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Bonus Wave with Random People ?


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As in topic, many people don't consider it being fair you throw in people based by order of code redemption.


At least 1 wave of randomly selected people should ease the situtation.


Yeah, randomly selecting people is a lot fairer then going by the time you redeemed your code... :rolleyes:

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As in topic, many people don't consider it being fair you throw in people based by order of code redemption.


At least 1 wave of randomly selected people should ease the situtation.


Really wouldnt


People are mad when you pay for a product you expect equal access as anyone else to product for same price


Random invites works for beta (kinda)

but once money envolved, equality and access is the 2 key factors.

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Why is it not fair?

First come, first served is pretty fair in my eyes.


to be honest i'm already tired about arguing with that logic, and logic of wave access which is just another name for insanely long queue while servers are empty.


I'll just ignore your response, becase it'll start yet another topic where everyone repeats same thing pissing off each other. If you really want to hear an answer i'm sure you'll find many topic with it on the board.

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Really wouldnt


People are mad when you pay for a product you expect equal access as anyone else to product for same price


Random invites works for beta (kinda)

but once money envolved, equality and access is the 2 key factors.



However i fail to see equal treatment and equal access.


edit: also, i know of people who redeemed their codes in april and still didn't get access


edit2: my mistake it was august, didn't bother learning english names for months, now i made fool of myself.

Edited by ashtonx
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to be honest i'm already tired about arguing with that logic, and logic of wave access which is just another name for insanely long queue while servers are empty.


I'll just ignore your response, becase it'll start yet another topic where everyone repeats same thing pissing off each other. If you really want to hear an answer i'm sure you'll find many topic with it on the board.


Don't ignore it. Explain why the first come first serve method is not fair. Because you just sound like you want in by random chance to me.

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Don't ignore it. Explain why the first come first serve method is not fair. Because you just sound like you want in by random chance to me.


Ofcourse I want a random chance, ain't gonna deny it.


Why i feel it's unfair ? cause i paid same amount of money yet i get less and have to wait.

Yes i paid it, i already bought the game and i already have the box, so please don't tell me i didn't pay for it yet.


I'm sure many of people who have access didn't pay for the game yet. But i did, yet i'm stillb eing treated worse because i didn't get the game right away or redeem the code.

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However i fail to see equal treatment and equal access.


Everyone gets the staggered release and is in the same queue, that is the equal treatment. Everyone had the opportunity to preorder the game at any time they wished to, that is the equal access.


edit: also, i know of people who redeemed their codes in april and still didn't get access


Come on, don't lie to us.


edit: wording

Edited by Demonicon
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Ofcourse I want a random chance, ain't gonna deny it.


Why i feel it's unfair ? cause i paid same amount of money yet i get less and have to wait.

Yes i paid it, i already bought the game and i already have the box, so please don't tell me i didn't pay for it yet.


I'm sure many of people who have access didn't pay for the game yet. But i did, yet i'm stillb eing treated worse because i didn't get the game right away or redeem the code.


Strange, I haven't paid anything for the game yet. I will pay once I pick it up tomorrow at the store though.

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First come, first serve is the only fair, imo. (And I say that as someone who preordered late)


edit: wait how in the name of... did anyone redeem their codes in April, when preorders only opened up in July? O.o

Edited by Midarenkov
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edit: also, i know of people who redeemed their codes in april and still didn't get access


Given that preorders started on 21 July, redeeming a code in April was probably very hard for them! :)

Edited by Delynx
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Oh, that's so unfair! Given that preorders started on 21 July, redeeming a code in April was probably very hard for them! :)


I assume you didn't bother taking a look @ second edit where i corrected myself explaining the reason for the mistake ?

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I do think people who preordered early should stand first in line, and I can understand the reason for doing a 'rolling' start. HOWEVER I do acually expect I'll get something for the extra money I put down. This is beginning to feel like buying a movie ticket, only to find that theres no empty seats. Why sell the ticket in the first place? Why allow me to preorder, if I barely get to play?


Tho furher subscription mainly depend on the quality of the game, the feeling of being "cheated" from the get-go, and operating with a $$-mind would seriously point me towards the exit.

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random invite wave isnt really fair, rewarding a loyal fanbase is imo.


i'm a late preorder, nov 30th, i could have pre-ordered earlier but after the hashjob bioware made of dragonage 2 my faith in the company had plummeted. I flat out refused to pay for another game from bioware until i had tried it first.

But after being in the beta stress test i knew it was a game worth buying so i ordered. am i anoyed i wont get to play till the 19th? a little bit, since i have paid the same amount as anyone else, but i cant change thier chosen method of launch so why bother complaining?


way i see it is: i'll get to play when i get to play, the release date isnt until the 20th, as long as i am playing on that day, i'm happy.


I feel for the guys who pre-ordered in july/august who still havent had thier invites to be honest, they threw money at bioware long before release with almost blind faith and get nothing for it so far.

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Actually having a random lottery for EGA invites would be the only truly "fair" (in the strictest sense of the word) to handle who gets in when. The reason why is that way EVERYONE is on the same level playing field of waiting. My $5 would mean just as much as someone else's $5.


Just saying.


Personally, I'm over it at this point. I will get in when I get in...and two months down the line no one is really going to care how this launch went. Everyone who is sad now because they aren't playing will have their own level 50 toons. People will be playing the endgame until their eyes bleed. And everyone will love every minute of it.

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Actually having a random lottery for EGA invites would be the only truly "fair" (in the strictest sense of the word) to handle who gets in when. The reason why is that way EVERYONE is on the same level playing field of waiting. My $5 would mean just as much as someone else's $5.


Just saying.


Personally, I'm over it at this point. I will get in when I get in...and two months down the line no one is really going to care how this launch went. Everyone who is sad now because they aren't playing will have their own level 50 toons. People will be playing the endgame until their eyes bleed. And everyone will love every minute of it.


The $5 you have payed is a deposit. It will be deducted from your total cost of the game. It is not a fee for getting early access, and do not make you entitled to anything more than a reserved copy at launch (+ a crystal).

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Actually having a random lottery for EGA invites would be the only truly "fair" (in the strictest sense of the word) to handle who gets in when. The reason why is that way EVERYONE is on the same level playing field of waiting. My $5 would mean just as much as someone else's $5.


Just saying.


Personally, I'm over it at this point. I will get in when I get in...and two months down the line no one is really going to care how this launch went. Everyone who is sad now because they aren't playing will have their own level 50 toons. People will be playing the endgame until their eyes bleed. And everyone will love every minute of it.


Imagine the amount of whine in these forums when people wouldn't even have the slightest idea when they would get into the game and had to check their emails every hour for up to 7 days to know....

Edited by Demonicon
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