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The FUTURE of this game.


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Sadly Bioware's total disregard for EU timezone players in downtime's have resulted in empty servers. There are only 2 high population servers left. Sadly see this game going free to play within 6 months.


LOL what?!?!?


oh I see, another of those "reality does not exist, only MY reality exists" kinda posts

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Exactly, and before they were 50 while lvling they called it a single player game too as if in other MMO's they have lvled from 1-cap with 4 or 5 people with them the entire time.


Actually some other MMORPGs i've played I did usually have 4 or 5 people with me the entire time :)


Bottom line is this, 1-50 it's mostly a solo game. Yes, there are some multiplayer grinds you can spam at the end if you want - but the vast majority of this game is built around a solo experience - which is fine, but marketing is at a MMORPG is a bit misleading, at least to some of us.

Edited by JeremyDale
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What? You mean the 2-3 heroic4 that you don't even have to do on each planet? Because last I checked, Heroic2+ are EASILY soloable, as for the flashpoints, it hardly makes it for 5% of the total of the game. Can't beat half the content solo? You are either greatly exagerating or you fail hard. As for the wow endgame you quoted... LOL this endgame is so much of a joke that it is the bugs that makes the fights harder(even then they are a joke), not the bosses themselves(even on NMM, btw).



Again you are comparing to leveling are you even 50? I am in a group doing something all the time at 50 with my guild or just something random out of general chat. Oh, and yea no other game has soloable content meant for more than person before....

Edited by nevetss
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Actually some other MMORPGs i've played I did usually have 4 or 5 people with me the entire time :)


Bottom line is this, this 1-50 it's mostly a solo game. Yes, there are some multiplayer grinds you can spam at the end if you want - but the vast majority of this game is built around a solo experience - which is fine, but marketing is at a MMORPG is a bit misleading, at least to some of us.

but I doubt it was randoms out of the game its either friends from real life or friends you brought from another mmo as I had 3 with me the entire time to 50

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I almost feel sorry for the fanboys.


The taller you are the harder you fall, sort of thing.






I just finished the survey I got asked to fill out via a 3rd party company hired by bioware about why I cancelled my subscription. I think that is a great place to let them exactly know why.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


EA don't do F2P MMOs. True story.

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I claimed it was a single-player game with a wow-style endgame clone attached to the end of it.


In other words, it's basically a single player action/adventure game with some multiplayer grinds thrown in at the end. I just don't care for this forumula, and prefer to see strong multi player elements through the entirety of the game, not just at the end.


YOu can argue it's a mutli-player game at the end if you like.


I've been playing in a group 100% (yes, literally 100%) of the time on my way to level 40 as a trooper. I'm not seeing the problem here...

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but I doubt it was randoms out of the game its either friends from real life or friends you brought from another mmo as I had 3 with me the entire time to 50


No you are missing the point. They weren't just friends I had along for company. They were there because I needed them there else I woudn't be able to level. The older MMORPGs used to be like that. Games like Final Fantasy 11, Ever Quest i'm told, Even LOTRO in it's earliest inceptions all required you to group up to progress and gain levels.


But anyways...back on point:

I leveled in a group 1-50 on swtor also, I did it with a buddy of mine. But the content was so ridiculously easy and fast it obviously was not designed for it.


Sure, there a few optional heroic quests that are a little more difficult to solo and you may have to duo them, but that's about it. 90% of this game is designed to accomdate solo play. There just isn't much of a real multiplayer component till the very end, where you have the wow-clone endgame where you can team up and grind flashpoitns and PvP if you want. That's about it.

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I don't think predicting the future of this game is as easy as the OT says it is but I currently feel as if it isnt a bright future. The absolute lack of communication between BioWare and the community (which is BioWare's fault) renders constructive criticism worthless.


I believe either SWTOR dies in a few months and is left with some thousands of players or BioWare succeeds in learning from their (massive) mistakes and improves this game enough over the next few months that they actually can compete with other MMORPGs.

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I've been playing in a group 100% (yes, literally 100%) of the time on my way to level 40 as a trooper. I'm not seeing the problem here...


Well I have you beat. I was in a group 100% of the time up to level 50 :)


The problem however is it was ridiculously easy and fast and the group was totally unnessasary, and even discouraged at times. We had to do our class quests seperately of one another for them to count (which was utterly retarded I may add, and just more evidence this game was deesigned around solo play).


The fact you chose to do a lot of solo content in a group doesn't take away from the fact this game was obviously designed around solo play, and grouping is rarely if ever nessasary to reach max level.


I'm not saying this is a bad or good thing, I"m just simply stating facts, and that is this game plays like a solo game 1-50. It just does. It's just a simple fact.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I almost feel sorry for the fanboys.


The taller you are the harder you fall, sort of thing.






I just finished the survey I got asked to fill out via a 3rd party company hired by bioware about why I cancelled my subscription. I think that is a great place to let them exactly know why.


First good news of the day, this means you are done posting garb... ahem opinions here?

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Again you are comparing to leveling are you even 50? I am in a group doing something all the time at 50 with my guild or just something random out of general chat. Oh, and yea no other game has soloable content meant for more than person before....


Been 50 for awhile actually. Since there is no point whatsoever at running HM flashpoints or even normal mode operations, I have experienced HM/NMM, way too easy to be even considered slightly challenging.


As for grouping, I only group during those raids(3 hours a week) and when i pvp.


PVP is not so enjoyable in its current form at level 50, as battlemaster geared players simply faceroll non geared 50, sucks to be a new 50 i guess. Only thing I got left to do is level an alt and enjoy the same half-assed questing experience again or sit on the forums and piss you off, I chose option 2 tonight.

