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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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You would think by some of the doom posts here

That mmo players would be the worst kind of gamers out there


I've played a few mmos and this games

Pretty good and it's only going to get better



So have some patients you spoilt brats

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Have you played a character to level 50 yet in SWTOR? You don't change anything. You don't influence anything. The only thing you influence is your own LS/DS score. That is all.


My son and I both played the same class to level 50 together, and both took different "story" choices to see if it branched or changed anything. It did not.


You have as much story control here as you do actually reading a book or watching a movie. Don't let previous BioWare story games fool you (nor their pre-launch marketing on story and influencing it-- which was a flat-out lie). This one is nowhere near as in-depth as their other games. It's a rail-runner even as far as story, where you can change nothing.


Remember the old "Endless Quest" style novels from the 1980's? If not, google it. They gave you more control and influence than this game has.


Sad, really.


This is where your wrong, sure maybe in the bigger picture you dont, but it would be impossible to actually have every character change the persistent world and if thats what you were expecting then you were delusional.


There are certainly many meaningful options throughout your storyline that can affect your story though. Like when a decision you made in act 1 is brought up later on in the story or when you decide to let a character live and he plays a vital role later on in your story. I dunno if your just lying about you and your son playing the same story or if you havent gotten very far in the gaame yet or if you guys just made similair decisions but you can certainly effect events throughout the gaame in your story.


Sure it may still take you on the same path but the actual story will be different. Bioware isnt just going to come out and flat out lie about the fact that you can make meaningful decisions throughout the story, the writer isnt going to go in depth and talk about it in an interview if its completely false. Their are decisions throughout your storyline that will effect yyour story later on , weather thats at the very end or half way through the gaame. I doubt you and your son were sitting right beside each other checking up on every little detail as you played through the game.


Earlier on a guy who actually had played through the same class twice (different advanced classes) said that he made different decisions and his story was quite a bit different.


It isnt onlly the class stories the planet wide stories have meaningful decisions as well.

Edited by Samborino
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You would think by some of the doom posts here

That mmo players would be the worst kind of gamers out there


I've played a few mmos and this games

Pretty good and it's only going to get better



So have some patients you spoilt brats


It's posts like these that will lead to the destruction of the community and game. It's a 2011/2012 game release with a huge budget, big name dev, and big time publisher and the game released in this state. They have had slack cut, and they squandered it. There has been numerous issues brought up since early beta and were never fixed. Their game engine choice was poor, thus the visuals are lack luster, and gameplay will always feel off no matter what they try it seems.

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It's posts like these that will lead to the destruction of the community and game. It's a 2011/2012 game release with a huge budget, big name dev, and big time publisher and the game released in this state. They have had slack cut, and they squandered it. There has been numerous issues brought up since early beta and were never fixed. Their game engine choice was poor, thus the visuals are lack luster, and gameplay will always feel off no matter what they try it seems.


They are adding cinematic graphics mode, they announced it the other day :D

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I wouldn't go so far as to say unimportant.


Logs show you how you died. If a wipe happens, and someone wants to know why, a log will tell you. This game lacks logs, and if a group is having trouble with a particular fight, the log can easily help pinpoint why, where and how.


Logs are a no-brainer to include in modern MMOs.


The UI - I'll be honest, every time I log in and see the UI, a little part of me wonders how the current UI ever got approved for this game, and I hope that whoever does the approval no longer works at Bioware.


The UI simply fails on the most basic level of not having enough hotbar buttons for all my abilities.


It fails in that 3 of the right side hotbar buttons are covered by the Voidstar map (and 3 more look like they're covered, but they're still usuable).


It fails that I can't have more than 2 windows open at once.


It fails that so much space is wasted on overly large graphics/portraits that serve no functional purpose, yet can't be hidden.


And those issues don't even get into the lack of scaling and moving things (again, basic features for every modern MMO).


-logs tell you how you or your group died. I can tell you too, you didn't have enough DPS and defense to bring down the enemies and allow yourself you live. That was easy.


Most people want logs because thy want to know how awesome they are, or to weed out the people in the group that they feel are weak....lets be honest here.


-UI you went on about the UI like it was game breaking....haha. Like it is going to kill you because you can only have two windows open and can't move them.


Would I like a better UI? Of course, but I'm not going to rage about it. I miss my UI from Rift.

