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The FUTURE of this game.


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First off, there were no quests in MXO, it didnt have an "Open World". It just so happened you could go to any Apartment complex to do the rediculously repetitive quests to get a new trenchcoat.


MXO sucked, and I say that as someone who wanted it to not suck.


Your right there was no quests in MXO, they're called Missions and they the same thing as normal MMO quests.


As for open world I say it was. In say ToR, you have the planets and zones within the planet and you can only get from some zones to another along a certain path (such as a valley or cave) while in The Matrix Online it had a world split into 3 different sections, but within them there was no limits, no paths you NEEDED to take to get from point A to point B as you do within ToR.


Sure you had to cross a bridge to get from one section to the next but there only two times you had to that if I recall (or you catch da trains).


MXO was an open world game, nothing less than that.



First off, there were no quests in MXO


to do the rediculously repetitive quests to get a new trenchcoat.



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Indeed, arena net is just owned by NCsoft - its not NC that's developing gw2. About Aion - only a tiny portion of those subscribers are actualy european and american gamers, and if you check the respective forums you'll see that the way NC is developing the game pretty much sucks for them - they play a game that gets updates based on what the Asian community wants.


Wait, you mean like how Bioware made SWTOR and not EA?


Go figure, these forums seem to be full of people who claim EA made and ruined SWTOR in a global conspiracy to make me hate Star Wars.

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Your right there was no quests in MXO, they're called Missions and they the same thing as normal MMO quests.


As for open world I say it was. In say ToR, you have the planets and zones within the planet and you can only get from some zones to another along a certain path (such as a valley or cave) while in The Matrix Online it had a world split into 3 different sections, but within them there was no limits, no paths you NEEDED to take to get from point A to point B as you do within ToR.


Sure you had to cross a bridge to get from one section to the next but there only two times you had to that if I recall (or you catch da trains).


MXO was an open world game, nothing less than that.







In a normal mmo, you do a quest given by a quest giver.


In MXO you had a choice of 5 menu buttons that sent you into an apartment complex to fight some thugs and click a person.


No dialogue, not even really a quest box with some lore typed in it.


The best part of MXO was how you could only fight one npc at a time and the others either stood there waiting, or continued to punch you.

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Indeed, arena net is just owned by NCsoft - its not NC that's developing gw2. About Aion - only a tiny portion of those subscribers are actualy european and american gamers, and if you check the respective forums you'll see that the way NC is developing the game pretty much sucks for them, because they play a game that gets updates based on what the Asian community wants.


Yeah i played Aion since its 2 day head start all the way to swtors release. NC West did not do a great job managing Aion in the NA/EU. Its pretty much whatever the Korean player base wants or don't want is what the NA/EU player base received. Although things may be different now for the EU since their version of Aion is Free to play. Its still P2P in the US. I loved Aion but man i could not take the stupid decisions made by NC west especially when the player base was screaming at them to not do some of the things that did.

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Yeah i played Aion since its 2 day head start all the way to swtors release. NC West did not do a great job managing Aion in the NA/EU. Its pretty much whatever the Korean player base wants or don't want is what the NA/EU player base received. Although things may be different now for the EU since their version of Aion is Free to play. Its still P2P in the US. I loved Aion but man i could not take the stupid decisions made by NC west especially when the player base was screaming at them to not do some of the things that did.


Problem is, a lot of the time the playerbase has no idea what they want, and sometimes what they want would outright kill the game. The same thing is happening here on these forums, a lot of the requests are simply garbage...

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Problem is, a lot of the time the playerbase has no idea what they want, and sometimes what they want would outright kill the game. The same thing is happening here on these forums, a lot of the requests are simply garbage...


I disagree.


I find most of the complaints directed at this game are very reasonable and follow a very clear theme, and deffinitely not garbage.


I find myself agreeing with 90% of them.

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Yeah i played Aion since its 2 day head start all the way to swtors release. NC West did not do a great job managing Aion in the NA/EU. Its pretty much whatever the Korean player base wants or don't want is what the NA/EU player base received. Although things may be different now for the EU since their version of Aion is Free to play. Its still P2P in the US. I loved Aion but man i could not take the stupid decisions made by NC west especially when the player base was screaming at them to not do some of the things that did.


wait... EU version is already F2P? I was reading about the NA version to become f2p soon but i didnt know the eu version is free... damn... since when? If its been for more than a few months i could have gone back to my Glady while waiting for tor... :p

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I'll tell you the future of this game.


