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The FUTURE of this game.


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How is that unlike every other game out there?

I've never played one single game where you _HAVE_ to group with other players to continue with content, well... perhaps I have, once or twice ages ago. Come to think about it, I think it has happened twice, one of the games being a MUD where grouping at one stage was kind of mandatory, but could probably have been done without it.


When Final Fantasy 11 first came out you had to group to level up unless you wanted to spend a decade or two soloing your exp. When LOTRO first came out group questing was required to level and progress, and it took awhile.


I'll admit both of these games have been dumbed down a lot in recent years, but i'm old-school and actually prefer a game to take a long time to level up on progress through.


I'll admit if you like that MMORPGs have been changing recently to be quick solo grinds to reach the all ilmportant "end game" so people can hurry up and get bored. I don't like this, but that's the way things are turning out - and sadly SWTOR only exemplifies this model and does it even worst than the other games out there.


At least the older MMORPgs out there though still have remnants of the older designs like huge and interesting worlds that are actaully fun to intereact with ect.


I just hate seeing what the MMORPG genere is turning into.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I can solo to 85 on wow in 3 days your logic fails.


How can my logic fail because you mentioned a game I didnd't even talk about? lol...


Like i said before, you can call this game a MMORPg if you want. I really don't give a crap. I already explained my reasoning as to why i don't feel this game is a real MMORPG a very detailed 3 paragraph post, and i'm not repeating myself.

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Ah, one of my favourite haters and liers

No it was 200mil and it came out last week in several websites

Lie more. EVERYTHING you say it's a lie, no one really listen to you. Your mission is FAIL. You is FAIL. When are we getting rid of these PVP noobs?


A) you are correct on 200m. I was getting confused with this article on 300




Point in fact though the same article notes that by late 2010, WoWs full development AND upkeep costs were sub 200M. I dare you to compare current SWTOR to 2010 WoW and claim to me that SWTOR is at all comparable. At that time you had dungeon finders, tons of continents, achievements, etc etc in WoW. It supported DX10 (SWTOR only supports DX9) and more. That was 2.5 years ago.


B) Every other point is valid. If you think I'm lying, point any one out and I'll show you a youtube video or more to show you the bugs


heres a good video for you to look at, shows you some of the bugs in the video





Or just do this:




Or google for peoples laundry lists on their sites (skip the swtor.com pages)





These arnt small bugs either, some of them are major, and most point to things being poorly tested/programmed.

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How can my logic fail because you mentioned a game I didnd't even talk about? lol...


Like i said before, you can call this game a MMORPg if you want. I really don't give a crap. I already explained my reasoning as to why i don't feel this game is a real MMORPG a very detailed 3 paragraph post, and i'm not repeating myself.


The simple truth is that no mmos require you to depend on other for progression anymore, and faulting Bioware for releasing a game that relates to current generation gamers is laughable.


An MMORPG does not get its name from the amount of people you are forced to play with, but rather the number of people inside the persistant world.

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Please stop trolling, its really hard for me to actually defend the game when you are obviously insulting people to start an argument.


Trolling lol, your the guy who started insulting people over an I7 core saying they dont have them etc.. when they where talking about SSD lol.


Looking at your thread and post history you should get the Troll crown.

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Ah, what mmo's are you playing? Outside of the original Everquest, EQOA, (i.e. the older mmo's) players solo by quest or grind to "level up" while having the 'option' to group (i.e. dungeons or harder quests). At the level cap, it's all either a solo grind (reputation, crafting, questing, etc) with the 'option' of participating in larger scale battles with friends... Which SWTOR has the same elements, with the only difference being, an enhanced solo-leveling experience. Generally speaking, I believe allot of people had astronomical expectations for this game or played SWG and expecting something of SWTOR that it is not... It is extremely story based, revolving around the character you create, hence the enhanced solo experience. Amongst mainstream mmorpg's, set by World of Warcraft's massive success, the more casual-theme park style mmo's are where the genre is headed (again, based upon the success of WoW).


Your definition of a 'single player' game goes against logic. While you 'solo' most of your class story (which is used to level up your character), there is constant communication with other players over chat, etc. All the while, they are running around in the same world, which otherwise would not be the case of a single player game... For instance; take a game like Call of Duty MW3: Single player story, with a multi-player platform. No world, only instanced battles. SWTOR on the other hand has a world your character lives in (whether you argue it is not large enough or not, it still has one you can just log into and stand there next to your friends). Again, it sounds to me, along with other folks that complain about the game (why are you even still playing and on the forums if you're unhappy with the game?), are either let down by high expectations or you misinterpreted what this particular mmo revolved around (heavily story driven).


