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Force Speed should be removed from the game


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The only thing I don't like about force speed is when they go zooming through the firepits on huttball, it's a legit tactic though so you know let sleeping dogs and all that.


Other than that, I've gotten into the knack of knowing exactly when a Sorc will try to force speed away from my Scoundrel, so what do I do? Shoot them in the legs to slow and root them making force speed useless!


There is one problem with the Sorc/Sage and believe me, Force speed isn't it.

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Yeah because only assassins could possibly use an interrupt.


You make as much sense as the op.


I'm sure mercs could use one too. Lets just give everyone an interrupt because hell everyone could use one right?

Edited by Nocorras
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I'm sure mercs could use one too. Lets just give everyone an interrupt because hell everyone could use one right?


They might not get a dedicated ability that causes interupt + cooldown, but they certainly have interupts in the form of knockbacks and stuns.

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I could've missed it possibly among all the QQ from both sides, but was a solution suggested aside from removing one of the staple abilities from KOTOR?


Personally I find it stupid that you have to save a stun on a 1 v 1 fight just so they can't run away. As a merc I have one stun on a 1min CD, and I'm fairly certain speed is less than that. The real problem is arguably the hardest hitting AC out there right now having a get out of jail free card, not the ability itself though.


Oh, and btw....don't post problems if you don't have a manageable solution (aka don't say it needs to be removed, it's not making things THAT imbalanced.)




"If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

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Force Speed? That's what you made this post about? No no, really force speed?


Stuns, roots, slows.... It's really not that hard. I know they don't do damage and all, but they have a lot of uses. I'd suggest putting them back on your tool bar and learning when to use them properly. My second suggestion would be to start looking at what mistakes you made when you fail and stop making excuses.

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Am I complaining about vanguard/powertech "get over here" skill or knight/warrior "where the hell are you going leap bash"?


You are just overreacting. Do you also want them to remove my damage totaly? Also lets change the name of the skills like lightning party, peble tickle, annoyance...


Sages/Sorcs are the mage conversation of SWToR. Do you prefer a stun breaking blink? Do you ever heard Mind Control from WoW? I would think twice before acting about a basic gap opener from a caster.


I agree with the community that they need a bat but come on now...force speed... really??

Edited by aritha
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Does the job that other talents should be doing and is way too overpowered, no other class has such an easy escape ability whenever they find themselves out of position or outnumbered




Dear God what the hell were they thinking when they made this ability


Yeah, those classes that vanish have no escape mechanism.....

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Hey guys, scissors here. Rock is BLATANTLY OVERPOWERED. See they have a buff called mineral deposit that makes them very sturdy. A class should not be able to mitigate that type of damage. Also, to all the people qqing about paper l2p they are ez to counter.
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Does the job that other talents should be doing and is way too overpowered, no other class has such an easy escape ability whenever they find themselves out of position or outnumbered




Dear God what the hell were they thinking when they made this ability


I completely agree OP, force speed is overpowered. They just need to reduce the speed by about half and it might be ok.

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So when Bioware decided to nerf operatives and smugglers that were owning everyone, it wasn't broken even though bioware fixed it?


When force speed allows an Assassin or Sorc to hit people for 9k+ yea..then it will be broken


until them


Learn to use



Force Leap

Force Push




Low Slash


Flash Bang


Concussion missile


Leg shot

Force Slow

Electro Dart

Sever Tendon


and your brain.



Surely your playing a class that has one or two of these.


L2P cant be said enough

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I completely agree with OP. You cant give all the tools to one class. Between stuns, slows, aoe knockback, bubble, heals, fetch, dots AND force speed sorc is the class with the most utilities in the game. AND they got seemingly endless mana, even healing in dps spec. If a trooper starts healing in dps spec it will run him dry in 3 casts, making him useless for at least 30 sec. Sorces dont have that problem.


If other comparative classes have no sorts of this utility, ie. commando, I cant see why sorc shall have so freakkin many.

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Greetings community,


After further review, it appears Op is quite correct. We at Bioware sincerely apologize for ANY inconvienence this truly EPIC ability has caused. It was nothing less than Foolish of us to implement such an action, that might result in one of our melee classes actually finding themselves within range to attack the Op or any projectile reliant class for that matter. I have personally observed entire guilds DECIMATED, by this Utterly GameBreaking action reffered to as "Force Speed". We have made it a top priority to correct this gross oversight on our part. At 12:00 am, we shall impliment a hotfix.


Patch notes


/Forcespeed ability shall be replaced by /ForceRootself


All classes and Sub-classes have been scrapped. Upon log-in, ALL characters will find themselves replaced by the Naked version of a 1)Rock, 2) stack of collage rule Paper, or

3) broken pair of child Scissors


All characters previously spec'd in Sorc or *** will recieve the *Wet Paper Bag* armor Badge.



Thank you for your Patience and MTFBWY,


The Bioware team.

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I'm sure mercs could use one too. Lets just give everyone an interrupt because hell everyone could use one right?


O yea..and lets give all other classes an attack that hits for 2-3k


Stacks Armor Penetration and a damage mitigation buff too.



Im very certian all the other classes could use that..

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Simple solution.

Remove all but 1 class from the game. Give everyone the same exact armor, stats, weapons and skills. Then and only then would you have true balance.


I hope any changes/nerfs that whining pvpers get Bioware to make affect ONLY pvp. Leave everything else alone.


Too many games have been ruined by PvP whining.

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Simple solution.

Remove all but 1 class from the game. Give everyone the same exact armor, stats, weapons and skills. Then and only then would you have true balance.


I hope any changes/nerfs that whining pvpers get Bioware to make affect ONLY pvp. Leave everything else alone.


Too many games have been ruined by PvP whining.


Too late, op/scoundrels are already pve nerfed.

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No. YOU tell me how your list of baddies can't kill one dude in armor that is the equivalent of a wet paper bag.


We wear a wedgie for armor and OP can't kill us cause of Force Speed? Man please roll Empire and queue up with all 4 of your friends so I can own you over and over and over.


Force Speed lol. What terribad player or troll you must be. I can't tell which and most likely its both anyway.

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