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The story of the classes I have played has been pretty awesome, no idea where some of you think the stories are not good. I personally think the Inquisitor story ending was Epic, and the Bounty Hunter story is awesome as well. LOL Surely you guys dont think alot of the other MMO's did as well as this game did for story telling? And if you dont like a story driven MMO why did you buy this game? Bioware clearly stated it is a story driven MMO, so you all have no reason to complain about the game being story driven thats for sure.
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The story of the classes I have played has been pretty awesome, no idea where some of you think the stories are not good. I personally think the Inquisitor story ending was Epic, and the Bounty Hunter story is awesome as well. LOL Surely you guys dont think alot of the other MMO's did as well as this game did for story telling? And if you dont like a story driven MMO why did you buy this game? Bioware clearly stated it is a story driven MMO, so you all have no reason to complain about the game being story driven thats for sure.


You have very low standards. The storylines in this game are *********** terrible.


SI darkside (50, finished)

SW lightside (48, finished)

IA lightside (44)

BH darkside (30)


The stories are INCREDIBLY repetitive, INCREDIBLY predictable and ultimately the planet progression feels so forced that they were making up excuses to find a way to send you to the next planet.


There are certainly MMOs with strong storylines, but most of them are ones where the storyline had otherwise very little impact on character progression - a great example is FFXI, where the storyline was always fantastically strong, but the storyline (and ultimately ALL quests) were not for experience of any kind - at best they offered an item or something. That was in a different era of MMOs though, that kind of model doesn't really fit anymore.


If you think the storyline in SWTOR is great, you really haven't played a strong story game (many of Bioware's other games might be considered such), or for that matter, read a book.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.



It comes down to patience. The attention span level of most humans is very very short. They want to get in a game and play ,...not listen to endless hours of dialogue. Sure you can hit spacebar,...but even that takes a large amount of effort when trying to get the correct light or dark points!


They never should have implemented the dark / light point system,..I feel it is hurting the game and slowing it waaay down and causing grief to the playerbase. Companion social is messed up too and some choices no matter what you do....you get a negative reaction from yer companion


I spend more time in this game hitting spacebar and trying to get best light or dark points and best reaction from my companion than I do anything else...and it is growing very stale

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Why? When the book is about your character and you have the ability to change the fate its much better than reading a book. There are lots of asian RPGs that gives you that epic story.


You don't get to change it's fate though. Not in an MMO anyways. We're all supposedly these epic figures of our respective factions, and yet ultimately nothing we do really makes a bit of difference in the game world at all. That's the downside of MMOs. In a single player game, you're the only player, so the devs can do whatever they want when you complete Epic Long Story Quest X, even with phasing devs can't go that far in an MMO. That's why actual gameplay trumps story in MMOs. A good story is the icing on the cake. But, without solid, engaging gameplay, no matter how good the stories may be, they won't carry an MMO.

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It comes down to patience. The attention span level of most humans is very very short. They want to get in a game and play ,...not listen to endless hours of dialogue. Sure you can hit spacebar,...but even that takes a large amount of effort when trying to get the correct light or dark points!


They never should have implemented the dark / light point system,..I feel it is hurting the game and slowing it waaay down and causing grief to the playerbase. Companion social is messed up too and some choices no matter what you do....you get a negative reaction from yer companion


I spend more time in this game hitting spacebar and trying to get best light or dark points and best reaction from my companion than I do anything else...and it is growing very stale


Most gamers today are ADD diagnosed and use that as a crutch for arguments. Its funny how the younger generation of gamers mostly get diagnosed with this around the same time it became bad to disipline your child with a smack when they do things that deserve it.

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You have very low standards. The storylines in this game are *********** terrible.


SI darkside (50, finished)

SW lightside (48, finished)

IA lightside (44)

BH darkside (30)


The stories are INCREDIBLY repetitive, INCREDIBLY predictable and ultimately the planet progression feels so forced that they were making up excuses to find a way to send you to the next planet.


There are certainly MMOs with strong storylines, but most of them are ones where the storyline had otherwise very little impact on character progression - a great example is FFXI, where the storyline was always fantastically strong, but the storyline (and ultimately ALL quests) were not for experience of any kind - at best they offered an item or something. That was in a different era of MMOs though, that kind of model doesn't really fit anymore.


If you think the storyline in SWTOR is great, you really haven't played a strong story game (many of Bioware's other games might be considered such), or for that matter, read a book.


Actually, I have played alot of Biowares other games like Mass Effect , Dragon Age, and KOTOR. All of which I agree has great story lines. You obviously have not played every class and granted some of the stories are better than others, you cannot say all of them are not good. Secondly this is not a novel, its a video game, most of the stories are fun. BTW I do have high standards, You are just a wanna be second rate critic.


The game play is great as well, love the way my characters animation looks in fight etc. No idea why you all are complaining the game play is good, the only thing I have to complain about is the lag in PVP. Fix that all is good .

Edited by Fallensouls
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Well for what they have accomplished in an MMO genre, I think the stories are just fine. If anyone thinks they are crap write a better story and make a better game...


Funny thing is almost everyone here could not. They just like complaining.


