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The FUTURE of this game.


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I see people where I quest all the time, and sharding is only active when there is OVER 100 people in one area to prevent lag. Seeing as you said you have 90 people, there is NO sharding on your planet.


Its 50. Unless they changed it recently. Ive actually seen Balmorra empty with 70 people on.

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I see people where I quest all the time, and sharding is only active when there is OVER 100 people in one area to prevent lag. Seeing as you said you have 90 people, there is NO sharding on your planet.


And every planet is isolated by a loading screen, all the solo instances on each planet, yes, it is a real issue, to me anyways.

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I like.


Yea there will be haters. The hate will come from the games lack of an endgame gear treadmill I think. There's already a lot of haters who hate the idea of endgame and pvp without a gear treadmill. I personally like it and considering guildwars 1 sold 6 million copies there will be enough gw fans buying it to keep it running. Just like there's enough Bioware loyalists and star wars fans to keep this game going.


I really want to like guild wars 2, seeing how GW1 was pretty bad *** and their goals are quite different from wow's, but every time I see the purple crystal dragon fight I cringe a bit:

Why are people killing the dragon, instead of killing other people so they can then kill the dragon and hoard the loot for themselves?


I hope there isn't some stupid restrictions for world pvp... Lineage 2/EVE online still have the best system for this. You can kill any player, but kill too much and you're screwed and need to grind your *** off to get back into highsec/towns.

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I like.




I really want to like guild wars 2, seeing how GW1 was pretty bad *** and their goals are quite different from wow's, but every time I see the purple crystal dragon fight I cringe a bit:

Why are people killing the dragon, instead of killing other people so they can then kill the dragon and hoard the loot for themselves?


I hope there isn't some stupid restrictions for world pvp... Lineage 2/EVE online still have the best system for this. You can kill any player, but kill too much and you're screwed and need to grind your *** off to get back into highsec/towns.


Your gonna be disappointed. Its not anything goes pvp like in EVE. Its one area called the mists that's abotu 4 zones large. In that area you will be teamed up with people from your server fighting people fro 2 other servers for control of objectives on the map. Control gives your entire server bonuses. But your not going to be able to gank someone and take their stuff like you can in EVE

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Its 50. Unless they changed it recently. Ive actually seen Balmorra empty with 70 people on.


No, it was 100 and unless your world map shows something like "Balmorra 1" and let you choose, it's not sharded. And I seen balmorra with 70 people and it felt packed to me. of course not out in the wild but in quest hubs and around main quests areas

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No, it was 100 and unless your world map shows something like "Balmorra 1" and let you choose, it's not sharded. And I seen balmorra with 70 people and it felt packed to me. of course not out in the wild but in quest hubs and around main quests areas


Couldn't be 100 I was on Balmorra with 70 people and I had to change instances to join a party for a heroic. I've also seen 3 instances in Dromund kas with 120 people on.

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Your gonna be disappointed. Its not anything goes pvp like in EVE. Its one area called the mists that's abotu 4 zones large. In that area you will be teamed up with people from your server fighting people fro 2 other servers for control of objectives on the map. Control gives your entire server bonuses. But your not going to be able to gank someone and take their stuff like you can in EVE


In that case he should look for something like Darkfall, but after the 20th time he gets ganked by his own people in the starting area, he'll be back playing 'regimented' PVP

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No, it was 100 and unless your world map shows something like "Balmorra 1" and let you choose, it's not sharded. And I seen balmorra with 70 people and it felt packed to me. of course not out in the wild but in quest hubs and around main quests areas


Balmora is actually a dead place as soon as you head towards the bonus area. "Everyone" hates the planet so much they just leave as soon as possible :V


I finished the bonus series on my first char, and while the rest of the planet was populated fine and I could easily get groups for heroics, the bonus series areas were a dead dead place.

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Couldn't be 100 I was on Balmorra with 70 people and I had to change instances to join a party for a heroic. I've also seen 3 instances in Dromund kas with 120 people on.


So they must have changed something, it used to be that on teh map, in the low right corner you could see how many shards were present, now it always shows 1

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Balmora is actually a dead place as soon as you head towards the bonus area. "Everyone" hates the planet so much they just leave as soon as possible :V


I finished the bonus series on my first char, and while the rest of the planet was populated fine and I could easily get groups for heroics, the bonus series areas were a dead dead place.


yeah it sounds like Taris on republic (the first planet you visit after leaving Coruscant)

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wait. You think SWTOR is an mmorpg/??


Its more of a single player game with co-op. Actually, it fits singleplayer a lot more than MMO.


Just like every other MMO.


WoW has...

- Completely soloable leveling content with optional group content.

- Raids and group "dungeons".

- PvP



Rift has...

- Completely soloable leveling content with optional group content.

- Raids and group "dungeons".

- PvP


SWTOR has...

- Completely soloable leveling content with optional group content.

- Raids and group "dungeons".

- PvP



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So they must have changed something, it used to be that on teh map, in the low right corner you could see how many shards were present, now it always shows 1


Yea this was back in Early access so they may have changed it I have noticed a drop in how many instances there are.

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Yea this was back in Early access so they may have changed it I have noticed a drop in how many instances there are.


Mate, went to lunch before so I couldn't reply, I am not butthurt, I do this during the day at work when I am slightly bored, I just take the piss of people complaining on the forum or just shouting silliness like "this game is dyiiing", no harm meant, I don't have any emotional investment either in TOR or other games.

