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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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everyone is quitting. Whats sub count at now? I bet you it will linger around 1-300k by the end of the year and slowly dropping after that. I had to really try for 2 months subscription. I cant imagine but 1-10% of the players would be interested in persistant play. How many raids and end game instances are in wow? Swtor doesnt have one raid. If you consider a 16 man instance a raid its your first mmo...youll see itll get old fast.



Really? Since I am not quitting its not everyone. Why is it that so many people care enough to post repeatedly on the forums "the sky is falling" when it is not. If you don't like it leave.

That way we can actually discuss meaningful topics instead this nonsense.

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Who has the correct thread / url where the Bioware Yellow response said "You guys should re-roll. Perhaps on a PVP Server?"


I remember the first reply after the post was someone quoting the whole message, making that one sentence bold and humongous, and replying "Seriously Bro?" or something to that effect.



For the life of me, I can't find it even after digging through my humongous history.

Edited by Daltin
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For those who don't want to click,


Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future. In the interim, you might want to try re-rolling a new character, either on your own server or another server (perhaps a PvP server?). On your own server, you'll be able to PvP all the way from L10 to L49 without any issue, and by the time you get close to the cap you can see how the L50 Warzone 'scene' is. On another server - especially a PvP server - you may find a more PvP-centric community.




"Re-roll , by the time you hit 49, hopefully the 50 PVP Scene is better. If not, you better re-roll again because we don't disable experience in PVP"

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The rep more or less told him that he has two options. He can wait for his server to grow, or reroll to an environment that suits his needs.


It's an honest answer. What would you have preferred he said in that situation?

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I should of listened to all the people who said not to buy the Collectors Edition. Now I find myself dreading logging into this game, because it lacks any excitement whatsoever. A game needs to have that aspect to survive, and sadly, this game doesn't have it. Now I'm out 150 bucks, and on the verge of cancellation.
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The rep more or less told him that he has two options. He can wait for his server to grow, or reroll to an environment that suits his needs.


It's an honest answer. What would you have preferred he do in that situation?


Sprinkle pixie dust and solve the guys problem.

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The rep more or less told him that he has two options. He can wait for his server to grow, or reroll to an environment that suits his needs.


It's an honest answer. What would you have preferred he said in that situation?




If your having population problems I feel bad for you son,

I got 99 problems but population ain't one!



Same thing... really.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I'm glad that you high poppers are enjoying the low-poppers' strife.




When Stephen Reid says "Full servers are near Absolute Cap" , without mentioning -Anything- about increasing server loads, and encouraging players to roll on "Light" servers since they will fill up, that did us all a disservice. Instead, people rolled on Light, invested time, and THEN they raised the server caps. While obvious that this was going to happen, it was never stated. Thus, the best option at the time was the LISTEN TO BIOWARE, and make a character on a Light Server. We (light poppers) believed this to be the only option. I mean, biggest/best MMO launch in HISTORY right? Surely a Light will become Standard after a month? Not so much.



If he would've said "Absolute caps will be raised in a few weeks. Bear with the queue times" then there wouldn't be 10 servers with 15 people on Fleet during Prime Time.

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there is no "waiting for Crevasse City" to grow. It is losing people daily. Ilum had 2 people in it during prime time.


Some servers have more people in Ka's Palace than we have on our entire server.


The light population issue is a serious one, and should be considered as such. "lol re-roll" is not a solution. It's them saying "Eh, you're screwed. Your bad. We're not even gonna let you pay to go to another server with the toon you invested 50 days on"

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there is no "waiting for Crevasse City" to grow. It is losing people daily. Ilum had 2 people in it during prime time.


Some servers have more people in Ka's Palace than we have on our entire server.


The light population issue is a serious one, and should be considered as such. "lol re-roll" is not a solution. It's them saying "Eh, you're screwed. Your bad. We're not even gonna let you pay to go to another server with the toon you invested 50 days on"


I am having the same issue with Whitebeam run, once I hit the higher level planets there were consistently fewer and fewer people. I am on Hoth right now stuck with four 4 person heroics and no one to do them with, even on Saturday when I played for 4 hours straight there were never more than 5 people there, none of whom wanted to do heroics. Balmorra was even worse and thank god there are no heroics on Quesh because I would have been SOL.... So now at level 40 I am bored, it's super lonely on this server and it makes me a sad panda, and re-rolling is a PITA especially after having invested so much of my time into this character. However, if transfers are not going to be available for months to come then I might as well, it's just a bit of a bummer.

