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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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actually, the overall population has been climbing in the last few weeks.
How have you divined this?


I thought the fanboys had disproved any method for approximating the population other than the CEO's vague claim of 1.7M activated accounts.


Share your secrets, Fanboydamus.

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I play Republic on the "Drooga's Pleasure Barge" server. I can't speak for the Empire, but for the Republic side, it is straight up dead. Typically, Republic Fleet might hit 30 peeps. I just ran Quesh and Hoth and the number of players on those planets was single digits. Balmora was maybe in the teens.


Bioware really needs to allow for server transfers or merge us with another server or something. It is impossible to find people to do Heroics or Flashpoints on this server.

Edited by Dalmorn
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Actually, since gameplay is a matter of personal preference gw2 and Terra will be a disappointment for at least as much people.


I don't think so. Seems like in GW2 there's so much more play value in it. SWTOR is all about holding BW's hands, where GW2 it's all about exploring and do what you wanna do. The whole game in the end game


Ive been disappointed of many mmo's, but SWTOR tops the list

Edited by Thodra
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How have you divined this?


I thought the fanboys had disproved any method for approximating the population other than the CEO's vague claim of 1.7M activated accounts.


Share your secrets, Fanboydamus.


First and foremost, I'm one of those 5% that can't get the game running properly. I also have massive issues with FPS and the game just plays terrible for me. I've already unsubscribed and I will return once things get fixed. I love the game just can't play it in it's current state (at least on my system).


I would like to point out that the 1.7M activated accounts is not 'vague'. It's been documented to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and is in paper. If they were to falsify that claim they would be in violation of the SEC and in deep trouble. So yes they 'did' have 1.7 mil sub. I'm not sure what that number is now. Just wanted to point that out. I'm not defending Bioware nor am I happy with how things turned out. Just pointing out facts. I just don't want you going under the false impression that the 1.7 mil number is a ruse.


Here is the Form submitted to SEC.




This is the attached Press release that was discussed in the above form.



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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


Cant say that I am seeing the same...


My server (Hydian Way) had I think 202 people in Fleet last night around 9pm.


Whilst travelling I tend to see pops of between 10 - 30 ish on a planet by planet basis.


WZs pop every 5 mins or so on my server...thre is always people looking to group for FP and Heroics and stuff...never have a problem.


Not sure what more I could ask for tbh...I feel for those on low pop servers though, th is is the main reason we are facing demands for things like a xsvr LFD. If BW fix the low pop issues extra mechanics would not be needed imo.



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I don't think so. Seems like in GW2 there's so much more play value in it. SWTOR is all about holding BW's hands, where GW2 it's all about exploring and do what you wanna do. The whole game in the end game


Ive been disappointed of many mmo's, but SWTOR tops the list


i agree that the game dissapointed, though i still enjoy it. next to that im also in the beta of gw2 and i can assure you a lot of people will be(based of the reasons people complain about swtor) and already are dissapointed in the play value it actually offers. it is just different but far from the second comming of jesus.

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i agree that the game dissapointed, though i still enjoy it. next to that im also in the beta of gw2 and i can assure you a lot of people will be(based of the reasons people complain about swtor) and already are dissapointed in the play value it actually offers. it is just different but far from the second comming of jesus.


Not expecting something big about GW2. One of the reasons why i'm burned out of swtor already. I expected soooooo much and my hype was sky high. My hype about GW 2 isent low, but defo not sky high. The thing SWTOR disappointed me the most, is the social stuff, an i know GW2 are far more social than SWTOR, if SWTOR even has some... So no i don't think i will be disappointed of GW2 duo to much less Hype and i know there's more social and exploration in the game

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I don't think so. Seems like in GW2 there's so much more play value in it. SWTOR is all about holding BW's hands, where GW2 it's all about exploring and do what you wanna do. The whole game in the end game


Ive been disappointed of many mmo's, but SWTOR tops the list


And that's your personal opinion. I hope you don't believe that your opinion is shared by the majority of mmo players/people that will try gw2?

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And that's your personal opinion. I hope you don't believe that your opinion is shared by the majority of mmo players/people that will try gw2?


Yes it's my opinion, you are right. Answer your question, i don't know


I try not to get my hype up, cous i think the hype ruins the game for me. Specialy after having my hype up with Vanguard, WAR and now SWTOR

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Yep, not only my server is dying (Sith Wyrm - Rep Side), but almost all my friends that started playing are now gone (going back to that other game >.<).


The reasons I've gathered for them to leave:


- Game is to difficult, you will die in some circumstances, you will need help doing some quests, you will have trouble and know how to play your class.

- Excess of quests and the distance between the quests. A friend that made to lvl 44 before leaving said he could not even see a quest marker on the screen no more.

- Difficult in getting groups to do anything in the game. On this one I have to add a personal note that, although I completely disagree with a lfg interface (but I do think a LFG Global channel could solve a lot of the issues) I have to admit that most of my friends were coming from WoW, where you have 0 problems getting groups, and they were used to it. Not having that made most real disappointed.

