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I remember when....


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Everyone was talking about how this was going to actually compete against wow.


From what I can tell Rift is doing better than this thing.


BTW Bio, thanks for finally fixing the unsubscribe fiasco. You got me this month you sly dogs, but not next!


With any luck Diablo 3 will come out before I die and I will be happy again. Pandas are only good for making fur coats and boots. PETA Come at me you wankers! I'll eat a medium rare hamburger and chase it with a chicken salad.


Now that the randomness is done let me lay some truth down (TLDR? Then skip it):


Truth -


1. Fanpeople (yeah, it's the PC thing to say), you can never defeat trolls. They regenerate (AD&D original rules)! Just be aware of that. By responding you simply increase the regeneration rate.


2. The game has some serious PvP issues. Really, you would have to be playing with blinders to not notice this. I am not saying it is the worst ever in any game, but it isn't far off. The imbalance alone is one issue but there are so many more. Of course this will be a moot or even negligble point to the more RP centric folks.


3. In an immersive mmo I expect to have more viability at 50 than just running Flashpoints all day. Crafting seems like the red headed step child once you hit 50. The severe lack of community driven events is lacking.


** Caveat: If you are red-headed, and a step child, take no offense. I am sure your parents (paternal or not) love you.


4. Comapring this to any other mmo is worthless. Most comparisons attempt to compare game x to game y at release. The problem with the comparison is that time x and time y are vastly different. I am a personal fan of the Porche 911 that was made in the late 80's. However, would I compare it to this years model? How, and on what grounds? Everything about the industry has changed since then. Sure they both run on gas, use oil, and have a frame. Do I ignore the advances in fuel saving technolgies, or improved horsepower through improved technologies? What about integration with phone systems via bluetooth, navigation systems? These didn't really exist in the 80's in cars and if they did you had a non-mobile phone in your car. I should know I had one.


So if you want to compare games compare X Game to Y game compare them on gameplay and the core MMO capabilities. It would be assumed that the newer game would take advantage of more powerful PC technologies like massive polygon counts, DX11, PhysX, shaders, etc.


Now for the lies:


1. This game is failing - I doubt that it is. People said that about Rift as well. They seem to be stronger than ever. This game, however, is as much a threat to WOW as Tetris is. This will have 0 impact. Those who play this game are generally those who do not play wow or have already left wow well before this game came out.


2. This game will go F2P is X months. Again, I doubt it. First, this is a company that has capital. Investors hate to loose money. They will wait at least a year to see where the final sub numbers live. If that number can't generate some black then they may contemplate a F2P system based on the current sub numbers. Generally speaking the concept works like buying iPhone and Android apps. What is .99 or even 1.99 for an app? Most people don't even noice. However, at the end of the month when you have purcahsed 15-20 apps, you get the idea. Just apply that concept to in-game purchases.


3. The game is Teh Fail (TORTANIC anyone).... No, it is not. Evenone has an opinion. If we lived in China (or North Korea) that may be different, but in most Eurpoean and North American countries we have the ability to voice our displeasure. Of course we hear the vocal displeasure spalttered all across the forums. People tend to get pissed when they sink 60+ + a sub fee for a game they can't play properly. That doesn't mean their problems are your problems. It does mean that their problems are valid though.



My conclusion:


To quote a somehwat famous writer, this is all "much ado about nothing". I want to be Don John and lets all make up!!!!!

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If major stuff aint sorted by say end of March, it'll start going downhill.


Even patient players after 3 or 4 months ask themselves, do i really want to drag on with this.

Edited by Urko
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1. Fanpeople (yeah, it's the PC thing to say), you can never defeat trolls. They regenerate (AD&D original rules)! Just be aware of that. By responding you simply increase the regeneration rate.



Flaming should stop their regeneration though, I mean if we go by the DM's Guide.

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If major stuff aint sorted by say end of March, it'll start going downhill.


Even patient players after 3 or 4 months ask themselves, do i really want to drag on with this.