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It is their fault that you do not interact with anyone else? How so?


My server is fairly full. I interact with people all day long. I am in a guild and constantly chat with other people. I run missions, heroics, buy and sell with others all the time. There are constantly people around me that I will interact with during fights, then move on.


If you are not seeing anyone at all. If you have not interacted with anyone at all. That is a personal choice, not a problem with the game.


Congrats your one of those people on a high population server. Do you feel lucky and happy at yourself? You must understand not everyone is on the same boat as you. In fact a lot of people are having a terrible time in the game because of their server population. Fact is that not everyone likes to reroll, especially if so much time was invested in their character. It's because of this that so many people are unhappy. Topple that with the terrible FPS issue that a huge majority of people are having and you have your answer.


Really? Since I am not quitting its not everyone. Why is it that so many people care enough to post repeatedly on the forums "the sky is falling" when it is not. If you don't like it leave.

That way we can actually discuss meaningful topics instead this nonsense.


You pretty much took the words out of your own mouth. If SO MANY PEOPLE are having issues with population and FPS and are posting on the forums, then obviously something is wrong. If they care so much about the game and really want to enjoy it, then why can't they voice their frustration on the forum? For people to be as vocal as they are on the forums and the amount of negative threads is not a good indicator that things are going smoothly. Granted I can understand that parts of the population are enjoying the game. I'll even agree that the game may not be for everyone. I'll also agree that those on high population servers are having fun.


The fact is that this doesn't reflect all of the population.


What I don't agree with is people continuously comparing their experience on high population servers to those on low population servers. Why don't you hop on the low ones and try it out for awhile. Then ask yourself if your having a good time.


Fact is a lot of people are canceling their subscriptions because they are fed up. Usually for the following reasons.


  • Population on their server is terrible.
  • The faction balance between Empire and Republic is terrible. (on some its like 10 to 1)
  • They are having extreme FPS issues that a large portion of the population is having.
  • They are tired of the issues in Illum, this includes dailies and lag.
  • They've already invested too much time on their characters and are stuck on a low population server.
  • They are having issues with the client crashing. (Many users report random client crashes for no reason).
  • They are tired of the long queues for Warfronts.
  • They are tired of the balancing issues in PVP.


I'm sure there are more reasons. These are just a few that I've seen while reading threads on the forum.

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Congrats your one of those people on a high population server. Do you feel lucky and happy at yourself? You must understand not everyone is on the same boat as you. In fact a lot of people are having a terrible time in the game because of their server population. Fact is that not everyone likes to reroll, especially if so much time was invested in their character. It's because of this that so many people are unhappy. Topple that with the terrible FPS issue that a huge majority of people are having and you have your answer.




You pretty much took the words out of your own mouth. If SO MANY PEOPLE are having issues with population and FPS and are posting on the forums, then obviously something is wrong. If they care so much about the game and really want to enjoy it, then why can't they voice their frustration on the forum? For people to be as vocal as they are on the forums and the amount of negative threads is not a good indicator that things are going smoothly. Granted I can understand that parts of the population are enjoying the game. I'll even agree that the game may not be for everyone. I'll also agree that those on high population servers are having fun.


The fact is that this doesn't reflect all of the population.


What I don't agree with is people continuously comparing their experience on high population servers to those on low population servers. Why don't you hop on the low ones and try it out for awhile. Then ask yourself if your having a good time.


Fact is a lot of people are canceling their subscriptions because they are fed up. Usually for the following reasons.


  • Population on their server is terrible.
  • The faction balance between Empire and Republic is terrible. (on some its like 10 to 1)
  • They are having extreme FPS issues that a large portion of the population is having.
  • They are tired of the issues in Illum, this includes dailies and lag.
  • They've already invested too much time on their characters and are stuck on a low population server.
  • They are having issues with the client crashing. (Many users report random client crashes for no reason).
  • They are tired of the long queues for Warfronts.
  • They are tired of the balancing issues in PVP.


I'm sure there are more reasons. These are just a few that I've seen while reading threads on the forum.


