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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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Ok, heres a substantial question: are you having fun with your ship, apart from playing the "no u-turns allowed" game, which im sure has you hopping up and down in your chair with exitement? (Btw, you know that game has nothing to do with your "ship" right? It's just an illusion)


It's a nice mini-game. What's your point?

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Some people do not want to have anything to do with space in this game......space combat or space travel,..or spaceships. That part of the game doesn't interest them so......they want instant travel to planets and such,...funny isn't it?,...star wars and people not interested in the space part...*rolls eyes* :eek:
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I want an option to auto-level to 50 and be fully raid geared. It's ok because it's an option and you don't have to use it.


Why are you against this? Why? Why do you hate other people's wants?


As long as it doesn't affect any other player's game (meaning you can't PVP using that gear), sure. Why would I care?


I understand that you're just talking in silly extremes, but I don't care how you got your character if it doesn't impact my game.. If they offered up free level 50 raid gear characters, I wouldn't take one anyway.

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It's a nice mini-game. What's your point?


Well since you seem to be one of the people in this thread hardest at work pointing out that this big dragon in the room that people are all up in arms about is in fact a perfectly functioning, well oiled windmill, I put the question to you if you yourself are enjoying the thing that you are defending.


Let me rephrase the question: I BW were to provide you with an insta "teleport anywhere you like" button when you log in for your next gaming session, would you still navigate, corridors, space ports, hangars(with speeder ban in effect), load screens and totally pointless ship interiors to get to your destinations?


If the answer is no, then what is your point?

The more hurdles a developer can put in your way to hinder you from doing enjoyable things in their gaming product, the better?


Are you immersed during all these steps I described?

Are you having a swell old time?

Edited by Droidlife
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Vecke, sorry, somewhere in these 70+ pages my brain started to count ice creme cones, so yeah, of course, it's not your thread and there is nothing wrong with you posting your suggestion here for both sides to have something to consider (and potentially even somebody to catch on and say 'hey, let's drop that idea into the Suggestion Box')


But, see, your point about why people are fighting so hard against a suggestion... well, why discuss that?


I mean everybody who goes contra against a/any change in something (whether this game, any game, politics, fashion, you pick) will have what s/he considers a 'good' reason, just as everybody who goes contra against the status quo of the game(...) will have what s/he considers a 'good' reason.


How many people on either side have by now dug in and potentially are just trolling for the sake of trolling the other troll who trolled of course first, or actually could give a perfectly fine reason why a suggestion should not be added to the game, frankly I'm not really sure I'd care to find out.


If you were to ask me why oppose such an option, yes, I can give you a reason, or actually a number of 'em:


1. It requires work on BW's end. (somebody here suggested 3 minutes... LOL... and in an hour we have world peace :rolleyes:)


Frankly I'd rather see BW put that energy into fixing actual gaming issues not 'convenience' issues.


(Now, at what point something should rather be considered a gaming issues than a 'convenience' issue, that is up to each person. And potentially such a (IMO) stupid thing could be for somebody a gamebreaker. Which would only be relevant, if indeed the number of people leaving the game because of it, was that large that BW would be running into an actual problem keeping the game alive. Interestingly enough, in all those threads on this topic, in all those postings in those thread I have seen very few people who actually claim to have quite the game because of the travel system or are saying they will quite the game if it is not 'fixed' ASAP. Apparently there is more than enough 'stuff' in SWTOR to keep people, even those who are not happy with the travel system; add to that the people whom I'd class as 'lazy' because to them it is suggested that things could be easier (which had actually never crossed their mind) and now they raise arms and demand that things be made easier. :rolleyes:)


2. 'Better the devil you know' - we have seen it here in SWTOR and we have seen it in other MMOs over the years: something is supposed to be 'improved' and the whole thing blows up in their face.


I'm actually back with DAoC due to the SWTOR maintenance schedule: On Jan 25th they released version 1.111 which saw a wide range of things changed/added (missions, quest, class balancing/modification, etc.). Within hours after the update a hot fix for a number of issues had to be rolled out. And tomorrow the next version will be rolled out: 1.111b.


This is just an example.


But it should show that when you start to mess with things, **** can (and very likely will) happen.


That is why, if it is not really a major issue, instead of trying to tweak it so that potentially everybody is happy, I'd rather see things working - which the travel system does.


And which a badly done tweak may then cause to fail. (Do I have to say the 'I...' word?)


3. 'Exploit'...


Wait... what?


