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Legacy system will not...


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Be what saves this game . I've noticed a trend in a few interviews that devs mention how the legacy system will " blow" us away.



I'm sorry but if the gameplay remains clunky, the UI stays garbage and a requirement at 50 is to reroll in order to not get bored, then My guess is Pandas will look more intriguing everyday for some.


LOL this game is epic man... go back to WOW if u dont like it...

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Customizable UI? It is coming. But please, can somebody please tell me what is so horribly wrong with the UI? I find no issues with it.


The problem with the UI is that it's optimized rather poorly on most systems and eats away at players' fps pretty hard sometimes. Also, the the inability to re-size and move things to more familiar parts of the screen is a bit of a bummer for some, like myself. A combat log would be nice too.

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The problem with the UI is that it's optimized rather poorly on most systems and eats away at players' fps pretty hard sometimes. Also, the the inability to re-size and move things to more familiar parts of the screen is a bit of a bummer for some, like myself. A combat log would be nice too.


What is so beneficial about a combat log? I am just asking because I only looked at it twice in WoW.

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What is so beneficial about a combat log? I am just asking because I only looked at it twice in WoW.


Hardcore raiders like to make sure every millisecond is filled with dps and they need combat logs to ensure that they are optimally pressing buttons.

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Why veil your lack of patience with some cockandbull story about needing to plan Alts.




Your comment is whats laughable. The guy you quoted had a very good point. Right now we know for a fact that legacy will allow for new class races. What we don't know is how far that extends and if you can race change your already made char (which you usually can't do in most MMO's). This means many people (myself included) are holding off making alts in order to see what will be available to avoid future disappointment.


In fact if you can't apply these new additions to already made chars, it might cause other problems. Like people almost never wanting to level alts "just in case" they add something better later.

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Be what saves this game . I've noticed a trend in a few interviews that devs mention how the legacy system will " blow" us away.



I'm sorry but if the gameplay remains clunky, the UI stays garbage and a requirement at 50 is to reroll in order to not get bored, then My guess is Pandas will look more intriguing everyday for some.


You have forseen this just as much as the Emperor foresaw Vader chucking him into the reactor.


Gameplay is being improved. UI will be made customizable. And legacy apparently does not require you to reroll (and even if it did, boo frakking hoo, you end-game people will get more and more content, this is cool for us alt-o-holics).

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. This means many people (myself included) are holding off making alts in order to see what will be available to avoid future disappointment.



This, I see as a good thing. This means that a lot of people will be making alts at the same time once legacy is released. More people around for lower lvl flashpoints and heroic quests.

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What is so beneficial about a combat log? I am just asking because I only looked at it twice in WoW.


Having a combat log lets you to make programs such as recount, which ultimately allow you to have statistics on dps/hps/etc. When you compile this information it allows everyone (most importantly the devs) to find imbalances between the classes. Which from my understanding is actually a problem right now.

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So what part about the lagacy system do you not like?


Star Wars the Sims Republic.


Brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins... buddies, pals... oh, the humanity of it all!


None of my characters are related. They don't know each other. Heck, they all live in *alternate universes* where they experience virtually the same experiences. My Gunslinger rescued some guys on Hoth - then my Sage came along and rescued the VERY SAME GUYS! /queue theme from Twilight Zone. "It is a time of galactic turmoil, but there's a signpost up ahead..."


So unless the Legacy System offers alternate story lines for alts, so they can adventure in a world changed by the actions of those who came before, well... where's the Legacy?


While I'm here on the soapbox, I will reiterate: I don't want a surname that's shared by all my characters on a server. I want individual surnames for my individual characters! Silly Bioware. Why'd you do that? If you're bound and determined to give us *families*, fine, do that. But give the non-family members their own surnames, too.


And not some silly Title like 'Chewbacca, BFF of Solo'.

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This, I see as a good thing. This means that a lot of people will be making alts at the same time once legacy is released. More people around for lower lvl flashpoints and heroic quests.


True, but there is still the glaring issue of when you are fully geared from HM's and have completed the raids for the week and have nothing to do the rest of the week. Sure for awhile you can make money, but people like me feel no need to constantly stockpile cash once I have more than enough to last awhile.


The game is still new so there are not a lot of options to do at 50. The biggest thing to do at 50 and geared up is leveling a new alt, and as the legacy system stands right now that idea is out the window.

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The fact you're expecting a newly-released MMO to have fully fleshed out endgame is hillarious.


Really? You know, maybe I would have been okay with this ten years ago when the genre was still obscure and developers didn't have big budgets. However, the genre is fairly mainstream now, there have been countless games released on a variety of budgets that DO have "fully fleshed out" end games. Better yet, they have end games that aren't an insult to player intelligence and have us play the role of a small (but adorable) lab rodent in a box pressing a button.