First of all my head broke when i read your first statement. and yes i am grammatically nit picking, but i am definitely not the best speller or anything else but i know when to use YOU ARE or YOU'RE vs YOUR. I also use spell check to make sure i spelled things properly (not saying you misspelled anything just a comment about me) before i post.


now your points.:

  • Population on their server is terrible. -- i can only comment on my two servers. population is good until the end of peak times then it dies off. as people have said, if you don't like it move.
  • The faction balance between Empire and Republic is terrible. (on some its like 10 to 1) that is an issue with the players, only way you can fix the imbalance because it was your choice to choose a side is to say ok first person to make a republic toon gets it now the next is empire no matter what, then the next if up for grabs and keeping it one for one. what does this do? prevents some from getting in the guilds and friends they want and then they'll whine just as much as they do here.
  • They are having extreme FPS issues that a large portion of the population is having. fix your own pc and internet connection. FPS is not a server issue for the most part, it is has things to do with your internet connection, your path to the server and your own computer. none of which BW/EA can do anything about.
  • They are tired of the issues in Illum, this includes dailies and lag. no comment as i have not gotten here.
  • They've already invested too much time on their characters and are stuck on a low population server. i didn't know two months is too much time invested. sorry point to me is moot. go where you can play but realize you may leave may then impact someone else. so stay and play but it's your choice.
  • They are having issues with the client crashing. (Many users report random client crashes for no reason). i've had a couple like this and this is possibly an issue with the computer or the build of the client i don't know but may or may not be BW/EA fixable.
  • They are tired of the long queues for Warfronts. no experience here.
  • They are tired of the balancing issues in PVP. this is a FINE tuning issue. and will take time to figure out how to do so, no game has ever been able to balance everything where it was perfect.


seems to me your list is easily debunked or it shows that people need to help themselves in a good amount of things by either recruiting new players or get players to move over.


Darth Freki

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Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW.


Why should they? They made tons of mistakes that other MMOs made and addressed 5 years ago. What makes you think that they'll learn from one mistake if they didn't from others?


Wouldn't it be better to simply get the fanbois to come into this thread and tell us this is actually a feature and we should "gb2WOW" if we want populated servers?


That seems to be what BW is doing with everything else.



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First of all my head broke when i read your first statement. and yes i am grammatically nit picking, but i am definitely not the best speller or anything else but i know when to use YOU ARE or YOU'RE vs YOUR. I also use spell check to make sure i spelled things properly (not saying you misspelled anything just a comment about me) before i post.


now your points.:

  • Population on their server is terrible. -- i can only comment on my two servers. population is good until the end of peak times then it dies off. as people have said, if you don't like it move.
  • The faction balance between Empire and Republic is terrible. (on some its like 10 to 1) that is an issue with the players, only way you can fix the imbalance because it was your choice to choose a side is to say ok first person to make a republic toon gets it now the next is empire no matter what, then the next if up for grabs and keeping it one for one. what does this do? prevents some from getting in the guilds and friends they want and then they'll whine just as much as they do here.
  • They are having extreme FPS issues that a large portion of the population is having. fix your own pc and internet connection. FPS is not a server issue for the most part, it is has things to do with your internet connection, your path to the server and your own computer. none of which BW/EA can do anything about.
  • They are tired of the issues in Illum, this includes dailies and lag. no comment as i have not gotten here.
  • They've already invested too much time on their characters and are stuck on a low population server. i didn't know two months is too much time invested. sorry point to me is moot. go where you can play but realize you may leave may then impact someone else. so stay and play but it's your choice.
  • They are having issues with the client crashing. (Many users report random client crashes for no reason). i've had a couple like this and this is possibly an issue with the computer or the build of the client i don't know but may or may not be BW/EA fixable.
  • They are tired of the long queues for Warfronts. no experience here.
  • They are tired of the balancing issues in PVP. this is a FINE tuning issue. and will take time to figure out how to do so, no game has ever been able to balance everything where it was perfect.


seems to me your list is easily debunked or it shows that people need to help themselves in a good amount of things by either recruiting new players or get players to move over.


Darth Freki


Nice job. This is probably one of the worst responses to one of my threads yet. First and foremost the response you gave pretty much was directed at me. If you re-read my post you'll notice that I referred to the issues from a portion of what the population has said thus far spanning several threads. Instead you used the word 'your' a lot which implies that your responses were directed at me. The list I provided was just an informal one describing issues that a lot of people are having across the board on the forums. Whether a few of these apply to me is not of your concern.


