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This class is a blast to play


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My main is a level 50 sniper (which i have fun playing), and i also play a mercenary in his 20s. I recently made a sentinel and i have been leveling it basically only through pvp. From reading the forums i was expecting a nearly broken class which required two degrees to play remotely good; what i found was a class that is a BLAST to play by just being a little cautious and picky about your fights. Charging and fighting is a joy to watch thanks to the animations, and the burst you have on soft targets can be scary.


Tl;dr Dont let the forum topics scare you, if you like frantic melee combat this class deserves a try.

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Noone is arguing that the class isn't a blast to play - except for the ability delay/stuttering that still isn't fixed. What people are mostly complaining is our comparison to other classes (whether it be leveling or PvP).
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My main is a level 50 sniper (which i have fun playing), and i also play a mercenary in his 20s. I recently made a sentinel and i have been leveling it basically only through pvp. From reading the forums i was expecting a nearly broken class which required two degrees to play remotely good; what i found was a class that is a BLAST to play by just being a little cautious and picky about your fights. Charging and fighting is a joy to watch thanks to the animations, and the burst you have on soft targets can be scary.


Tl;dr Dont let the forum topics scare you, if you like frantic melee combat this class deserves a try.


It is definitely the most fun. The other melee classes are "meh done this all before". Also agree with you on sniper/slinger. It is the ONLY fun ranged to play in this game. I really wish they would remove the global cooldown from cover though (like it was in beta). They put it in at the end and I was really bummed. Slowed down gameplay so much :(.


I have no idea how anyone can have fun on a sorc/sage or commando/merc. They are like playing a vanilla shadow priest and arcane mage except easier which is mindblowing.

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I've started leveling a Sage alt and I'm bored with it.

3 - Project, 4 - Telekinetic Throw, 5 - Disturbance, repeat. Hopefully once I get a bit deeper in and get some more skills it will improve. Although my expectation is once I get a couple more levels I'll just replace Disturbance with Weaken Mind so snorefest.


I like having to manage two full bars with of crap on my Sentinel. Good stuff.

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Apart from a few extremists, almost all Sentinel players enjoy actually playing their class. It's just the incredible complexity of our class that gets us down at times. There's no margin for error like other class get, and it's pretty unfair to the Sentinel playerbase.


In a normal, three-standard one-strong pull, I (combat spec) hit no less than ten separate abilities throughout the fight. It's quite cumbersome when fighting a simple group of quest mobs has the complexity of a Raid encounter.


Sentinel's current problems are mostly quality-of-life based. Our damage is on par with other classes, yet our rotations are twice as arduous and unforgiving.


One real problem we endure is our fragility. Without Rebuke up, we're under par in terms of survivablity.


And PVP-wise, we are literally helpless against the ranged classes, since they all have multiple means of kiting/rooting/stunning/controlling us, and we have nothing to counter. Leap once, Resolute once, and that's all you get.


EDIT: And Combat could use a little buff in both PvE and PvP settings. As it is, it's a tasty leveling spec, but Watchman steadily beats it in a FP/Op, and Focus obliterates it in WZ's.

Edited by All_Under_Heaven
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I'm actually loving my Jedi Sentinel Watchman now, also.


I really was having a hard time with Gold Elites, but now they're not that much of a problem. Also, if it was a Gold Elite with 2 Standards, I'd kill the 2 Standards, always die, and come back and take on the Gold Elite on his own. Well, this morning I actually managed to take down all three on an Alderaan mission.


I'm now level 30, and at level 29 I soloed Athiss. Lots of fun.



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Noone is arguing that the class isn't a blast to play - except for the ability delay/stuttering that still isn't fixed. What people are mostly complaining is our comparison to other classes (whether it be leveling or PvP).


In PvP Sentinels are top shelf liquor. I really don't understand why people persist in trying to paint Sentinels as gimped in PvP. It's simply not true.


Granted, I haven't played any spec other than Watchman and I have no desire to. I like Watchman. It has it's strengths which are rewarding without being Operative/Smuggler over-powered, and it has it's weaknesses.


Strengths being solid DPS, burst on demand (given that you have enough Focus to do so), and in combat mobility to stick to your target like glue even when they use their escapes and stuns.


Weaknesses being little damage mitigation when cooldowns are blown, little to no CC, and no immunity or resistance to Roots and Snares (That's an issue with all melee though and not just Sentinels and it could very easily be addressed if Resolve were tweaked to be more effective. Resolve doesn't work in it's current state. It does little to nothing to reduce the amount of CC, but that's a subject for another thread.)


The only issue I have with the class is that we don't hold up well to PvE encounters with large pulls. And guess what the majority of all the PvE encounters are?

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In PvP Sentinels are top shelf liquor. I really don't understand why people persist in trying to paint Sentinels as gimped in PvP. It's simply not true.


Because they keep insisting on using only their 3 main abilities instead of using everything efficiently like they are supposed to.


The only issue I have with the class is that we don't hold up well to PvE encounters with large pulls. And guess what the majority of all the PvE encounters are?


You say you never played anything else than Watchman and don't want to. That's your problem. It is the weakest of the 3 trees for large pulls. It's specialized in long single target fights.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I've started leveling a Sage alt and I'm bored with it.

3 - Project, 4 - Telekinetic Throw, 5 - Disturbance, repeat. Hopefully once I get a bit deeper in and get some more skills it will improve. Although my expectation is once I get a couple more levels I'll just replace Disturbance with Weaken Mind so snorefest.


Get the talent in the third tree for no cooldown on TK Throw. 1button win.

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