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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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you just proved my point.


it proves your statement of


" 1. Items seen in the movie are canon but if the info is not given in the movies and is given in say a book then it is C-canon.


So the ships in the movies and in the ICS books are all canon. But their names and stats are not canon.


2. Nothing after RotJ is canon that is the keeper of the Holicron leeland Chee saying that and george lucas. "




the names not in the movies but in the EU ARE canon just not G canon and GL reserves the right to change them...


it also proves you claiming that nothing that happens after RotJ is canon is incorrect as it clearly states it is canon until the day GL decides to do something to trump it (which he has stated he has no intention of doing)


you apparently seem to think only g-canon is canon despite the fact by definition and the rules put forth by GL and LA C-canon is canon and holds the same weight until the day GL decides to overwrite it

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it proves your statement of


" 1. Items seen in the movie are canon but if the info is not given in the movies and is given in say a book then it is C-canon.


So the ships in the movies and in the ICS books are all canon. But their names and stats are not canon.


2. Nothing after RotJ is canon that is the keeper of the Holicron leeland Chee saying that and george lucas. "




the names not in the movies but in the EU ARE canon just not G canon and GL reserves the right to change them...


it also proves you claiming that nothing that happens after RotJ is canon is incorrect as it clearly states it is canon until the day GL decides to do something to trump it (which he has stated he has no intention of doing)


you apparently seem to think only g-canon is canon despite the fact by definition and the rules put forth by GL and LA C-canon is canon and holds the same weight until the day GL decides to overwrite it


no my point about how everything in the EU has to conform to what we know and see in the Movies, scripts, novelizations, and what GL says.



You do agree that for something to be considered Canon from C canon it can't contradict anything that is G-canon right?

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no my point about how everything in the EU has to conform to what we know and see in the Movies, scripts, novelizations, and what GL says.



You do agree that for something to be considered Canon from C canon it can't contradict anything that is G-canon right?


yes for it to be c-canon it can not directly contradict g-canon... if it does it gets the retcon hammer like Boba Fett and Concord Dawn or simply ignored like Splinter of the Minds Eye


but naming a ship that was seen but not named in the movie is not contradicting G-canon... the fact the EU states there were 25000 star destroyers in no way contradicts anything that is G-canon either....


in fact Lucas counts on people from the EU to explain the things he doesn't



A conversation between Lucas and John Knoll in a web diary during the production of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith showed more of the movie/Expanded Universe relationship:

"So how did Anakin get that scar, George?" asks John Knoll.

"I don't know. Ask Howard," says George, referring to President of Lucas Licensing Howard Roffman. "That's one of those things that happens in the novels between the movies. I just put it there. He has to explain how it got there. I think Anakin got it slipping in the bathtub, but of course, he's not going to tell anybody that."

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yes for it to be c-canon it can not directly contradict g-canon... if it does it gets the retcon hammer like Boba Fett and Concord Dawn or simply ignored like Splinter of the Minds Eye


but naming a ship that was seen but not named in the movie is not contradicting G-canon... the fact the EU states there were 25000 star destroyers in no way contradicts anything thaat is G-canon either.... in fact Lucas counts on people explaining the things he doesn't

wait are you saying that Boba fett didn't die?

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wait are you saying that Boba fett didn't die?



Concord Dawn was from a short story about BF's backstory... then the prequels came and invalidated it... but the folk at LA decided instead of sc****** it they would retcon it so now it did happen but after the prequels and then proceeded to include parts of the story in other SW novels... so while the retcon version of the story is now valid c-canon because it no longer contradicts any g-canon the actual original story in the book is not canon


I feel sorry for the people who work at LucasPublishing and have to sort this kinda stuff out... hell in SW even the G-canon manages to contradict itself from time to time... (movies contradict the novel versions of them in more is a few spots)


still it could be worse... we could get canon like ST gets... nothing but the movies/series counts and those contradict each other on a constant basis... hell sometimes they contradict themselves during the same episode

