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Disappointment at 50


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So I reach 50 last week so excited and full of energy, finish my class quest and all that jazz. Worked my *********** *** off for WEEKS to get 1k of each pvp commendation so I could get 6 total bags to open when I dinged, you know, get some gear?


Anyways Faeron, skip this tread and move ahead... you'll get what you paid for eventually. Just find the right people to group/guild with (which should take you some time) and keep trying hard for that gear you want. Negative Nancys are a dime a dozen.

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Hes pissed cause of the exploiting of piss poor mechanics used by people who hit level 50 in a week to get full epic gear during the 1.1 patching fiasco that allowed serious farming and no roll back.


Those people who exploited the mechanics to get that gear will be gone sooner than we'd know it... as cheaters can't handle playing an honest game. The OP never mentioned once that he was upset these things had happened. Some of us refuse to believe he has bad luck though, and hope he keeps trying harder to get that gear... people who earn that gear make for great PVP foes... foes that stick around, through thick and thin. :p ttfn time for sushi

Edited by StillOne
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wow OP you probably never played MMO before at all.

crafting a bow in LA2 praying with a whole guild to proc

1 bow months of mats farming with NO EFFING REAL GUARANTEED ITEM!!!

4 months every day 4-5 hours on premade to get rank 14 in wow

6 am serverfirst vanilla hakkar


may be mmos just not for you? if you really suppose that since you get to level 50 you should get decked in BIS gear in like - a week? or two?


for me, if SWTOR would be that easy, i would just drop it as soon as i level up.


I've played a lot of MMOs, played WoW a few months after launch and quit in Cata, was in top raid tier gear every step of the way. Your points are also redundant and have no real credence to claim argument against the original post.

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So I reach 50 last week so excited and full of energy, finish my class quest and all that jazz. Worked my *********** *** off for WEEKS to get 1k of each pvp commendation so I could get 6 total bags to open when I dinged, you know, get some gear?


Guess what!? ZERO gear. 15 bags in and I've gotten a champ relic... Thats it!? After all that work!? WHAT!?


Right there with you. Exactly 15 bags and ONE implant... I quit my main and am rolling an alt. If that happens again Im going to have to unsub. I cant stay competitive with all the Ilum exploiters.

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I suppose that must mean something to you... what.. I don't know :p I'll just say that after 7 years on one MMO... like SWG... /sigh I have my regrets but remained a Star Wars fan... and that's why I'm here on TOR.. you? I have no clue about kiddo.


Im sorry but the original star wars galaxies had so much more depth than this game its not even remotely funny. The planets were massive and open ended. The class system was 10 years ahead of its time. The crafting alone had more depth than this entire game not to mention the fact the space JTL was another game all on its own, it had a bounty hunter system that was mega fun. It had a ton of social elements embedded right into the game that made it extremely addicting and fun..


So plz, don't try and tell me this game is anywhere near better, other than it has story and cut scenes... Cause thats all this game has to offer. Crafting is a joke, space is a joke, pvp is a joke, the ui is a joke, no macros is a joke, countless busted mechanics and core game designs flaws are a joke, the game engine is a joke... The instancing and lag are a joke. The huge faction imbalances are a joke. The fact all the devs play empire classes and favor them are a joke. They have no forum communication other than their mod bots and lackey's.


Give sony half the money and 3-4 years; and they make 100x better game simply because they have designers with talent and experience and bioware has warcraft rejects who wouldn't have the credentials to be secretaries at sony. So stop trying to defend this game, its broken and busted is so many ways, on so many levels its a damn shame.


This game won't be barely alive in 3-6 months but if you stuck with that nge failure you probably won't mind a 30k sub base spread across way too many servers.

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OP: TBH it seems as if swtor is not the game for you. I know you have spent a lot of time and money on this game, but you need to count your loses and move on. I mean do you really want to keep paying and force yourself to believe you can enjoy it? even if you finally get geared after a couple months, then what?


What determines a mmo for an individual should be the amount of fun you can have playing. I recommend trying different mmo's out there and to come and see which style fits you the best. Remember your not forced to play.


