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Resolve and nerfs.


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I am a level 50 operative and to be honest I'm still ripping people apart.


So our knockdown was lowered to 1.5 sec from 3 sec but guess what it doesn't fill resolve anymore so now you can stun afterwards and really stun lock people


Sure I went from critting for 5k on my hidden strike to 3.5k but I am still kicking ***

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so been pvping with concealment agent in 50's bracket and kind of alarmed to the big picture of it.


Resolve element, ,,,so we have low armor and can't protect ourselves with our stuns?


So we have to wait on cool downs with stuns, deal with resolve AND you nerf our openner??



You say it very well here. It is a bit confusing to me also...

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As a full t2 pvp geared concealment operative id say our opener was too much to handle for some equally geared classes.

If you add under geared people, and people who got lucky with pvp gear, but have no clue how to pvp, you get an army of people who constantly complain about our "DPS"


The problem is that concealment main source of DPS is the opener, then you sit like an idiot and wait for cd finish. I lost any kind of respect towards Biowares dev team when i realized theyre "just going to" nerf the burst and close their eyes on our PVE viability. Well I guess the way they see, operatives ONLY pvp.


Now im not crying and canceling my sub. I have a jugg that i love, playing other alts with my guild that moved here from wow, but every one in my guild is mad, because if this is the approach Bioware has towards balancing things then this game will only have at most 300k fanboy RPers touching each others but near a campfire.


No voicover content will save any game if the endgame is not rewarding.

Heard many people say "i dont care about mmo part of the game, i play this as single player because its so great" well, get back to me when you hit 50, quests are gone, you only do dailies that you skip through then dance on top of the bank.

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I see this from both sides, as a healing Sorc (32/7/2) i am basically stealth bait unless i am with a pre-made. I have an Alt as an Op as i cant pvp in a premade all the times and i dont like feeding republic valor ;)


1:1 unless they are a healer its generally bad news as you cannot outheal someone trying to dps you (heal someone else yes) and its not like i can use stuns or interupts on anyone as EVERYONE essentially runs arround with full resolve bars, thats what being a healer is...


Its not like acid blade ever made any differnce to killing me... brining down my 10% reduction to 5% is nothing, like all %, unless the base has with weight behind it... even the hidden strike nerf is not really going to change our ability to gank healers into oblivion...


Philospically people need to remember its closer to rock/paper/scissiors and that melee burst dps classes should not be attacking high armor targets, i know we all love doing things we should be doing, but given equal gear and skill we should loose to a tank commando/merc due to their ability to negate our dmg.. and we should be able to get a SI/JC pretty much every time... perhaps light armor tanks will be harder but just stack some more accuracy..


Its a shame they have nerfed a 31 point talent without giving us any utility or anything, but anyone who has played a stealther at release allways knows the nerf bat is going to hit, and it doesnt matter how much foam is wrapped arround an iron core, its going to hurt.

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this is FALSE


this is the type of post that is fuelling all the misinformation on this board


an Operative CANNOT stun you back to back. Sleeping Dart, Debilitate, Jarring Strike all give 100% resolve. you cannot use any of them twice on a target


you get stunned ONCE. you trinket it, you win


its that easy


You get stunned once, you are losing a good 50-70% of your hp.

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Ok hidden strike + acid blade + trinket pop was kinda op.


But now it's just a joke. At Huttball I only use my operative to stand next to the fireplatforms and try to stun ballcarriers onto them. Because thats almost the only way I can be useful in that game. Healers just laugh nowadays when I HS their *** from stealth and just continue healing after they stand up, most of the time completly ingnoring my presence. (or maybe send me flying with one of the freakingly annoying 100 yard AOE knockbacks.


As an operative I feel like a critter (sorry for the wow term), fun to look at but not important enough to botter with :)

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Bioware destroyed this class. I'm not expecting them to undo this fix anytime in the future. From PvE standpoint we are useless. Melee with heavy armor is now much better option. Our damage output is minimized with 25-30%. That being said, for consisted damage we have been useless all the time. I understand that in PvP since we are a burst damage (not anymore) but in PvE it's really hard to keep regen energy above 60.


PvP for Operatives is hit or miss. Make a mistake and your dead. No knockbacks, no pulls. Burst damage needs to be as it was because every additional second to the fight reduces the chances to survive.


When you play against a stealth class, you just have to play it differently. Ticking dot and keep at range. A good player can stay close as much as possible and then have a chance to finish but now I'd say it's much harder since our durability is weak.


Always blame the stealth melee. Especially since we are so few.

Gonna try reroll for a while until I make my decision for cancelling my sub. People, post up screenshots of your cancels to show people who are laughing to us now.

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I PvP on an level 50 Operative, it's pretty much all I do in this game. Operatives are fine. If you're bellyaching, you're terrible and the class isn't for you.


Do I have full Champions set? Nope.

Can I still crit for in excess of 5k on my opener? Yes.

Have I done 300k damage in WZ post patch? Yes.

Can I kill most other classes 1v1 as long as I open on them? Yes.


L2P Operative is fine.

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