Blah, blah, blah... It all comes down to opinion one way or another, so you're welcome to have one of course. However, your definition of 'single-player' vs. 'Massively Multi-player' is incorrect (SWTOR, despite your displeasure, qualifies to be included in the MMO genre). The exit is that way if you're unhappy. Good luck with your next MMO, as this one does not seem to be for you.


By your logic, GW was a mmo, which it was not.


Is swtor a true mmo compared to L2? Eve? SWG?


Face it, it's Kotor with multiplayer options and some pointless gear grind to keep you paying.

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A) you are correct on 200m. I was getting confused with this article on 300




Point in fact though the same article notes that by late 2010, WoWs full development AND upkeep costs were sub 200M. I dare you to compare current SWTOR to 2010 WoW and claim to me that SWTOR is at all comparable. At that time you had dungeon finders, tons of continents, achievements, etc etc in WoW. It supported DX10 (SWTOR only supports DX9) and more. That was 2.5 years ago.


B) Every other point is valid. If you think I'm lying, point any one out and I'll show you a youtube video or more to show you the bugs


heres a good video for you to look at, shows you some of the bugs in the video





Or just do this:




Or google for peoples laundry lists on their sites (skip the swtor.com pages)





These arnt small bugs either, some of them are major, and most point to things being poorly tested/programmed.


The back peddling begins.

would you like a rope for that hole :)

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A) you are correct on 200m. I was getting confused with this article on 300




Point in fact though the same article notes that by late 2010, WoWs full development AND upkeep costs were sub 200M. I dare you to compare current SWTOR to 2010 WoW and claim to me that SWTOR is at all comparable. At that time you had dungeon finders, tons of continents, achievements, etc etc in WoW. It supported DX10 (SWTOR only supports DX9) and more. That was 2.5 years ago.


B) Every other point is valid. If you think I'm lying, point any one out and I'll show you a youtube video or more to show you the bugs


heres a good video for you to look at, shows you some of the bugs in the video





Or just do this:




Or google for peoples laundry lists on their sites (skip the swtor.com pages)





These arnt small bugs either, some of them are major, and most point to things being poorly tested/programmed.


Dungeon finders suck, and Currently, wow has one endgame raid.


Also, you seem to be ignoring my post that points out Rift being free for anyone who pays the first month, and Trion having to lower their monthly fee just to retain subscribers.


These are clearly the signs of a wildly successful game.

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How can my logic fail because you mentioned a game I didnd't even talk about? lol...


Like i said before, you can call this game a MMORPg if you want. I really don't give a crap. I already explained my reasoning as to why i don't feel this game is a real MMORPG a very detailed 3 paragraph post, and i'm not repeating myself.


95% of people actually believe WoW is an MMO because Blizzard says that it is, when it is merely a single-player game with an open world and endgame raiding.


Most people have never played Everquest or FFXI, so their frame of reference is that WoW is an MMO and that MMO's shoud be exactly like it. WoW and Blizzard basically ruined MMORPG's by tricking people into believeing their game is something that it is not. People now think that SWTOR is an MMO when it is not. This game literally has almost no features that a good MMO should have. It's even a worse 'MMO' than WoW is, and that game is 7 years old, that's actually quite a feat in failure by EA and BW.

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The simple truth is that no mmos require you to depend on other for progression anymore, and faulting Bioware for releasing a game that relates to current generation gamers is laughable.


An MMORPG does not get its name from the amount of people you are forced to play with, but rather the number of people inside the persistant world.


I can fault Bio Ware for w/e I wish :)


Secondly - I dont' care what the supposed "current generation gamers" like or don't like. I'm giving my own opinions, and am not interesting in defending trends, especially if they are bad ones.

Edited by JeremyDale
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By your logic, GW was a mmo, which it was not.


Is swtor a true mmo compared to L2? Eve? SWG?


Face it, it's Kotor with multiplayer options and some pointless gear grind to keep you paying.


The best part is how SWG and Lineage 2 are dead, and yet you use them as reference points.


BTW, all those giant planets in SWG had invisible walls put in them.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


Ya and im site in ū months this game wont have tons more content more warzines more pvp dare I say even an expansion. I think it's funny how you qq'ers speak for everyone and because you see 2-3 effect this I quit threads daily you make up the mass majority of subs who feel this way. The qq'ers on the forums make up less than 5% of the total population on Swtor. Thousands of people leave wow daily and they come back the next week the next month the next coach. Their will always be a fanbase for this game, period. It will always have a healthy player base. So ur qq about this game dying is wasted.


