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I know its too late to say this but..


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I have over 10 toons in wow 7 are at max lvl

The story got old after the first 2

Mmos are like that I'm on my second toon in swtor

And am still enjoying the quests

Once you hit max level done the content

You wait for more content that's how mmos work

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everyone who says the play for the story are actually saying that they play 1 hour a week and havent hit lvl 30 yet. All aspects of this game are crap, story included.


Oh stupidity, thy name is you, lol. I have two lvl 50 characters and play for story.

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I would love this.


I'm enjoying the hell our of what we've got, mind, but there are times when the fact that the light side/dark side choices don't have story-line consequences make me wonder if people in this galaxy are just a bit dim. I don't exactly mind making up reasons why my light side Imperial Agent has somehow not gotten hauled before Imperial Intelligence to explain his repeated acts of treason (or at least serious failure to obey orders), but, at the same time, it would be nice if someone in the Empire noticed (in game) that he's failed to kill people, let unknown numbers of force users wander off, and generally should be in very big trouble.


as nice as ideas like these are, they are simply not possible to do in an MMO and events like what you describe do happen, but instead of happening in a random cutscene they happen via in-game mail,

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Well, I do know that I am playing out the IA story multiple times. Choosing one of the 4 possible outcomes at the end of Chapter One will open up a new sub-branch of quests and dialogue options. And depending on how you handle things in Chapter 2, one of the 3-4 possible endings of Chapter 3 gets locked out. I have a page bookmarked where there's a summary of all the branches and dependencies of the IA story that some folks whipped up.


Not sure if any of the other classes' stories do that, but the IA story can't be all that unique.


It definitely has at least a replay value ... for me anyway ... and I loathe immediately redoing story.

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They don't change the story, they change the dialog. That is vastly different. and even then its usually only one or two lines! As a sith inquisitor, for instance. They'll call you things like alien if you're anything but a human.


Forgot to mention here that sometimes your character's sex changes the dialogue too. Playing as a female Trooper especially led to more than a few raised eyebrows from NPCs in the military.


One example I can think of the story "sorta" changing is the Darth title you get in the Sith Warrior storyline.



and yet, KOTOR DID have a branching story! isn't that AMAZING!? being lightside or darkside in KOTOR drastically altered the story to the point that everyone I know played it twice just to experience them both.


Easier to create a branching story when you're dealing with one storyline rather than 8. ;)


Sure, I'd love to have 32 endings. I think a little thing called logistics is getting in the way. :(


and I hope you continue to be fully satisfied, I do. I however am not.


Dunno what to say to you about that. Maybe you should lower your expectations? When one's expectations are too high, one will be disappointed. Unfortunately I'm seeing too much of that nowadays. Something about this generation and entitlement... :sul_frown:

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Im loving the story so far! The IA and SI story have both had wrapped their fingers since I started!


I love going back to the lower leveled planets on my SI meeting some of the same people, just 30 levels later! the dialogue for these stories are awesome! The female voice actor for the SI is incredible.


Agreed, perfect match with the voice actress :cool: [btw, know who it is?]


Anyway I found it pretty funny to go back to Korriban & check up with Harkun when you'r a "Lord" and wants to check up on the new batch of slaves that might be your pontential new apprentices ;)



Edited by gaskull
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Wow, really? Guess there is no pleasing some people. I loved the IA story so much I rolled a second one after I hit 50 to do things differently. I've been leveling a few other alts as well...just for the story.


Yes, the side quests do get a little annoying after you've done them. Or in some cases, the first time you do them. At that point, you stick to doing your class quest, pvp, space missions, flashpoints, and you'll find yourself moving pretty fast. The only things I really spacebar through are dailies. Although even then, sometimes I like to just pick the jerky responses and laugh at them.

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