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Concord Dawn was from a short story about BF's backstory... then the prequels came and invalidated it... but the folk at LA decided instead of sc****** it they would retcon it so now it did happen but after the prequels and then proceeded to include parts of the story in other SW novels... so while the retcon version of the story is now valid c-canon because it no longer contradicts any g-canon the actual original story in the book is not canon


I feel sorry for the people who work at LucasPublishing and have to sort this kinda stuff out... hell in SW not even the G-canon manages to contradict itself from time to time...


still it could be worse... we could get canon like ST gets... nothing but the movies/series counts and those contradict each other on a constant basis... hell sometimes they contradict themselves during the same episode

ok I see what you are saying about that and yeah a whole bunch of stuff got kicked out because of the prequels.


but like I said there is more then enough information in the movies to make the stuff about the stats in the ICS non canon.


anyhow it's late i'm tired to be continued.

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Enterprise D Main phasers output 3.6 GW and it can kill KDF ships


Slave 1 (a small system patrol craft) main gun output 64000 GW...

Those numbers are all totally made up and make no sense with what is seen on screen. If Slave 1 or any ship had that kind of damage output, then orbital bombardments would be vastly worse. If hand weapons were in any proportion to that, we would also see very different effects.


I've never seen a portable blaster in the SW universe disintegrate anyone. Yet I've seen hand phasers do that. Leia takes a blaster hit to the shoulder and isn't instantly dead. She's more "inconvenienced" by it then anythnig else.

Or what kind of wood were those Endor trees that the Empire couldn't just destroy every single one with a round of auto-fire of a blaster rifle or an AT-ST? How can two trees even damage the hull of an AT-ST if it can at the same time withstand these ridicilious amounts of firepower from a blaster rifle?


In essence - Star Wars writers seem to better at making up large numbers than Star Trek writers. Don't think that means anything. And ultimately makes any comparison of these fleets pretty pointless if we were to rely on some SFX shots or writers making up numbers to satisfy their egos.

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This has been done to death and the outcome is always the same.

When you look at the technical specs (which both sides have been kind enough to provide), anything from Star Trek is so woefully under-shielded and under-armed compared to even the SMALLEST of the imperial cruiser vessels that they would be swatted out of the sky like a fly the second the imperials drew a bead on them.


Blame Star Wars' ridiculously OP tech specs if you want, but the answer is always the same.


"Make it so"

~cannon volley~

Oh look its wolf 359 all over again...

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You do realize the explosions being identical was solely because of their special effect budget and not them trying to Imply the Asteroids were full of explosive materials right?


You've proven nothing as far as what the Asteroids are made up of. Other than it is extremely illogical to assume all those Asteroids are made of a material that explodes on contact.


It proves a lot more than that. It proves that trying to number-crunch who would beat up who is idiotic, especially when said numbers are based upon inconsistent special effects.


This has been done to death and the outcome is always the same.

When you look at the technical specs (which both sides have been kind enough to provide), anything from Star Trek is so woefully under-shielded and under-armed compared to even the SMALLEST of the imperial cruiser vessels that they would be swatted out of the sky like a fly the second the imperials drew a bead on them.


Blame Star Wars' ridiculously OP tech specs if you want, but the answer is always the same.


"Make it so"

~cannon volley~

Oh look its wolf 359 all over again...


That's wholly fallacious. They're fundamentally different, and not designed for comparison. Star Trek's specs were written as part of a writer's guide to maintain consistency in technology. Star Wars' numbers were made up by an astrophysicist with too much free time who tried to affix real-world physical principles to pretty special effects. And even from that perspective, his results were based on bad math. He made a lot of assumptions that fundamentally change the numbers he calculated.


To compare two sets of made-up numbers, especially considering the Star Wars ones were made up after the Trek ones had been officially released, is the height of silliness. The bottom line: Star Trek is sci-fi, and therefore made an effort to maintain consistency in their technology. Star Wars is fantasy, and their technology isn't designed to be scientifically consistent. It's like comparing apples and buffalo.

