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This game desperately needs a deserter debuff - Dev response?


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I'm sure there has been a few hundred threads about this, but this game needs a deserter debuff like wow and rift badly. I grinded battlemaster out pre Ilum changes and it seems to me that this first became an issue when people realized war zones were far worse for valor than ilum, so people only go into warzones to complete the daily. If you are not on the team that caps the first 2 points on Alderaan, scores first in Huttball or get a fast plant on Voidstar you lose half your team instantly. this can also be extremely frustrating if you are solo queuing and you join a game that is half way through a loss multiple times in a row.


Most people that pvp a lot know this to be a big issue, i was just hoping on a dev response on whether or not this is going to be addressed in the near future?



Edited by Tolerance
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i leave , since i just go for the valor and im usually at ilum i will leave either way , is better to get a debuff and keep farming ilum than staying for a lost match where people dont know how to play.


Really , cant stand people who dont know how to play a wz at 50 , and no , i dont care if they started only when they got 50.

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At least make Huttball last 10 minutes, not 15 minutes.

So many players leaving Huttball immediately even before half of the ops show up. It is not about you win or lose, it is about 'This one takes much longer than the rest'.


This is compounded by the fact that people joining the game in progress get stuck behind the spawn gate and end up being forced out by the timer.


Has happened to me many a time.

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What do you prefer? People to leave, or people to AFK?


If they add a deserter debuff and people can't leave, a lot of them will just AFK.


Ppl going afk is a huge issues already so until that is fixed a deserter debuff would just amplify this. Both need to be addressed in some manor though. The afk valor/xp farmers and mid match quiters destroy matches. The ones that leave just jump ship first sign of a hint of a loss screwing the current group. With the rp load time on some of the matches having ppl leave puts you in a huge hole. Even if a replacement is found its close to a minute before they can enter combat due to loading and flying around.

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Why don't we focus on the reasons why people leave? I know I leave if its one of those games where I know after 1min that it will be a loss for absolute sure. I used to never leave, and do you know how many minutes are wasted trying to get the 3wins for the daily when you have to play 25 games to get 3 wins if you stay for every guaranteed loss?


I'm not spending time in a guaranteed loss anymore. Blame it on the way it matches pugs vs premades. If you could get the 3 wins after 6 games or something, then people would stay and play it out for valor. But the way it is, your main priority is to try to get that daily done since sometimes it takes so many games to get it if you solo queue.

Edited by Seurot
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**** all these post about ppl leaving for this and that, what I do not get is when half the team leaves while your *********** winning, that right there blows my mind. And I'm coming from republic side, so digest that.

Yes a report afk, and debuff would help out. Lets get it going on with all the other **** that needs to be fixed now.

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I agree with deserter debuffs when they do not place me in a game that has already been started. I will agree to deserter debuffs when they do not try to force me to play what warfront they would like me to play!


I hate Huttball, i am the one paying to play why should i play something i do not enjoy at all? I think part of the reason i do not have a choice is because they know a majority of people would never queue for Huttball! It's crap and it's not kind to anyone with a bad latency, flamethrowers are the pits.


If they had any imagination at all if they wanted ball throwing in a game why not make use of hovercraft and have a quidditch type game?.


That said it is their game but why the hell should i pay to play something i do not enjoy?

Edited by Bopper
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I'm sure there has been a few hundred threads about this


Yes, hundreds of not-too-bright individuals demanding an idiotic addition to the game are being ignored by the Devs. Way to go, Devs!


In case you missed the memo, all that the deserter debuff will do is make people AFK instead of leave the game. That is all. You'll still lose, badly. Only instead of a few people ragequitting and possibly being replaced by decent players, you'll have them sit there taking up room and doing absolutely nothing, crafting or chatting with friends.


Way to go, man! Brilliant idea!

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Exactly. a similar feature to how players can report afker's is also needed, so you can get rid of the people leeching valor. But a deserter debuff is needed regardless if you agree with the pvp loot system, thats a whole different issue.


Maybe it would help to get a response on both a deserter debuff and an afk report system?

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