.


Hopefully with this nerf they won't be instagibbing people and will play other specs.


I really think Lethality could be a good team play alternative for Operatives, it's just that no one tries it.


There's no way you only have 16k health as a Juggernaut with expertise that high.

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There's no way you only have 16k health as a Juggernaut with expertise that high.


I have 629 expertise on my Vengeance Jugg.


I have 4 Cent pieces, BM Ear/Implant, rest Champ.


With Endurance buff from BH I have about 15.5k HP.


I can be in Soresu form with 48% mitigation, and still not be able to get up from an Ops opener with more then 50% of my hp left(if my break free is on cd, if it is I get up with maybe 60-70%). I would say on average I am below 50% more along 35-40% on most openers.


I think the nerfs were too much but they DID need a nerf. I'm hoping they change the full resolve bar from the knockdown to partial now since it's only 1.5 sec instead of 3.


Edit: I can screenshot it when I get home if people don't want to believe, it's not my fault the gear doesn't have the HP you guys think it does. My TANK gear(which I have about 9-10 pieces of thanks to duplicates...) can get me up into the 16k range though.


Screen proof: http://imageshack.us/f/593/crappyhp.png/

Edited by Dreadspectre
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if you like the class, youll keep playing it and find a way to succeed. If it turns out the nerf bat was swung too hard to the point where succeeding is severely jeopardized it will be looked at.


that being said it still seems odd you take the time to look into one specific tree of an ac, but dont take the time to address the other 2 that people have complaints/convern with in terms of needing improvement over nerfing.

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I have 629 expertise on my Vengeance Jugg.


I have 4 Cent pieces, BM Ear/Implant, rest Champ.


With Endurance buff from BH I have about 15.5k HP.


I can be in Soresu form with 48% mitigation, and still not be able to get up from an Ops opener with more then 50% of my hp left(if my break free is on cd, if it is I get up with maybe 60-70%). I would say on average I am below 50% more along 35-40% on most openers.


I think the nerfs were too much but they DID need a nerf. I'm hoping they change the full resolve bar from the knockdown to partial now since it's only 1.5 sec instead of 3.


Edit: I can screenshot it when I get home if people don't want to believe, it's not my fault the gear doesn't have the HP you guys think it does. My TANK gear(which I have about 9-10 pieces of thanks to duplicates...) can get me up into the 16k range though.


I would like to see that screenie you're talking about. Every jug I have to deal with in the 50 bracket has at least 20k hp (I've seen up to 23k), and undergeared ones have in the neighborhood of 17k. I never attack juggernauts at full health because it's like asking to get brutally murdered.


To compare, my scoundrel barely tops 15k with 540 expertise and the trooper buff.

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I would like to see that screenie you're talking about. Every jug I have to deal with in the 50 bracket has at least 20k hp (I've seen up to 23k), and undergeared ones have in the neighborhood of 17k. I never attack juggernauts at full health because it's like asking to get brutally murdered.


To compare, my scoundrel barely tops 15k with 540 expertise and the trooper buff.


Thats the third tank ive seen today state they had 16k or lower hp's,,,i dont get it,i see tanks with 20k not just often but the norm.


Something isnt adding up here.

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The funny thing about nerfing Operatives, is that Bioware is going to take a look at your class next. :o


Oh, I hope so. I play a sniper. It's easier to find things that work on my class than things that don't. Broken class (in pvp obviously) is broken.


How exactly they made this laggy pile of...ehum...even laggier with the last "patch" (was that pos supposed to fix ability lag or something, because it didn't...to say the least).


So glad I've cancelled. I am not going to make the same mistake I did in WAR (continue paying for a broken game).

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