Well, to some degree this falls under no 2: a badly done tweak, but it may also be lack of consideration on BW's end: while everything works as designed, the result is not as BW (and potentially the gamers) expected. Think 'Biochem'.


In what way could your idea be exploited?


Well, depends on what BW would do.


Let's assume that as soon as you enter the spaceport there is a station. You can access it to quick travel (you don't have to, it's an option).


Let's assume you have the option to QT to your ship or to a different planet.


Right, your ship: no real harm there as you'd load the ship (approx. 30 sec plus cutscenes) and then you'd have to run to the cockpit and go from there.


But what if BW figures they may as well do spaceport2spaceport?


Select destination, approx 2-3 min loading screen (depending then mostly on your system!) and you are there. Maybe not even cutscenes. Potentially use QT to the closest point where some friends need PvP help, speeder to final destination.


See how that could be a problem? :eek:


So, instead of giving in to all those ideas of how to make life in MMO easier, let's at first stick with a 'if it ain't broken, don't try to fix it' policy... because even something like Biochem would have found its place in the natural order of SWTOR if/when BW had started looking at the other skills. Up until then, heck, you picked the 'wrong' crew skill, start again. I've done it, not Biochem mind, Slicing on my first character for example, because I found another skill more suitable in combination with the rest of my skills.


Hope that explains why I'm not really in favor of changing a travel system which works perfectly fine for me.


Not to mention that it seems like a lot of this 'seeing an issue' comes from Imps... well, maybe that is the counterbalance to all the issues the people seem to find with Rep :lol:


You are right and pretty much everything you said there, I'll admit.


As to your question as to why I post... I ask myself that often. :)


Edit: I disagree with your reasons, but at least you have them, so I really don't have an argument against it.


I think for something like this, though, the dev time would be so minimal it would be worth the addition. I see people not just complaining about that here, but it's the most common complaint I see in the in-game chat as well.


If that many people want it, I think it's worth a little dev time.


That said, there's nothing wrong with you disagreeing with me there.

Edited by Vecke
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They should have made it like SWG when traveling in between planets. Just go to a starport terminal at any starport click then chose where to go and be done with it. Impossible to go help someone Pvp on some planet when it's going to take 2-3 minutes just to get to the planet.


2-3 minutes? You guys might be a little spoiled. ..

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Some people do not want to have anything to do with space in this game......space combat or space travel,..or spaceships. That part of the game doesn't interest them so......they want instant travel to planets and such,...funny isn't it?,...star wars and people not interested in the space part...*rolls eyes* :eek:


There are also folks who doesnt want anything to do with pointless tedium.

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You must not have played WoW... you could hearth to ONE location, and then flightpath from there. But wait! Your hearth is set to the wrong continent? Too bad, now you sit around and wait for the ship/airship...


Seriously, while its not perfect in SWTOR, it's still a working system. Making players expend a little more effort to switch planets is not a big deal. If you want to teleport everywhere, MMOs or Star Wars might not be for you.

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As long as it doesn't affect any other player's game (meaning you can't PVP using that gear), sure. Why would I care?


I understand that you're just talking in silly extremes, but I don't care how you got your character if it doesn't impact my game.. If they offered up free level 50 raid gear characters, I wouldn't take one anyway.


If you travel "faster" and hence level faster than we shouldn't allow those who skip the orbitals into PvP and stuff.

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Well since you seem to be one of the people in this thread hardest at work pointing out that this big dragon in the room that people are all up in arms about is in fact a perfectly functioning, well oiled windmill, I put the question to you if you yourself are enjoying the thing that you are defending.


Let me rephrase the question: I BW were to provide you with an insta "teleport anywhere you like" button when you log in for your next gaming session, would you still navigate, corridors, space ports, hangars(with speeder ban in effect), load screens and totally pointless ship interiors to get to your destinations?


If the answer is no, then what is your point?

The more hurdles a developer can put in your way to hinder you from doing enjoyable things in their gaming product, the better?


Are you immersed during all these steps I described?

Are you having a swell old time?


"Do you stop beating your wife?"


That's all your doing now.

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You are missing the point. If we wanted a "real life" experience, we would either role on an RP server or actually, just do RL. We want fantasy and fun. The game itself is a time-sink, we don't need one inside it. Now, had this time-sink been similar to the old SWG starports, where you could socialize and dual, or even pvp while waiting on your transport, maybe that would be different. But these are all about 80-90% private instances. Don't need them in an MMO.