In fact, if you haters think you can make a better MMO, then do it.....oh, you dont have millions of dollars to risk? Oh, you dont have the coding skills, the writing skills, the artistic ability?


Then **** ;-)

Edited by chakkar
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Funny thing is almost everyone here could not. They just like complaining.


In fact, if you haters think you can make a better MMO, then do it.....oh, you dont have millions of dollars to risk? Oh, you dont have the coding skills, the writing skills, the artistic ability?


Then **** ;-)


So you cant complain?


You pay for something and you expect more, but you cant complain?



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So....why are you playing this "story driven MMO", again?


Because they like MMOs and it is Star Wars.



That is the number 1 and number 2 reasons. If this was not Star Wars most of these people would not be here. They may say it is Story based, it is not on the box as big as that Star Wars logo. In the commercials they do not tout the story driven part at all. They show a little light saber combat and then the HUGE Star Wars label.


So they are not banking on the story part as much as they are the Star Wars franchise.


You want JUST the story driven niche minority? Don't want to hear opinions from players that play MMOs and want other things from such an iconic title? Don't make a Star Wars MMO. It is as simple as that.

Edited by Uben
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Actually, I have played alot of Biowares other games like Mass Effect , Dragon Age, and KOTOR. All of which I agree has great story lines. You obviously have not played every class and granted some of the stories are better than others, you cannot say all of them are not good. Secondly this is not a novel, its a video game, most of the stories are fun. BTW I do have high standards, You are just a wanna be second rate critic.


The game play is great as well, love the way my characters animation looks in fight etc. No idea why you all are complaining the game play is good, the only thing I have to complain about is the lag in PVP. Fix that all is good .


I have played all of the imperial storylines to atleast 30, 3 of them to atleast mid 40s, and 2 of them to the end. There were moments that were good, but in general, all were incredibly repetative and generic.


You really don't have high standards if you think this is good storytelling. Wannabe critic? No, I haven't written reviews anyway but in reply to people trying to tout the story in this game as good or worth the time invested in it.


Sith Inquisitor


Follow the whims of your lord, who is crazy. Chase around for artifacts. Lord betrays you. Kill lord. Get new lord. New lord betrays you.

Find ghost for more power.

Find another ghost for more power.

Find another ghost for more power.

Find another ghost for more power.

Find another ghost for more power.

Spend two planets "healing yourself" from the damage the ghosts do, and two planets chasing down your new crazy lord.

Kill lord.



Sith Warrior


Follow the whims of your lord, who is crazy. Chase around for your lord's arch nemesis' padawan.

Kill member of republic war council.

Kill another member of republic war council.

Kill another member of republic war council.

Kill another member of republic war council.

Lord betrays you. Get new lord. Kill old lord.




Imperial Agent


Follow the whims of a crazy Darth, who "dies".

Destroy terrorist cell one.

Destroy terrorist cell two.

Destroy terrorist cell three.

Destroy terrorist cell four.

Oh look, crazy guy didn't die, and betrayed you. Kill crazy darth. Save the world.

Go work for republic spies. Old master betrayed you, your brain got taken over. Cool bit of story for this chapter!




Bounty Hunter


Follow the whims of the great hunt organisers in order to chase down crazy guy who betrayed you.

Kill first target.

Kill second target.

Kill third target.

Kill fourth target.

Kill fifth? target.

Kill sixth? target.

Kill crazy guy who betrayed you.I don't know the rest of the BH story, I haven't got that far.




There are so many formulaic elements to these stories, it is just too much like they have fitted the story to the planet progression. It doesn't work as creative story telling. If you enjoy them that's great, and I'm happy for you, but I expected a lot better given the time and resources put into them.

Edited by Delekii
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Well for what they have accomplished in an MMO genre, I think the stories are just fine. If anyone thinks they are crap write a better story and make a better game...


You don't have to be able to write (or make a movie, or paint, or sing, etc.) better to know when something is crap.

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If i wanted a great story i'd read a book or watch a movie.



The story is interesting. Sure it's not Crime and Punishment or Animal Farm but it's still well above other MMO's and very interesting IMO. There are certainly some tough moral choices depending on the class you've chosen that makes it intersting as well.

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If i wanted a great story i'd read a book or watch a movie.



Saying the story here is great is like claiming schwartzenegger movies deserve screenplay oscars.


Then you should have never purchased this game as it wasn't intend for your style of game play and you really have no business complaining about it.

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People called Dostoevsky and Orwell the same thing in their day. Luckily we don't all read the same books or like the same moves, we aren't robots.


Very true. I mean, people like "Glee" and "The Bachelor". My point was that you don't have to be able to do better to criticize something. I personally couldn't put together a better TV show than Jersey Shore but that doesn't make it good.

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