In 2-3 months SWTOR will release in Asia and Australia.


Population booms, then slowly trickles, then stabilizes as the number 2 mmo in the United States.


Players on the World of Warcraft forum proclaim victory, and SWTOR players proceed to not care while enjoying SWTOR.


GW2 looms on the horizon, the 25th WoW killer this decade primed to strike.

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But point is, this game is single player. You play the most with yourself. And instance with friends.


Definition of single player with co-op right there lol.


So are you saying WoW is singe player aswell? You don't have to group to get to 85 unless you wanna do a heroic quest, which, guess what, this game has as well! RIFT felt like the most multiplayer MMO I've ever played, massive invasions and such had you and the whole area fighting against the planar invaders. Like I said earlier, by your definition nearly all MMOs are single player with dungeons to group with people.


Honestly, the only reason I see people calling this game single player is because of the freakin' storylines and the ability to have a conversation with NPCs!

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In a normal mmo, you do a quest given by a quest giver.


In MXO you had a choice of 5 menu buttons that sent you into an apartment complex to fight some thugs and click a person.


No dialogue, not even really a quest box with some lore typed in it.


The best part of MXO was how you could only fight one npc at a time and the others either stood there waiting, or continued to punch you.


No there wasn’t many quest givers as such, but it makes sense within the Matrix world to have a magic voice in your head (like in the movies), also I am fan of not having a world full of people with icons over their heads like “ZOMGCOMEOVERHEREIHAVESOMETHINGTOSAYTOU”, I liked the Matrix system of having the phone calls (I think that’s what they’re meant to be).



And yes I agree the Missions where dull to the point of crying at a keyboard, but so at the quests in every single free to play Asian title or hell most MMOs today.

Take away the cut scenes from ToR and look at its bones and it’s little different.


Also the combat system was epic.

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For the record I leveled 1-50 in a group with a friend of mine. I did every heroic group quest on ever planet just the two of us. I never said you coudn't group on this game.


We skipped flashpoints because we didn't want to outlevel the planets too fast because this game was paced insanely too fast. We stayed on level par so we could actually make use out of quest rewards...which means we spent about a day or two on each planet when we started questing inbetween credit farming lol...


I give up trying to explain why I don't consider this game a real MMORPG. I wrote a mini book earlier explaining why I say that, so i'm done with that.


I'll just say this. The world SWTOR creats becomes lifeless and dull, and is not fun to explore. It's copies too much from WoW - which i can't stand - and has basically blended what I hate most about the new age MMORPGs into one game.


The companion system is cool, The graphics are nice. But the gameplay is kind of shallow and repetitive, and the game is just too short, linear and scripted to make it fun for a long time.


That's the bottom line. You can call it w/e the hell you want.


You want different try HoI III, it's about as different from this game as possible, still fun though. Not an MMORPG though either. :D


I'd definitely agree when it comes to datacrons, it feels more like Mario Bros. than, well, anything. I didn't sign up for a platforming game. As to the lifeless world, I somewhat agree in a way, once the missions are gone and get nothing of use from fighting on those planets it does seem dull. It stops seeming that way when I play my alts that are still in their 10s and 20s, and I still have 5 more classes to go. Also even on my main when I go back to help on Taris or Voss or anywhere really, it feels like I have purpose again.

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I disagree.


I find most of the complaints directed at this game are very reasonable and follow a very clear theme, and deffinitely not garbage.


I find myself agreeing with 90% of them.


See this is my point. I also agree with 90% of them. That probably means that 85% of them would do something to disrupt the balance (as if it isn't bad enough already), make the game easier, make the game harder, make the game too friendly, make the game too unfriendly, and any other game-changing experience you can think of.

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You want different try HoI III, it's about as different from this game as possible, still fun though. Not an MMORPG though either. :D


I'd definitely agree when it comes to datacrons, it feels more like Mario Bros. than, well, anything. I didn't sign up for a platforming game. As to the lifeless world, I somewhat agree in a way, once the missions are gone and get nothing of use from fighting on those planets it does seem dull. It stops seeming that way when I play my alts that are still in their 10s and 20s, and I still have 5 more classes to go. Also even on my main when I go back to help on Taris or Voss or anywhere really, it feels like I have purpose again.


I remember back in Vanilla WoW when i would go back to the Tauren starter zone and enjoy the wealth of level 60 endgame content located there.