Right, the main concourse in any spaceport is a private instance. Must be as you say that 80-90% is private instance. And as elevator/airlock and hangar make up for at best 50%...


You must be playing a different game I guess.


Or maybe you are just on a low pop server where you just never happen to be in the port at the same time as somebody else? :confused:


As to a 'real life' experience only on RP servers.


Do you actually know what RP means?


It means 'role-playing'.


Which you already do by creating a character, your 'role', and having him take his very first action.


'Role-playing' in itself is not 'Oh good sire, may I ask thee...', not in an computer RPG, because frankly you don't have much choice other than to play the role you have chosen. Or do you see Jedi with blasters (would be playing against their role), non-force characters wielding lightsabers (again: playing against your role)?


'RP server' are actually there to allow you to actually focus on playing 'in character', a relic of P&P days: you didn't just play a warrior, you were playing 'Orthmarg the Strong'!


So, having a location (like a spaceport) based on what would most like be the fitting basic design (spaceport: (main) concourse, gateway, accesspoint to hangar, hangar with control center) is not trying to re-create RL, it's just the designer's choice of how to present 'his' world.


Obviously s/he could also have gone 'enter game: in airlock, HUD/holo for missions, select one, airlock opens, you are in mission zone'.


Looking for that? Well, I'm sure you will be happy playing some online FPS...


Are you having a happy happy fun time entering and leaving your ship? Mabey a little half turn every now and then to throw a glance over your shoulder and marvel at its grandiosity?


No, I didnt think so.


It's not like youre in there hours on end deckin the place out with cool furniture and what not. The ships are totally pointless, as it stands.


Err... eye of the beholder and stuff like that?


Maybe YOU never looked at your ship. Maybe YOU never met one of your companions or a Quest NPC in the hangar. Maybe YOU never explored the hangar.


The thing is, we aren't all called 'YOU'!


Loading times are far too long, going between too many zones has too many loading time situations, and that's that. Poorly planned out, and not streamlined.


Pointless loading screens followed by a bit of running and another loading screen at every travel nexus? Yes.


I don't know why people are bringing up 'loading screens' (as opposed to loading screens).


I consider a loading screen to be what you get when e.g. access your ship i.e. the ships interior is being loaded, or when you leave your ship to do thing on a planet.


Transitions (like the black 'loading screen' when 'travelling' the 'elevator' (or potentially actually airlock) to the hangar) are not loading screens.


So, anybody complaing about those transitions: jeez, they are not even 5 sec!


Anybody complaining about (actual) loading screens: Very likely that is not a problem BW will be able to help you with!


They are there fore a reson (loading new content)


How quick that content is being loaded depends (mostly) on your system!


If you feel it takes too long, well, have fun troubleshooting/upgrading your system, or learn to relax *shrug*

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How many people on either side have by now dug in and potentially are just trolling for the sake of trolling the other troll who trolled of course first, or actually could give a perfectly fine reason why a suggestion should not be added to the game, frankly I'm not really sure I'd care to find out.



On this point, I think you're absolutely right. This thread stopped being about the issue 70 pages ago. Now, it's just about winning the argument.


So on that note, I'm out.

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This is hilarious!


I just logged onto the game, asked in general chat about the OP's complaint of having to go through orbital stations everywhere, and several level 50's immediately replied there are only some planets where you must take a shuttle down, but most planets you don't go through orbital stations at all.


Then they clarified why a few planets require the stations saying as an example Hoth is an ice planet without a proper place to land a starship, so in keeping with the game world, you park in orbit and take a special shuttle down.


So, in 10 seconds in game chat channel, I get a complete, and intelligent answer from some level 50's. In this thread I get pages and pages of dunces with unintelligible replies, or responses that only deepen my confusion.


Well done guys...

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I BW were to provide you with an insta "teleport anywhere you like" button when you log in for your next gaming session, would you still navigate, corridors, space ports, hangars(with speeder ban in effect), load screens and totally pointless ship interiors to get to your destinations?


If the answer is no, then what is your point?

The more hurdles a developer can put in your way to hinder you from doing enjoyable things in their gaming product, the better?


Are you immersed during all these steps I described?

Are you having a swell old time?


The answer to your question(s) is yes... and no :eek:


Would I use a 'teleport anywhere you like' button?


