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(Guide) Marauder PVP


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interested to see the spec builds for the people that dont like this one


personally im running this one at the moment




this came from the other guide post in the forums here, the one main thing I took out of the other guide was using sweeping slash to burn your rage and refresh the stack

Edited by Thanotas
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One of the best ways to figure out of a mara on your team knows what he's doing is to see what he does with his rage when he's out of combat.


If he's SS'ing to convert that extra rage to fury then you know he has a decent understanding of his class.


If he's standing there doing nothing..there's an above average chance he's an idiot.


I can't fathom why you'd argue that QR isn't a must have for just about every spec w/ the exception of carnage. If you can't see the immense benefits of converting extra rage to fury then you've probably got some l2p issues.


Christ, another one. Where did i say i dont convert free rage into fury by using SSs?

I just said that given the amount of fury (or extra rage u can spend on getting fury) u get due to the right talents in anni spec, situations in which u wont get to 30 fury solely because you dont have QR/1 rage per SSs are pretty rare, thats all.


On the other hand i usually got more rage than GCDs to spend it on, and thats why im finding myself using retaliation now and then. Paired with annihilation it can give u pretty nice dmg and the fact that it gives u few more secs of cloak of pain uptime is just nice.


Hence the question about QR. But it seems u got this game and every spec figured out already, down the every last detail, oh master of theory crafting without combat log?


P.S. Not here to argue but i just hate the attitude - someone is using some other FILLER talent than you, so hes an idiot? In your post u got me figured already - my IQ, my playstyle and how i fair in pvp, and we never played together, bravo, u have some serious skills!


P.P.S. WIth a little effort u can even convince me, but with solid arguments, not that i should l2p cause your way is the only way.

Edited by Tamonn
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Annie spec you've post is drrrrrrrrreadful



You need to remember that I did not come up with these specs. I just converted this guide which was in republic terminology. Its setup to get everyones opinion on what works for them and to help new players choose what playstyle they want to use for PVP.


In fact if you think it is a dreadful spec, then why don't you post some insight on why you think that. This is to help noobs, not feed retarded trolls like yourself.


sticky please!!

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I tend to run something a little more like this for anni:







I don't usually take Overwhelm for Carnage anymore, simply because of the stupid ravage glitch now, where the skill glitches, does no damage, and you're stunned for the duration. I generally only use the ability against a melee for two quick strikes, or against someone who is already cc'd. Wasn't worth the two points for me.

Edited by Selixx
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Christ, another one. Where did i say i dont convert free rage into fury by using SSs?

I just said that given the amount of fury (or extra rage u can spend on getting fury) u get due to the right talents in anni spec, situations in which u wont get to 30 fury solely because you dont have QR/1 rage per SSs are pretty rare, thats all.


On the other hand i usually got more rage than GCDs to spend it on, and thats why im finding myself using retaliation now and then. Paired with annihilation it can give u pretty nice dmg and the fact that it gives u few more secs of cloak of pain uptime is just nice.


Hence the question about QR. But it seems u got this game and every spec figured out already, down the every last detail, oh master of theory crafting without combat log?


P.S. Not here to argue but i just hate the attitude - someone is using some other FILLER talent than you, so hes an idiot? In your post u got me figured already - my IQ, my playstyle and how i fair in pvp, and we never played together, bravo, u have some serious skills!


P.P.S. WIth a little effort u can even convince me, but with solid arguments, not that i should l2p cause your way is the only way.


He assumed you didn't because if you did, you would realize how much more fury QR would give.


Starting the fight with more fury so you can serk sooner is NOT a filler talent. Converting 5 rage to 20 fury instead of 4 fury is NOT a filler talent. Reducing the cooldown of Cloak of Pain by 3/6 seconds everytime you use Retaliation IS a filler talent.


And why are you talking about how awesome retaliation is for you? ClofAnn reduces the cooldown of ClofP. So if you want to argue how CloAnn is better than QR (it's not), talk about how those 6 seconds off Cloak of Pain is crucial to your play (it's not). And what does combat logs have to do with this ??? You have two talents, one turns 1 rage to 4 fury. The other reduces CloPain's cooldown. How would havign a combat log help at all?


But since you already knew all those info but still chose to go with Cloak of Ann, you can't blame him for assuming that you're a baddie who's not very bright and should learn to actually play your class.


