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  1. The Flame, the NPC you are most likely thinking of, is one of the Gen'Dai.
  2. Guardians can use both yes. The Power Generator has better stats on it for hitting things, whereas the shield generator gives you a chance to suffer less damage when hit. (although the chance for it to activate is really low unless you are in your tanking stance). Therefore, ideally you use the power generator when dealing damage and the shieldy thing when tanking hard stuff.
  3. 8 AM CST is the same as 9 AM EST... so in little over an hour
  4. also, is that the date you redeemed the code? if nothing ends up coming, petition customer support.
  5. ETA for next wave is 8 AM CST iirc, will doublecheck and edit if I got it wrong. ^_^ "We'll be sending more invites tomorrow, starting from 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET)." <- yup ^^
  6. Thats a legitimate complaint. have your friends poke customer support with a big stick until its fixed. T_T
  7. First come, first serve is the only fair, imo. (And I say that as someone who preordered late) edit: wait how in the name of... did anyone redeem their codes in April, when preorders only opened up in July? O.o
  8. I would be very surprised if people who preorder today aren't ingame by saturday.
  9. A few people have posted on the forums saying they cancelled over Early Access, but I doubt in significant numbers. I certainly wouldn't.
  10. Hi! I'm Tomas and I'm waiting for my early access... Won't be until tomorrow or the weekend though but still... Any good recommendations for games to play?
  11. I'll take the whiskey. It'll make the waiting easier.
  12. Isn't his name Michael Jackson? edit: That could be why it wasn't taken
  13. I preordered in november, and I'm happy with the way things are going at the moment.
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