Any other complaints?


Yes. People like you, who think its acceptable to purchase an unfinished product who lacks features that became a standard in the genre years ago. The more you defend unfinished trash, the more of it we're going to get.

Edited by BadgeredMushroom
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Star Wars the Sims Republic.


Brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins... buddies, pals... oh, the humanity of it all!


None of my characters are related. They don't know each other. Heck, they all live in *alternate universes* where they experience virtually the same experiences. My Gunslinger rescued some guys on Hoth - then my Sage came along and rescued the VERY SAME GUYS! /queue theme from Twilight Zone. "It is a time of galactic turmoil, but there's a signpost up ahead..."


So unless the Legacy System offers alternate story lines for alts, so they can adventure in a world changed by the actions of those who came before, well... where's the Legacy?


While I'm here on the soapbox, I will reiterate: I don't want a surname that's shared by all my characters on a server. I want individual surnames for my individual characters! Silly Bioware. Why'd you do that? If you're bound and determined to give us *families*, fine, do that. But give the non-family members their own surnames, too.


And not some silly Title like 'Chewbacca, BFF of Solo'.


Are you serious? Hey when WoW released Wrath of the Lich King, they came out with a Raid to kill him. Do you want the story to morph to say person X killed the lich king, therefore you cannot do these quests anymore (you cannot talk to him anymore when you create a Death Knight).


Name one MMO that has the story morph depending on what another person does?

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Yes. People like you, who think its acceptable to purchase an unfinished product who lacks features that became a standard in the genre years ago. The more you defend unfinished trash, the more of it we're going to get.


Here is the thing: It certainly feels finished for me, and everybody else I talked to in game. Therefore, I am perfectly happy with the game. Yeah there are a few bugs here and there. I still find a few bugs in WoW every once and a while.


What is standard in MMOs? What features NEED to be included or else the game is COMPLETELY unplayable?


Just because this game does not have feature X, does not mean it NEEDS it.

Edited by Nighthawked
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Here is the thing: It certainly feels finished for me, and everybody else I talked to in game. Therefore, I am perfectly happy with the game. Yeah there are a few bugs here and there. I still find a few bugs in WoW every once and a while.


What is standard in MMOs? What features NEED to be included or else the game is COMPLETELY unplayable?


Just because this game does not have feature X, does not mean it NEEDS it.


There's bugs and then there's BUGS. I was doing my end of act 1 BH quest and the Boss Spawn to complete act 1 didn't spawn. It took three days of logging in and out to finally get him to spawn. This was since fixed but this happened to me maybe 2 weeks ago. That's a SERIOUS bug that should never have gone live. Because all your area quests are tied to the phase of the story quest your on that bug completely halted my progress on that character for 3 days. There are large game breaking bugs like that one still out there.

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What I see is this:




"We are adding several more flashpoints, like Rise of the Rakgouls, and we are going add this new system called the Legacy System that has never been seen in mmo's before."


"BAGFHGASR@#!!!$#!@%$! I WANT MORE STUFF!!! WAHHH!!!! I WANT IT NOW!!! MARCH!!!?" Troll #1


"The legacy will suck. I love pandas." WoW troll


"Fix the bugs first bioware!" Common Troll.



"We are fixing bugs as we speak, and we are trying our best to fix the ability delay and have done so, you should see a massive improvement. Also we added some other fixes to some of the other glitches and bugs" - Bioware





" The ability delay is game breaking and I will be unsubbing for pandas." WoW troll





I'm sorry. but I quit the forums. Its the same thing all of the time. New content is coming, bugs are being fixed every week. This game is not dieing.


This game is better than most MMO launches. This game is a still a baby in the MMO world. "shut up you fanboy" -troll


It takes... TIME. to fix the bugs.

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What I see is this:




"We are adding several more flashpoints, like Rise of the Rakgouls, and we are going add this new system called the Legacy System that has never been seen in mmo's before."


"BAGFHGASR@#!!!$#!@%$! I WANT MORE STUFF!!! WAHHH!!!! I WANT IT NOW!!! MARCH!!!?" Troll #1


"The legacy will suck. I love pandas." WoW troll


"Fix the bugs first bioware!" Common Troll.



"We are fixing bugs as we speak, and we are trying our best to fix the ability delay and have done so, you should see a massive improvement. Also we added some other fixes to some of the other glitches and bugs" - Bioware





" The ability delay is game breaking and I will be unsubbing for pandas." WoW troll





I'm sorry. but I quit the forums. Its the same thing all of the time. New content is coming, bugs are being fixed every week. This game is not dieing.


