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Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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Cover sucks, i see a gunslinger/sniper in cover i just run out off his range, then all those fancy things he got is no good now, are they?


Then they place a bomb on your door, cap your turret, or cap the ball while you hide in a corner. LOL! It's one thing to say "lol I'll just hide over here behind this pillar until they are forced to attack us in our boring sandbox arena" it is another to say "lol I'll just hide over here out of sight of our objective to avoid being attacked so they can cap everything and win the game but I didn't die so I am the best 1337 player ever!"

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Sniper play is completely different from other dps class u need to know how to play it not complain about it.


I am sure you are that good that you simply negate the game mechanical issues with mitigation vs heavy armoured targets (marksman) and dispelling (lethality). May I call you Neo?

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No real cover benefits - check.

Roots prevent cover - check.

Wastes whole global cooldown - check.

Zero mobility - check.


What's not to hate?


Zero mobility is intentional. Mobility is suppose to be for Melee. If you want mobility play a juggernaut.


I agree being rooted and not being able to cover needs changed.

However, it using a global cooldown is also intended because you should SETUP to fight. The point of your class is to zone and hit from range you shouldn't be turned into a dropcover on the fly, instagib people while it autospins you to target. You should be punished for your lack of preparation. Yeah, different classes are different.


I am sure you are that good that you simply negate the game mechanical issues with mitigation vs heavy armoured targets (marksman) and dispelling (lethality). May I call you Neo?


You can't seriously be saying that because you are unable to do it nobody else can? I think that Neo comment should be aimed towards the original poster of said comment.

Edited by Meiu
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One of the things i have noticed most from playing my sniper is that people dont seem to pay any attention to us at all which may be why people think its a less played class.


A big chunk of someones health comes off and players assume its the purple lightning hurling class in front of them, and they never seem to realise its the sniper way off to the left that actualy did the damage to them.


That said the lack of mobility is a problem and with out timing the cc you have (leg shot, debilitate etc) melee classes will eat you alive as soon as they get to you.

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That said the lack of mobility is a problem and with out timing the cc you have (leg shot, debilitate etc) melee classes will eat you alive as soon as they get to you.


I forget the name,but Armor breaker shot, Flashbang/Legshot, Explosive Probe, Ambush, Followthrough (Most classes ar under half health, if not more, after this), Snipe if needed, Followthrough/Killshot if < 30%(Most of the time), if not, Knockback, repeat Ambush. 90% of players are dead at this point.


Note: This is all from MM, I have no experience with the other specs. Unless every single thing you pretty much have is on cooldown, I just don't see losing to a melee running up to you. The only class that has consistently destroyed me in PvP is a level 50 Smuggler, with that damn Cloak, Backstab, Vanish, I'm on the ground for 4-5 seconds, and he two shots me out of claok again. God I hate that guy. lol. I haven't come across him since the nerf so I don't know how it would play out now.


I think the cloass will just take more time for players to develop into. And I really hope people bring out the best this class has to offer.

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I give up. I like the fact that most think the sniper is terrible or useless. People leave me alone both in terms of calling for nerfs and in terms of engaging me...


that's right, just let me be


Fly under the Radar and accept any pity buffs, imo.


People still gripe about Operatives spamming one ability. It'll be a while before people realize that targeting reticule isn't just some random graphics bug that happens during a fight.

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Its all play style that gives them a bad rep. I rerolled an Assassin myself more because I've always been a fan of a debuffer tank, but knowing how to use the cover system and when to use entrench is vital for a sniper/gunslinger. Most of all, if you're freaking out and running when people attack you, you're dead. Stand your ground soldier! If one way or another you're dead, die doing as much damage as you can! Sometimes you'll be presently surprised.
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Oh, ok. So tell me how we can protect our dots from being dispelled. :rolleyes:


Quit casting them 1v1 on a healer and focus on the chaos? A healer isn't going to notice every dot in a sizeable group. Quite honestly? I have yet to see my DoTs ever be dispelled

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Sometimes your burst demolishes the enemy. Then you encounter an enemy with equal expertise. And they absorb everything, take barely any hp damage, and continue to destroy your party while you plink away uselessly.

Many gunslingers think they are amazing because they can destroy fresh 50s and squishy targets like non-tank spec assassins. They don't realize that their amazing damage logged at the end of the WZ isn't actually doing much to help the team.

At the moment, an equal expertise healer, especially mercenary, can outheal your burst while also healing the team, especially if there is also a sorc to bubble. We are underpowered. Extremely underpowered.

The worst class in the game at the moment. And Bioware hasn't even acknowledged that there is a problem.

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Seen any lately? They are almost non existent on my server... I have 2 alts 1 is a 41 Guardian and the other is a 40 gunslinger... I'm not sure which to take to 50. I struggle to find any real top quality pvp footage on them, and rarely see them in Warzones...