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To compare two sets of made-up numbers, especially considering the Star Wars ones were made up after the Trek ones had been officially released, is the height of silliness. The bottom line: Star Trek is sci-fi, and therefore made an effort to maintain consistency in their technology. Star Wars is fantasy, and their technology isn't designed to be scientifically consistent. It's like comparing apples and buffalo.


Still, we are having a Star Wars vs Star Trek debate here, and if the star wars weapons are more powerful it would seem that this was an open shut case

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Weapons, shields, ship sizes, crew compliments, fleet makeup, range, organisation, supply chains, infrastructure...


The galactic empire is so far ahead of any of the star trek factions in ALL of these factors.

They are a galaxy spanning military dicatorship, with the resources to back it up.


Yes, its crazy, yes the ships are ridiculously overpowered, but its all we have to go off.


Star trek gets crushed like a gnat and is left oozing essential fluids into the sands of tatooine. The empire then gets taken out by a blond haired kid from a moisture farm.

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Still, we are having a Star Wars vs Star Trek debate here, and if the star wars weapons are more powerful it would seem that this was an open shut case


There's a difference between arguing the fundamental technologies vs. arguing bs made up numbers. The only numbers that can even remotely be considered canon are those that Curtis Saxton slapped into his Ep II & III incredible cross sections, and even then he only got away with power output numbers in the Ep II one.


The bottom line is during a Star Wars vs Star Trek debate, citing numbers that were designed with bias to be in Star Wars' favor is no better than Mary Sue-ing your way into declaring the Mandalorians the greatest warriors with invincible starships and armor.

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There's a difference between arguing the fundamental technologies vs. arguing bs made up numbers. The only numbers that can even remotely be considered canon are those that Curtis Saxton slapped into his Ep II & III incredible cross sections, and even then he only got away with power output numbers in the Ep II one.


The bottom line is during a Star Wars vs Star Trek debate, citing numbers that were designed with bias to be in Star Wars' favor is no better than Mary Sue-ing your way into declaring the Mandalorians the greatest warriors with invincible starships and armor.


Yeh because the Klingons as you have described them don't sound like mary sues at all....

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Yeh because the Klingons as you have described them don't sound like mary sues at all....


I'm sorry, how have I described the Klingons? Cuz I don't recall choosing sides. I'm here just stating facts and criticizing those that try to list incompatible made-up numbers as justification for their argument.

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I'm sorry, how have I described the Klingons? Cuz I don't recall choosing sides. I'm here just stating facts and criticizing those that try to list incompatible made-up numbers as justification for their argument.


What was it? three Klingons killed an army of 200,000? They have Cloaking systems that they can use willy nilly to roflstomp anyone, and god knows what else, let's please not go on about who is mary sue or who is not, because this is a Science Fiction debate, getting on about mary sues is like opening the flood gates in an already Tsunami like situation.

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What was it? three Klingons killed an army of 200,000? They have Cloaking systems that they can use willy nilly to roflstomp anyone, and god knows what else, let's please not go on about who is mary sue or who is not, because this is a Science Fiction debate, getting on about mary sues is like opening the flood gates in an already Tsunami like situation.


You're raging about someone else entirely, sister. If you actually scroll up, you'll see I'm the one that pointed out the Klingons that made the army of 200,000 claim were prone to exaggeration, as per their culture. Also, cloaking technology has been a major plot point of Star Trek since the original series. So has finding ways to defeat said cloaking technology. Because the Klingons aren't written as the invincible warriors you're under the mistaken impression they are.


I really don't think you understand the definition of Mary Sue. And even the most adroit Fandalorians freely admit that the Mandos, as written by Karen Travis, are Mary Sues. Humble farmers with superior fighting ability (sufficiently so that the Sword of the Jedi goes to them for training), an ultra-rare ore that stops lightsabers and allows them to build the most powerful fighters in the galaxy?


There's really no debate there. Karen Traviss Mary Sue'd the piss outta the Mandalorians.

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You're raging about someone else entirely, sister. If you actually scroll up, you'll see I'm the one that pointed out the Klingons that made the army of 200,000 claim were prone to exaggeration, as per their culture. Also, cloaking technology has been a major plot point of Star Trek since the original series. So has finding ways to defeat said cloaking technology. Because the Klingons aren't written as the invincible warriors you're under the mistaken impression they are.