Yeah, I was a masssssive fan boy of this game. If the game doesn't really start improving regardless what the blind followers say, I am going to move on. No, you can't have my stuff because I do not like you.

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From what I can tell Rift is doing better than this thing.



Except it's not. You're just making that up as you go along.


What I really hate is this sort of unsubstantiated comments. Rift isn't doing better. There is no indication of that. If I look on vgchartz for example I see that Rift has sold half a million boxes and SWTOR 2 million.


So please, tell us what you base this on and if it's just your feelings then say so, but until you come with actual figures, this is just bull.

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1. This game is failing - I doubt that it is. People said that about Rift as well. They seem to be stronger than ever. This game, however, is as much a threat to WOW as Tetris is. This will have 0 impact. Those who play this game are generally those who do not play wow or have already left wow well before this game came out.


amusing post but this is wrong, i left on release, and where there is one there is more.

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Oh look, it's another one of these threads.


I like the game. It's better than Rift in too many ways to list.



Why you post this in general? What the crap can the other users do about it.

Wanna complain? Go to the customer service forum.

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"Special people" come to a fan forum and are shocked to find fans. So not really too concerned or worried about the latest declaration of failure from them. Every MMO released now goes through a huge initial player first month, then many players scamper back to where ever they came from, this then induces the less perceptive to give prophecies of dooom. Yea, been there and done for every MMO release.


So here is a tip, play the game if you find it fun, and don't play it, if you do not like it. MMOs aren't suppose to be your spouse or a life-time commitment, so it's ok to cancel and stop playing at any time. There really doesn't have to be that much drama for the decision. It's only a game, and you can like more than one even.

Edited by Qoojo
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I also left WoW on release. However whilst I am happy to have broken my WoW bug, and I am a big star wars geek, I am not going to continue with this game unless serious strides are made in the next month or two.


And no. I probably wouldn't come back, because if they finally manage to make the game fulfill its potential in 8 months time, there will be no player base to play this fantastic game with. It'll be too late.


good luck BioEAware...



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Except it's not. You're just making that up as you go along.


What I really hate is this sort of unsubstantiated comments. Rift isn't doing better. There is no indication of that. If I look on vgchartz for example I see that Rift has sold half a million boxes and SWTOR 2 million.


So please, tell us what you base this on and if it's just your feelings then say so, but until you come with actual figures, this is just bull.


Not to defend Rift really, but a majority of purchases came from digital download for them.


Most MMOs are focusing on digital sales now. VGchartz is going to be insignificant in 5 years tops.

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Not to defend Rift really, but a majority of purchases came from digital download for them.


Most MMOs are focusing on digital sales now. VGchartz is going to be insignificant in 5 years tops.


After playing Rift I had lost all faith in MMO's.

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"Special people" come to a fan forum and are shocked to find fans. So not really too concerned or worried about the latest declaration of failure from them. Every MMO released now goes through a huge initial player first month, then many players scamper back to where ever they came from, this then induces the less perceptive to give prophecies of dooom. Yea, been there and done for every MMO release.


So here is a tip, play the game if you find it fun, and don't play it, if you do not like it. MMOs aren't suppose to be your spouse or a life-time commitment, so it's ok to cancel and stop playing at any time. There really doesn't have to be that much drama for the decision. It's only a game, and you can like more than one even.


This is a great post hope the OP read it:)

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Except it's not. You're just making that up as you go along.


What I really hate is this sort of unsubstantiated comments. Rift isn't doing better. There is no indication of that. If I look on vgchartz for example I see that Rift has sold half a million boxes and SWTOR 2 million.


So please, tell us what you base this on and if it's just your feelings then say so, but until you come with actual figures, this is just bull.


considering the game sells for substantial amounts less online (They literally always haves some kind of special deal going) then in stores I would imagine not even 25% of their sales are boxed.

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This game made Rift players appreciate it more. I bet they are getting a bunch of returning players.


Yeah people played TOR and wanted a laggy game with wooden animations, A story no one really cares about and terrible combat system.


They are doing so well they keep offering me free time to come back.

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