Are Gunslingers/Snipers Underpowered? or people just hate to play this class in general over the other options?


If anyone could find 50vs50 footage of gunslinger/sniper it would be appreciated.

I'm also wondering if BioWare is going to maybe buff this AC since its barely played in Warzones?


They are underpowered. In a game where EVERY class is dps, then the pure dps class needs to have ZOMG! NERF THIS CRAP! dps. And do you ever hear anyone crying about nerfing Snipers and Slingers? Nope. Which means they do "good" dps in a game where everyone does "good" dps. But they don't get the defense, heals and utility of other classes. If done right every third post on the pvp forum should be entitled "Aimed Shot".

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They are underpowered. In a game where EVERY class is dps, then the pure dps class needs to have ZOMG! NERF THIS CRAP! dps. And do you ever hear anyone crying about nerfing Snipers and Slingers? Nope. Which means they do "good" dps in a game where everyone does "good" dps. But they don't get the defense, heals and utility of other classes. If done right every third post on the pvp forum should be entitled "Aimed Shot".

Ballistic shield is amazing, just I don't see it used nearly enough..

No class pulls out more lethal AoE. Is it easy to dodge AoE? Yeah, a bit, but in a harsh fight, its a game changer.

Evasion could use some work...

Trust me, the utility they lack is only Huttball utility. In Huttball, they play a game of, "lets see if I can kill this person!" and they will do so fairly reliably if they aren't picking horrible targets.

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Ballistic shield is amazing, just I don't see it used nearly enough..

No class pulls out more lethal AoE. Is it easy to dodge AoE? Yeah, a bit, but in a harsh fight, its a game changer.

Evasion could use some work...

Trust me, the utility they lack is only Huttball utility. In Huttball, they play a game of, "lets see if I can kill this person!" and they will do so fairly reliably if they aren't picking horrible targets.


I disagree about the AoEs. I think Commando/Merc take the AoE title. Not only are about half their attacks AoEs, Death from Above does more damage than Thermal Grenade.


Like I said, I don't think Slinger/Sniper damage is bad. I just don't think it's where it should be given three dps trees.

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I disagree about the AoEs. I think Commando/Merc take the AoE title. Not only are about half their attacks AoEs, Death from Above does more damage than Thermal Grenade.


Like I said, I don't think Slinger/Sniper damage is bad. I just don't think it's where it should be given three dps trees.


Orbital strike crits for 3-4k.. add in plasma probe and suppressive fire with occaisonal grenade and if anyone is stupid enough to not move, they die, pure and simple, they WILL die. I've caused TPKs in Voidstar with that. (Doesn't happen often, but when it does, its glorious)

Edited by Kuari
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They are underpowered. In a game where EVERY class is dps, then the pure dps class needs to have ZOMG! NERF THIS CRAP! dps. And do you ever hear anyone crying about nerfing Snipers and Slingers? Nope. Which means they do "good" dps in a game where everyone does "good" dps. But they don't get the defense, heals and utility of other classes. If done right every third post on the pvp forum should be entitled "Aimed Shot".


Hmm this sounds supiciously like "balance".

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Hmm this sounds supiciously like "balance".


They are probably pretty close to that for sure, just the big issue is that they are the hardest to play. If you're not making use of all your tools, you're missing out on a lot of potential.

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They are probably pretty close to that for sure, just the big issue is that they are the hardest to play. If you're not making use of all your tools, you're missing out on a lot of potential.


I hear that marauders have to have ~30 keys bound for pvp and they use them all. I think they might beg to differ about most difficult class to play.


I find that NEARLY all the classes in this game are harder to play than the similar classes in that other mmo.

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Seen any lately? They are almost non existent on my server... I have 2 alts 1 is a 41 Guardian and the other is a 40 gunslinger... I'm not sure which to take to 50. I struggle to find any real top quality pvp footage on them, and rarely see them in Warzones...


Are Gunslingers/Snipers Underpowered? or people just hate to play this class in general over the other options?


If anyone could find 50vs50 footage of gunslinger/sniper it would be appreciated.

I'm also wondering if BioWare is going to maybe buff this AC since its barely played in Warzones?




I still play my sniper off and on but frankly they aren't that fun. No self healing, very squishy, most attacks mitigated (unless you are letahlity but then you have very little burst), gear itemization was done by a drunk monkey and half your abilities use Bioware's RNG system when deciding whether or not to work.

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I still play my sniper off and on but frankly they aren't that fun. No self healing, very squishy, most attacks mitigated (unless you are letahlity but then you have very little burst), gear itemization was done by a drunk monkey and half your abilities use Bioware's RNG system when deciding whether or not to work.


can't be charged/pulled/pushed while in cover. yeah life is rough.

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