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The FUTURE of this game.


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When GW2 comes out, this game is going free to play.

Place your bets now


Some people play this game because it's an MMO, and some people play it because it's an awesome new star wars game with fun multiplayer and compelling replayability.


I think you would be surprised to find out which is the larger playerbase.

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No, it's like saying the movie theater is massive because it has a lot of seats. The game, in your analogy, is the theater AND the movie.


No it isn't. The game is the game. It doesn't matter if there is a million people playing it or just 1 person playing it, the game is still the same size.


Just like it doesn't matter how many people are watching a 5 minute long movie, it's still a short movie.


This logic you have of saying the size of a game increases based off how many people are playing it is very odd to me...

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I hate to agree with you but I do. I did my first warzone other day and it was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had, and I was looking for an exit after the first 5 minutes. It was like being trapped in the car as a kid with my parents on vacation all over again.


I give the game 6 months also, unless some MAJOR design overhauls are implemented - which I doubt happens. Let's hope this game wasn't the next "evolution" of the MMORPG like BioWare claims, else good chance MMORPGs are going to become an endangered species.



Glad to know your not going to be on my team in a WZ hate people who get owned, give up and can't figure out how to exit. Worse than an AFKer at least there is a chance with them they will AFK in respawn area and get booted.

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So by that definition. Resident Evil 5 is an mmorpg.




Resident Evil isn't a RPG, great job there with your logic. There are other genres of mmos outside of MMORPGs.


This thread fails though. You may beat all the missions for ONE of the EIGHT classes, but you have a long way to go to see all the content. Not to mention they will be adding content so, no, you won't complete this game for months even if you don't have a life and skip all the story (cutscenes included) elements.

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No it isn't. The game is the game. It doesn't matter if there is a million people playing it or just 1 person playing it, the game is still the same size.


Just like it doesn't matter how many people are watching a 5 minute long movie, it's still a short movie.


This logic you have of saying the size of a game increases based off how many people are playing it is very odd to me...


Allow me to elucidate. I believe MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game.


Massively Multiplayer.


The massively is modifying the word multiplayer, an adjective, not game, a noun.


I also happen to think the game itself is pretty massive, but that's beside the point.

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lol. ME3 = not an MMORPG. i'll beat it in one weekend and then go back to swtor.


Actually for those of us with numerous play thrus of both ME1 and ME2, it will be a lot more than a weekend. Doesnt change the fact that the OP is a flaming tool, but dont discount what ME3 is.....A game to jam on the first couple weeks, then play during TOR downtimes. :D

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Some people play this game because it's an MMO, and some people play it because it's an awesome new star wars game with fun multiplayer and compelling replayability.


I think you would be surprised to find out which is the larger playerbase.


This is the bottom line Torenator. As a single player action/adventure game with a multiplayer option it's a solid game.


But trying to market this game as an MMORPG with the ability to last a decade or more like Bioware has done is a farce. This game doesn't have "compelling replayablity" you think it does.


Considering you can easily obtain max level and see all of the planets in a span of a single month, do you really think players are going to be content with rolling alts over and over and redoing flashpoints for 15 bucks a month? Especially considering how dull and lifeless their environments become after you pass through them?


That's not what I would consider "compelling replayablitily". YOu are better off just saving your 15 bucks and putting it toward a new game so you can get an entirely new experience again instead of rehearsing the same old content over and over gain with different cutscenes.

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wait. You think SWTOR is an mmorpg/??


Its more of a single player game with co-op. Actually, it fits singleplayer a lot more than MMO.


You do realise that you lose all credibility with comments like that, right?


In fact, what am i talking about - its painfuly obvious that you're trolling. Shoo, go back to your cave or bridge or whatever...

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No it isn't. The game is the game. It doesn't matter if there is a million people playing it or just 1 person playing it, the game is still the same size.


Just like it doesn't matter how many people are watching a 5 minute long movie, it's still a short movie.


This logic you have of saying the size of a game increases based off how many people are playing it is very odd to me...


A game that takes months to complete compared to a game that takes 4 days to complete (ME3)... seems massive to me. GW2 isn't going to be any bigger zonewise... so yeah, I'd say this game is massive. What are trying to compare it to, a game that has had many content expansions over the course of 8 years? Well yeah, it's smaller than that atm...

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Id also like to add that this games pvp is pretty great, and despite one broken class, it is extremely balanced.


Dont take the copy-paste "Why cant i one shot everyone in my level 40 pvp set at level 50" threads seriously, they are ignorant.

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I'm hoping for an April release of Guild Wars 2. I hope it's released no later than July. That huge sucking sound you hear is another huge chunk of SWTOR subscribers leaving before the next billing cycle. WoW is still trying to defend the Mists of Pandaria (Kung Fu Panda).
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I'm hoping for an April release of Guild Wars 2. I hope it's released no later than July. That huge sucking sound you hear is another huge chunk of SWTOR subscribers leaving before the next billing cycle. WoW is still trying to defend the Mists of Pandaria (Kung Fu Panda).


I'm not hearing a huge sucking sound.


I think it's on your end.