Secondly, I didn't know that we were writing for an English professor. My apologies for not correctly using 'your' and 'you're'. Its obvious your one of those band-wagon folks whom continuously point out this error as if their life dependent on it. Clearly you understood what I meant. If that hurt your poor brain then I'm truly sorry. There is no point in pointing it out. Just say what you have to say and move on.


Finally, if you want to be ignorant and ignore all the threads with so many people having issues that's your concern. I'm glad your having a swell time. It's nice to know at least some people are.

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"lol 2 months isnt that long to reroll"


You're so wrong it warranted a mobile reply.


I get the game near the end of december, and make a character on the server that bioware said to. This is due to "absolute caps" on servers, and no mention of increasing caps.


Say I reroll near the middle of feb. That would roughly be 2 months of playing my character. Say I play the exact same character on a higher pop server. Id reach level cap.faster due to familiarity, but the HM and daily grind will always take the same amount of time. Say I accomplish the same things in only 45 days time.


You're telling me, us, that in order to enjoy the game the way its meant to be played, I have to level my main for almost 4 months? That is ludicrous.


You self admit that you're not at ilum yet, thus not doing hard modes either. You can't even begin to understand what its like to have 90% bounty hunter columi tokens drop from end bosses, and not seeing a single inquisitor piece in3 weeks. Loot is beyond bugged for people who run the same four people, but that's not what this thread is about.


Rerolling is NOT AN SOLUTION.

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Population is dropping across the board because of all the problems. This game is just like so many others. All hype, but once you get over the initial honeymoon, you quickly realize that it isn't all that it pretended to be and you want a divorce.


I'd be surprised if things last more than six months before it becomes another Warhammer Online. EA has a way with MMO's and not doing it right.

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"lol 2 months isnt that long to reroll"




You self admit that you're not at ilum yet, thus not doing hard modes either. You can't even begin to understand what its like to have 90% bounty hunter columi tokens drop from end bosses, and not seeing a single inquisitor piece in3 weeks. Loot is beyond bugged for people who run the same four people, but that's not what this thread is about.


Rerolling is NOT AN SOLUTION.


Ran Kaon HM with three SIs 2 days ago and myself, a BH. Columi head token dropped from the bonus boss and final boss.


Random is, well............random.

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Ran Kaon HM with three SIs 2 days ago and myself, a BH. Columi head token dropped from the bonus boss and final boss.


Random is, well............random.


There are large threads that confirm the loot isn't random atm. No one is sure why or how, though. You can find the thread in my posted threads section of my profile. The sheer probability of seeing one piece 11 times out of 13, when 4 items are supposed to 25% each, is astronomical. And it happens to a lot of people. It's not always bh that drops a large%. Sometimes its ia or sw. But they aren't even close for some groups. I do recommend reading that thread though, it's interesting

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Im playing in Dune Bantha....and i can say just one thing. This server is dead :) I know u see this comment all over here. But really. Pop says heavy and when i move trough several planets i see max 23 ppl on republic fleet. Planets have about 15 ppl.

BW must merge the servers ASAP. The community is right now talking about dying population, and there isnt bigger killer of MMOs than a server where u feel like playing RPG...

Nobody will pay for game, where is impossible to make a group... And if nothing will happen about this in comming days, max few weeks, the game will die! Doesnt mean it will end in this time, but will be boring and quiet... Like other MMOs. Examples are many, no need for name them here...

This would be shame, because I actualy like the game. But getting really bored after a hour of playing. I cant go FP, coz of no ppl, I cant do HC quests, coz of no ppl, and not ever dare to thing about operations...

I was playing "another" MMO, and i was getting bored of doing again and again same instances, with same foes, same items drops, same everything. But at least i felt like playing a MMO. In just few minutes i got the need to make a group i got it. And in SWTOR, after half hour spamming of needed help for anything, nobody replies. How should i feel? Its not like a ghost town, its like a ghost universe... And i dont thing there is not enough ppl. Its just about too many low populated servers.

For some hater who will imme attack my post - no! I will not do a new character on another server, thats not the thing why i started to play SWTOR :)



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