IF you feel like your forced to stay here because you spent so much money and time, you will only be fooling yourself. The second a game gets boring or makes you angry, you need to stop. Games are ment to be fun, not stressfull , tedious, and boring. We live in an age where games are idolized and are no longer just recreation but lifestyles, where lots of emotions and time lost are poured out into them. At the end of the day ask yourself, what is a game? what is the purpose of a game? why am i playing a game?


I do a lot of fishing and sometimes i spend 5-6$ on a new lure only to cast it out for the first time and lose it on a hidden log. Normally I have backup lures, because i dont want all my eggs in one basket. Find a couple games that you find fun, or are interested in, if you buy a game that sucks, dont force yourself to play it, but move on count your loses and dont let it ruin your day. Certainly dont let it ruin your life.

Edited by Kelraun
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So I reach 50 last week so excited and full of energy, finish my class quest and all that jazz. Worked my *********** *** off for WEEKS to get 1k of each pvp commendation so I could get 6 total bags to open when I dinged, you know, get some gear?


Guess what!? ZERO gear. 15 bags in and I've gotten a champ relic... Thats it!? After all that work!? WHAT!?


So I say, alright I can just go do pvp with other 50s and keep trying maybe I just need to be patient and earn my gear. Alright then, I head to Ilum excited for the streamlined world pvp waiting to be had for my daily and weekly quest. Takes me two hours to complete the 30 kill daily WITH an ops group, we were getting super-zerged by imps in all battlemaster gear while I don't even have a single epic.


Alright, so then maybe I can just pve my way into some decent gear and come back out, despite the gamebreaking lag and altogether brutal ***-****** that the Republic is suffering I can earn some gear the old fashioned way. CANNOT get into any HMs and can't even get into any level 50 flashes at all. "You're not geared enough" (Im in full oranged of 47+ level value).


Alright I thought, I heard there were dailies to be had in Belsavis and Ilum so I can go do those pve daily quests and maybe earn some commendations to flesh out my gear, no big deal. Get to said planets, get zerged by imps. Finally manage to finish quest chain on Belsavis after giving up on Ilum, got about 18 daily commendations, SWEET maybe I'm halfway towards an epic earpiece or something after three hours doing a gosh darn boring *** quest chain. LOL NOPE, 150 commendations for the cheapest pieces.



TL;DR: Altogether this is the least fulfilling endgame experience that I have EVER encountered and I am disgusted at the lack of content and things to do for people fresh out of 50. I didn't even get a decent piece of gear from killing the most impossible *********** boss of my quest chain (Jedi Knight final boss in story-line) and I don't even get a sweet blue/orange piece let alone an epic lightsaber or something!? WHAT!?


I am most likely quitting because of the game ceasing to be fun as soon as I hit endgame and now levelling my alts is soulcrushing because I know they have nothing waiting for them when I hit cap. This is going to cause a serious crash in server populations BW, you definitely screwed this one up. The MMO community views SWTOR almost as a whole as the biggest joke of an MMO of all time, people even went back to games like DARKFALL because of it, can you believe that!?



Welcome to the world warcraft created.

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So I reach 50 last week so excited and full of energy, finish my class quest and all that jazz. Worked my *********** *** off for WEEKS to get 1k of each pvp commendation so I could get 6 total bags to open when I dinged, you know, get some gear?


Guess what!? ZERO gear. 15 bags in and I've gotten a champ relic... Thats it!? After all that work!? WHAT!?


So I say, alright I can just go do pvp with other 50s and keep trying maybe I just need to be patient and earn my gear. Alright then, I head to Ilum excited for the streamlined world pvp waiting to be had for my daily and weekly quest. Takes me two hours to complete the 30 kill daily WITH an ops group, we were getting super-zerged by imps in all battlemaster gear while I don't even have a single epic.


Alright, so then maybe I can just pve my way into some decent gear and come back out, despite the gamebreaking lag and altogether brutal ***-****** that the Republic is suffering I can earn some gear the old fashioned way. CANNOT get into any HMs and can't even get into any level 50 flashes at all. "You're not geared enough" (Im in full oranged of 47+ level value).