Tldr= ur qq is wasted here. Every forum got every mmo someone says it will die. This is np diff Swtor will be here and popular till the servers to down which will be 10+ yrs

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I can fault Bio Ware for w/e I wish :)


Secondly - I dont' care what the supposed "current generation gamers" like or don't like. I'm giving my own opinions, and am not interesting in defending trends, especially if they are bad ones.


FFXI revolved around a full group of people fighting a sheep. Over. And Over. And Over.


Granted the world in FFXI was gigantic, but ill never forget standing in town for up to 4 hours asking if anyone needed a Samurai. Real fun times there.

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PVE in this game is near perfect, especially from a single player point of view. Pvp? not so much, but i am willing to wait and see what they do.


pve is far from perfect. would have been fine if it was a single player game. but this is a mmo or so claims to be..

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By your logic, GW was a mmo, which it was not.


Is swtor a true mmo compared to L2? Eve? SWG?


Face it, it's Kotor with multiplayer options and some pointless gear grind to keep you paying.


Guild Wars? Yes, it was considered an MMO. You're basing your expectations on 'Sand-box' MMO's, which I too love. However, like I said, the genre is moving away from that model due by in large, to the success of World of Warcraft. Part of the reason you may be un-happy with this game is because it is modeled differently than SWG. Star Wars universe, only theme-park (basically 'new age' mmo) style... Sorry to say, but this is the way the genre is moving. I liked the older titles (that 'sand-box' open world feel) too. The difference between you and I concerning this game (SWTOR) boils down to expectations. I had none (in fact, mocked the game before trying it) and am now enjoying the game. You on the other hand, probably had great expectations for this game and are let down. Moreover, you seem to like the sand-box flavor of mmo, which this game never claimed to be in the first place.

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FFXI revolved around a full group of people fighting a sheep. Over. And Over. And Over.


Granted the world in FFXI was gigantic, but ill never forget standing in town for up to 4 hours asking if anyone needed a Samurai. Real fun times there.


I never said FFXI was a perfect game. It had many flaws.


You just wanted examples of games where grouping was a nessassary compotent to the gameplay so I give them to you.


But I can tell you this. I played Final Fantasy 11 for probably close to 5 years, I've been on SWTOR for a month and I'm already bored of it. I think that speaks for itself.

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pve is far from perfect. would have been fine if it was a single player game. but this is a mmo or so claims to be..


This game is literally every other mmo with a short cutscene before each repetitive quests.


People need to chose whether is generic and exactly like wow, or completely different from wow and single player.


It cant be both.

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A) you are correct on 200m. I was getting confused with this article on 300




Point in fact though the same article notes that by late 2010, WoWs full development AND upkeep costs were sub 200M. I dare you to compare current SWTOR to 2010 WoW and claim to me that SWTOR is at all comparable. At that time you had dungeon finders, tons of continents, achievements, etc etc in WoW. It supported DX10 (SWTOR only supports DX9) and more. That was 2.5 years ago.


B) Every other point is valid. If you think I'm lying, point any one out and I'll show you a youtube video or more to show you the bugs


heres a good video for you to look at, shows you some of the bugs in the video





Or just do this:




Or google for peoples laundry lists on their sites (skip the swtor.com pages)





These arnt small bugs either, some of them are major, and most point to things being poorly tested/programmed.


Points of view exaggerated to fit your idea that this game is failed. fact is:


it hasn't failed anything BUT your expectations for the game

game isn't what YOU wanted, no matter how much you CRY and WHAIL on the forum, it's not changing. So, what the heck are you doing here spewing nonsense and hate? Is you life THAT empty?!? I will contact BW and see if we can get round to sue for damages and slander all the troll, staring with you.

Edited by mutharex
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I never said FFXI was a perfect game. It had many flaws.


You just wanted examples of games where grouping was a nessassary compotent to the gameplay so I give them to you.


But I can tell you this. I played Final Fantasy 11 for probably close to 5 years, I've been on SWTOR for a month and I'm already bored of it. I think that speaks for itself.


I was bored of FFXI the first time i stood around in the level 30 or whatever jumgle area when i got my samurai, and realized the only character anyone wanted or needed was Red Mage.


Meanwhile big Papa beastmaster was out soloing.


FFXI endgame contains raids that can take up to 4 hours per boss fight. Americans cannot sustain gameplay for that long, and its comical to expect them to.


As for Everquest, you can still play Everquest today, its Called World of Warcraft.

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