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Those calling "worst launch ever", probably never played any other mmo`s at launch


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Nah, the servers will go down when everyone trys to log on at once. Those of us that understand the system will be like "well i gotta wait a few hours but at least i know ill get to play now." And those who got in on day 1 of EGA will rage about queues and lag because they dont know how a real mmo launch works.


(im sorry for all you first day people that do know this, im just tired of everyone acting like its so perfect to have so many people in the longest queue ever recorded in gaming history.)


Heh someone else knows "The Routine".

I don't think there has been a retail release yet of an MMORPG where the servers were not hammered, and login went down, the game servers themselves started to lag, and the devs did an emergency shutdown to fix it, or they crashed.

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Heh someone else knows "The Routine".

I don't think there has been a retail release yet of an MMORPG where the servers were not hammered, and login went down, the game servers themselves started to lag, and the devs did an emergency shutdown to fix it, or they crashed.


Exactly. Those calling it a smooth launch dont understand the process. The game will most likely crash, you cant get around that. Thats pissing people off is they are doing a ******** method of filtering people into the game in order to avoid something that will happen one day anyway.

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we will see at 20th dec..


when all servers go online and all ppl start login in same time, will it be smooth enough?


Most people that wants to play the game preordered it. I dont think there will be a lot of new players the 20:th. Not compared to all that preordered. I guess 200K new players the 20:th. More than that would be a big surprise...


So I think people that believe there will huge problems the 20:th are wrong...

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fan boi alert, yes OP.


Not a fanboy, just sick and tired of folks moaning about the launch of the game when most times its just a case of patience.


If you get into a state where you have to calm your self down just because of a game, you need to see help.


Yes i got in the headstart, i played my character till he was able to leave the starting area and then i watched tv till i went to bed.

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Most people that wants to play the game preordered it. I dont think there will be a lot of new players the 20:th. Not compared to all that preordered. I guess 200K new players the 20:th. More than that would be a big surprise...


So I think people that believe there will huge problems the 20:th are wrong...


Actually, there are alot of people that will play the game that didnt pre-order. its in the mindset of why should i pay for a game now that i cant play till later when i can buy a game now and play in the mean time. Its all about having money at certain times.

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Exactly. Those calling it a smooth launch dont understand the process. The game will most likely crash, you cant get around that. Thats pissing people off is they are doing a ******** method of filtering people into the game in order to avoid something that will happen one day anyway.


Exactly this, reality is gonna hit them smack in the face on the 20th wether you or they like it, and either way it will make them look bad.


a) It works, but oh wait, they said servers couldnt handle everyone login on at same time, but they just did! :eek:


b) It goes bellyup, See? we told you, you did your little staggering parlor trick and it still went bellyup on launch.


Bioware/Ea has effectivly painted themselves into a corner by being to cowardice to face the server issue head on.


Hopefully it will be a learning experience.

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It is a great launch. The people whining need to remember IT'S NOT LAUNCH TIME, that's on the 20th.


As someone who has played almost every other major mmo on "Launch day", logged in then got 2 weeks of lag, bugs, incomplete content, days upon days of server restarts and crashes, I think they're doing awesome.


Just because YOU can't play 6 days earlier than the game releases doesn't make it a failure.

It does make you an impatient little whiny kid though. When you're not refreshing your email every 4 seconds you're probably nagging mom to let you open "Just 1 present, PLEASE"


You have the rest of your life to play, it'll be worth it compared to mmo's that have all the other problems that would prevent you from playing for the next month anyways.

Edited by Dazalmighty
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Exactly this, reality is gonna hit them smack in the face on the 20th wether you or they like it, and either way it will make them look bad.


a) It works, but oh wait, they said servers couldnt handle everyone login on at same time, but they just did! :eek:


b) It goes bellyup, See? we told you, you did your little staggering parlor trick and it still went bellyup on launch.


Bioware/Ea has effectivly painted themselves into a corner by being to cowardice to face the server issue head on.


Hopefully it will be a learning experience.


