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Things that are going to make TOR die...


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1. Travel times. It feels like it takes an hour to go visit a friend on another planet due to all the traveling, loading screens, clicking, etc required. Shouldn't we have teleporters? We have flying cars and laser blasters but we're incapable of teleportation or any faster forms of travel than a 90-110% speed mount? Do we really need to walk to the space station every time we need to go to some other planet? It's a video game, and it's star wars, skip the realistic bullcrap, mixing SW and video games is as unrealistic as you can get period.


2. Lack of events. Seriously? You just spent 200 million+ on a video game and you don't hold any events? Even Rift completely destroys TOR in this department.


3. Lack of communication from BioWare. Get your s*** together and speak to us, if you don't, you already killed your own game.


4. Linear...ness? Ok, we have these Planets that seem to only hold a few zones, most of which are very tiny. Aren't planets supposed to be large? Couldn't you make it so there are multiple paths on each planet instead of it being -completely- linear? I mean really, who actually enjoys leveling alts in this game? Being able to make alts and enjoy them is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to a MMORPGS success, and even if you're not an alt person, you can still agree that 100% linear gameplay gets boring as hell.


5. Hard, if not impossible to find groups. There are only 2-3 servers where you can actually find a group regularly at most levels, and even on those 2-3 servers it's hard to find a group between level 30-49, implement a cross realm LFD tool or don't put in dungeons in at all, this isn't supposed to be primitive compared to WoW/Rift/EQ2 etc, it's supposed to be better, but how can it be better when you fail to put in vital features? People who complain about "server community" deaths due to LFD tools are in the vast minority, 99% of the player base really doesn't care, it's a video game.


6. Lack of innovation. There is literally nothing innovative about this game... literally nothing. If you say space battles I say starfox. That's about the closest thing. Put in something star warsy, be creative and put your employees to work.





Now for my biggest complaint, and this is the one that, if not changed, will drive everyone I know including myself off of this game and back to various other games.


BSING Your Playerbase


Why is this the most important one? Because they're trying to pass this game off as an amazing MMORPG when it's reskinned WoW/Rift/EQ/EQ2/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc/etc... with far more linear content and the only thing that sets it apart from the others is the voice acting, everything else is worse than the competitors.







Closing thoughts.


I really had high hopes for this game, ever since it was announced I have been drooling over it, especially hearing that BioWare was making it. It's sad to see that it's nothing but a very primitive MMORPG coated by great voice acting. It doesn't even give you options on how to play your own character, guess what my respec is on 3 of my characters right now? 50,000 credits. Yeah. Forced to play a certain spec much? F that.


I'm not going to compare this game to WoW, in fact, I'm going to compare it to Rift. This game is about 1/10th as fun as Rift and not nearly as innovative, as well as nowhere near the customer support that Trion gives. I am disappointed BioWare. I'll continue playing in hopes that you'll pull your game out of the water before it drowns to death, but, only because I've been waiting on this game since the release of KOTOR, and only because of that, which is sad really. 200 million dollars to create this monstrosity, 198 million into voice acting I assume?


-Signed, an annoyed customer who used to praise this game in beta and used to love BW games.

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Oh, and my sorc is level 36 and on the level 43 class quest, I don't even know where to go with that char. Guess my 3rd 50 won't be that one. I could go back to the boring planets and do the same boring side quests over and over... but, that would take weeks to get from 36 to 43. /facepalm.
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1. Travel times. It feels like it takes an hour to go visit a friend on another planet due to all the traveling, loading screens, clicking, etc required. Shouldn't we have teleporters? We have flying cars and laser blasters but we're incapable of teleportation or any faster forms of travel than a 90-110% speed mount? Do we really need to walk to the space station every time we need to go to some other planet? It's a video game, and it's star wars, skip the realistic bullcrap, mixing SW and video games is as unrealistic as you can get period.


So you want to just instant port to your ship?

i dont see the problem with the load screens, there last what 60 secs tops?


2. Lack of events. Seriously? You just spent 200 million+ on a video game and you don't hold any events? Even Rift completely destroys TOR in this department.


events? oh you mean the rift in zone events that are the same no matter what, that get real boring afetr doing them for the tenth time, or even worse if your trying to lvl out of rpime time and a rift event happens and no one is there to help stop it and the npcs over run the zone your questing in, yeah i remember how great that was having to wait for it to reset so i could hand in my quests.


3. Lack of communication from BioWare. Get your s*** together and speak to us, if you don't, you already killed your own game.


theres forums stickys and a dev tracker that has all the posts, they tell us days in advance when there doing something and even add and update the patch notes. would you rather they email you every day telling you what they have do that day?


4. Linear...ness? Ok, we have these Planets that seem to only hold a few zones, most of which are very tiny. Aren't planets supposed to be large? Couldn't you make it so there are multiple paths on each planet instead of it being -completely- linear? I mean really, who actually enjoys leveling alts in this game? Being able to make alts and enjoy them is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to a MMORPGS success, and even if you're not an alt person, you can still agree that 100% linear gameplay gets boring as hell.


becuase games like rift and wow dont have a linear path as well, you go from one quest hub to the next doing quest in and around it, then get a quest to send you to the next quest hub, the problem here is people are looking at the planets in swtor as if they should be like one island in azeroth, when in fact the planet its else is more like one zone in azeroth.