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I don't think predicting the future of this game is as easy as the OT says it is but I currently feel as if it isnt a bright future. The absolute lack of communication between BioWare and the community (which is BioWare's fault) renders constructive criticism worthless.


I believe either SWTOR dies in a few months and is left with some thousands of players or BioWare succeeds in learning from their (massive) mistakes and improves this game enough over the next few months that they actually can compete with other MMORPGs.


So how is you not knowing where the dev tracker is, a 'lack of comunication"?

Ah, the massive amount of kids on these boards

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Have you seen devs frequently replying to suggestions? I don't. No post today so far and no post during the past months.


Have you seen devs reply to immensely popular suggestions? I don't. Remember the Cantina Entertainment thread? That thread hit the 1000 posts mark how often? 6 or 7 times I guess. Neither did a developer respond to that thread nor did they bother telling us why they did not implement anything mentioned there.


Just because the developers are kind to tell us what they are doing, doesn't mean that we are communicating with them. I'd love to see developers or at least officials who know what they are talking about in the forums so they could tell the people in person which ideas they like and which they don't like.

Edited by Cyclonit
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Actually some other MMORPGs i've played I did usually have 4 or 5 people with me the entire time :)


Bottom line is this, 1-50 it's mostly a solo game. Yes, there are some multiplayer grinds you can spam at the end if you want - but the vast majority of this game is built around a solo experience - which is fine, but marketing is at a MMORPG is a bit misleading, at least to some of us.


In my opinion it's not a solo game either. I'm a solo player who is pretty frustrated with the way solo play is handled. So who exactly was this game made for?


I don't think the problem is that they made it too solo heavy for an MMO.... or too group heavy for solo players.... I think the real problem is that they're so busy holding our hands and trying to make us play their way, they lost sight on what makes MMOs truly great. Freedom.

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Have you seen devs frequently replying to suggestions? I don't. No post today so far and no post during the past months.


Have you seen devs reply to immensely popular suggestions? I don't. Remember the Cantina Entertainment thread? That thread hit the 1000 posts mark how often? 6 or 7 times I guess. Neither did a developer respond to that thread nor did they bother telling us why they did not implement anything mentioned there.


Just because the developers are kind to tell us what they are doing, doesn't mean that we are communicating with them. I'd love to see developers or at least officials who know what they are talking about in the forums so they could tell the people in person which ideas they like and which they don't like.


And this is different from what game exactly?!?


Devs never post in general forum you know why?¡ because general si full of trolls and kids shouting and stomping because they want their way. No, most of the drool I read in general doesn't fall into 'valid suggestion'. The ones that do, are addressed in the dev tracker

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In my opinion it's not a solo game either. I'm a solo player who is pretty frustrated with the way solo play is handled. So who exactly was this game made for?


I don't think the problem is that they made it too solo heavy for an MMO.... or too group heavy for solo players.... I think the real problem is that they're so busy holding our hands and trying to make us play their way, they lost sight on what makes MMOs truly great. Freedom.


This is the first time I agree with Spymaster ... where is the world going? wait, we are in 2012 now, it's going to end.


Seriously, You might have found something there, they were maybe trying to please everyone and failed at it? Trying to direct their game in different directions all at once made it a sub-par experience for alot of people? Am I understanding it right? Cause I think you might just be right.

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In my opinion it's not a solo game either. I'm a solo player who is pretty frustrated with the way solo play is handled. So who exactly was this game made for?


I don't think the problem is that they made it too solo heavy for an MMO.... or too group heavy for solo players.... I think the real problem is that they're so busy holding our hands and trying to make us play their way, they lost sight on what makes MMOs truly great. Freedom.


Well one of my biggest complaints with this game is it's linear and scripted gameplay. It deffinitely has a lack of freedom, so I'll cede you that point.


Their environments feel like prisons half the time, and once you are finished with the initial quests the world largely become lifeless and pointless, which is bad news for any game asspiring to have long-term success as an MMORPG.


That being said though, I do feel they over-emphasized solo play as well, and made this game way too quick and easy. I don't find this game's "endgame" to be that entertaining, and deffinitely isn't going to keep me around for years to come.


As a short-term single player action/adventure game SWTOR succeeds. As a long-lasting MMORPG, it fails miserabley IMHO.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Gotta love this one. Compelling replayability, it's shockingly awesome to play the same linear path for weeks end just to witness one hour of unique voice acting per class, oh so much glory.


I sadly agree with this sentiment. The class quest stuff is so minuscule compared to the mountains of content that's identical. I don't know how many times I've seen the same cave.. or the same bridge of the republic cruiser. The dialogue trees are equally meaningless. You can choose any response you want it mostly doesn't make a difference besides some arbitrary light or dark side points which only unlock items which are mirrors of each other. I can have a blue or green + whatever critical crystal or a red + whatever critical crystal.

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And this is different from what game exactly?!?


Devs never post in general forum you know why?¡ because general si full of trolls and kids shouting and stomping because they want their way. No, most of the drool I read in general doesn't fall into 'valid suggestion'. The ones that do, are addressed in the dev tracker


It's different from exactly no game which is exactly what I'd call an issue. This game could be much better than it already is if the actual developers would listen to what the community has to say. I don't want them to reply everywhere but they could at least show their presence. Look on how much feedback they get in their forums and how many dev posts there are in the dev tracker.


I agree that there are a lot of trolls and kids in these forums but replying to about every ten thousands thread is just not enough to gain the communities trust neither does it help in improving the game.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


How cute. We have someone predicting doom when the new shiny comes out. Just like people were saying about this game on other boards six months ago. :rolleyes:

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