Alright I thought, I heard there were dailies to be had in Belsavis and Ilum so I can go do those pve daily quests and maybe earn some commendations to flesh out my gear, no big deal. Get to said planets, get zerged by imps. Finally manage to finish quest chain on Belsavis after giving up on Ilum, got about 18 daily commendations, SWEET maybe I'm halfway towards an epic earpiece or something after three hours doing a gosh darn boring *** quest chain. LOL NOPE, 150 commendations for the cheapest pieces.



TL;DR: Altogether this is the least fulfilling endgame experience that I have EVER encountered and I am disgusted at the lack of content and things to do for people fresh out of 50. I didn't even get a decent piece of gear from killing the most impossible *********** boss of my quest chain (Jedi Knight final boss in story-line) and I don't even get a sweet blue/orange piece let alone an epic lightsaber or something!? WHAT!?


I am most likely quitting because of the game ceasing to be fun as soon as I hit endgame and now levelling my alts is soulcrushing because I know they have nothing waiting for them when I hit cap. This is going to cause a serious crash in server populations BW, you definitely screwed this one up. The MMO community views SWTOR almost as a whole as the biggest joke of an MMO of all time, people even went back to games like DARKFALL because of it, can you believe that!?


all i read here is some WoW kiddie complaining about how gear isnt just handed to him on a silver platter... go back to the panda's kthnx.

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all i read here is some WoW kiddie complaining about how gear isnt just handed to him on a silver platter... go back to the panda's kthnx.


Actually I'm not a "WoW kiddie", and it's ignorant egomaniac elitists like you who make this community such an awful place sometimes.


I'm glad you've got epic gear in SWTOR unlike I do, but it won't change the fact that your mother doesn't love you and your future kids will look at you in disgust when they move out of your house.

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I hit 50 a day or so ago, and while ive only opened about 4 bags, I basically had similar experiences with a completely lackluster ilum trip... And everything else.


Really really boring daily missions, and a failure to get a group going. No one from my guild even seems to be around anymore.... The market is dead too, all my stuff keeps coming back, probably because everything at 50 is garbage.


Bottom line is, I got in about a 4 hour session as a new level 50 REPUBLIC player and I logged off honestly saying to myself "this wasn't much fun at all".


Maybe tomorrow will be better, but I gotta be honest, it's going to be that much harder for me to bother trying again if theirs no upswings.


Or maybe I'm just an idiot for leveling a 50 on republic!

Edited by kalexkhan
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all i read here is some WoW kiddie complaining about how gear isnt just handed to him on a silver platter... go back to the panda's kthnx.


ROFL what? When I played WoW it was at least 10x harder to gear up than this.


In fact I've never played any 'MMO' where you could get max gear in the first month just playing casually.


I've gotta think that anyone who thinks it's 'hard' to gear up is just looking for an excuse to qq. It is stupid easy to get gear in this game; it's a big part of the problem.

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Actually I'm not a "WoW kiddie", and it's ignorant egomaniac elitists like you who make this community such an awful place sometimes.


I'm glad you've got epic gear in SWTOR unlike I do, but it won't change the fact that your mother doesn't love you and your future kids will look at you in disgust when they move out of your house.


future kids? i got kids now lol 3 of them .

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why because i dont quit when times get tough? lol if you quit over something so little then i hate to see what your like IRL and get a job. you gonna quit when your boss tells you to do something you dont wanna do?


A Job =/= an MMO that I pay to play


I have a full time job and I don't LOVE it but it's alright and I do just fine. Comparing a real job though to an MMO is exactly my point as to why I dont want to play this game anymore.

Edited by Faeron
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you dont have to understand.


I've played a lot of MMOs, played WoW a few months after launch and quit in Cata, was in top raid tier gear every step of the way. Your points are also redundant and have no real credence to claim argument against the original post.


Haha, so classy. There is no argument in your post, or let me say it this way - there are tonns of annoying whine in your post that you somehow try to stick in to one place and present as something meaningful.