This game is better than most MMO launches. This game is a still a baby in the MMO world. "shut up you fanboy" -troll


It takes... TIME. to fix the bugs.


This is true to an extent... But it's also true that the game did have a number of serious bugs on launch (i.e. Kira Carson from what I remember). Bioware fixed it of course and have been consistently churning out fixes - but IMO the game could have used a bit more time of development, if only to apply that extra layer of polish :) I've been lucky enough to not encounter anything too serious yet, but a lot of people did run into loads of issues.

Edited by archifikoss
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What I see is this:




"We are adding several more flashpoints, like Rise of the Rakgouls, and we are going add this new system called the Legacy System that has never been seen in mmo's before."


"BAGFHGASR@#!!!$#!@%$! I WANT MORE STUFF!!! WAHHH!!!! I WANT IT NOW!!! MARCH!!!?" Troll #1


"The legacy will suck. I love pandas." WoW troll


"Fix the bugs first bioware!" Common Troll.



"We are fixing bugs as we speak, and we are trying our best to fix the ability delay and have done so, you should see a massive improvement. Also we added some other fixes to some of the other glitches and bugs" - Bioware





" The ability delay is game breaking and I will be unsubbing for pandas." WoW troll





I'm sorry. but I quit the forums. Its the same thing all of the time. New content is coming, bugs are being fixed every week. This game is not dieing.


This game is better than most MMO launches. This game is a still a baby in the MMO world. "shut up you fanboy" -troll


It takes... TIME. to fix the bugs.


Thats what You see?

Man, You are very negative charged fella.

And I guess Your mom used word "troll" for everything didnt she.

Cornflakes - Hun, do You want some troll with milk?

Buss - Hun, are You taking troll to get to school?

Table - Did You put the keys on troll?


Troll less pal.

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Kinda blew your argument out of the water didn't I?
No, you just stated contradictory opinions... that doesn't really blow an argument out of the water.


in fact, asserting an opposite opinion and then claiming that you've blown someone's argument out of the water just makes you look like you're desperately trying to distract people from the fact that you yourself can't offer a valid counterargument.

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clearly there aren't, otherwise you wouldn't still be here...


Don't mock him. We need his constructive criticism!!! :p


The legacy system imo is just another game feature the devs are peddling. No more, no less than the UI customization, future operations, future warzones, future companions etc.


The difference? The legacy system is innovative when it comes to MMO's. Not your cup of tea? No worries. I find it something to look forward to knowing more about.


As I have patience I'm happy to wait for more details before judgement. It's just how I am I guess.


See you in march :w_cool:

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Here is the thing: It certainly feels finished for me, and everybody else I talked to in game.
I'm not sure how you can say that with a straight face.


Just the lack of polish on the cut scenes alone makes it feel like an unfinished game. I've probably entered 30+ bugs for problems the consular storyline cutscenes (not to mention other class scenes or general one): npc's floating in mid air, multiple copies of the same NPC appearing, naked NPC's in holo calls,.


Then there's unfinished crafting system, especially with as much copypasta as they used in it. There's no willpower shields for artificing other than a couple of dropped ones. For several crafting skills: multiple items with the exact same mats have exactly the same stats, and some blue item versions of the schematic have exactly the same stats as the green versions (not gaining the defense/crit/power from redoubt/critical/overkill)


The lack of real voiceover later in the game (lots of alien speech and data pads) definitely makes the late game feel unfinished.


the bugs that block people from progressing their class quests make the game feel unfinished.


The unfinished legacy system makes the game feel unfinished.


The copy/paste endgame grind makes the game feel unfinished.


The lack of pvp brackets at launch made the game feel unfinished.


The lack of anti cheating checks in pvp (especially the guy's who are currently speed hacking) make the game feel unfinished.


What is standard in MMOs? What features NEED to be included or else the game is COMPLETELY unplayable?
I'd say that needed = more ui customization to accommodate vision impaired (in particular, color issues for colorblind folks), mobility impaired and hearing impaired. I've seen a couple of posts specifically about color problems for colorblind folks.


I'd also say that, in general, more customizations are needed even for the folks who don't have any sort of impairment... as it is, the game seems woefully under-par in this department for a current gen mmo.

Edited by ferroz
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To be frank I kind of get the feeling that the legacy system is going to be an 'all in one' addition for the items that weren't included in launch.


From what I've gathered it sounds like the legacy system blanket will cover the character customizations, flavor skills, and a few other items that were missing from the get go.


Am I looking forward to it? Yes I am, however I do feel as though it's a bit of an underhanded way to slip in items that should have been in place at launch...

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