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If they wont listen


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Your right!


There are many issues with this game. The customer support is among the worst ive ever seen. And BW seems to ignore the community and continue to keep there blindfold on. This might be slightly due to us as a community tolerating there lack of ability and responce.


So what do we do?


My opinion would be first and foremost give them time to correct the issues and be patiant. However that does not mean being infinatley tolerant. If you want to make a statmemt to the company do it were it counts, the bottom line. In a sence we the community are like share holders of the games buisness. We pay there monthly salary for them to give us results. Now if they fail to produce said results we should simply not pay them..


What does this all mean?


I say we the community give BW/EA an ultimatum. Either they fix the communities high priority issues by say 3/1/12 (example) or we will simply boy cott/turn off our subs to your game! Now tell me you cant fix pvp/ability delays or add mods... Either that or continue to troll the forums complaining and throwing your two cents (okey 15/month) at the company!


(apologies for speeling this tablet hates me!)



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I think this is upon ignorance I getting the out put I would want from any Launch of an mmo. This by far the smoothest launch for an mmo I had. They do listen to the community I guess the reaction to this is "Sorry they can't add a thousand different things in at once. They are UI customization Like the community has been asking for, they are adding more legacy items like the players asked. You really need to go watch a video and sit down and fully understand what they are doing and having to do before you post.
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Playing swtor is a very personal experience. I don't think you can interest people, that are disappointed in the current state of the game, to give the same response, like you wish they will.


I think the majority of the player base is having a good time playing it. Well i hope. I for my self quit playing and unsubed the moment i lost my drive. The game has to much nonsense, bugs and bad design decisions that i can't enjoy it enough. Witch make me sad couse i thought i had found a new love. My answer was directly unsub. Still have one month payed for playing. Other people have the patience to stay longer. I will follow swtor coming months mb years and see if BW can fixe the game so ppl like me: who are interested in a polished mmo with good gameplay and love for the star wars universe can have the joy-ride i hoped for.

Edited by Patsboem
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For a game that had how many years development? went through beta and still launched without the basics in decent working order.. Why shouldnt paying customers be upset/annoyed ?


i didnt say they couldnt be upset.. but to say they have been infinitly tolerant is foolish. and the game developement time cant really be considered when it comes to fixing bugs that creep up in game play. the BEST you can say is they had a year ( for the beta) to fix any bugs... years is also a misnomer and a buzz word people are using on the forums to try and exagerate their point.

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For a game that had how many years development? went through beta and still launched without the basics in decent working order.. Why shouldnt paying customers be upset/annoyed ?


Probably because paying customers are human and are upset/annoyed at different things?



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