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HM gear loot issues

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I just completed doing 4/5 Bosses on both Hard Mode EV and Hard Mode Karagga's Palace with my guild.

I went into the run being the only IA with high hopes of getting gear.


Not ONE piece of Rakata dropped, not even Columi!!

Two bosses in KP dropped offset cunning gear for DPS , that I don't even need.


I feel so cheated...


There for ... : Ra-NADA


RNG happens. We have a sorceror that only has one rakata piece, even though he's raided with the guild forever. The one time he doesn't come to the raid, 3 drop. yes we had other SI's in the raid.

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Have had a problem for over a week or more now. Every single HM we run Drops BH or OP gear only. Ive tanked over 22 Hm this last week . we have seen 1 light saber from HK and som BS columi bracer. Every single chest pop from malgus has been BH . Is there som sort of bug?


Ya this is the same thing that happened with my premade guild group.Time after time it was always the BH or OP chest piece, with the occasional inqy chest piece.Both of our guild BH aquired both the 'healer' chest and the 'dps' chest before we even saw a different archetypes chest piece drop.


Ofcourse its all 'random', to those who got very lucky and got a non-BH/OP chest piece after only a couple runs. Is it a coincedence that almost every 'loot' thread is about BH drops aswell? Or is that random too? /sarcasm off

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Just like any other MMO its all RNG / LucK when it comes to PVE derp mode drops. Speaking from experience I have fully geard myself 5/5 colum and Rakata gloves / offhand sabre(Red black crystal is sexy) in a about 7days.


Last week I did both normal ops(only warrior) and got gear from 9/10 bosses and did as many hms as I could. I went from around 1300str to 1700 str w/in that time frame thats w/ biochem stem/sourcy buff.


I myself am still getting use to this huge increase in stats. Pretty much its been late christmas for me and im 100% done w/ hardmodes and focusing on dailys over HM's.


Its just a matter of time and luck/rng when it comes to getting gear. Just hang in there and the luck of the irish may sprinkle some irish luck on your loot tables.. or not!

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Have had a problem for over a week or more now. Every single HM we run Drops BH or OP gear only. Ive tanked over 22 Hm this last week . we have seen 1 light saber from HK and som BS columi bracer. Every single chest pop from malgus has been BH . Is there som sort of bug?


Ya...i am really starting to wonder the same thing except i have seen one piece of warrior tier gear out of the 60+ Hardmodes i have run..... something is wrong when my companion is in 4 pieces and i have 1.... (even raids dont give me tier stuff.....)

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It's random, you all just have bad luck.


Here's the thing, you are not the only person running them. Looking at the total number in D7 or FE, or anything, there are 4-8 groups running it at any one time. They're probably picking up the drops you never see.


15 FE runs with 12 BH bodies and 3 IA bodies is anecdotal, coincidental, and just plain bad luck. I with I had your luck because I've only seen SW and IA bodies drop, yet lots of people I know have picked their BH or SI body up from FE. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means again you have terrible luck.

Edited by Shivus
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It's random, you all just have bad luck.


Here's the thing, you are not the only person running them. Looking at the total number in D7 or FE, or anything, there are 4-8 groups running it at any one time. They're probably picking up the drops you never see.


15 FE runs with 12 BH bodies and 3 IA bodies is anecdotal, coincidental, and just plain bad luck. I with I had your luck because I've only seen SW and IA bodies drop, yet lots of people I know have picked their BH or SI body up from FE. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means again you have terrible luck.


Or perhaps certain class items have a higher drop rate due to population.

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Do the math, guys.


25% means that there is a 25% chance that the HM item dropped will be the one you can use for your class.


It doesn't mean that the item you need will show up once every four attempts.


You think statistics might help your argument; It just proves you're unlucky.



Edited by xGBox
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I must have the worst luck in the world, then, if this is truly "random".


I'm going on 14 HMs straight (since Friday) without a single IA drop. For 7 of those 14 runs, a piece of gear dropped that no one in the party could even wear. :mad:



Absolutely infuriating. Several hours wasted. I can now do HMs with my eyes closed - not even a challenge any more and becoming very, very boring, yet it looks like I'll have enough of those stupid tokens to BUY a Columi piece before I ever see another one drop at this rate.


You can say random all you want, but 0% isn't random to me...

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Nope, It's broken. I have run F.E every day for two weeks, and we have another group doing the same the only chest(s) Malgus has dropped have been Consular and Knight with the exception of 1 Smuggler......soooo 14 runs x2 is 28 runs with only 1 smuggler and 0 trooper....thats not RNG because it's not random.


Can CS at least comment on this..?

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Have had a problem for over a week or more now. Every single HM we run Drops BH or OP gear only. Ive tanked over 22 Hm this last week . we have seen 1 light saber from HK and som BS columi bracer. Every single chest pop from malgus has been BH . Is there som sort of bug?


I need to do runs with you, I guess!!! Yay for BH gear! :p

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Just to reply here with the conclusions from another thread about this which seem to fit...


The RNG seems to be weighted to classes that are NOT present to create a kind of bottleneck e.g. the guild groups I run HMs with rarely has a Bounty Hunter and BH loot is about 50%+ of drops.


To be fair, gear/money/XP/etc bottlenecks are the only way developers can make content last long enough until they have the time to bring out new stuff. Sucks for the player, but that's the bigger picture.

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Our static has jugg tank, 2 mercs and op healer (me). We ran about 20 HMs and only got 2 columi + 1 energized for mercs, 1 energized for the tank and my Vector companion now has a willpower tier set and purple electrostaff. And I got 7 pieces. Yeah.
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