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Republic vs Imperial How much more do you NEED?


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I'm not gonna sit here and pretend it was glitch that all the odd's were stacked in Imp's favor for pvp, because that's illogical and mathmatically impossible.


Imperial's have 2x, 3x and even 4x the number of Republic on most server's, which is fine I'll always pick the least populated side.


Imperial's have no animation delay lag unlike their republic mirror classes, which is total BS in my opinion any DEV who needed these odd's stacked in their favor for PvP should stick to PVE.


And everyday I see more bugs always stacked in Imperial's favor like 8 people wacking someone planting the bomb on Voidstar and he gets plant off, Or us staying in respawn FOREVER so Imperials can get easy win, or the huttball health drop goes to Imperial first even when he's a ways away and a republic is standing on it.


COME-ON Guys you think just because your game is called star wars you can't flop it with this BS faster then the titantic, if you don't cut the crap FAST your gonna watch this ship sink.

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Shhh. Calm down. They are working hard to make you like this game. In about a month or two there will be new flashpoint released! That is new content! 3rd boss will be bugged and last boss will not drop loot but who would care about such details?
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Shhh. Calm down. They are working hard to make you like this game. In about a month or two there will be new flashpoint released! That is new content! 3rd boss will be bugged and last boss will not drop loot but who would care about such details?


That's why they have BETA, you can't possibly try and get these results, unless you TRIED TO!


BTW this is a PVP forum so why are you talking about PVE?


P.S. Crim if you can't mention specifics then don't bother trolling makes you look well trolly

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Not true. :) Playing both sides , and want to say that imp players see pvp way more often , so they have much more exp than rep , esspecially in huttbal. For me playing huttbal against the republic was a shock and they were preatty nooby with a ball . when we easily pass them through. So i thing its all because of pvp exp . And against like 8 people of imp they put like 11 of republic in voidstar . Happends a lot to me .:D
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Imperials have the ability delay the same as you, what proof do you have otherwise?


I have never seen any player get off a bomb plant with 8 people hitting him. Are you sure this player wasn't doing the door exploit? Cause Republic players do this too.


Never seen the spawn bug you're talking about either. Sounds like your team just wasn't looking at the forcefield.


Again, never seen the Huttball thing either.


I'm sorry but I feel obligated to ask, how much have you had to drink this evening?

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Not true. :) Playing both sides , and want to say that imp players see pvp way more often , so they have much more exp than rep , esspecially in huttbal. For me playing huttbal against the republic was a shock and they were preatty nooby with a ball . when we easily pass them through. So i thing its all because of pvp exp . And against like 8 people of imp they put like 11 of republic in voidstar . Happends a lot to me .:D

How do say they were 11? If you see 11 players on the post-match screen it was becouse 3 Republic players left during match and they got replaced by some others. If someone plays for a while he will not vanish from the list. On some super-fail Republic matches you can have 15 Republic players on post-match screen becouse people keep leaving after realizing the imminent fail cascade.

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Imperials have the ability delay the same as you, what proof do you have otherwise?


I have never seen any player get off a bomb plant with 8 people hitting him. Are you sure this player wasn't doing the door exploit? Cause Republic players do this too.


Never seen the spawn bug you're talking about either. Sounds like your team just wasn't looking at the forcefield.


Again, never seen the Huttball thing either.


I'm sorry but I feel obligated to ask, how much have you had to drink this evening?



Here's a Link to an entire thread describing the others




Just to show the difference in Imperial to Republic that other people have documented and BW has admitted to half of these BTW, so how many denial pills did you take tonight?

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Yup, thread over.

Can someone please insruct me how to use that glitch, mmmk? Becouse so far I never witnessed anything apart from one instance of bugged Voidstar when Empire door was closed for the 1st cycle giving us a free 1st door pass.


Meanwhile I keep getting owned by one particular imperial glitch called Sith Sorcerer. I already reported this bug to customer service.

Edited by Aweus
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Yup, thread over.


Fact's are better then fiction my video's are better then your banter, but some people don't believe in dinosaur's and there's no way to fight ignorance like that.


And you guys crying over Rep's winning an occaisonal voidstar when it's well known that imp's outnumber reps on most server's 3x just show that no matter how hard the od's are stacked in your favor, emo kids can always find a reason to cry.