Also grow up and get some thicker skin. Just because someones correcting you because you're wrong in a harsh tone doesn't mean you have to be upset about it.


P.S. English is my third language so it's probably an incoherent mess.

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  • 2 months later...
He assumed you didn't because if you did, you would realize how much more fury QR would give.


Starting the fight with more fury so you can serk sooner is NOT a filler talent. Converting 5 rage to 20 fury instead of 4 fury is NOT a filler talent. Reducing the cooldown of Cloak of Pain by 3/6 seconds everytime you use Retaliation IS a filler talent.


And why are you talking about how awesome retaliation is for you? ClofAnn reduces the cooldown of ClofP. So if you want to argue how CloAnn is better than QR (it's not), talk about how those 6 seconds off Cloak of Pain is crucial to your play (it's not). And what does combat logs have to do with this ??? You have two talents, one turns 1 rage to 4 fury. The other reduces CloPain's cooldown. How would havign a combat log help at all?


But since you already knew all those info but still chose to go with Cloak of Ann, you can't blame him for assuming that you're a baddie who's not very bright and should learn to actually play your class.


Also grow up and get some thicker skin. Just because someones correcting you because you're wrong in a harsh tone doesn't mean you have to be upset about it.


P.S. English is my third language so it's probably an incoherent mess.


I completely agree with this. Although from my perspective it seems that the guy who preferred retaliation is newer to the class, ( i cant say bad since i cant see what he does in pvp). I used retaliation for levelling up. Never touched it at 50. If you have excess rage all the time then your missing out on something vital. Bladerush > Retaliation, doesnt matter if retalitiation cant be parried etc. You shouldnt really have such excess rage all the time.


Don't get so defensive on criticism. It's how we find the best builds. My points here will be criticised also but that's how we learn.


The above poster though is 100% correct. I am sentinel so i get mixed up with your abilities :) but speccing for a 1focus/rage cyclone slash spam is perfect for voidstar. 5 ppl trying to cap the bomb you planted... spam it like mad and they will NOT get it for one. Extra centering/fury is an amazing gain. No target required, mediocre but nice damage with precision. Force sweep with PrecSlash critting all for 2.5k-3k (maybe more). It is just too good to pass. The points spent in the rage/focus tree is debatable for all, but not speccing for QR is indeed a BIG mistake in my eyes. Patch 1.2 will mean ravager/master focus is VERY nice since it will boost master strike damage.




All I can suggest is try the spec with QR and you will see a vast improvement.

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idk if its mentioned but:


When your interrupting: always interrupt channeled spells (their cast bars usually start at the right and go left) asap


Always interrupt casted spells as late in the cast as possible so u waste more of their time :p

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Thanks to the OP for this guide. I was thinking of rolling a Mara and try a 'pure DPS' class, having recently converted from a Trooper Vanguard on another server (I tend to like 'tanky' classes...all that survivability makes me feel safe).


I appreciate the analysis of the class and all the trees from a PvP and game mechanics point of view. Not looking for "what's the best?" and "what rotation should I use" crap of ppl looking for easy answers. Good suggestions and observations about how to maximize what you are trying to do based on the tree you want to run or play style you might prefer.

Edited by aceofspadezz
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Personally, this is what I use as annihilation since 1.2 hit.


I don't understand why people are looking past Seeping Wound. With the increase to 50% slow, it easily replaces Crippling Slash; which in turn frees up a GCD for anything else.




Also, while rupture is important for more bleed damage, I don't find myself using it more than its CD warrants. If anything, it's an opener to be used directly after Deadly Saber.


I was reading the argument above over Retaliation, and in my opinion, if you aren't using the off-GCD skill, you're missing out. I never have rage problems, so it's easy for me to couple it with Anni, or anything else.


One thing that wasn't mentioned, which I wish was, is clipping Ravage. It's great damage of course, however 3 seconds is way too long. The first two attacks happen within about 1 second; that's when you clip it short with any other attack.


The two tactics above greatly increase the "burst" viability of Annihilation. Not to mention that both Retaliation and Ravage each will use 1 stack of Deadly Saber.


The biggest downside since 1.2 is you can't SS anymore or fury buildup.


I'm not saying my way is the only way, and i'm not saying that anyone here is wrong. I'm just offering food for thought.

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