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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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The should cut at very least half of these servers for starters and then re evaluate the situation.
The longer they wait the worse the situation will get, and the less they'll be able to sell mergers as a planned eventuality; the longer they wait, the more mergers will appear to be a last ditch effort.
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The longer they wait the worse the situation will get, and the less they'll be able to sell mergers as a planned eventuality; the longer they wait, the more mergers will appear to be a last ditch effort.


I agree. It is a slipery slope. They either fix it right away or the flushing sound of more players leaving the game will be deafening.

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Server population related problems are going to get worse as the playerbase bubble inches closer to 50. Soon there'll be nobody to run planet heroics with and leveling flashpoints. Luckily I picked a good server so I have more time to deal with these issues but they are becoming noticable.
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merge is the only hope


200 servers with 20 players its not cool


If i buy another key can i transfer my main char ?


I don't know why they are not eliminating servers right now as we speak.


I really hope they do not have the gull to try and charge people a fee to leave these ghost town servers.

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I don't know why they are not eliminating servers right now as we speak.


I really hope they do not have the gull to try and charge people a fee to leave these ghost town servers.


yeah i dont understand why no sense 200+ servers is very better play in a instance server where economy works and warzone too


hope they do it before game goes free

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Dead on my server


I should've listened to the critics of this game before it was released. They stressed "THERE IS NO END GAME" but I, like the Star Wars fanboy that I am, ignored them, bought collectors edition, and have no choice but to unsub from this game. I hate to call it crap, but when it begins smelling like it, you can't help but think it. Pity, I really wanted to like this game.

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I should've listened to the critics of this game before it was released. They stressed "THERE IS NO END GAME" but I, like the Star Wars fanboy that I am, ignored them, bought collectors edition, and have no choice but to unsub from this game. I hate to call it crap, but when it begins smelling like it, you can't help but think it. Pity, I really wanted to like this game.


Dude my guild just finished a raid a few minutes ago. I bet you can find a guild too.

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Broken game is broken.


They really have just flubbed this up in my opinion. I find the only thing interesting at this point is leveling alts to see the companion stories, but hell I can watch that on Youtube. My server isn't dead yet. However I have noticed a serious drop in the amount of players online. It went from something like 300-400 with instanced areas to 40-50 per planet at peak on the imperial side. The higher up you go in level the less people you see. Hoth for example only had 25 at peak time the other night.


BioWare got the MMO player community all wrong. Voice acting was a swell idea, but this game just released too soon without any of the staples it needed to be successful. Almost two months in and no combat logs, really? And why was the new GCD a higher priority than adding staples like the logs, mods, macros, legacy, ability delay? I understand you want the UI to be nice for 'new players.' However new players on WoW adjusted fine to add-ons I think they would have been fine here as well.


The priorities are just totally skewed and thats why we are seeing such huge server pop drops. I am afraid that this game is just not going to last honestly. They didnt get things fixed fast enough after release and what they did fix/add wasnt what the game needed IMO.

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Sorry but I have to pull out my B.S card once again.


My server has seemed better lately. It has been standard population since Christmas break ended. Imperials outnumber us and we got our butts kicked in many a warzone. Did we give up? I think you know the answer.


In Months playing I think I've seen a couple people complain about the population. We pretty much told him if he doesn't like it, BYE. BTW our guild is doing just fine. We pretty much smoke the Imperials constantly now that we caught up on gear.

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Sorry but I have to pull out my B.S card once again.


My server has seemed better lately. It has been standard population since Christmas break ended. Imperials outnumber us and we got our butts kicked in many a warzone. Did we give up? I think you know the answer.


In Months playing I think I've seen a couple people complain about the population. We pretty much told him if he doesn't like it, BYE. BTW our guild is doing just fine. We pretty much smoke the Imperials constantly now that we caught up on gear.


Thats YOUR server, YOUR server doesn't speak for the population of EVERY server.

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Look at your post a couple posts up? You complain about population on YOUR server as well, which doesn't speak for the population of EVERY server.


More people on this thread agree with my post than yours. And last I checked this was a thread discussing server pop dropping not, 'ZOMG I am on the one server that everything is perfect on.' So frankly, your post, while obviously important to you, is pointless for the topic at hand. And you calling BS on everyone else's complaint of low pop problems is crap.

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More people on this thread agree with my post than yours. And last I checked this was a thread discussing server pop dropping not, 'ZOMG I am on the one server that everything is perfect on.' So frankly, your post, while obviously important to you, is pointless for the topic at hand. And you calling BS on everyone else's complaint of low pop problems is crap.


and more people agreeing with this post is symbolic of what exactly? Right. that's what I though. Low servers suck that doesn't mean overall pop is in dire straights.

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