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Can someone please insruct me how to use that glitch, mmmk? Becouse so far I never witnessed anything apart from one instance of bugged Voidstar when Empire door was closed for the 1st cycle giving us a free 1st door pass.


Meanwhile I keep getting owned by one particular imperial glitch called Sith Sorcerer. I already reported this bug to customer service.


WTH are you talking about. It is sages who get double ticks on heals. Everyone's damage is calculated at the point they use the ability. The animation just depends on when you see the numbers, not weather ti actually affects the damage.


All the time i do force choke and get knocked back by the guy i am force choking.

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WTH are you talking about. It is sages who get double ticks on heals. Everyone's damage is calculated at the point they use the ability. The animation just depends on when you see the numbers, not weather ti actually affects the damage.


All the time i do force choke and get knocked back by the guy i am force choking.


According to Bioware your wrong sir because they admitted that animation delays work in imp's favor(and then they never changed it lmfao) so WTH are you talking about and pls watch the damn video's posted before you speak it helps you look less stupid.

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How do say they were 11? If you see 11 players on the post-match screen it was becouse 3 Republic players left during match and they got replaced by some others. If someone plays for a while he will not vanish from the list. On some super-fail Republic matches you can have 15 Republic players on post-match screen becouse people keep leaving after realizing the imminent fail cascade.



No there was 5 people one one door and 6 on another, i was taking video and calculated carefully .

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Here's a Link to an entire thread describing the others




Just to show the difference in Imperial to Republic that other people have documented and BW has admitted to half of these BTW, so how many denial pills did you take tonight?


No denial pills for me (cause headaches), actually I cant even watch that youtube link cause I'm at work (we have T-mobile 5gb limit on internet and youtube seems to run that thing sky high for some reason). As for the others. Bugs are bugs, and exploits are exploints. Doesn't mean they are Empire only. I have seen Republic exploit the living crap out of Voidstar and Alderaan. I have never seen Republic in Huttball so for that I can't say. As a matter of fact I have never seen anyone use an exploit in Huttball.


*Note: I am not saying exploits do not exist in Huttball, simply saying that I have not seen any of them used.


A Developer will not intentionally do something like this. Doomsdayers are funny when they think this. Put yourself in their shoes. You've just spent 100million+ dollars in development, what are you NOT going to do? The correct answer is: Intentionally cause the product to fail and as a consequence make us lose out on money.


So, logically, any/all exploits/bugs used by BOTH the Republic and Empire are NOT intentional and will be fixed on a PRIORITY basis. Who decides the priority? I'll give you a hint, it's not the QQ posters.

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No denial pills for me (cause headaches), actually I cant even watch that youtube link cause I'm at work (we have T-mobile 5gb limit on internet and youtube seems to run that thing sky high for some reason). As for the others. Bugs are bugs, and exploits are exploints. Doesn't mean they are Empire only. I have seen Republic exploit the living crap out of Voidstar and Alderaan. I have never seen Republic in Huttball so for that I can't say. As a matter of fact I have never seen anyone use an exploit in Huttball.


*Note: I am not saying exploits do not exist in Huttball, simply saying that I have not seen any of them used.


A Developer will not intentionally do something like this. Doomsdayers are funny when they think this. Put yourself in their shoes. You've just spent 100million+ dollars in development, what are you NOT going to do? The correct answer is: Intentionally cause the product to fail and as a consequence make us lose out on money.


So, logically, any/all exploits/bugs used by BOTH the Republic and Empire are NOT intentional and will be fixed on a PRIORITY basis. Who decides the priority? I'll give you a hint, it's not the QQ posters.



FACT=The DEV's Play Merc,Sorc,Op on imperial side in a guild on a server I shall not name.


FACT=Most DEV's twist the PVP in their favored class or Side's


FACT=The DEV's came from Warhammer and some worked on Rift two games that suffered the exact same THING!!


FACT=The guys who spend the money don;t know a thing about gaming and until sub's fall they have no idea what a terrible job PvP is suffering due to pver's trying to prove they can pvp by stacking the odd's in their favor.


THEY didn't spend millions doing anything investors did, your logic is fail sir that's like saying the sales department has anything to do with tech, like in every big company one department often doesn't speak to another and the bigger they get the worse the machine runs.


FACT=If this doesn't change soon your gonna be like all the guys saying "they wouldn't intentionally do that to their own game" on a little forum called Warhammer, OH YEAH!