I really don't think you understand the definition of Mary Sue. And even the most adroit Fandalorians freely admit that the Mandos, as written by Karen Travis, are Mary Sues. Humble farmers with superior fighting ability (sufficiently so that the Sword of the Jedi goes to them for training), an ultra-rare ore that stops lightsabers and allows them to build the most powerful fighters in the galaxy?


There's really no debate there. Karen Traviss Mary Sue'd the piss outta the Mandalorians.


Ah i see, I apologise then, and i totally agree, the Mandalorians were awesome from just the Manda Wars, no reason to turn them into Chuck Norris' kids.


Also i know what a Mary sue, a perfect character, best at everything with no weakness at all, that was my point, Luke? Q? come on.

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Ah i see, I apologise then, and i totally agree, the Mandalorians were awesome from just the Manda Wars, no reason to turn them into Chuck Norris' kids.


Also i know what a Mary sue, a perfect character, best at everything with no weakness at all, that was my point, Luke? Q? come on.


Well, that's part of it (in my opinion, anyway...apparently according to TVTropes, there's no precise definition). I've always followed the definition that a Mary Sue as more than just a perfect character: it's the author fantasizing themselves into the story. It's the characters that are blatantly written from the perspective of "If I were in this universe..."


In the LotF novels, Karen Traviss Mary Sue'd herself into Jaina Solo's boots, so she could learn the wise, yet humble, warrior ways of the mighty Mando'a. :rolleyes:

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There are several Critical factor your missing in your equation. In the Starwars Universe they use Lazers and Proton Torpedos. As demonstrated in Startrek TNG Lazers and proton torpedos are considered an outdated weak offensive technology.


Plus also The Starwars Universe use Deflector Shield which again is a weaker form of shieldind then the Startrek Universe, Infact Deflector shields is used a navigation system by the startrek universe to clear space debree when traveling at warp and high impulse, typically produced from a deflector array simular to the ones that are used in the starwars universe.


But besides for deflectors the startrek universe also has primary and secondary multiphasic shield grids. It would take 100/1 Tie Fighters or 3/1 StarDestroyers to put out enough lazer / proton torpedo dmg to take down a single Vorcha class cruiser.


Klingon ships are outsitted with Phaser / Disrupter technology which would tear through an Imp fleets deflector system. And as demonstated by the starwars universe weapons are manually target for most of thier offencsive weapons making tie fighters and imp ships much less accurate versus a highly manuravable klingon ship.


Where as Klingons use omni directional targeting systems, and have a computer core primary and secondary which use advanced technology that can process enemie vunrabilities with its scaning system. Where are demonstrated by the starwars universe they do not having scanning technology they relay on covert ops to retrieve tactical data about a enemie ship or base.


Now lets forget about ships for a sec because I believe i thoroughly debunked any missconseptions that the Imp Fleet could infact go toe to toe with the Klingon Empire. Lets get into Close Quarter combat and super weapons.


The Bulk of the Imp Fleet is Storm Troopers, Not very agile they have terriable aim infact they really only make good meat shields. And for those who wish to argue this fact please remember Storm troopers with overwhelming fire power were defeated by a bunch of migit fluffy carebears in return of the jedi hahaha.


Now The Klingon as an entire species, They Live to battle following a strict code of honour, loyality and bravery. Klingons have back ups of almost everytime of organ making them extremely resilent in combat. They have advanced weapon training with a variety of long range and short range weapons, including melle weapons like the batlith and long range weapons like the disruptor pistol.


But who would the Klingons find most challenging in combat, simple the Sith would destroy the klingons even in large coordinated groups. But theres not a large abundence of Sith for 2 reasons number one being that in the starwars universe you have to have a certain meta chlorine count to even wield the force. and number 2 because of the ruthless of the sith and thier quik handedness to kill who they consider to be unworthy, aswell as killing off other sith for power gain. It means the Sith are in short supply and dont make them terriably effective in a large sacle war against the klingon. (Same point could also be used for BountyHunters)


Now for super weapons. I know everyone is thinking ok this is where the Starwars Universe wins they will simply take thier deathstar to kronos and several other klingon planets and just blow it up.