There is one slim margin between servers holding and servers folding where BioWare could make it a draw:


The servers maintain, but there is minor lag that does not effect gameplay too much.

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Exactly this, reality is gonna hit them smack in the face on the 20th wether you or they like it, and either way it will make them look bad.


a) It works, but oh wait, they said servers couldnt handle everyone login on at same time, but they just did! :eek:


b) It goes bellyup, See? we told you, you did your little staggering parlor trick and it still went bellyup on launch.


Bioware/Ea has effectivly painted themselves into a corner by being to cowardice to face the server issue head on.


Hopefully it will be a learning experience.

The problem with it being a learning experience is that in todays market, something like this can kill a company.


Now before everyone goes on about how they are already making money off us with pre-orders alone (this is true) let me say this: If they dont make enough of a profit, EA will shut down the servers. They did it with Earth and beyond which was an amazing mmo at the time and was still making money when they were shut down. They were just not making enough money.


Something like this puts a stain on the company and will never be forgotten.

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It is a great launch. The people whining need to remember IT'S NOT LAUNCH TIME, that's on the 20th.


First sentence contradicts the second. Either the whiners have a right to complain because it is launch or you can't say launch is great because it hasn't happened yet.

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There is one slim margin between servers holding and servers folding where BioWare could make it a draw:


The servers maintain, but there is minor lag that does not effect gameplay too much.


Its either they hold or they dont. There WILL be lag regardless. For some it will be crippling lag.

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It is a great launch. The people whining need to remember IT'S NOT LAUNCH TIME, that's on the 20th.


As someone who has played almost every other major mmo on "Launch day", logged in then got 2 weeks of lag, bugs, incomplete content, days upon days of server restarts and crashes, I think they're doing awesome.


Just because YOU can't play 6 days earlier than the game releases doesn't make it a failure.

It does make you an impatient little whiny kid though. When you're not refreshing your email every 4 seconds you're probably nagging mom to let you open "Just 1 present, PLEASE"


You have the rest of your life to play, it'll be worth it compared to mmo's that have all the other problems that would prevent you from playing for the next month anyways.


Live servers online = launch. Game being sold in stores = Retail release. The difference is that this IS launch, the devs see it as launch and everyone knows this is launch and it is by far the worst one that has happened.


Since you claim to have played every other mmo on launch day then you would understand that lag, bugs and queues are normal. Whats not normal is forcing your paying player base to sit in a 5 day queue for no other reason then the company being over protective of their servers.

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I do feel badly for folks that can't play but then again, if you really wanted to get in from the earliest start, you should have preordered a bit earlier. As soon as preorders were available, I purchased one and got in at the earliest date. It was always my understanding that the sooner you preordered, the better your chances full early access. The "up to 5 days early" was fairly clear in my mind. Frustrating yes but I don't feel that BioWare pulled the wool over anyone's eyes.


Are they perfect? Nah. I'm incredibly frustrated that I can't change my credit card info and the customer support was a bit unhelpful. Overall though, from my actual playing experiences in game, it was bug free, smooth and nice to play. I've been at some really rocky launches of other games and this one is pretty smooth. I do wish that there were heavier server populations though. For a new game, I felt that some of the zones felt rather empty of players. But then again, I'm not a BioWare employee who is closely monitoring server traffic and not in a position to make a technical judgment.


It will be interesting to see what happens closer to the 20th and what the server popluations will look like. I do want to see more players---that is the excitement of a new game.

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It is a great launch. The people whining need to remember IT'S NOT LAUNCH TIME, that's on the 20th.


As someone who has played almost every other major mmo on "Launch day", logged in then got 2 weeks of lag, bugs, incomplete content, days upon days of server restarts and crashes, I think they're doing awesome.


Just because YOU can't play 6 days earlier than the game releases doesn't make it a failure.

It does make you an impatient little whiny kid though. When you're not refreshing your email every 4 seconds you're probably nagging mom to let you open "Just 1 present, PLEASE"


You have the rest of your life to play, it'll be worth it compared to mmo's that have all the other problems that would prevent you from playing for the next month anyways.