- Hard Modes are real hard, you will wipe, and wipe again. And you will need a group that actually need to know what they are doing in order to complete it. Again, most likely people were too used to the "heroics" on WoW that you can do with any PUG. When facing something more challenging most of them would just give up after a few wipes.

- The absence of quests that you don't have to actually talk to someone and listen (or skip) to it, and choose an option. At first most were not concerned about it, but after the third planet almost everyone started to complain "everything you do in this game you have to waste time in conversations".

- Lack of innovation. Some of the people (this was the least concern, I have to add) said the game was not innovative enough for them to leave everything they already had in another games and play this one. That they were expecting something really different from the other games (WoW).


This is it. Those are not my opinions (I am still playing the game). I just gathered as much information I could from my friends that stopped playing. Maybe it can be of help to BW when they decide what to do next. In any way, I will keep playing SW, me and 2 friends that are still playing it after the free month =/.

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I share it. There's enough of us who share it for there to be something behind it..


For every game that is created there are many, many more people that don't like it/are disappointed by it than those that do like it. There's no way around it. People are simply different.

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i agree that the game dissapointed, though i still enjoy it. next to that im also in the beta of gw2 and i can assure you a lot of people will be(based of the reasons people complain about swtor) and already are dissapointed in the play value it actually offers. it is just different but far from the second comming of jesus.


Excuse me Sir, could you explain the forum community how were you able to join gw2 CLOSE beta?


I'm not a GW2 fan cause i'd prefer if this game realized its potential, but the amount of lies, bile and BS you see on this forums, from both fanbois and haters, is simply overwhelming.

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For every game that is created there are many, many more people that don't like it/are disappointed by it than those that do like it. There's no way around it. People are simply different.


I don't agree with that 100%. It's not always like that, but i see where you come from. Looking back to Vanguard, WAR, Tabula Rasa, maybe SWTOR then yea. But i do belive GW2 will save me from the SWTOR disaster. I think a game made by devs who wants to hold your hand all the way through the game, is a disaster, and can't call it a mmo. I don't hate the game. I do wish them well and hope it will secceed. SWTOR just inse't my cup of tea

Edited by Thodra
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I don't agree with that 100%. It's not always like that, but i see where you come from. Looking back to Vanguard, WAR, Tabula Rasa, maybe SWTOR then yea. But i do belive GW2 will save me from the SWTOR disaster. I think a game made by devs who wants to hold your hand all the way through the game, is a disaster, and can't call it a mmo. I don't hate the game. I do wish them well and hope it will secceed. SWTOR just inse't my cup of tea


Why are you wasting your time on the forums for a game you either dont play at the moment or wont be playing in the future?

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i agree that the game dissapointed, though i still enjoy it. next to that im also in the beta of gw2 and i can assure you a lot of people will be(based of the reasons people complain about swtor) and already are dissapointed in the play value it actually offers. it is just different but far from the second comming of jesus.




Anyone who has played Guild Wars 1 knew exactly what to expect. It is a good game, but it would never be a "WoW killer" since its a completely different game aimed at a completely different play experience.


But rest assured the haters will be there to tell us how terrible the game is cause it didnt meet their visions of the best game of all time. :rolleyes:


To be honest, Mass effect 3 will do a bigger number on SWTOR (temporarily) than GW2 will.

Edited by Nemmar
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For every game that is created there are many, many more people that don't like it/are disappointed by it than those that do like it.


I disagree. I think it's pretty obvious that the dissapointment surronding this game is larger than your average dissapointment. Is it cause it's SW? A MMO? Who knows. But no, it has been anything but average.

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Why are you wasting your time on the forums for a game you either dont play at the moment or wont be playing in the future?


Because they do play it, they are just the same as every other troll on here. I don't believe anyone is sad enough to spend time on a game forum when they don't even play it.


That is all.

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I disagree. I think it's pretty obvious that the dissapointment surronding this game is larger than your average dissapointment. Is it cause it's SW? A MMO? Who knows. But no, it has been anything but average.


Agreed... I am still playing and enjoying it, but from my 18 friends that joined, 16 are gone o.O. In another words, is not such a small issue.

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Why are you wasting your time on the forums for a game you either dont play at the moment or wont be playing in the future?


Cous i still want hear news about the game. And i jhave never said that i won't ever come back. while i play GW2 i will see what happens with SWTOR, live in hopes it will change

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Because they do play it, they are just the same as every other troll on here. I don't believe anyone is sad enough to spend time on a game forum when they don't even play it.


That is all.


If you still have hopes for the game, then yea you do

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To be honest, Mass effect 3 will do a bigger number on SWTOR (temporarily) than GW2 will.


I wish they had done ME MMO instead of SW hehe, with the same combat they have in ME (something different from what we have in all mmos, including this one). Love everything about ME.

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