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Knock back nerf


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ok its getting harder and harder as a melee to get close to most things because of all this knock back and knock back root/snare crap i mean come on.




you get within melee rang of a trooper he knock you back with a snare in 1. you use force charge on him straigh after he knock you back and he does the same ability again which snares you. which by then he gotten off about 4 grav rounds which nearly kills you.



knock back needs a look at because im sick of spending most of my pvp match's flying around in the air LOL.



weeeee oh there i got again weeeeeeeee! oh im alive oh no weeeeeeeeeeee! and off the ledge i go >.>




sort it out >.>

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ok its getting harder and harder as a melee to get close to most things because of all this knock back and knock back root/snare crap i mean come on.




you get within melee rang of a trooper he knock you back with a snare in 1. you use force charge on him straigh after he knock you back and he does the same ability again which snares you. which by then he gotten off about 4 grav rounds which nearly kills you.



knock back needs a look at because im sick of spending most of my pvp match's flying around in the air LOL.



weeeee oh there i got again weeeeeeeee! oh im alive oh no weeeeeeeeeeee! and off the ledge i go >.>




sort it out >.>


Disregarding your signature. I can relate to how frustrating it can be. My main being an immortal Juggernaut.


However, they do not need to nerf knock backs. They need to tweak the resolve system to it fills up faster so you can actually make use of the system. Furthermore, full resolve should make you immune to snare abilities as well.


Just my 2 credits.

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the knockback spam is due to the broken resolve bar which i actualy should of stated in my 1st post.



so yes all you that just trolled my thread might want to actualy read about the game and go back to basic instruction manual type stuff as it seem you have no clue what you trolls are on about.



i have played many mmo's before and unfortunatly i had to put up with scrubs abusing known broken abilitys/items bug and exploits within those also, the only thing i could do was report them and some of them got banned which i was glad they did.



my signature is how it states you shouldnt be playing games if you have to cheat on them, it destroys the total point of the game and ruins it for everyone else



i will stand up to you trolls because it seems no one else will.


keep trolling and ill be there to educate you even more

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You shouldn't be playing games if you ***** about every mechanic in it.


The fact that you picked a trooper as your focus for hate is even funnier, since a melee class should eat a trooper.

Edited by mutee
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this just in melee have 1 gap closer that you use to get knocked back again and snared or rooted get out of that one rommel


oh you got knocked back? just stun them and march yourself back to them.


Not sure what YOU are doing wrong but every other melee pvp player who is competent is having no problems face rolling any class.

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Absolutely everything that you say, JediDuckling, makes me think that you have no idea what you're talking about.


Anything you even begin to not like for a second or that is mildly irritating because it happened to your friend once, you call for nerfs on.


I wish they'd take away your forum access, or that I could make any thread you started come up in bright yellow and black stripes so I'd know to stay out of it.

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He is one of those people who are not happy until they can faceroll their keyboard without any skill and kill any player they want in 3-5 seconds.


God forbid you have to L2P in PvP instead of making whiny forum post after forum post about non-game breaking abilities that can easily be overcome.

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I've no idea why people even compare abilities that every class get, i.e. 'just stun them', because they can always 'just stun you' too. In fact, for CC discussion, I usually consider the universal 4s stun to be not part of any discussion simply because if you use it, it can always be countered by the other guy stunning you back.


KB is very powerful versus melee which is why melee has to be selective on how to use their gap closers. Using it when you first see the guy is almost always a bad idea. Some classes may have it harder than others, but at least part of it is attributed to just bad playing. If you're in a map like Voidstar or even Huttball, there's usually some kind of obstruction you can hide behind so that you can walk up to an enemy without taking a ridiculous amount of damage. This allows you to save your gap closer when they use their KB.

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Have you ever watched a Star Wars movie? Man, those jedi love them some force push. Droids flying this way, sith flying thata way, droid flying over there into other droid. It's zany!! I think they really captured the essence of the Star Wars setting with these abilities.:D
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Now, I'm a Merc. So I have the same knocbacks a commando has. Our knockback is on a pretty hefty cd (-10 seconds if Arsenal tree and spec'd into it). So, you get to us, we knock you back, you use force charge, you now have a good amount of time (-10 seconds if we are talented) on us before we can knockback again. So your post is complete misinformation.


The only exception to this is if we also talent Rocket Punch. But that knock literally knocks you back like 5 meters, which is time to cast maybe half a tracer missile.


My question is, is it possible you got knocked back by two different commandos? Cause as far as I know, Vanguards/Powertechs dont have a knockback, and definitely not a spammable one. And Merc/Commando also does not have a spammable knockback.


Also, the knockback does not snare you, it slows you, so you can force charge the second you are knocked back. So unless you lost your charge ability somewhere on your quickslot bar, it shouldnt take you the whole cooldown to charge.


Also, if the commando can get you with grav round 4 times before you find your charge, you are taking at least 6 seconds to find your charge ability, which is insanely slow.


In short, keybind Force Charge, profit.

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As a mercenary and supposed "mirror class" of your complaint class, I can give you some insight here...knockback with a snare is going to be on a base 30 second CD, that can be talented to reduce CD to 20 seconds, the snare lasts 4 seconds. The second knockback would be whatever their version of rocketpunch is, which requires talenting to provide a knockback, is a short 5m knockback and has no snare.


So lets say he/she uses the big KB first, you gap close jump back to them, they use the second one, by now you are 5m away, no longer snared and on them in less time than they can cast a single grav round.


In your story you wish us to believe that they knock you back and keep you off of them while pounding you with 4 grav rounds at 1.5 seconds each, adding in the 2 global cooldowns for the use of the knockbacks that comes out to about 9 seconds it takes you to close the gap, with a gap closer and only 4 second snare on you....shame on you.

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oh you got knocked back? just stun them and march yourself back to them.


Not sure what YOU are doing wrong but every other melee pvp player who is competent is having no problems face rolling any class.


this guy has just no clue...he just doesnt want his pinball machine nerfed

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