Edited by Syft
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The level of stupid in this thread is at critical mass. Allow me to inject some FACTS in to the matter:


1. Animation times, even for instant-cast abilities, vary greatly and dramatically impact the abilities. If you want proof you can simply play a Kinetic Combat Shadow and realize that if your Particle Acceleration proc fades while Project's animation is playing out YOU DO NOT GET A CRITICAL HIT.


2. In almost every single case the animation times favor the Empire class. Here is a short list:

-Project vs. Shock

-Blade Storm vs. Force Scream

-Sabotage Charge vs. Explosive Probe (this one is VERY noticeable)

-Dirty Kick vs. Debilitate (Dirty Kick roots the Smuggler for 1.5 seconds while the animation plays)


3. Some Imperial abilities are just outright better, though this is rare. A good example is Force Slow's 6s duration vs. Chilling Scream's 9s duration.



Many of these problems have existed since BETA and have received a TON of feedback with no change. At this point many players simply assume that the developers have intentionally handicapped the Republic faction.

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Imperials have the ability delay the same as you, what proof do you have otherwise?


Merc's AoE castin instantly, Trooper's had 2 second of animation before actually firing. Merc's rockets does not have LOS, Trooper's grav rounds have LOS (line of sight). Don't tell me about mirrors, please.

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Shhh. Calm down. They are working hard to make you like this game. In about a month or two there will be new flashpoint released! That is new content! 3rd boss will be bugged and last boss will not drop loot but who would care about such details?


Haha spot on :>

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FACT=The DEV's Play Merc,Sorc,Op on imperial side in a guild on a server I shall not name.


FACT=Most DEV's twist the PVP in their favored class or Side's


FACT=The DEV's came from Warhammer and some worked on Rift two games that suffered the exact same THING!!


FACT=The guys who spend the money don;t know a thing about gaming and until sub's fall they have no idea what a terrible job PvP is suffering due to pver's trying to prove they can pvp by stacking the odd's in their favor.


THEY didn't spend millions doing anything investors did, your logic is fail sir that's like saying the sales department has anything to do with tech, like in every big company one department often doesn't speak to another and the bigger they get the worse the machine runs.


FACT=If this doesn't change soon your gonna be like all the guys saying "they wouldn't intentionally do that to their own game" on a little forum called Warhammer, OH YEAH!


1. Right that's why Operatives are already getting a huge Nerf, soon to be followed by Tracer Missile and Sorcs (Not saying the dev's do not play these classes, I'm saying these classes are overperforming UNINTENTIONALLY which is proven by the Nerf and soon-to-come nerfs, anyone who says otherwise is plain ignorant, why would they Nerf a class that they WANTED to be overpowered?).


2. This one is not a fact, not until you can quote a Dev saying something along the lines of "Oh yea, we wanted Empire to win so we did <blank>". Until such a quote can be found, this one is an opinion and not a fact (*note: look up definition of the word "fact")


3. Incompetence does not = Intentional. Maybe they just suck at their jobs? This does not make it intentional, it just makes them supremely incompetent in their field of work.


4. It is safe to assume that the PvP department discusses the decisions made with the head of PvP Development who then discusses it with the head of Development, who then discusses with the head of <insert important title here> all the way up to somebody that matters. It would be plain foolish to believe that the PvP department just issues changes on a whim without somebody competent hearing about it first. Even fast food restaurants has a chain such as: Crew, Crew Leader, Assistant Manager, Store Manage, Regional Manager, etc.


5. If you honestly believe a company would ruin themselves multiple times on purpose than you have absolutely no concept of what makes a successful company last. This is key, so pay attention, notice I said Company and not Game. To BW, this is a source of income. They are not going to ruin their own income. Would you purposefully mess up your job if it had even the slightest chance of coming down on the money you use to feed and clothe your family? I know I wouldn't.


I usually try not to put this out there, but you seem to be the type of player that is not going to be happy nomatter what anybody says, so I will say the following: If you are that unhappy with a game there is a very simple solution, you can cancel your subscription and go back to whatever game made you even slightly happy until everyone's precious GW2 comes out. I guarantee there will be just as many "worst <blank> ever" and "nerf <blank>" and other such whiny QQ threads there.

Edited by DarthVarrak
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