Well I hate to break the news to you but the Death Star would be completly useless versus the Klingon Empire heres why. The Klingon empires region of space is surrounded by an elebrate detection grid meaning a Imp tasks force and or even the death star would be flagged lightyears before it was inrange of the klingon home world.


Now Since Imp fleet only travels at lightspeed and the Klingon fleet travels at around Warp 7 which is 7 times faster then lightspeed, hence why they require a warp field. That means as soon as they trip the outter perimiter scanners the Klingons would be on them very quikly unleashing. Photon and Quantum Torpedos which would not stop the DeathStar but would distract them long enough for the Klingons to unleash thier 2 very powerful weapons. #1 Space Mines the klingon empire is well known for using cloaked ships to deploy cloaked space mines that deliver massive dmg to anything that runs into them.


But Super weapon #2 is what will completly obliterate the DeathStar. Subspace Weapons, Its outlawed by the Kiddimer Accords in the startrek universe so you dont see the klingons using such a powerful weapon but as has been confirmed by starfleet intelligence the klingons do have the ability to use sub space and or radiogenic weapons.


Subspace weapons can generate a spacial annomoly at a targeted location which can be as destructive as a micro blackhole, which would tear the Deathstar apart. Then there is Radiogenic weapons which because the Imp fleet doesnt have an advance shielding system makes them even more vunrable to such an attack. basically a radiogenic weapon is a focused blast of radiation killing and liquifing any organic matter in Minutes.


But in the end it out be a stalemate. The Klingon Empire isnt nearly as vast as the Imp Fleet so they could never bring the fight to the Imps Fleets door step and the Imp Fleet just doesnt have the fire power or defenses to engage the Klingons without sustaining immensive loses and resources.


So in the End Neither wins nore loses, Both Empires would eb smart enough to leave eachother alone...

Edited by Hellspawnxxx
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There are several Critical factor your missing in your equation. In the Starwars Universe they use Lazers and Proton Torpedos. As demonstrated in Startrek TNG Lazers and proton torpedos are considered an outdated weak offensive technology.


Plus also The Starwars Universe use Deflector Shield which again is a weaker form of shieldind then the Startrek Universe, Infact Deflector shields is used a navigation system by the startrek universe to clear space debree when traveling at warp and high impulse, typically produced from a deflector array simular to the ones that are used in the starwars universe.


But besides for deflectors the startrek universe also has primary and secondary multiphasic shield grids. It would take 100/1 Tie Fighters or 3/1 StarDestroyers to put out enough lazer / proton torpedo dmg to take down a single Vorcha class cruiser.


Klingon ships are outsitted with Phaser / Disrupter technology which would tear through an Imp fleets deflector system. And as demonstated by the starwars universe weapons are manually target for most of thier offencsive weapons making tie fighters and imp ships much less accurate versus a highly manuravable klingon ship.


Where as Klingons use omni directional targeting systems, and have a computer core primary and secondary which use advanced technology that can process enemie vunrabilities with its scaning system. Where are demonstrated by the starwars universe they do not having scanning technology they relay on covert ops to retrieve tactical data about a enemie ship or base.


Now lets forget about ships for a sec because I believe i thoroughly debunked any missconseptions that the Imp Fleet could infact go toe to toe with the Klingon Empire. Lets get into Close Quarter combat and super weapons.


The Bulk of the Imp Fleet is Storm Troopers, Not very agile they have terriable aim infact they really only make good meat shields. And for those who wish to argue this fact please remember Storm troopers with overwhelming fire power were defeated by a bunch of migit fluffy carebears in return of the jedi hahaha.


Now The Klingon as an entire species, They Live to battle following a strict code of honour, loyality and bravery. Klingons have back ups of almost everytime of organ making them extremely resilent in combat. They have advanced weapon training with a variety of long range and short range weapons, including melle weapons like the batlith and long range weapons like the disruptor pistol.