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wait... EU version is already F2P? I was reading about the NA version to become f2p soon but i didnt know the eu version is free... damn... since when? If its been for more than a few months i could have gone back to my Glady while waiting for tor... :p


It goes free to play February. sorry bout that.

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Problem is, a lot of the time the playerbase has no idea what they want, and sometimes what they want would outright kill the game. The same thing is happening here on these forums, a lot of the requests are simply garbage...


That's true here but there were some things that were simply outrageous when Aion was released for EU/NA. There was a problem with ATI graphic cards for example that was nonexistant in the Asian version. I was one of the unlucky players to experience it - memory leaks that were followed by crashes because during fortress sieges the game kept rendering textures for hundreds of players without dumping anything...


The immediate fix proposed was an option already available to "hide other player models" The first months, mass pvp for me was looking at Huge masses of red and green names... Then, they just somehow limited the problem, by having the game engine to stop loading textures after some point. So the first 20-30 players on my screen would look fine and the rest of them would be white models with a few shadows...

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You want different try HoI III, it's about as different from this game as possible, still fun though. Not an MMORPG though either. :D


I'd definitely agree when it comes to datacrons, it feels more like Mario Bros. than, well, anything. I didn't sign up for a platforming game. As to the lifeless world, I somewhat agree in a way, once the missions are gone and get nothing of use from fighting on those planets it does seem dull. It stops seeming that way when I play my alts that are still in their 10s and 20s, and I still have 5 more classes to go. Also even on my main when I go back to help on Taris or Voss or anywhere really, it feels like I have purpose again.


I agree with you about the datacrons.


I'm not a big alt person, so that probably can account for at least some of of disaffection with this game.

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See this is my point. I also agree with 90% of them. That probably means that 85% of them would do something to disrupt the balance (as if it isn't bad enough already), make the game easier, make the game harder, make the game too friendly, make the game too unfriendly, and any other game-changing experience you can think of.


I just don't see that.


Most of the complaints I see would be fine additions to this game, and would make it a lot more enjoyable longer-term.

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I remember back in Vanilla WoW when i would go back to the Tauren starter zone and enjoy the wealth of level 60 endgame content located there.




You didn't read my post a few pages back... I don't play this game with a me, me, me attitude. I derive just as much fun from the game helping a lvl 5 as I do a lvl 50. Maybe it's easy for my lvl 50 purpled out trooper, but it wasn't for that lvl 5 without my help.

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That's true here but there were some things that were simply outrageous when Aion was released for EU/NA. There was a problem with ATI graphic cards for example that was nonexistant in the Asian version. I was one of the unlucky players to experience it - memory leaks that were followed by crashes because during fortress sieges the game kept rendering textures for hundreds of players without dumping anything...


The immediate fix proposed was an option already available to "hide other player models" The first months, mass pvp for me was looking at Huge masses of red and green names... Then, they just somehow limited the problem, by having the game engine to stop loading textures after some point. So the first 20-30 players on my screen would look fine and the rest of them would be white models with a few shadows...


Yeah, I played Aion too, at launch. At the end, it seemed obvious that it's just a worse version of Lineage 2, so I went back to that :V And yeah, I also had the leak problem...


And then I was a newsletter a week or two ago with some super-dumb bunny(?) suits. Never going back to that game now...

Edited by Truga
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Where is bioware gonna find the people to overhaul this game though?


There biggest game of all, is within 3 months.





ME3 is a bigger game to Bioware than SWTOR? What are you smoking?


ME3 is more of a side line project in comparison.

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You didn't read my post a few pages back... I don't play this game with a me, me, me attitude. I derive just as much fun from the game helping a lvl 5 as I do a lvl 50. Maybe it's easy for my lvl 50 purpled out trooper, but it wasn't for that lvl 5 without my help.




But there are no mmos out there where the world is alive with the sound of music.


They cannot make an mmo where the npcs follow 1 person around as though he is the main character.


It doesnt work that way.

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Yes I can blame them.


If there is so much negative feedback about their game on their forums last thing they should be doing is closing the threads. They should instead be reading them and considering what they can do to fix the problems so they can retain subscription fees. Closing down negative threads is NOT a good way to win over customers.


WoW has 12 million active subscribers and could easily be touted as the best game ever made, go take a look at their forums right now.


There is nothing but negative feedback on their forums, and never has been anything but negative feedback on their forums.


It is a side effect of the forum itself. The average gamer is too busy playing the game or doing other things to take the time and come over to the forums and post about how much fun it is.


Forums = The loud minority.


Always have, and always will.

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