At the same time you complain about


a) game giving very good PvP gear at a very random rate

b) that you are unlucky to get it very fast - 15 bags is nothing, i know people who did 30+ and got one item. They are annoyed but hey, its an mmo, and those are vets. They know sometimes random is a *****.

d) at the same time you complain about you cant get yourself into groups for HMs more of it - you imply that you cant get yourself groups for NORMAL lvl 50 flashpoints. and that leads to believe me it is absolutely your personal issue - and that issue called unable to socialize. Because lvl 50 FP are easy in almost any gear and you can always find a proper group to do it.


See? 3 complains in one forum post, and somehow you claim you have arguments! in your original post that others have to have credence against.


Madness. All i can see is an angry person who curses his luck with a rather stupid random mechanic, trying to imply its SWTOR unique (while its not, xoxo), and who either CBA to slowly build his gear going PVE path through normal->HMs, or antisocial enough to just being unable to do so.


For me, i am lost. Cant tell yet.

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So I reach 50 last week so excited and full of energy, finish my class quest and all that jazz. Worked my *********** *** off for WEEKS to get 1k of each pvp commendation so I could get 6 total bags to open when I dinged, you know, get some gear?


Guess what!? ZERO gear. 15 bags in and I've gotten a champ relic... Thats it!? After all that work!? WHAT!?

That is disappointing. I've read in so many end-game reviews and guides that that's the thing to do if you want to have some gear as soon as you hit the cap, but apparently it's not.

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1. Gear doesn't take "too long to get", its inaccessibility to get good gear and the furnishing of features that allows fresh 50's to progress that's the problem.


2. I gave this game a huge chance and invested a lot of time into it, I have a full time job and I don't have time to grind the most boring daily quest chains of all time to get an ear piece and an implant in almost a month of progression (if I'm lucky).


3. Gear isn't hard to get, people exploited out the *** to get into BM gear and aren't being rolled back, so that's not an issue.


4. I suck too much to get into HMs? I wasn't even allowed to prove myself because they said that my gear wasn't good enough for me to provide "the dps they needed".


5. Its probably the second most important part of a game, as soon as someone dings endgame. It marks either the end or the beginning of someone play as a paying suscriber and personally I think BioWare handled this terribly in every single way. I know people that I have gone 6/8 so far with champ bags and have nearly full sets where I have grinded three times the amount of bags that they did and have nothing to show for it.



I feel your pain...i'm on a low pop server both sides are about the same and i feel theres no sense rolling anymore toons i have two lvl 50's on seperate servers and both are PVE servers so no player gankings here but still lack of end game content kinda kills it for me.

if i was to get a catagorized i'd say i'm in the gray area between casual & hardcore players. i just want more content for lvl 50 and server transfers so i can find a better server and not have to do all this lvling over again.

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Give sony half the money and 3-4 years; and they make 100x better game simply because they have designers with talent and experience and bioware has warcraft rejects who wouldn't have the credentials to be secretaries at sony. So stop trying to defend this game, its broken and busted is so many ways, on so many levels its a damn shame.


This game won't be barely alive in 3-6 months but if you stuck with that nge failure you probably won't mind a 30k sub base spread across way too many servers.


They made the better mmo already: DCU Online. Its more then a year since 1st release, lot of polish and balance done. Well worth time playing. Its very cool also. Every class can use all weapons, characters can look the way you want without penalties. Travel speed is amazing (superman). Instances are fun and you need skill to triumph it. Etc etc.. F2p and sadly enough very underrated.

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One should NOT have to do PvP content in order to get gear to run PvE end-game content.


You don't. If you run all of the dailies, including the heroics, you should be ready for hardmodes in 5 days. You can run normal mode raids as a brand new 50 and get columi gear if you have skill. Many people don't realize that HM's are designed to be much harder than normal mode raids. The enrage timers in HM's are tuned for well geared players while enrage timers in normal mode raids are not.


I roll on a PvE server where no one interrupts daily runs, but even then it shouldn't be a problem if you group up with 3 other players. It would seem to me that the OP should consider rolling on a PvE server or joining a guild to have people to run with. You can knock out all of the Ilum and Belsavis dailies in 1.5 hours with a group of 4, and then run an HM if you have time afterwards. All you need is 8 to run EV normal mode. Once you get into raiding and HM's you will find that you have much more to do.

Edited by Hiro-Protagonist
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