But who would the Klingons find most challenging in combat, simple the Sith would destroy the klingons even in large coordinated groups. But theres not a large abundence of Sith for 2 reasons number one being that in the starwars universe you have to have a certain meta chlorine count to even wield the force. and number 2 because of the ruthless of the sith and thier quik handedness to kill who they consider to be unworthy, aswell as killing off other sith for power gain. It means the Sith are in short supply and dont make them terriably effective in a large sacle war against the klingon. (Same point could also be used for BountyHunters)


Now for super weapons. I know everyone is thinking ok this is where the Starwars Universe wins they will simply take thier deathstar to kronos and several other klingon planets and just blow it up.


Well I hate to break the news to you but the Death Star would be completly useless versus the Klingon Empire heres why. The Klingon empires region of space is surrounded by an elebrate detection grid meaning a Imp tasks force and or even the death star would be flagged lightyears before it was inrange of the klingon home world.


Now Since Imp fleet only travels at lightspeed and the Klingon fleet travels at around Warp 7 which is 7 times faster then lightspeed, hence why they require a warp field. That means as soon as they trip the outter perimiter scanners the Klingons would be on them very quikly unleashing. Photon and Quantum Torpedos which would not stop the DeathStar but would distract them long enough for the Klingons to unleash thier 2 very powerful weapons. #1 Space Mines the klingon empire is well known for using cloaked ships to deploy cloaked space mines that deliver massive dmg to anything that runs into them.


But Super weapon #2 is what will completly obliterate the DeathStar. Subspace Weapons, Its outlawed by the Kiddimer Accords in the startrek universe so you dont see the klingons using such a powerful weapon but as has been confirmed by starfleet intelligence the klingons do have the ability to use sub space and or radiogenic weapons.


Subspace weapons can generate a spacial annomoly at a targeted location which can be as destructive as a micro blackhole, which would tear the Deathstar apart. Then there is Radiogenic weapons which because the Imp fleet doesnt have an advance shielding system makes them even more vunrable to such an attack. basically a radiogenic weapon is a focused blast of radiation killing and liquifing any organic matter in Minutes.


But in the end it out be a stalemate. The Klingon Empire isnt nearly as vast as the Imp Fleet so they could never bring the fight to the Imps Fleets door step and the Imp Fleet just doesnt have the fire power or defenses to engage the Klingons without sustaining immensive loses and resources.


So in the End Neither wins nore loses, Both Empires would eb smart enough to leave eachother alone...


Your argument assumes many things, especially including your assumption that lasers in star wars are the same as lasers in Star trek, they are not, they were just given that name in the script, in truth they act very differently, as someone a few pages stated awhile back.

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Your argument assumes many things, especially including your assumption that lasers in star wars are the same as lasers in Star trek, they are not, they were just given that name in the script, in truth they act very differently, as someone a few pages stated awhile back.


then we come back to judging their strength. From the movies we can see they are not as strong as the ICS says they are.


Many times we see x-wings and the Millennium falcon with no shields able to take several direct hits. If the weapons where as powerful as the ICS says they are ie several megatons then the ships would be obliterated.

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then we come back to judging their strength. From the movies we can see they are not as strong as the ICS says they are.


Many times we see x-wings and the Millennium falcon with no shields able to take several direct hits. If the weapons where as powerful as the ICS says they are ie several megatons then the ships would be obliterated.


Well Porkins was completely destroyed by turbolasers....and that one X-wing with Arvel before he crashed his A-wing into the bridge of the SSD was completely destroyed.

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Well Porkins was completely destroyed by turbolasers....and that one X-wing with Arvel before he crashed his A-wing into the bridge of the SSD was completely destroyed.


Canonically Porkins crashed into the Death Star because he had his inertial compensator dialed up all the way, and had no idea how rapidly he was descending.


Edit: Okay, I'm part right. He was killed by turbolaser fire; he didn't know how rapidly he was descending into their range.

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