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Embarrassed to play my character


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Originally Posted by Walfredo

FFS Go play Hello Kitty Online.


That game gets mentioned quite a bit on these forums. A lot of people here seem to be very familiar with it. Does it have bounty hunters?


If it did i'd play it. I can just see my BH now stalking the lil cute kitteh with my Harpoon gun......

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Well alot of the armor in the star wars film was made from junk glued together so at least you look authentic :)


LOL, so true. Poor Boba Feet was wearing basically sweat pants with kneepads, lol.


As many others have pointed out too, there's plenty of orange gear that looks cool and you can easily use this as you level. Hopefully they get the modding system changed soon like they said they would do so you can still use that orange gear at end-game and have it be competitive with other end-game gear.

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Bottom line is that BW is not going to fork over that many man hours trying to make gear look cool if it will be replaced in a few levels. Personally, I'd rather them spend time working on the lack of end-game content than making a level 25 helmet look cool. To each his own I guess.


On the other hand, the modable gear does tend to look better, presumably because they anticipate you will be keeping it for more than one or two levels.


I understand your discontent as I too was tired of looking like parts of me were stuck in the 70's, 80's, 90's, and today, but you have to also look at the logic behind it.

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I've been happy with the look of my mercenary, even as all the white stuff make me see some resemble to Storm Troopers. So far I've ditched only one upgrade because of the look (helmet). Just dinged to 19, so it might change, but no complains so far.
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Bottom line is that BW is not going to fork over that many man hours trying to make gear look cool if it will be replaced in a few levels. Personally, I'd rather them spend time working on the lack of end-game content than making a level 25 helmet look cool. To each his own I guess.


On the other hand, the modable gear does tend to look better, presumably because they anticipate you will be keeping it for more than one or two levels.


I understand your discontent as I too was tired of looking like parts of me were stuck in the 70's, 80's, 90's, and today, but you have to also look at the logic behind it.


It really wouldnt take much effort to bring modable gear up to par with the end game stuff. And there's no reason it couldnt be done in conjunction with making new content. Neither has to suffer for the sake of the other (unlike my marriage)

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Appearance tab an armour dyes, but only after the textures on the armour stop looking like they're out of a game from the mid 90's.



Dont even really need the appearance tab with modable armor, just need to fix that system for end game. But the textures? oh yea, they need to put those back asap. Its just utterly fing stupid that they removed them as a graphical option. The high res textures were there in beta all the way up until the early access client was released, even during the stress test.

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CoH used skins, not gear. I don't want to look exactly the same from 1-50 or 1-85. (warning sarcasm incoming), Judging by how successful CoH was apprently a lot of people feel the same way you do /rolls eyes.


There are other MMO's you can play if you don't like this one.


City of Heroes gives you 5 costume slots and over 10 free costume design changes. Also, by the time you get serious about your costume the in-game cost of designing a new one is neglicable.


Also, just because somebody says a specific point of a game could be improved does not mean they have to dislike the entire game. Nor that you get to tell them they are not allowed to play it.

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City of Heroes gives you 5 costume slots and over 10 free costume design changes. Also, by the time you get serious about your costume the in-game cost of designing a new one is neglicable.


Also, just because somebody says a specific point of a game could be improved does not mean they have to dislike the entire game. Nor that you get to tell them they are not allowed to play it.


It's players like you who ruined WoW with petty complaints. Now look at WoW, it's World of Nerfedcraft! Seriously, you have the option to go play WoW, CoH, CoV, Rift or GuildWars. Bye!

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I have actually been asked numerous times where I got my gear, and my trooper is only level 27. I have been wearing mostly the same gear since the teens because it is moddable. I take the time and expense to put self-crafted purple armor/mods in it, and it is miles better than regular blue/green drops around my level.


My guild said I was nuts to burn so many mats getting purple schematics, but now they come to me for parts on their toons.:p Because I am using higher stat gear on chest/legs/head I can 'afford' to use slightly under stat versions of boots and gloves to match the look without being woefully underpowered.


People look like clowns because they care more for that 1point of aim than looking good. There's nothing wrong with that at all. I sacrifice that 1or 2 points to look neat. I guess my ego enjoys being stroked differently than most.:p

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Have a level 30 Mercenary, All I can say is that if he had walked into one of the scenes in any Star Wars movie looking the way my character does and threatened anyone..they would have died from laughing.


Wouldn't it have been nice to have awesome looking gear throughout all the levels of this game? I look at the end game gear and seriously wonder Why Bother? Why am I doing all this questing, crafting, spending all my credits just to look like a joke?


When I watch any Star Wars movie I see some really cool outfits, armors etc..Then I play this game and I'm really turned off by the poor armor asthetics. I want my character to look cool while I'm playing him THROUGHOUT the game. I want him to have the ability to have his OWN look.


I really don't feel like I'm playing a Star Wars game looking like I raided a trash bin to gear up..worse part is I crafted the junk myself and spent tons of credits making it.

