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The FUTURE of this game.


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So... You admit this game will have between 500K and 1million players, so.... how is that a failure? Oh cmon, you must be crying a bit,just a little bit?


no at all. I don't think the game will be a failure. I think its generic and boring but thats why Im waiting on GW 2 to try and break the mold. I dont care if this game fails or not. Why would I ? And I dont hate it either. I'll get my moneys worth by the time I finish the stories and move on to something that's a little more unique.


I have different tastes in mmos I dont like the generic batch of WOW clones so I like more niche games. EVE is my longest running mmo cause well there's nothing quite like it is there?


My post was a joke. So like I said just laugh at it cause its sorta true the doomcallers have had a pretty damn good track record. I don't get emotionally invested in video games.

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I must agree that this game has more success than most other MMORPGs but please take a look at this: http://www.mmo-junkies.net/statistics/ Wanna repeat "great success"? There are a lot of people who like the game (including myself) but if you want this game to be a great success a lot of work is necessary.


I call ******** on that site, the numbers they come up with is just quess work. Until BW lets us use addons, or you get 400 people to do a /who 1-5 /who 6-10 for a month will you know the real numbers. So please dont use that misleading site.


And also:


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


As in all RPGs, players assume the role of a character (often in a fantasy world) and take control over many of that character's actions. MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player RPGs by the number of players, and by the game's persistent world (usually hosted by the game's publisher), which continues to exist and evolve while the player is offline and away from the game.

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My prediction is that the same people who are here on the TOR forum will be on the GW2 forums crying and moaning and ranting about the same things they are here. :rolleyes:


Yep. That game will also be a wow clone that isn't enough like wow. Calling it now, you heard it here first!

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My prediction is that the same people who are here on the TOR forum will be on the GW2 forums crying and moaning and ranting about the same things they are here. :rolleyes:


If GW2 delivers on the action style gameplay Ill be happy. My biggest gripe with all the mmos is how boring the actual gameplay is. I enjoyed DCUO a lot for its exciting gameplay it just was way too limited in every other aspect. If GW2 can deliver gameplay as fun and engaging as DCUO was AND deliver the rest of the mmo experience with crafting and what not AND deliver the open world pvp they are talking about Ill be happy. If not well theres another one on the horizon Im sure.

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I call ******** on that site, the numbers they come up with is just quess work. Until BW lets us use addons, or you get 400 people to do a /who 1-5 /who 6-10 for a month will you know the real numbers. So please dont use that misleading site.


And also:


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


As in all RPGs, players assume the role of a character (often in a fantasy world) and take control over many of that character's actions. MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player RPGs by the number of players, and by the game's persistent world (usually hosted by the game's publisher), which continues to exist and evolve while the player is offline and away from the game.



We all know it's a MMORPG, but it does not FEEL like one. sharded or instanced parts of the game that cut you out are far too many in number to give me the feel I am a part of an online community. That sums up pretty much the whole idea.


Now you have the exact opposite when you reach end-game, you are "forced" to group with others to complete stuff (I will repeat myself here; that content is boring, too easy and has no sense of progression). This gives both MMO and single-player oriented crowds a bad taste (again, not everyone, but some of them).

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Right... Not read full thread but got a touch fu*ked off around page 4 so here it is.


1. Those that say this isn't a MMO because you can complete most of the content solo.


Most quests in WoW were able to be solo'ed. Does that discount WoW as an MMO? You can't complete the 4 man Heroics or 2 man Heroics, Unless you are overleveled or overgeared or just damn amazing I fail to see the difference with WoW.


2. I actually enjoy PvP. WoW PvP is boring to me and has been since they ***** Vanilla AV. (obviously everyone to their own but still) Also Twinks... At least Twinks are less facerapey in this!


3. Sucking Sound of people leaving? Well thats your daft fu*king fault for been impatient and crying for a week because you had to wait to get into your server. Yes Bioware should have predicted it but oh well Sh*t happens they sorted it did they not? I'm now on a nicely populated server and it must be quite balanced because I don't seem to get Huttball more than the other PvPs (Guess ofc)


4. Questing is fun, I've actually got reason to do Republic and Empire (Though Empire first and foremost) because they are different. Yea there is quite a few stock answers (Now you get to see what Bounty Hunters are all about! /facepalm!) and you notice them but in the class quests the dialogue is more or less unique.


Is this games gods gift to gamers? No. Do I really enjoy it? Yes!. Will I still play it when my favourite series on X-Box 360 concludes in March? YES!

Edited by CptBrit
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I know it isn't. The forums though... That's going to be a fun read.


Yea there will be haters. The hate will come from the games lack of an endgame gear treadmill I think. There's already a lot of haters who hate the idea of endgame and pvp without a gear treadmill. I personally like it and considering guildwars 1 sold 6 million copies there will be enough gw fans buying it to keep it running. Just like there's enough Bioware loyalists and star wars fans to keep this game going.