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I'm hoping for an April release of Guild Wars 2. I hope it's released no later than July. That huge sucking sound you hear is another huge chunk of SWTOR subscribers leaving before the next billing cycle. WoW is still trying to defend the Mists of Pandaria (Kung Fu Panda).


If it means getting the trolls out of here I hope it is released next month, or next week. Be much nicer around here without all the negativity.

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Battlefield 3 lets me play with 64 players at once.


WoW lets me raid with 25 people at once.


Which one is massive-er.




That would be correct,if not for the fact that while you're raiding with these other 25 people, there are hundreds or even thousands of players in the same server crafting, chatting, pvp-ing, doing quests or just spamming the jump button for no reason. And they all have the ability to interact in one way or another.

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Allow me to elucidate. I believe MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game.


Massively Multiplayer.


The massively is modifying the word multiplayer, an adjective, not game, a noun.


I also happen to think the game itself is pretty massive, but that's beside the point.


Well allow me to educate you.


How often on this game do you spend your time in groups or "multiplaying"? I doubt very often before you reach max level, considering it is painfully easy to rapidly solo most of the content on this game. So even by your own odd standards the term doesn't apply.


This game is cleary aimed toward solo play. Hell, you can't even complete the main story quests together....as if two jedi consulars for example attempt to do their story lines as a group one has to enter "spectator mode" and it doesn't even count for them lol


You are just wrong.


This is no Massive game, not in either respect. Not in world size, nor in multiplayer experience.

Edited by JeremyDale
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This is the bottom line Torenator. As a single player action/adventure game with a multiplayer option it's a solid game.


But trying to market this game as an MMORPG with the ability to last a decade or more like Bioware has done is a farce. This game doesn't have "compelling replayablity" you think it does.


Considering you can easily obtain max level and see all of the planets in a span of a single month, do you really think players are going to be content with rolling alts over and over and redoing flashpoints for 15 bucks a month? Especially considering how dull and lifeless their environments become after you pass through them?


That's not what I would consider "compelling replayablitily". YOu are better off just saving your 15 bucks and putting it toward a new game so you can get an entirely new experience again instead of rehearsing the same old content over and over gain with different cutscenes.


That's not my bottom line. I will be right here shelling $15 a month, but you are welcome to do something else with yours of course. This game has much more features than wow did when it came out, but through iterative patches and expacs they managed to hold onto folks.


Just if you do leave, can I have your non-bound stuff?

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the PVP ... meh... if you could see their statement (and bi they i mean bioware) about PVP from before the forum wipe, they said that pvp is not about gear, but about skill, and from what i see, people with pvp gear can easily own eve 2 people without pvp gear ... which i am not saying that it is a bad thing, but i am saying that BIOWARE TOLD US SOMETHING ELSE, and ofcourse this is not the only lie they have fed us with. but the point is, they said, gear will only count for 10% of the fight, that even a lvl 20 will have a shot at defeating a lvl 40+ if he is skillful enough, they also said that if you make a mistake you get enough time in the middle of a fight to correct that mistake.


Everytime i PVP i get 1 shoted from marauders, i can never kill a operative, a sniper always gives me a crit of over 6k, i use all the skills in the book with my sage, but most of the times i can't even scape death not even thinking about killing anything.


My only strategy is to stand back and wait for the enemy to focus on some other poor guy, and then atack. I can't 1vs1 , unless i get to push them off the bridge.


So i ask where is the so caled, skill more important than gear in pvp??

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I just want to smack you guys across the head because of the following:


1. Were a month and a week into the game and I remember when WoW started out it was bugged to hell Pvp (granted this area needs a huge over haul) was not that great they only started with 3 battle grounds and I remember getting smacked around 50-90 percent of the time!


2. On this next point I agree this game is soloing too much but then again THATS what they where trying to do you ding bats they where trying to make a game that was solo and in terms of end game its called Operations and Flashpoints. Another thing is you don't really need to do the low level flashpoints you out grow the stuff you get so fast it's not worth it 50% of the time.


3. Now comes the part where I put into the topic my guild officer put into my head. As stated by him we need some Racial skills other than theses social things for there not really useful at the moment.


If anyone else has any add ons to this list feel free to do so.

Edited by Tothjowii
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Well allow me to educate you.


How often on this game do you spend your time in groups or "multiplaying"? I doubt very often before you reach max level, considering it is painfully easy to rapidly solo most of the content on this game. So even by your own odd standards the term doesn't apply.


This game is cleary aimed toward solo play. Hell, you can't even complete the main story quests together....as if two jedi consulars for example attempt to do their story lines as a group one has to enter "spectator mode" and it doesn't even count for them lol


You are just wrong.


This is no Massive game, not in either respect. Not in world size, nor in multiplayer experience.


Actually I've grouped up while leveling in this game a lot more than I have on my last 3-4 wow characters I leveled up. Back when I still played wow. Let me guess, wow isn't an mmo either?

Edited by Torenator
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Battlefield 3 lets me play with 64 players at once.


WoW lets me raid with 25 people at once.


Which one is massive-er.




By that logic Battlefield, however it isn't a RPG but rather a MMOFPS. Next irrelevant comment?


So raids are the only times that interaction between players matter? Funny, I've interacted with lots of players and haven't begun raiding yet because I'm still missing some champion pvp gear.

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