No... because I wouldn't be playing this game! I don't want a game that is pretty much just a 3rd person online FPS. And that's what the 'teleport anywhere' button would turn it into:


Landed on planet X, teleport to quest giver, teleport to quest location, complete quest, teleport back from quest location to questgiver, teleport to starting point. (Repeat)


Now add quests via holo/HUD: waiting room/mission briefing, enter map, fight, leave map as completed. (Should sound familiar if you ever played a multiplayer FPS.)


So yes, I would want to having airlocks to pass thru, streets to walk along, spaceports to look around in, etc.


What may be a hurdle to you is for other people just a way of making the game a bit more 'more'.


Hard to understand, I know, but some people actually do enjoy the scenic route over the highway :eek:

Edited by Goreson
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What's your problem, in wow we had to take the "taxi" to go to the other side of the continent and that took a lot more time than just 3 minutes, the game already have your companions doing the boring things for you, in wow we had to use a groung mount to find a mine in the other side of the area and get 10 ores, so we could make 5 bars but we needed 100 bars.
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They should have made it like SWG when traveling in between planets. Just go to a starport terminal at any starport click then chose where to go and be done with it. Impossible to go help someone Pvp on some planet when it's going to take 2-3 minutes just to get to the planet.


bah, you talk about the newer modern system they implemented with the JtL expansion!


I remember the good old days! A shuttle off planet left once every 15 minutes, so you bought your ticket for which ever your destination was, then went out to wait on the launch pad.


Strangely enough, ppl was grumbling yea, but many of the most memorable social occasions happend while ppl was chatting away waiting for that shuttle. :p

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I actually enjoy the travelling, if i wanted to play a game where i can just sit at a capital city and do everything from there, i would be playing rift, its pointless, no soul and no purpose.


Keep swtor like it is, now if they were able to shorten the loading time, then good or even make entering and leaving your ship seemless.



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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


Learn to use the 1 hr cooldown fleet pass/

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What's your problem, in wow we had to take the "taxi" to go to the other side of the continent and that took a lot more time than just 3 minutes, the game already have your companions doing the boring things for you, in wow we had to use a groung mount to find a mine in the other side of the area and get 10 ores, so we could make 5 bars but we needed 100 bars.



the difference between the taxi and the ****** running through stupid *********** hangars is that I could alt tab when flying from say stormwind to ironforge. instead of like. you know. running out of stormwind to the griffin hangar. and then zoning into the paladin griffin nest. running to my paladin griffin and going inside of it. more loading screen. going to the map. and selecting ironforge. and then zoning out of my griffin. etc. I could click on most locations in the world and alt tab and watch youtube, or check the news.


just sayin.


and the 1 hr fleet pass costs extra money...i assume that's the one above poster is talking about because my fleet pass has an 18 hour cooldown.

Edited by dindin
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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


your just complaining cuz you have to run to ur ship.... u lazy a**... what a stupid thing to complain about, quit the game if u must

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As long as it doesn't affect any other player's game (meaning you can't PVP using that gear), sure. Why would I care?


I understand that you're just talking in silly extremes, but I don't care how you got your character if it doesn't impact my game.. If they offered up free level 50 raid gear characters, I wouldn't take one anyway.

Funny you'd say that. Sure would suck for a lot of players to appear near you shortly after camping and waiting for a long time for the place not to be overrun with enemies. When they got tired of hanging around and went back to fleet.

Just like that reinforcements for the pitiful one or 2 that was left behind appeared shortly after you attacked. That can't be OP for say a server that gt a huge faction imbalance. So sir!

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I haven't read through all of these pages, but I think the easiest way to solve this problem would be to skip strait to the cut-scene of your ship taking off when you choose the option to go to your ship's hangar from the class-only elevators.


When you enter an orbital station from your ship, they should play a short cut-scene of the ship landing, then have you spawn at the elevator.


The walking distance from the elevator to the shuttle isn't bad, nor is it from within the spaceports to reach the elevators.


Let's just hope there isn't a terrorist attack and they increase security at the spaceports and check all of your belongings before you can reach your ship.

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I haven't read through all of these pages, but I think the easiest way to solve this problem would be to skip strait to the cut-scene of your ship taking off when you choose the option to go to your ship's hangar from the class-only elevators.


When you enter an orbital station from your ship, they should play a short cut-scene of the ship landing, then have you spawn at the elevator.


The walking distance from the elevator to the shuttle isn't bad, nor is it from within the spaceports to reach the elevators.


Let's just hope there isn't a terrorist attack and they increase security at the spaceports and check all of your belongings before you can reach your ship.





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