Where have you been even the Bioware founders have a welcome message at the top of the forums saying the game has launched and hope we have fun (posted around 50 odd hours ago). If you want to argue with them and tell them they are wrong then fine, but the rest of us will probably go with what they say about their game... (providing thats ok with you of course ;) )

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I rarely post :3


Ill probably post more when im playing.


Anyways..I agree with you Mr Op.


Ive been in a LOT of launchs. Galaxy was pretty dire, age of conan was a hell of a mess, rift was probably the smoothest ive been in so far though.


Star Trek online's was a shambles xD


This is a really smooth, decent launch. All im interested in seeing now is if it will keep being smooth through retail, when the servers are going to -really- be tested.


Or, if like many other mmos, it will simply crash and burn at launch. I think it probably will, the login servers will god own probably.

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This launch is neither the worst nor the best. Fanboys and haters are just doing their job: Being irrational.


WoW was a mess when they released it. WAR European launch was a complete fiasco and it killed the game in a matter of weeks.


On the other hand, Rift was perfect at launch.


The problem here is just miscomunication, or lack of comunication, and inexperience on BW's part on dealing with such a difficult community as MMO gamers. Talking sense to fanboys and haters is a waste of time.


There is another huge mistake BW did. They did not monitor their business partners, such as Gamestop and other retailers. These have charged an extra 5 bucks, on top of the 5 bucks for deposit, as a preorder release, justifying it by saying the customer was purchasing 5 days of early game access. It is a scam and BW should have prevented it.

Edited by Viareggio
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there are pro's and contra's to this method of launching




**the starting zones are not overpopulated

**the servers aren't stressed to the max

** no hours of queu

** higher levels in your guild can help you out when ur stuck on a quest




**waiting for your activation while 75% of your guild is playing is VERY frustrating even more when u have the CE edition.

**unfair to players (a preorder is a preorder, no matter what date u got it)

** more clarity on who will be invited when would be appreciated, this would stop people from watching their email all the time and hoping they are invited at every wave.

** a huge level difference in players in guild. Some of our guildmembers havent been invited while others are almost max level. This would stop us from progressing to end game as people have to wait for one another.


i like the launch method, but it could have been worked out better if there was a better communication. Or i have missed an important post... wich i think i havent.




Better communication and a worse case time-frame would have reduced the complaints by up to 100%.

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I'm not playing yet in the early-access since i got mine three days ago, but, Lord....




LOL. Grow up, go dating, go take a walk, do some cycling, go live. When you less expect, you will be returning from something fun and nice at real life and will check your email, and will be able to play.

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If you only let 40% off all preodres to play ofc..


ONLY one day early access for people that preorded in dec makes me feel like the was no reason to preodre at all. I should just waited..


They lured alot off people to saying that peordes will get 5 days early access.. That makes people angry and frustraded..


Agree the Problem that I see with this launch is no major MMO launch has ever used such a weird system. Name one MMO that has had a launch where it limits you on when you can enter. I bought a CE months ago - but because i did not enter a pre-order key I dont even get 5 days of early access?


Even Warhammer Online had 5 days of early access... and you were granted 5 days even if you enter the pre-order code the day of Early Access. There was NO INDICATION this game would be different then there was a website post (in December) that addressed this. Imagine that... December people who decided to either wait (like me) or buy at the last minute are the ones being penalized.


The worse part about this - is why was this such a secret. If I would have known my early access was dependent upon entering a pre-order code I would have done so in July. So, why did I get penalized for buying a game in July but not entering the pre-order code until December?

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IMO there's really no difference between a launch where 50% of players have a bad experience because of server crashes, long queue times, etc, and a staggered launch where 50% of players simply aren't invited yet.


Seriously, what's the difference? Both methods piss off just as many people. You could argue the poorly coded launch is actually better because at least people get to play some in between their client/server issues.

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