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Just a victim of bad RNG luck?


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Hi everyone. Just thought I'd post this here and see if anyone has had a similar experience. My main is a level 50 Marauder, and it's been incredibly hard to gear the guy in flashpoints and such. I have resorted to gearing almost exclusively through planet commendations, which in turn makes the harder end-game content very difficult, plus people do not want me in their group after inspection.


I only hit 50 a few days ago, and immediately began running level 50 FP's as well as hard modes in the search for better gear, as I understand my class is very gear-dependent. After about 14 or 15 hard modes, I still have not seen one piece or gear for my class drop. Also, I then went to the Tionese vendor to see what options I have there, and noticed there is not much available for me either, and the sabers there are only tank stats. Dark side vendor? Doesn't stock anything for Marauder.


I also noticed this throughout the leveling experience, as I leveled with my Sorc friend. When I was soloing, the green drops would apply to my class. As soon as he joined, maybe 1 out of 10 would be for me, if I was lucky. This happened during well over a hundred hours of gameplay.


I'm not really trying to be the whiny "my class gets screwed all the time!" guy, I'm just curious if anyone else noticed this problem with their Marauder because it really stood out to me. I don't have this problem with my BH, Sorc, or Agent.

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It's simple bad luck. I've got the opposite so far (except for weapons) - even when I'm not there, my guildmates find Columni Marauder gear every time.


However, you are right about vendor options. There are fewer options for the Marauder. I believe the same goes for Sniper.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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Don't forget ilum/belsavis dailies. Get orange gear and use the 51 mods you can buy with daily comms. That should be sufficient for running HM FPs without issues.


Only two exceptions to this are D7 and Kaon. Both of which are mother****ers to pass even with Champion + Columi (Chest and gloves),

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Total bad luck. I got 4/5 champion set + implants/ear pieces/weapon before I even hit 40 valor while MANY guildies and friends have hit 50+ valor and still don't have as many T2 pvp pieces. Same goes for PvE gear. First run I got 4 Rakat pieces (was like 3 weeks ago+) and haven't seen any Rakata SW pieces since.
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if you think you're going to get geared in HM FP? gooood luck!




if you do "not" include the end boss,

there's like hardly any at all for medium armor drops (or warrior dps drops).

I think someone stated only one in the entire HM FP (worm in foundry) that drops for marauders.


I've ran HM FPs every day for about 3 weeks, have yet to see any, make that ZERO

marauder stuff (excluding end boss for the columi commendations).

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if you think you're going to get geared in HM FP? gooood luck!




if you do "not" include the end boss,

there's like hardly any at all for medium armor drops (or warrior dps drops).

I think someone stated only one in the entire HM FP (worm in foundry) that drops for marauders.


I've ran HM FPs every day for about 3 weeks, have yet to see any, make that ZERO

marauder stuff (excluding end boss for the columi commendations).


This is... disturbing to say the least. Did another 3 last night and still nothing.

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My suggestion: Don't do hard modes. Like others have said, there are very few drops for marauders in terms of straight gear (not counting tokens).


My big suggestion: Modable Items. It is far easier and (imo) more enjoyable to do heroic dailies and get the free mod and enhancement every day (one is from Belsavis, the other from Illum). Then use the daily tokens to get more enhancements and hilts, and also your Rakata ear and implants, which are Best in Slot ATM.



As for why there is so "little" gear for Marauders/Snipers, remember that both of those advanced classes are pure dps, they don't have any other "possible" function (though one could argue tough marauder), so there is no real need for Bioware to make us two different sets like other classes need to be able to all of their different roles. You chose a pure dps class from the beginning, you should have realized that there would be fewer options available.


The Short and sweet version: Get Modable gear and do your dailies. You'll get geared much faster and enjoy it a lot more than trying to do Hardmodes all day.

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Been running hard modes for the better part of a week now as a mara, mind you I have artifice at 400 with more then 75% of purples unlocked. Once I hit 50 I took to the dailies and got all my armor and the hilts from dailies. Mind you that you can solo the heroic 4 on Belsalvis (not raxxus) by simply sacing the generaters usually only die twice but for 3 comms and (enh or mod) I forget which one you should be geared with in a few days.


I am carnage spec and my damage out put is very nice compared to my fellow dps. I would suggest using the guide here for your rotation if you were unable to figure it out on your own, after reading his guide I swapped one thing in my rotation and saw a significant increase in my dps.


Concerning drops people like to ***** and Q.Q and throw out inaccurate numbers, I have my columi chest, and most Tionese gear while we even have the "heavy" on BH gear, the only gear we haven't seen much of is IA gear and we don't even have one in our group so doesn't bother us tho, Quinn/Vette have been getting decked out when it does drop for us.


Worry about gearing up with purples and good luck on drops.

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When I was leveling, I barely did any flashpoints, but the ones I did I got about 2-3 pieces of loot from each of them.


I did like 1-2 HM flashpoints at level 50. In these, I picked up like 1 item.


I've run EV a handful of times, and each time received, or was eligible for (Sith Warrior token), 2-6 items.



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