5. Hard, if not impossible to find groups. There are only 2-3 servers where you can actually find a group regularly at most levels, and even on those 2-3 servers it's hard to find a group between level 30-49, implement a cross realm LFD tool or don't put in dungeons in at all, this isn't supposed to be primitive compared to WoW/Rift/EQ2 etc, it's supposed to be better, but how can it be better when you fail to put in vital features? People who complain about "server community" deaths due to LFD tools are in the vast minority, 99% of the player base really doesn't care, it's a video game.


so you have a toon on every server? and you know that out of all the servers only 2-3 are able to get a group?

so becuase wow and rift have it then swtor should as well? how about you talk to people in game and make friends or join a guild, try to take part in the massive multiplayer online game that swtor is. Next you will be asking for cross server lfg and arena, why not just list all the stuff that rift and wow has to see if bw puts it in for you.


6. Lack of innovation. There is literally nothing innovative about this game... literally nothing. If you say space battles I say starfox. That's about the closest thing. Put in something star warsy, be creative and put your employees to work.


so crafting hasnt been changed?

lvling hasnt been changed? i dont think i could ever go back to a quest/mission were i have to read the text before i accept.

instead of posting stuff like this why dont you post the reasons its bad and then what you think could make it better?

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Why should BW communicate with a bunch of whiners? No offense but your not really helping them, by whining about this or crying about that. Theres a difference between criticism and whining. Plus threads get really redundant, addressing the same issues over and over again. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Plus threads get really redundant, addressing the same issues over and over again.


Well if they actually addressed the issues the first time they came up, or in fact, EVER, then they wouldnt have redundant threads.


And when I say 'addressing' I dont even mean fixing or changing, just an acknowledgement would suffice!

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Why should BW communicate with a bunch of whiners? No offense but your not really helping them, by whining about this or crying about that. Theres a difference between criticism and whining. Plus threads get really redundant, addressing the same issues over and over again.


They don't communicate with -anyone-, whiners or people giving constructive criticism. The sub numbers are dropping and dropping, the server pops are dropping even faster. Even Darth Sion has a low fleet population during peak hours, and it's known as the imperial dominated server.


I'm just pointing out the flaws before this game has the same fate as SWG, and it is heading in that direction very...very fast.

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They don't communicate with -anyone-, whiners or people giving constructive criticism. The sub numbers are dropping and dropping, the server pops are dropping even faster. Even Darth Sion has a low fleet population during peak hours, and it's known as the imperial dominated server.


I'm just pointing out the flaws before this game has the same fate as SWG, and it is heading in that direction very...very fast.


souce or it didnt happen???

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OP does have a point about it being very linear. Instead of giving people a few zones to choose from, while leveling, it's always the same. Not too attractive when and if you want to level a new alt.


Also the part about events I partly agree. The rift events in Rift sucked, but it doesn't take much creativity to move from those sort of events to something a little more exciting.

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Why should BW communicate with a bunch of whiners? No offense but your not really helping them, by whining about this or crying about that. Theres a difference between criticism and whining. Plus threads get really redundant, addressing the same issues over and over again.


Because it's their customers that are "whining".

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I wasn't talking about the rift events in rift. I was talking about the events, like the coin events where you can get gear from closing certain rifts during some time frame. It made it feel like there was something -different- in the game. In this game we don't even have a christmas. Shame.
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OP does have a point about it being very linear. Instead of giving people a few zones to choose from, while leveling, it's always the same. Not too attractive when and if you want to level a new alt.


Also the part about events I partly agree. The rift events in Rift sucked, but it doesn't take much creativity to move from those sort of events to something a little more exciting.


becuase rift has done that? oh wait they did sometimes you get a shadow rift event then a water one or a fire or a stone.. but most of the time its the same event over and ver and over and over again.

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becuase rift has done that? oh wait they did sometimes you get a shadow rift event then a water one or a fire or a stone.. but most of the time its the same event over and ver and over and over again.


Quoted for stupidity.


I lol'd at this post. Rifts were actually a very minor part in the game itself.

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Because it's their customers that are "whining".



and because this game took so long to develop and had such a huge budget that we shouldn't be having the issues we have. This thing should be absolutely amazing and sadly it is not. I think people are just feeling the sting of disappointment because they had such high hopes for this game. If the major issues were being fixed or at least discussed by the devs then I think players could live with that knowing that there was going to be some resolution coming down the road. Unfortunately we aren't getting much communication and that is why you are seeing so many threads on the same topics.

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I wasn't talking about the rift events in rift. I was talking about the events, like the coin events where you can get gear from closing certain rifts during some time frame. It made it feel like there was something -different- in the game. In this game we don't even have a christmas. Shame.




the coin events were you get loot, you mean the raid rifts??


and the only time i have seen christmas in star wars was during the holiday film that i hope to the gods mr lucas has burned..


this maybe a shock to you but this isnt world of warcraft and why did i say that and not rift, becuase rift copyed "every" thing that wow has even christmas

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Hello everyone!


In order to keep our discussions more orderly, If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic threads for suggestions and bugs and encourage you to continue your discussion there. You can also report bugs in-game by typing /bug into your chat window.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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