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Right... Not read full thread but got a touch fu*ked off around page 4 so here it is.


1. Those that say this isn't a MMO because you can complete most of the content solo.


My own personal point on this is the fact that the game cuts you out of the community by having so many shards and instances, nothing to do with the solo content in itself.


2. I actually enjoy PvP. I did too, until 50. battlemasters (and thnx to ilum everyone and their mothers have a battlemaster geared character) can faceroll 2 new level 50s.


3. Sucking Sound of people leaving? Yes, I have a tendency not to like being lied to. (see all the promises Bioware made)


4. Questing is fun, As soon as I was outside the conversations, questing felt just like in other MMOs. And conversations quickly became spacebar fights as far as side quests are involved..


welcome late comer. Comments in RED

Edited by Cynistra
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It's not massive. I was level 50 within a month and had already seen every planet.


It's not really multiplayer either. It is ridiculously easy to solo on this game - and grouping up is almost enitirely optional.


It's just like the other guy said. It's a single player action/adventure game with a co op mode if you choose.


This game isn't changing anything. It's just pretending to be something it isn't.


You can't say it's not massive just because you leveled to 50 in a month and saw all the planets. I was level 60 in a month at wow's release and saw all the zones. Does that mean it's not massive? I don't think so.

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So MMO is server based. Really?


I know quite a few mmorpg's that only have the NA/EU option for servers, including re5.


But point is, this game is single player. You play the most with yourself. And instance with friends.


Definition of single player with co-op right there lol.


You mean just like EVERY other MMO?


WoW for example:

You quest alone, have the option of questing in group.

You instance with friends, but is entirely optional.


This is so "omg-doomsday-warnings" different from other mmos, how?

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welcome late comer. Comments in RED


Ive been meaning to comment on the sharding. I frigging hate sharding, Hated it in AOC and hate it here. It disconnects you from the world. There's 90 people on my world really? Where the hell are they? The worst part is they show you how many people are in the world your at and that number is up there just taunting me. there's 80 people here but you cant see them. there's 70 people here but you cant see them.

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SWTOR: EA+Bioware+Lucas Arts


ME3: EA+Bioware


Somehow I don't think people taking a hiatus from SWTOR to finish up ME3 is going to hurt them.


It will help them actually because EA has to pay Lucas arts back the development cost before they can take any profits on this game. And then they get a 30% cut. ME3 is alllll profit for them they aren;t sharing with anyone.

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So in wow you cleared DS on your second week of raiding on HM? Better let those guys who have the world first that they actually don't have it. Even DS is harder on normal than the two raids we have on NMM. The only way to defferentiate the hardcore raiders in this game from the casuals is to check who didn't cancel their sub, there are the casuals.


Now I have to clarify a little, I played wow at launch a bit got borred and go back in Lich King. And at that point I leveled my shaman gave it a shot and it to less then a week for our guild to take the King. A bit harder to get the good gear to make it easyer.


So I might not be the best to sat how it was a start. But I will agree that it is a bit to easy to get the good gear in TOR and I would like a "harder" mode call it what you will.


But my point is that it is as mutch a MMO as WoW, I do know it dosent have as many players as wow. But it is still at MMO. Yes I do not use the Hours on end Grinding matrial and stuff for crafting. And I do not like that grind at all.


It might be better for me this game, but it is still early launch.

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Now I have to clarify a little, I played wow at launch a bit got borred and go back in Lich King. And at that point I leveled my shaman gave it a shot and it to less then a week for our guild to take the King. A bit harder to get the good gear to make it easyer.


So I might not be the best to sat how it was a start. But I will agree that it is a bit to easy to get the good gear in TOR and I would like a "harder" mode call it what you will.


But my point is that it is as mutch a MMO as WoW, I do know it dosent have as many players as wow. But it is still at MMO. Yes I do not use the Hours on end Grinding matrial and stuff for crafting. And I do not like that grind at all.


It might be better for me this game, but it is still early launch.


Gotcha, the model is the same yes, you are absolutly right. And comparing a mmo at launch state in 2004 to one in 2011 is not what i meant at all as the expectations are not the same now as they were back in 2004.

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Ive been meaning to comment on the sharding. I frigging hate sharding, Hated it in AOC and hate it here. It disconnects you from the world. There's 90 people on my world really? Where the hell are they? The worst part is they show you how many people are in the world your at and that number is up there just taunting me. there's 80 people here but you cant see them. there's 70 people here but you cant see them.


I see people where I quest all the time, and sharding is only active when there is OVER 100 people in one area to prevent lag. Seeing as you said you have 90 people, there is NO sharding on your planet.

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