Don't worry. In a few months, maybe a year, BW will release a paid expansion with half of the cool armor sets you want, with the other half coming in a second paid expansion some time later.
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personally, i found it to be fine... i cant remember exactly how i did it from 25-40... at 40 i bought the Raptor pvp gear, and around 45-48 i managed to get the Master Powertech set together.

you only really need chest, legs, feet, and gloves to match.


i dont remember ever looking all that ridiculous tbh.

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There's loads of different outfits out there if outlook like a clown its Your own fault, hell you dont even have to stick to your class gear, grab some jug gear as bh and cruise around in a kickass robe its up to you to find the gear look that you like not for bioware to shove so many sets down your throat you have a selection


Well, my pvp end game sets I can't remod so what you say is wrong. I am forced to ware that. At the very least it would be nice to be able to dye it different colors. You have no clue until you have a 50 what you're talking about. Go back to rp'ing a jedi please.

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Appearance tab an armour dyes, but only after the textures on the armour stop looking like they're out of a game from the mid 90's.


I'm hoping those come soon!!!


Just be happy that this isn't AoC. You wear what looks like burlap sacks for 80 levels until you get your T1 gear. It's pretty damn horrid considering that that game is the most beautiful game ever made (visuals and soundtrack).

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Oh i dont know... most players in the game look like they could fit in the movies..


remember, the movies had people that looked like this:




Boba Fett had "Clown Armour" if you want to be technical.



And bossks armour wasnt exactly spectacular...



i mean, even the utlimate bad-boy Han Solo didnt have an awesome looking outfit:




but still you say that it isnt "star warsy" enough?


exactly what are you referring to then? Clone troopers?

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Honestly, I'd wouldn't mind much better 'armor'.


What I really want are OJ 'clothes' of each base type.


Han, Luke and Leia were 'just fine' in IV...and looked awesome ('no bras in space' aside, Carrie). Fairly easy to fire heavy weaponry and choke Hutts in some of those outfits as well (though we got that, only complaint being the base type doesn't scale, but that's been covered in many threads already).


How about an awesome Han Solo/Tomb Raider mash-up?


Honestly, some of my starter sets? I'd 'love' if they just came fully socketed. While it might make your art department sad, it would be interesting to see how many people elected to just socket up those starting 3 pieces, and then 'hoped' you'd let us hide gloves, bracers and belts?


Finding a look I like is always a tough thing for me. I think LotRO had the best cosmetic implementation, allowing every place to be hidden, except chest and boots. Rift gets a close honorable mention, but they don't allow you to hide individual slots, and the 'bleed through' philosophy is sometimes a blessing and a curse.


The easiest thing would be to just make all things socketable. Then you could go by some 'whites' from a vendor to find the look you want and load it up with mods. Still need to be able to hide every slot though.

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they need to (and will, its inevitable) fix this hopelessly bad system for armour. They came up with the best way to maintain gear with the orange and mods, for sure, but they mistakenly thought that it would take care of everyone's desire to look good too. There are three things required.


1. An appearance tab, almost criminal the game didnt launch with one in the first place.

2. Way to colour armour, crafted dyes maybe, plenty of other games with perfectly good systems to draw from

3. BETTER ART,.for the love of god find the colour blind talentless less idiots who came up with 75% of the Skittles and Rags armouring most classes are saddled with and get rid of them.


1 & 2 will help a lot and something like 2 was in beta.


Adding in some decent textures would also help a lot.

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The key for me has been in getting sets of gear, particularly moddable sets.


I suffered through the same thing with my Smuggler on the way to level 50 (although I wasn't as turned off by it as you seem to be) but this time around with my Trooper I've been doing lots of Flashpoints. Running FPs several times is a great way to get, not only good looking gear, but gear that is moddable and will remain functional for you as you level up. The Clan Varad set, the Cademimu set, and the others are pretty slick lookinf for the Trooper at least, and the best thing is that if you don't like the set you get from whatever FP is currently your level? You just Need the item and swap the mods out of it and put them in your old gear set. I've managed to look like a REAL Trooper ever since about level 20 doing this.


The level 20 and particularly the level 40 PvP gear sets look really good too for most all the classes imo, and are fully moddable.


Keep an eye out for gear sets from planetary Heroics, too; I just recently ran my level 48 Trooper through all of Tattooine's Heroics (and one other mission, the "That Thing Czerka Found"" one) to get the gearset there. It's moddable (except the boots, I had to find a semi-matching pair on the GTN) and has sort of a more "classic Trooper" look that I like.


As an armormech I've also been scouring the GTN for moddable gear in an attempt to amass complete sets of gear to further increase my options. Get you one good set of mods and you can have several different looks at your disposal for the price of swapping out the mods.

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my BH looked like a dipdunk for about 37 levels, alternating between a firefighter hat, a spider mask, and a bugeyed robot hat. trying to find anything to match was just out of the question.


my armor at level 50 doesnt match but at least it looks better, especially the helmets.

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