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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30 People on Ord Mantell


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the beta stress test showed they can like send 100k of people at the same time to begin playing....



Yet now, it goes so sloooooow....


And in that beta stress test the servers were down longer than they were up, 7 hour queues, lag from hell, quest zones packed, queues for quest mobs and a whole host of other issues.


Yep, thats what I want to log into.


No thanks bud, i'll wait for my invite.

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People care because they want to get in faster.



What? People want to play the game? How dare they...


Haven't you listened to the many apologists demanding patience? Everyone is to enjoy waiting and praise Bioware for allowing them to do so!

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People need to calm down. As others have said, many of the people who were invited (myself included) are at work, asleep, feeding their kids/sending them off to school, etc. Not everyone was able to call off sick, ignore their responsibilities, or had off of school.


BioWare is doing what they feel is best, and based on the large Pre-Order, their decision is a good one. Servers will slowly fill up and the population spread out. People would complain just as much with quest in the hundreds or thousands - it happened on Rift and Aion as examples - and people complained about that too.


Spread out the population lets people get their quest items, not have to wait in line, and enjoy the leveling experience. Your turn will come soon.


This is a new forming commmunity, please try to make it a good one and leave the cry-baby attitudes at home. Please grow up.

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You do know there is a counter in the top left for population...


That number, is for the Instance/Phase you are in only...


And for that zone...


So if there are lets say 6 Instances/Phases of the zone, good luck getting an exact number...

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People need to calm down. As others have said, many of the people who were invited (myself included) are at work, asleep, feeding their kids/sending them off to school, etc. Not everyone was able to call off sick, ignore their responsibilities, or had off of school.


BioWare is doing what they feel is best, and based on the large Pre-Order, their decision is a good one. Servers will slowly fill up and the population spread out. People would complain just as much with quest in the hundreds or thousands - it happened on Rift and Aion as examples - and people complained about that too.


Spread out the population lets people get their quest items, not have to wait in line, and enjoy the leveling experience. Your turn will come soon.


This is a new forming commmunity, please try to make it a good one and leave the cry-baby attitudes at home. Please grow up.



Translation: Everyone calm down! I'm in so don't worry.

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And in that beta stress test the servers were down longer than they were up, 7 hour queues, lag from hell, quest zones packed, queues for quest mobs and a whole host of other issues.


Yep, thats what I want to log into.


No thanks bud, i'll wait for my invite.


Actually, I had no lag at all. The server I was on crashed 1 time for about 2 minutes then it was back up. I had, at max, a 10 minute queue. No queues for quest mobs, people were spread out very nicely.


It felt like if the game had already been launched. No idea what type of beta test you were in, maybe you dreamt it.

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To be honest sir, I would have had no problem waiting until Friday, or even the 20. I am excited to be in, but I was rewarded for pre-ordering the first day it was made available for order. This has been explained numerous times by BioWare. Just because it isn't going as fast as you want doesn't mean its wrong.


This isn't McDonald's, and you're not sitting in the express check-out lane at Walmart. If you don't like it and can't survive without getting to play, you need to find some help. Honestly, if it bugs you that much, feel free to cancel, I'm sure someone will be happy to take your spot in the que to be invited and to take your edition (whatever it may be).


It amazes me how adults can act like little children.

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It is tuesday 7 am, half the people who got emails probably are not even on because they are at work.


I was able to get to level 5 before i had to leave for work myself :)


Some of the people raging here need to take a step back and calm down. Things are going down exactly as Bioware told us it would. Additionally, a week ago we though early access would start Thursday, not today, so we already got those 2 extra days.


I'll take this over lag, queues, and not being able to get mobs due to overcrowding.

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Seriously...30 people a friend reports. Korriban has about 50 from another friend. Bioware needs to get their *** in gear and get the servers open. This staggered system is way too slow...


Staggering has nothing to do with making things go smoothly and everything to do with marketing and making sure most folks get screwed out of names they wanted.

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That number, is for the Instance/Phase you are in only...


And for that zone...


So if there are lets say 6 Instances/Phases of the zone, good luck getting an exact number...


And if you could learn2read you would know that he said there was only 1 shard.

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I was able to get to level 5 before i had to leave for work myself :)


Some of the people raging here need to take a step back and calm down. Things are going down exactly as Bioware told us it would. Additionally, a week ago we though early access would start Thursday, not today, so we already got those 2 extra days.


I'll take this over lag, queues, and not being able to get mobs due to overcrowding.


Says the person that has access already.

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Actually, I had no lag at all. The server I was on crashed 1 time for about 2 minutes then it was back up. I had, at max, a 10 minute queue. No queues for quest mobs, people were spread out very nicely.


It felt like if the game had already been launched. No idea what type of beta test you were in, maybe you dreamt it.


Ongoing tester playing on Leviathan.


Taris was unplayable, if you say you had no issues on Taris then you didn't go there.


Server had up to 8 hour queues. Yes I went to "lower pop" server however my "main" was on Leviathan which had a queue.


I live in the UK so downtimes for me may have been different due to time zones but they were down a hell of a lot, so much so I was forced to spend time with my wife and kids ..... the horror.


Joking aside we had forums full of issues which you would have known had you been there.

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This is probably posted somewhere in this topic, but keep in mind that likely the majority of people whom have been invited today are still at work/carrying on with their daily lives until they can play later on the in the day.


So today, the number of people that others are reporting on servers is likely to go up as the day goes on.

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