I play for fun, not because it's another job or career and personally I don't give 2 craps how many people are playing a game, never been much in the sheep mentality. When I stop having fun, I move. i don't get haters or people that seem to have so much invested in a videogame that when things don't go the way they want react like the world is ending....

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


Why cant PvE crowd play both? You do realize the ME3 will not hold players as long as an MMO right? Statistically how long to people play a single player game? And Co-Op, I dunno about you, but most people I know don't play the Co-Op features.

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Mate, went to lunch before so I couldn't reply, I am not butthurt, I do this during the day at work when I am slightly bored, I just take the piss of people complaining on the forum or just shouting silliness like "this game is dyiiing", no harm meant, I don't have any emotional investment either in TOR or other games.

I play for fun, not because it's another job or career and personally I don't give 2 craps how many people are playing a game, never been much in the sheep mentality. When I stop having fun, I move. i don't get haters or people that seem to have so much invested in a videogame that when things don't go the way they want react like the world is ending....


Yea neither do I but its sure fun to stir the pot >.> And I do agree with some of their points. It gets a little ridiculous. Like I said earlier its sorta generic. I like the story and Im slogging through the generic mmo for the story. When I'm done with that Ill move on to something else. I'm not upset or disappointed because I knew this was what it was gonna be from the get go. I wanted Kotor 3 I sort of have kotor 3. True the choices don't matter as much as they did in Kotor but I have 8 stories to go through. So that sorta makes up for the lack of meaningful choices.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.



Why is everyone so hyped about GW2. I truely don't know very much about it other than a lot of people seem to think it's the next comming of christ. I think we've all seen games hyped like this and when they come out they can't possibly live up to what our imagination made them to be. I suspect with what everyone thinks GW2 is going to be that alone will cause it to be the biggest let down of almost any game to date. Besides, GW1 was nothing but ok for it's time and NCSoft's reputation for making games in the last 8 years isn't great.


Regarding all the other complaints about it not being a MMO I can't imagine what it is you're actually playing. I have yet to find a heroic or a FP I can solo at my level. There's plenty of them to do and I've never had trouble finding a group so I don't see the need for any cross server match making. Servers have plenty of players in all level ranges and groups are forming up regularly. The general chat seems to work for LFG.


I occasionally will come and read some of the posts on these forums and I can't help but think people are paying a sub to post here and that's it. Most comments don't seem to be factual to the game or simply to reflect my experiences wiuth it and it appears as if many of the forum posters either don't really play the game very much or simply dislike anything they do. Fact is you must have felt similarly to the last MMO you were playing or you wouldn't be here in the first place.

Edited by Knellict
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Yea neither do I but its sure fun to stir the pot >.> And I do agree with some of their points. It gets a little ridiculous. Like I said earlier its sorta generic. I like the story and Im slogging through the generic mmo for the story. When I'm done with that Ill move on to something else. I'm not upset or disappointed because I knew this was what it was gonna be from the get go. I wanted Kotor 3 I sort of have kotor 3. True the choices don't matter as much as they did in Kotor but I have 8 stories to go through. So that sorta makes up for the lack of meaningful choices.


Ditto. When I heard of TOR years ago,I immediately created this forum account to register for beta but EVERYTHING I heard from then put me off completely, I changed my mind whyen I played the stress tests at the end of november and decided to buy it.

i imagine that people who have been auto-hyping it inside their heads are between the greatest haters and most upset. But to me it's fun, it's as you said sort of KOTOR 3 and that for me is fine. i don't play for 'endgame', as I usually prefer sandbox style games and hate to repeat over and over the same boring instance run or raid. And TOR is a good product, you say it's not innovative but I am ready to bet many of the features it introduced (or made popular) will be in other games soon.


Funny thing is most people who say they quit because TOR isn't innovative, they will go back to wow or rift... the sadness....

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Yea neither do I but its sure fun to stir the pot >.> And I do agree with some of their points. It gets a little ridiculous. Like I said earlier its sorta generic. I like the story and Im slogging through the generic mmo for the story. When I'm done with that Ill move on to something else. I'm not upset or disappointed because I knew this was what it was gonna be from the get go. I wanted Kotor 3 I sort of have kotor 3. True the choices don't matter as much as they did in Kotor but I have 8 stories to go through. So that sorta makes up for the lack of meaningful choices.


This is pretty much my thoughts on the matter. I knew coming in that this would likely not be a long term thing for me because at this point the end game is all about raiding which I despise. That being said the rest of this has been a blast. I will continue to play out several characters to level 50 to experience the stories but at that point, if raiding is the only end game I will be moving on.

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Can we just consolidate these threads into a few and let these people go nuts together and leave the rest of the topics to something useful?


Thread 1: This is not an MMO, even though it requires as much grouping or more to get to max level than WoW.


Thread 2: This game is dead / dying / going to die because I said so.


Thread 3: General rants about how terribad this game is.


Thread 4: Can you hear me now! I am SCREAMING on a forum. LISTEN TO ME!!!111!!!


When I see a thread titled the FUTURE of this game, I was expecting some constructive criticism or ideas on what would be cool. Instead I get to read one of the basic 4 threads above. Maybe at least categorize your thread so I can avoid it.


Try this: [sWTOR Dead] The FUTURE of this game


[Not MMO] The FUTURE of this game


[Rant] The FUTURE of this game


[sCREAM!!!!11!!111!!!1!11] The FUTURE of this game


Maybe the caps on FUTURE should have clued me in.

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